imjustagayfish - I wanna beat everyone up, affectionately
I wanna beat everyone up, affectionately

Genderfluid all pronouns

594 posts

Sometimes I Think About How I Have An Account On Almost Every Single Platform, And Im Popular On Every

Sometimes I think about how I have an account on almost every single platform, and I’m “popular” on every single platform, but they all are different people in a way that I show different parts of myself on those platforms

Mainly because I’m scared of judgment like if you knew I did on my YouTube account. Lots of people would judge me and it’s funny because you don’t have to look that deep to find the connections, I have very similar user names for all my accounts, and I post links to my ao3 and Spotify  on all my accounts yet no one has made the connection because all my accounts are very different and have very different people following them.

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More Posts from Imjustagayfish

2 years ago

did mcd EVER explain why tf Zane gave Kiki the werewolf pendent??

They have no prior relationship, and Kiki's literally just a pet caretaker, not anyone important. So it's not personal or political.

It's not like he was using her as a "conduit" for the child because he never came back for or even showed interest in Leona.

Considering the fact that Leona has Zane's characteristics (pale skin and black hair), and the pendent is confirmed to produce a werewolf even from human blood, it's implied Zane is the father. So why did the High Priest give a rare werewolf relic filled with his blood to a random girl in Phoenix Drop? It almost seems like he had a crush or something but that's so uncharacteristic of him so I'm just ????

2 years ago

is it just me or did they yassify the quaker oats guy

Is It Just Me Or Did They Yassify The Quaker Oats Guy

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2 years ago

i think its so funny that the empires people know what christmas is this season. they used to only have the rivendell winter festival but i guess christianity was introduced to the land after season 1

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2 years ago

in my five years delivering pizza, these are definitely the best delivery instructions i’ve ever gotten

In My Five Years Delivering Pizza, These Are Definitely The Best Delivery Instructions Ive Ever Gotten