Welcome to the works of the pen of A+scribe (pronounced ascribe): a collection of rap, poetry & spoken word, photography, 2D art & graphic design. Psalm 45:1 “My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.”
412 posts
Look Up; Look Closer. You Might Miss Something Peculiarly Beautiful. #lookup #colors #Ispy #windows #ceiling

Look up; look closer. You might miss something peculiarly beautiful. #lookup #colors #Ispy #windows #ceiling
More Posts from Imjustascribe

It's that time again, fam: Black History Month! This year I'm taking black and white photos everyday until March. This is to help promote my SOON coming project blackishistorytoo. I'll be shooting with my iPhone 5c on weekdays and my Canon 70D on weekends.________________________Day 1: Feb. 1st ____________________________________ I rediscovered some book volumes in My dad's library. I saw these way back when I was a child, but never read them. Back then, I did not realize how rich African American history was. I figured we were only a few pages in the White American story. Oh, but we are so much more. We are, also, American history. We are, also, the Christian church. We are, also, here. Never forget that. Our heritage is carried through us....through me. I have so many stories to hear and so many to tell. Follow the hashtag 👉🏿#blackishistorytoo #blackandwhitechallenge #blackandwhitephotography #hiphop #spokenword #A➕scribe

Rock steady 'round ya neck, fam! Check out more pieces with @itsmevalleyp #WISE #necklace #beads #falledition #autumn🍁

Decided to try to do as much blogging as I do photography and poetry/music. With all of the issues concerning race in America, I offer to you some insight on the African American experience as a minority in traditionally white schools. Check out these recent posts from my Unapologetics blog: Part 1 https://unapologeticsblog920261277.wordpress.com/2017/12/28/first-blog-post/ Part 2 https://unapologeticsblog920261277.wordpress.com/2017/12/29/black%e2%80%a2is%e2%80%a2his%e2%80%a2story-from-a-wake-to-woke-part-2/ Part 3 https://unapologeticsblog920261277.wordpress.com/2017/12/30/black%e2%80%a2is%e2%80%a2his%e2%80%a2story-from-a-wake-to-woke-part-3/ Part 4 https://unapologeticsblog920261277.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/black%e2%80%a2is%e2%80%a2his%e2%80%a2story-from-a-wake-to-woke-part-4/

While others busy selfies in restrooms, I shoot tiles and stuff lol #ispy #restroomlife #tiles #design