Don't Worry Though Pat And Ro Are Both Okay They Can't Actually Get Injured - Tumblr Posts
With Great Puns Comes Great Capability of Messing with Others
Remus: Hey brother, I MOUSTACHE you a question.
Remus: * his moustache flies off and flies around like a disgusting flesh bat *
Roman: Yeaaahhh, Gross. And the answer is no.
Remus: * catches moustache and applies it back on * But I didn’t even-
Roman: Whatever it is, the answer is no.
Remus: * getting desperate * I said I must AXE you a question! * pulls out a battle axe and chops it down onto Roman’s head *
Remus: Whoopsy!~ Guess you can’t answer if you’re dead. * shrugs * I’ll just go to Pop Lock and Drop it then.
Later on-
Roman: * walks by Patton with an axe sticking out of his head * Don’t even ask.
Patton: Don't you mean AXE? * giggles * But really, are you okay???
Roman: * groans dramatically and continues on his way *
Remus: * runs into the room after him wielding yet another axe * Big bone daddy! I must AXE-
Patton: Ohhh! * gets it then proceeds to cover his ears * Lalala, not listening!
Remus: * frowns then exchanges the axe for a letter opener * Need an ear opener, then?
Patton: * still holding his hands over his ears * Lalala! Sorry I only listen to people who don’t use puns for eViL! Lala-
Patton: Wait, did you say ear opener? That’s not what that-