Colored Pencils - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
67/100 Its Raining Cats And Dogs, So Im Stuck In The Apartment And Youre Stuck With My Mountainscapes

67/100 it’s raining cats and dogs, so I’m stuck in the apartment and you’re stuck with my mountainscapes again and again

materials: a dark violet (??) Inktense pencil, a greenish yellow Neocolor and Koh-I-Noor green drawing ink. the sketchbook page was prepped with acrylic paint.

it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.


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1 year ago
68/100 A Broken Gesture (it Feels Like Rain)

68/100 a broken gesture (it feels like rain)

materials: a green Derwent Inktense pencil and two (yellow + pink) acrylic paints. the sketchbook page was prepped with soft pastel. 

it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.


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1 year ago
69/100 Turning To The Passage
69/100 Turning To The Passage

69/100 turning to the passage

materials: a dark green Derwent Inktense pencil and two (red + blue) acrylic paints. the sketchbook page was prepped with acrylic paint.

it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.


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1 year ago
70/100 An Alien-like Autoportrait (which Is Not Me At All But Gosh It Is Funny!) And A Usual Landscape.
70/100 An Alien-like Autoportrait (which Is Not Me At All But Gosh It Is Funny!) And A Usual Landscape.

70/100 an alien-like autoportrait (which is not me at all but gosh it is funny!) and a usual landscape. was feeling insane while drawing it usually means that things were going right 

materials (for each one): a dark blue Derwent Inktense pencil, a light red acrylic paint and a sponge with blue drawing ink. the sketchbook page was prepped with drawing ink. 

it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.

a month to go!:

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1 year ago
71/100 Turtle Puzzles

71/100 turtle puzzles 

materials: a green Neocolor + a white Neocolor + a dark violet Derwent Inktense pencil. the sketchbook page was prepped with acrylic paint.

it’s 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/naomitippingillustrator, @/charlotte.durance and @/kathryn_boyt. the point of this challenge is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes.


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1 year ago
72/100 Guessing Again
72/100 Guessing Again

72/100 guessing again 

materials: 1. a yellow Derwent Inktense pencil + a pencil from Faber castell + a blue Sennelier oil pastel; 2. the same, but the pencil was pink

I joined the 3materialsdrawingchallenge hosted by @/kathryn_boyt, @/charlotte.durance and @/naomitippingillustrator. the aim is to draw every day for a 100 days from life using just 3 materials and for no more than 30 minutes. 


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6 years ago
Inspired By My Black&fiery Guppy Boys. Its Fins May Be Wrongly Placed, But I Dont Really Care.

Inspired by my black&fiery guppy boys. It’s fins may be wrongly placed, but I don’t really care.

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8 years ago

THiS iS MY FaVoRiTe “oLD” CHiBi DRaWiNG i MaDe THaT FeaTuReS MY GaNG/oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS 😋 oN a SuMMeR SeaSoN ☀️

BiLToN LooKS LiKe a FaT RiPPeD TuRKeY WiTH CHiCKeN WiNGS, Rowney oN THe oTHeR HaND iS SWeaTiNG, DoNT eVeN aSK WHY CoSBie iS WeaRiNG a SKiRT… (aCTuaLLY iTS a KiLT) 😁

aLSo… PLeaSe CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

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8 years ago
DiD YaLL KNoW THaT MY I SuMMoNeD A SaTYR PRoJeCT IS ALMoST A YeaR OLD? (JuLY 29, 2015) 1 YeaR AND 86

DiD Ya’LL KNoW THaT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” PRoJeCT iS aLMoST a YeaR oLD? (JuLY 29, 2015) 1 YeaR aND 86 DaYS oLD CReaTioN 😗

aLTHouGH… i FeeL LouSY SaYiNG THaT i STiLL HaVeN’T FiNiSHeD WRiTTiNG THe 1ST CHaPTeR oF THe “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” SToRY… So… 😓MY aPoLoGieS WiTH THe DeLaY. (GoT a BuSY SCHeDuLe Ya KNoW.)

aND aLSo… PLeaSe DoN’T FoRGeT To CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

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5 years ago
 PoKe Me NoT, CoSBie

😍 PoKe Me NoT, CoSBie 🐐

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): SSSSHHHH!! Do NoT iNTeRRuPT! 🤣 FoR i'M BuSY FaN-SeRViCiNG MY “Bae-Bie” (CoSBie) 😳

SuSH! MoVe aLoNG. THeRe'S NoTHiNG To See HeRe. 😊 🐐

BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeR(S) © Photo Grid


THiS WaS SuPPoSeD To Be a "PoCKY DaY" eNTRY FoR THiS YeaR, BuT DeCiDeD To MaKe iT "SoLo" 😎 FoR CoSBie'S NoT FoND oF SWeeTS. 😗

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4 years ago
ART-DuMP FiLe(S) 101
ART-DuMP FiLe(S) 101

aRT-DuMP FiLe(S) 101


MooD: JoiYee (JoY) 😁

aRTiST(?): Me! (Rowney)

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): GoNNa Go FaST!! FaST PHaSe SToRY TeLLiNG oF MY oWN WRiTiNG: "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" So SeaT BacK, DoN'T ReLaX, aND GeT CRaSHeD BY MY eXTRaNeouS uSe oF VoCaBuLaRY. 😅

HaPPY 5TH aNNiVeRSaRY 🎉🎈 To MY "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" CaST(S) 😄 (MaiNLY THe B.R.B (BiL, Rowney & Bie) GaNG) 🤣

ToDaYS SPeCiaLTY 😎 iS a ReDRaW VeRSioN oF THiS oLD PoRTRaiT (WHiCH iS a BiT DiFFeReNT FRoM THe oRiGiNaL Due To MY PeRSoNaL VieW oF THeM oN THeiR uPDaTeD STaTuS... Ya GeT D'DRiLL. 😒 "BiLeY" WiNS & Bie... SuPPoRTS.) PLuS!! a SPeCiaL "ReaDeR'S DiGeST" 🤓 eRRR. i MeaN WRiTiNG! oF "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" 🐐 SToRY... oR So(?) JuST Go CHeCK/See THe LiNK BeLoW:

I Summoned a Satyr - Fstfrwd
auTHoR: Rowney i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR - FaST FoRWaRD YouR "VeRY LoNG WaiT" iS oVeR! (FoR MY ReaDeRS oF MY SToRY) i'LL GoNNa Go FaST!! FaST


"Do" MiND ouR CHiBi B.R.B (BiL, Rowney & Bie) GaNG. 😙 THeY'Re TRYiNG To GeT SoMe "SMaLL" aTTeNTioN. 😝 aND YeS.. CoSBie aPPRoVeS oN THe "BiLeY" (BiLToN X Rowney) SHiP 👍 aND HaPPY 5TH aNNiVeRSaRY To "i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR" 🤗

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4 years ago
ART-DuMP FiLe(S) 101
ART-DuMP FiLe(S) 101

aRT-DuMP FiLe(S) 101

SuBJeCT: CoSBie & BiLToN (HuMaN FoRM)

MooD: Sooo HaPPY 😁

aRTiST(?): Me!! (Rowney)

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S):

Leg day, although were not talking about the leg/thigh workout, am talking about the day or instances where I let the satyr brothers (Cosbie & Bilton) "be on their feet" (literally) or what we know as: "turning them into human for a day, leg day kind of programme/agenda".

JuST a NoTe!!

THeRe aRe SPeCiaL SToRieS WiTH THeSe DRaWiNGS. Go CHeCK THeM ouT! (See LiNKS BeLoW)



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7 years ago
Sorted A Lot Of My Old Stuff And Found Some That Aged Pretty Well. I Always Had A Soft Spot For This

Sorted a lot of my old stuff and found some that aged pretty well. I always had a soft spot for this bug so I picked it out to post. It also reminds me to get more ink pens..

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1 year ago

Lily racconta una storia divertente sul treno diretto in Germania.

Lily Racconta Una Storia Divertente Sul Treno Diretto In Germania.
Lily Racconta Una Storia Divertente Sul Treno Diretto In Germania.
Lily Racconta Una Storia Divertente Sul Treno Diretto In Germania.

Lily tells a fun story on a train to Germany.

And who is her listener...?😌



Mi sono divertita un sacco a disegnarla! Spero di mostrarla piú spesso ^^


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1 year ago
But How Do I Live With No One By My Side?
But How Do I Live With No One By My Side?
But How Do I Live With No One By My Side?
But How Do I Live With No One By My Side?
But How Do I Live With No One By My Side?

«But how do I live with no one by my side?»

Some expressions from Gabriel...❤️

Seeing him showing any kind of emotions is a rarity!

Gabriel is the type of person who is absolutely chaotic, but keeps the perfect straight face so you would never imagine😂👀

Telling more about the story,

It is set in London, during the Victorian Era, and Gabriel is a 20 years old trying to live day by day. He would probably have died, if Nathaniel didn't help him...


Did I make you curious? I hope so!(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)

See you next time, and hopefully I can show you something else about my oc.

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