immortalarhiart - ~Arhi's Art Page~
~Arhi's Art Page~

Arhi, 23, Self Taught Artist and tragically, a nerd via genetics.Welcome to my art page!

186 posts

SymmRat Week Day 4: Role Reversal With Junker! Symmetra And Vishkar! Junkrat. I Actually Think Satya

SymmRat Week Day 4: Role Reversal With Junker! Symmetra And Vishkar! Junkrat. I Actually Think Satya

SymmRat week day 4: Role reversal With Junker! Symmetra and Vishkar! Junkrat. I actually think Satya here looks better than in my previous drawings... Hm. Drabble below the cut!

When Winston offered to introduce the Overwatch crew to Jamison personally, he had agreed. He was not expecting for a bullet to fly past his head and for whoever was where it come from to start laughing hysterically.

It would have been pretty, if not for the slightly crazed tone in its edge.

“Ah that’s perfect. Few tweeks and it’ll be mowing them down like grass boss,” The owner of the voice was finally in clear view as Winston lightly herded Jamison away from where the turret was sitting stationary. Crouched down, head phones on and wrangled, oil splotted scraps of clothes on chocolate colored skin, was a girl. One Jamison did not remember from his briefings.

He sent Winston a look from the corner of his eye, and the big ape had the decency to look embarrassed. Returning his steely gaze with an apologetic grin, he clear his throat to gain the womans attention.

She glanced up from her turret, eyebrow raised in confusion before she noticed the orange figure standing next to the ape.

“Well well! Fresh meat Winston? You shouldn’t have. I ‘ave nothin’ for you.” She smiled sweetly before flashing a little pout, snickering in amusement moments after as she stood and made her way over to them.

Winston huffed. “Mr. Fawkes, this is Satya Vaswani. She’s a junker as you an tell, but I dare say that if her circumstances had been different, she’d be next to you as one of the most brilliant minds of Overwatch, or Vishkar even.”

He raised his head a bit, his taller stature and perfect posture already diminishing her height as she held a greasy prosthetic out. Reluctantly he nodded and took it.

“That’s quite a big jump there, Winston.” He replied easily, almost smirking at the way Satyas eyes narrowed. However, when he was roughly tugged down to her level, he was met with brown orbs, flecks of gold and blue spotted within. Alongside a shit-eating, playfully flirtatious grin.

It was only when he glanced up did he notice the bullet hole in the wall, right where his head had been.

He glanced back down at her.

“Careful love,” She chirped with a much smugger grin, “Can’t have that pretty face being tarnished any more, can we?”

Art by me, Drabble by me. Enjoy everyone!

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More Posts from Immortalarhiart

8 years ago
"A Castle Stormed Is A Hero Born, With Might As Strong As Steel. Kneels The Void Before Her And The Crushing
"A Castle Stormed Is A Hero Born, With Might As Strong As Steel. Kneels The Void Before Her And The Crushing
"A Castle Stormed Is A Hero Born, With Might As Strong As Steel. Kneels The Void Before Her And The Crushing
"A Castle Stormed Is A Hero Born, With Might As Strong As Steel. Kneels The Void Before Her And The Crushing

"A castle stormed is a hero born, with might as strong as steel. Kneels the void before her and the crushing force she wields." --- "What hides behind the golden fan the hand does sweetly hold, a trove of cosmic secrets that will never be told." --- "Eclipsa Queen of Mewni to a Mewman King was wed, but took a monster for her love, and away from Mewni fled." --- "The immortal monster will long be haunted by the darkest spell of Moon the Undaunted." -------------------------------- The queens of Mewni. I hope it's revealed what Star's podium says later in the series because that would be brilliant! Enjoy my drawings based off of my favorite episode- Into the Wand.

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8 years ago
SymmRat Week; Day One- The First.

SymmRat week; Day one- The First.

Drabble below the cut.


It wasn’t the first time he’d tried to convince her to stay with Overwatch ever since he found out she’d been recalled to Vishkar. A few weeks since then, since he first found out, and she was all packed. She had already said goodbye to everyone besides for him- He refused to accept it as goodbye.

“Whatever you say won’t change anything Junkrat. You’ve been trying all week, with little to no change whatsoever.” She stated crisply, gave on the sky as she awaited one of the many company jets. She felt him shift as he moved up beside her, hands on his hips as he followed her gaze.

“I still got a few minutes to try don’t I?” He questioned, raising an brow but not looking at her. A good thing too, she supposes, as she couldn’t hide the small amused smile. “I suppose.”

“Ya’ going to leave behind all of us- Your friends. Your family.”

A small pang of sadness in the space between her lungs.

“I know.”

The distant sound of the jet growing ever closer.

“They’re still going to kill to achieve their crummy view of order.”

A memory. That little girl, face all burned up and behind held by her mother by the remains of the burning building. Satya swallowed thickly.

“I know.”

The lights of the jet burned brightly as it came in for a landing, the Vishkar logo filling her vision on the stark white surface.

“...There won’t be an ‘Us’ anymore. All that teamwork wasted.”

A tired grin stretched across his face as they both watched the men and women walk out in the stark white suits, growing closer.

“A tragedy.”

He snickered.

“They’re going to kill me when they find out.”

A matching grin slowly made it’s way onto her lips.


A cool metal hand taking hold of her own prosthetic, giving a light squeeze in support.

‘What had happened?’

It was a blur.

A soft refusal from her. A smart-ass, cocky comment from him. An expression of collected calm tinged with the slightest glimpse of annoyance. The brilliant beam and sharp hum of light appearing as a weapon. Constant pain she couldn’t escape, a rough shove behind someone, and a brilliant ‘Boom’.

A few minutes passed before she sat up, blood streaming from her nose and down from her hairline. She could hear the sounds of Lena, Mercy- everyone- as they rushed to see what had happened, yet her gaze was focused on the lean body a few feet away from her. Side burned and torn up, He was practically drenched in blood, whether it was his own or the agents, she didn’t know.

She could hear Mercy’s panic, yet she could barely see the woman run over to them, the world slowly slipping away as she focused on him.

No, it wasn’t the first time he tried to stop her from leaving. She just wished it was the first time he hadn’t.

Art by me, Drabble by me. Enjoy everyone!

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8 years ago
This Was Actually A Goretober Day That I Used As An Excuse To Draw Reaper Looking Very Impatient At Healing.

This was actually a Goretober day that I used as an excuse to draw Reaper looking very impatient at healing. Alternatively titled- "I need healing." Enjoy! (Don't repost my art without my permission)

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8 years ago
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A bunch of Overwatch Characters that I drew and feel quite proud of. I especially love that Mei one (which was requested by a friend of mine.) Enjoy everyone! Hopefully at some point I'll draw more of the characters!

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8 years ago
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A couple doodle of Marco and Star I drew to go with my whole "Star is a new era of Mewni" and "Marco is the King of darkness" stuff. Little photo spam coming soon! Enjoy everyone. (Please don't repost)

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