in-ardent-longing - In Ardent Longing
In Ardent Longing

For my fandom stuffOver 30, if people feel a need to check.

25 posts

In-ardent-longing - In Ardent Longing - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

a way to combat virus: be boring

sound from HLVRAI

5 months ago

Here are some of process snapshots of this piece of Astarion in Baldur's Gate.

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

I am a messy painter and I often adjust and change the designs as I paint. (Mostly because I don't have the patience to do proper line art haha)

I start out with a rough sketch, I usually sketch ideas out on my ipad and move to my cintiq to work with colors.

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

Next I block in rough color thumbnail. I keep this part messy as I just want to figure out the value structure and the overall mood.

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

At this point, I have collected a myriad of screenshots and reference images from the game, pinterest, and also from artists work that inspires me.

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

With the references on one screen, I start to paint the details, I work from foreground to midground to background. (Sometimes I'll bounce between the depth when I get bored from painting one thing for too long)

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

Sometimes after I block in the colors I'll make adjustments. I didn't like how warped the perspective was getting on the building on the screen right side, so I adjusted the vanishing point and added more tiers to the design. I went back into the game and looked at more how the stairs were designed and figured it out more thoroughly with a sketch on on top.

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

I think sitting down and doing the details is the most time consuming part. I still want the focus to be on the character despite all the detail going on the background. At this point I'm toggling on black & white filters constantly to check the value, grouping everything in the background together, making sure the lighting frames the subject in focus. At this point I realized, I forgot to paint Astarion's hair LOL, and that the bg was getting a bit too detailed, so I used a more textured brush and painted away some of the edge details of bg buildings.

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

Last, I make final adjustments, and I make a overall lighting/fx adjustment folder. Adding in some noise, adjusting the contrast, color balance, and lighting over all and call it done!

Here Are Some Of Process Snapshots Of This Piece Of Astarion In Baldur's Gate.

Link to Print shop!

5 months ago
PowerPoint Mostly. Like These
PowerPoint Mostly. Like These
PowerPoint Mostly. Like These

PowerPoint mostly. Like these

It has a vector function in the form of the autoshapes and 95% of my work is with the curve function. currently working on my characters in monochrome for because I'm enjoying the colors. I'm a slow artist and things end up in the planning over drawing stage for weeks to years, depending on mood.

And the other program is MS Paint. (I did this Undertale art back in 2017 but because that was really when Y/n characters in grey first started showing up I didn't quite know how to portray that and never got back to fixing them). Other than that I do traditional art, but it's mostly my base sketches or technical drawings (with a ruler and such) so I don't have many examples on hand.

Maybe I'll one day find a vector program that's comfortable, but I've been doing this since pretty much I was old enough to use a computer 20 years ago.

PowerPoint Mostly. Like These
PowerPoint Mostly. Like These
PowerPoint Mostly. Like These

These ones are done in paint

Artists: what program do you use?

Any Adobe program

Clip Studio Paint





Autodesk Sketchbook


Microsoft Paint (you absolute madlads)


I’m a traditional artist

Not an artist button / I’m bald / vanilla extract / etc.

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5 months ago

I was watching videos of Lucien Lachance and Claude Frollo back-to-back and I have this brainworm now of: I wonder if Wes Johnson was (even subconsciously) inspired by Frollo in creating the voice of Lucien?

Not only do their tones and manner of speech sound similar (at least to me personally) but Wes has stated about creating the voice in this video en quote: "In my mind I imagined this gaunt, stringy-haired, balding, dark circles under the eyes - just this malevolent, crooked, evil presence."

And it's like

Wes bruh kinda sounds to me like you're just describing Claude Frollo

I Was Watching Videos Of Lucien Lachance And Claude Frollo Back-to-back And I Have This Brainworm Now

OH! And coincidentally!! Both Frollo and Lachance:

✅️ Are men of strong, twisted faith

✅️ Are pure evil

✅️ Wear dark robes

✅️ Own a black horse

✅️ Die

I Was Watching Videos Of Lucien Lachance And Claude Frollo Back-to-back And I Have This Brainworm Now

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5 months ago

Great eared nightjar

Great Eared Nightjar
Great Eared Nightjar
Great Eared Nightjar
5 months ago
Bunch Of Doodles From My Sketchbook
Bunch Of Doodles From My Sketchbook
Bunch Of Doodles From My Sketchbook
Bunch Of Doodles From My Sketchbook
Bunch Of Doodles From My Sketchbook

Bunch of doodles from my sketchbook

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5 months ago
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew

i cant really draw rn because of Health Issues so i’m just gonna go ahead and dump these here. i drew these a couple weeks ago and didnt intend on posting them cause i mean………. i dont actually go here lmao. i drew these for fun because while i dont know much about fnaf, i DO know a few things about animatronics, n when i saw these two it really struck me how much fun it could be for them to utilize rear projection mapping in their faces. especially since they are meant to be daycare attendants who work with very young children and toddlers, i thought this would be a good way to have them more closely resemble something like a child’s toy while also having moon be able to be corrupted into something more disturbing at the same time. im sure im not the first person to think of this and these are also probably heavily influenced by the copious amounts of fan content i’ve seen around–i’m actually probably more familiar with fan interpretations of them than their canon selves fdjgkfjdlg but ya overall i just thought itd be fun to play around with their faces a bit. lil sad i didnt get to do more but oh well

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6 months ago
in-ardent-longing - In Ardent Longing
7 months ago


So I’ve been binging a bunch of DPxDC crossover fics cause they’re hella fun. And I wanted to make some fanart for a handful of the fics I’ve been reading just to show how vastly different Danny gets portrayed. It’s really fun!! I love when ppl make Danny get Jack’s tall ass gene’s, but it’s also funny to see him as a scrawny lil guy. He’s a pretty moldable character

Anywho, it’s just been fun, so here’s some fanart. Thanks to the authors for writing them 🙏

Fics in order of art:

Like Beta Fish Do by @clockwayswrites

Ghost in the Morgue by @the-witchhunter

Secretary Danny by @deathlysilent13

If You Give a Bat a Burger by @noir-renard

If you give any of these a read, just make sure you mind the tags/ratings

8 months ago
Orange Flavor
Orange Flavor
Orange Flavor

Orange Flavor

8 months ago
I Love This Trend ^^ And Payback For U Mr Moon
I Love This Trend ^^ And Payback For U Mr Moon
I Love This Trend ^^ And Payback For U Mr Moon

I love this trend ^^ and payback for u mr moon

8 months ago

A universe in motion seen from the International Space Station during a night pass over Earth.

(@ wonderofscience on Twitter)

Timelapse created from images courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center(ISS061-E-110520-111341

8 months ago
Thisll Probably Be The Only Thing Ill Draw For Fnaf Sb Kdjcdkf

this’ll probably be the only thing ill draw for fnaf sb kdjcdkf

8 months ago

Welcome to the Superstar Beige-and-Graycare!

Welcome To The Superstar Beige-and-Graycare!

(Shenanigans under the cut)

Welcome To The Superstar Beige-and-Graycare!
Welcome To The Superstar Beige-and-Graycare!
Welcome To The Superstar Beige-and-Graycare!
8 months ago
A gif depicting Sun and Moon from FNAF SB. Sun is shown 'fanning' Moon by spinning his rays really fast, causing Moon's hat to flap about while his collar shakes. They both have content expressions with closed eyes.

They sit in front of a white background with the words 'Vector Is Here' writen in light grey in the bottom right corner.

It's fan season

A gif depicting Sun and Moon from FNAF SB. Sun is shown 'fanning' Moon by spinning his rays really fast, causing Moon's hat to flap about while his collar shakes. They both have content expressions with closed eyes.

They sit in front of a transparent background with the words 'Vector Is Here' writen in light grey in the bottom right corner.
9 months ago

My animation process (in a GIF!)

My Animation Process (in A GIF!)

So you've learned the 12 principles of animation but don't know where to actually apply them? Fear not!! For here is my step-by-step process, very very condensed, into one singular giant GIF.

Hope it helps!

(You may need to open it in a new tab to read the text)

9 months ago

For the first one I'm doing I'll show a lil sneak peak heheheheh, this is the only sneak peak y'all gonna get at the voice line animations.

I plan to make them all individually and post them here and on TikTok, then make a compilation video on YouTube as well as a bunch of YouTube shorts!

Here's the first one I've been working on:

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9 months ago
The Unicorn And The Red Bull By Hidemi Kubo - The Last Unicorn (1982)
The Unicorn And The Red Bull By Hidemi Kubo - The Last Unicorn (1982)

The Unicorn and The Red Bull by Hidemi Kubo - The Last Unicorn (1982)

10 months ago
Stickers For Moon. This Was When I Was Finding A Style For The Boys. So I Might Redo This Actually.

Stickers for Moon. This was when i was finding a style for the boys. So I might redo this actually.

3 years ago
This Was Supposed To Be A Warmup :/

this was supposed to be a warmup :/

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3 years ago

It’s kind of sad that in the conversation with Heisenberg vs Miranda’s actions at the end, it seems he never had the right idea of what was going on. His whole conversation was on “kill me move up the chain” and how it was a "test to see if you’re strong enough to be a part of Miranda’s family”. He legitimately thought that Ethan would be his replacement, that once Rose was brought back as Eva, her plans were to form a second better family with her “true” child. (children? I’m not sure how Heisenberg saw Ethan in this new equation other than stuck like him).

And it never happened. She never intended to keep Ethan alive. Her comments about him when you interact with her were “I’ve learned all I can from you. Your worth as a lab rat has run out”. You were being tested, but never in any way that would result in Ethan living. His motivation for getting your help might have been freedom and revenge, but his logic and how he was trying to get your help was by appealing to how much you don’t want to end up being in his shoes. (The “Neither did I, but here we are!” bit) His entire reading of the situation was completely wrong from the start.

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3 years ago

Yo I’m a sucker for this trope in fics, movies, show etc. every time a pairing are getting intimate and one of them caresses their partner’s face and their partner just goes like…

Yo Im A Sucker For This Trope In Fics, Movies, Show Etc. Every Time A Pairing Are Getting Intimate And
Yo Im A Sucker For This Trope In Fics, Movies, Show Etc. Every Time A Pairing Are Getting Intimate And


Yo Im A Sucker For This Trope In Fics, Movies, Show Etc. Every Time A Pairing Are Getting Intimate And

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3 years ago

Finally gave in because I wanted to interact where people I don’t know in person (and thus have to deal with face to face. xD) can find me

I’ll probably be updating details like an icon and such over the next week or so.