Colored Pencils - Tumblr Posts

67/100 it’s raining cats and dogs, so I’m stuck in the apartment and you’re stuck with my mountainscapes again and again
materials: a dark violet (??) Inktense pencil, a greenish yellow Neocolor and Koh-I-Noor green drawing ink. the sketchbook page was prepped with acrylic paint.
it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.

68/100 a broken gesture (it feels like rain)
materials: a green Derwent Inktense pencil and two (yellow + pink) acrylic paints. the sketchbook page was prepped with soft pastel.
it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.

69/100 turning to the passage
materials: a dark green Derwent Inktense pencil and two (red + blue) acrylic paints. the sketchbook page was prepped with acrylic paint.
it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.

70/100 an alien-like autoportrait (which is not me at all but gosh it is funny!) and a usual landscape. was feeling insane while drawing it usually means that things were going right
materials (for each one): a dark blue Derwent Inktense pencil, a light red acrylic paint and a sponge with blue drawing ink. the sketchbook page was prepped with drawing ink.
it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.
a month to go!:

71/100 turtle puzzles
materials: a green Neocolor + a white Neocolor + a dark violet Derwent Inktense pencil. the sketchbook page was prepped with acrylic paint.
it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.

72/100 guessing again
materials: 1. a yellow Derwent Inktense pencil + a pencil from Faber castell + a blue Sennelier oil pastel; 2. the same, but the pencil was pink
I joined the 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/kathryn_boyt, @/charlotte.durance and @/naomitippingillustrator. the aim is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.

Inspired by my black&fiery guppy boys. It’s fins may be wrongly placed, but I don’t really care.

THiS iS MY FaVoRiTe “oLD” CHiBi DRaWiNG i MaDe THaT FeaTuReS MY GaNG/oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS 😋 oN a SuMMeR SeaSoN ☀️
BiLToN LooKS LiKe a FaT RiPPeD TuRKeY WiTH CHiCKeN WiNGS, Rowney oN THe oTHeR HaND iS SWeaTiNG, DoNT eVeN aSK WHY CoSBie iS WeaRiNG a SKiRT… (aCTuaLLY iTS a KiLT) 😁
aLSo… PLeaSe CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

DiD Ya’LL KNoW THaT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” PRoJeCT iS aLMoST a YeaR oLD? (JuLY 29, 2015) 1 YeaR aND 86 DaYS oLD CReaTioN 😗
aLTHouGH… i FeeL LouSY SaYiNG THaT i STiLL HaVeN’T FiNiSHeD WRiTTiNG THe 1ST CHaPTeR oF THe “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” SToRY… So… 😓MY aPoLoGieS WiTH THe DeLaY. (GoT a BuSY SCHeDuLe Ya KNoW.)
aND aLSo… PLeaSe DoN’T FoRGeT To CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

😍 PoKe Me NoT, CoSBie 🐐
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): SSSSHHHH!! Do NoT iNTeRRuPT! 🤣 FoR i'M BuSY FaN-SeRViCiNG MY “Bae-Bie” (CoSBie) 😳
SuSH! MoVe aLoNG. THeRe'S NoTHiNG To See HeRe. 😊 🐐
BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeR(S) © Photo Grid
THiS WaS SuPPoSeD To Be a "PoCKY DaY" eNTRY FoR THiS YeaR, BuT DeCiDeD To MaKe iT "SoLo" 😎 FoR CoSBie'S NoT FoND oF SWeeTS. 😗

aRT-DuMP FiLe(S) 101
MooD: JoiYee (JoY) 😁
aRTiST(?): Me! (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): GoNNa Go FaST!! FaST PHaSe SToRY TeLLiNG oF MY oWN WRiTiNG: "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" So SeaT BacK, DoN'T ReLaX, aND GeT CRaSHeD BY MY eXTRaNeouS uSe oF VoCaBuLaRY. 😅
HaPPY 5TH aNNiVeRSaRY 🎉🎈 To MY "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" CaST(S) 😄 (MaiNLY THe B.R.B (BiL, Rowney & Bie) GaNG) 🤣
ToDaYS SPeCiaLTY 😎 iS a ReDRaW VeRSioN oF THiS oLD PoRTRaiT (WHiCH iS a BiT DiFFeReNT FRoM THe oRiGiNaL Due To MY PeRSoNaL VieW oF THeM oN THeiR uPDaTeD STaTuS... Ya GeT D'DRiLL. 😒 "BiLeY" WiNS & Bie... SuPPoRTS.) PLuS!! a SPeCiaL "ReaDeR'S DiGeST" 🤓 eRRR. i MeaN WRiTiNG! oF "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" 🐐 SToRY... oR So(?) JuST Go CHeCK/See THe LiNK BeLoW:

"Do" MiND ouR CHiBi B.R.B (BiL, Rowney & Bie) GaNG. 😙 THeY'Re TRYiNG To GeT SoMe "SMaLL" aTTeNTioN. 😝 aND YeS.. CoSBie aPPRoVeS oN THe "BiLeY" (BiLToN X Rowney) SHiP 👍 aND HaPPY 5TH aNNiVeRSaRY To "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" 🤗

aRT-DuMP FiLe(S) 101
SuBJeCT: CoSBie & BiLToN (HuMaN FoRM)
MooD: Sooo HaPPY 😁
aRTiST(?): Me!! (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S):
Leg day, although were not talking about the leg/thigh workout, am talking about the day or instances where I let the satyr brothers (Cosbie & Bilton) "be on their feet" (literally) or what we know as: "turning them into human for a day, leg day kind of programme/agenda".
JuST a NoTe!!
THeRe aRe SPeCiaL SToRieS WiTH THeSe DRaWiNGS. Go CHeCK THeM ouT! (See LiNKS BeLoW)

Sorted a lot of my old stuff and found some that aged pretty well. I always had a soft spot for this bug so I picked it out to post. It also reminds me to get more ink pens..

Have some colours.
The name is Sora (on the bottom) ;)
Have a beautiful saturday! ;)

Love him so much ಥ‿ಥ
Lily racconta una storia divertente sul treno diretto in Germania.

Lily tells a fun story on a train to Germany.
And who is her listener...?😌
Mi sono divertita un sacco a disegnarla! Spero di mostrarla piú spesso ^^

«But how do I live with no one by my side?»
Some expressions from Gabriel...❤️
Seeing him showing any kind of emotions is a rarity!
Gabriel is the type of person who is absolutely chaotic, but keeps the perfect straight face so you would never imagine😂👀
Telling more about the story,
It is set in London, during the Victorian Era, and Gabriel is a 20 years old trying to live day by day. He would probably have died, if Nathaniel didn't help him...
Did I make you curious? I hope so!(*´ω`*)
See you next time, and hopefully I can show you something else about my oc.
Low effort sketch of my lovely OC, Lily☺️✌️

fruit salad yummy yummy