illicthearts - Khushi

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Ill See Yall Tomorrow

I’ll see y’all tomorrow

  • ember920
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1 year ago

HONESTLY, I read King of Scars because of Nikolai, he was the only character I love in the Grishaverse. He was willing to do whatever it took to save his country, I think he even mentions that he slowly planned to ease Ravka into a democracy. But than he gets sidelined in his own duology without anything more added to his character than we already know. Like she had the perfect character, someone really unique and she turns into kind of a comic relief and the same thing happens in the books. One he cut of someone’s fingers to gain captaincy so we know he’s he’s willing to do the wrong thing for the right reason but he has a line he won’t cross like the Darkling, he’s a privateer, he served in the army so he knows what it’s like, he’s an inventor, he combined both the second and the first army. He has the experience, the knowledge and intelligence to lead his country to great success and prosperity and into a golden age. She had a really complex character with a lot of potential and honestly I mourn it. He’s love for his country is what made me fall him love him and the show does this.

They honestly murdered Nikolai’s character. This character is being the only monarch who cares about his country and his people. The whole reason he created Sturmhond, the whole reason he’s a privateer, the whole reason he works for the Darkling and kidnappings Alina. This entire character is based on his love for his country and him doing anything he can to make it better for his people. It’s the whole reason I fell in love with his character. And now you’re telling me that he has to be convinced to save Ravka?! It was Alina in the books who need to be convinced to save the country. Don’t ruin his entire character just to make Alina look better. No matter what you do you won’t make me like her and now they made me hate the only protagonist I liked. Fuck you.

He was the perfect balance between Alina and the Darkling. And the only hero I liked. He should be the one ruling Ravka not Zoya, it was the perfect man for it, I can’t believe LB threw away his life goal, the everything he worked for away just to have Zoya “can’t control her anger” Nazyalensky on the throne, it’s fucking ridiculous. Like Nikolai had a whole plan for democracy. 

1 year ago

Y’all you know what hits hard....

The fact that the villain of BW was all about how girls were the most expendable resource and created a whole fucking spy program that took away their basic rights and free wills and how Nat broke free of that but was always dehumanized because she was a “Russian Spy Assassin” a “Widow” and yet all she ever wanted to do was good for the world. To get rid of the red in her ledger.

And she died for it. She “sacrificed” herself. After everything, after breaking free, after rekindling her families, after killing the man who ruined so many women’s lives, she was only ever an expendable resource in Endgame. But in BW she was given life.

And it’s just really sad to see that it came down to one basic thing: judgement. The Russos decided Nat wasn’t worth it, that she could be an expendable resource, that she had to die so Clint could return to his wife and kids as if Nat’s family wasn’t equally important. Men prioritized their judgment, their own best interest when deciding Nat’s fate. Cate’s judgement was instead of taking a canonically deceased character and just doing a spy movie or fill it with lots of action, she gave Nat depth and moments and made her more human and alive than the Russo’s ever did.

And it fucking hits hard that men say they don’t like her character when she’s having soft moments with her sister or parents, that they only like Nat when she’s kicking ass, flirting with the Avengers, and just found it hard to connect to her during her own fucking movie. Yet they can connect to Bucky. Who went through basically the same thing (other than the reproductive organs being removed—which can I say is fucking bullshit. Women can’t get pregnant “for the sake of the mission and shit” but men can still impregnate women??)

The very movie that point fucking blank states what it’s about. Of course you can’t fucking “connect”. You don’t understand what it’s like being a woman under an oppressive organization that only sees you as its property. It tied to human trafficking. It tied to the fact that men can get away with abusing and mistreating women. It tied to how society EXPECTS women to live their lives: as little innocent girls, as available young women, as mothers and caretakers, and as wise grandmothers. But that’s not how every woman wants to or can live their life, yet men assume that’s exactly the case and if it’s not it’s either the “monster for not able to have kids” or you don’t want to regret it later in life. And if you can’t see the fucking important themes and why they’re important, maybe you’re part of the problem.

The issue shouldn’t have been Taskmaster wasn’t straight out of the comics accurate, the issue should’ve been was that a father would do that to his own daughter. Antonia was a good fucking plot twist and felt right for the story and damn did my heart break that she was relieved to be saved my Nat. Not a single once of hatred towards her, but rather fear radiating off of a few words and facial expressions towards her father. 

You may not always be able to connect to a story but you sure as hell can open your eyes, understand, and sympathize. It’s not that fucking hard.

I’m so fucking glad this movie was made. It’s my favorite movie and not because of the “badass action” because of the fucking realism that Cate managed to bring into the world of Marvel that is so heavily catered towards men. This is a fucking stepping stone and we best not go backwards from here on out.

And stop saying it’s “dark”. No. It’s fucking real. Human trafficking is still happening. We choose to ignore it in real life because it’s easier, that’s the truth. If we didn’t ignore it, it wouldn’t be happening. Marvel has plotlines they choose to ignore and Cate focused on some of them. And now that it’s out in a movie, it would be fucking ignorant of the Russo’s and Feige to ignore what she ousted for future films in the next phase.

1 year ago

no you guys don’t get it; it’s so bad on tiktok. everyone on there is so insistent that foxface purposefully killed herself with the berries solely based off the two second clip in the movie (which wasn’t even identifying edible plants it was literally just matching).

like…… the whole point with foxface from the beginning was not to overestimate your competitors. when she talks about cato and foxface in the same passage she explicitly states that it’s just as dangerous to overestimate who you’re facing. in that she was thinking about how she might be overestimating cato’s intelligence, but then foxface goes and does the same with peeta. katniss constantly talked about how smart she was. she had made it to the final four solely off of taking from others just to keep herself alive. she had been doing it the entire games, but she trusted that peeta knew the berries he was grabbing. she probably didn’t even check to see what they looked like, because let’s be real. district five’s industry was ELECTRICITY. do you really think someone from the power district knows anything about edible plants? she saw the berries with the cheese and took some to fuel herself. because she assumed katniss and peeta were literally about to eat them. why on earth would she kill herself when she was three people away from winning? and if she knew they were poisonous and assumed katniss and peeta were about to eat them, she would’ve been final two. she could’ve waited for them to eat the berries, take katniss’s bow and arrows, and she would’ve had at least a fighting chance against cato. not to mention all the other districts HATE THE CAREERS. if she knew they were poisonous, decided to kill herself, and assumed katniss and peeta were going to eat them, that would’ve left cato as victor. there was no one else. she did not know they were poisonous. she overestimated peeta’s intelligence. it’s saying being stupid is dangerous for everyone.

1 year ago

So is Legend really evil or not? Cuz I’m told he is but he doesn’t do anything particularly evil. Like the man runs a circus (if thats what it can be called) full of theater kids

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