ihavenoideawhatiwanttobecalled - I Am Very Chaotic
I Am Very Chaotic

I’m here to delight and confuse!

77 posts

Do Vampires Get Vitamin D Deficiency From Lack Of Sunlight?

Do vampires get vitamin D deficiency from lack of sunlight?

Do vampires have to take vitamins?

  • stressedbisexualtm
    stressedbisexualtm liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Ihavenoideawhatiwanttobecalled

I just heard someone scream


followed by a chorus of


so wherever you are Trevor, you’re right. Hugs not Drugs.

(ps do social distance so many people are dying)

I- what in the ever loving fuck does



Is it a rip off of Voldemort?

Instead of no nose it’s no mouth?

- Imagine that though

Long villainous speeches in sign language?

Harry gets fed up and learns it just because he needs to know what the hell is happening.

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How thick do flat earthers think the earth is?

I saw someone mention this a few days ago, and I haven’t been able to sleep since.

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Shane: what’d you have?

Ryan: Alien/Supernatural theories!

Shane: NO!

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