This Is Such A Cool Idea - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew
I Cant Really Draw Rn Because Of Health Issues So Im Just Gonna Go Ahead And Dump These Here. I Drew

i cant really draw rn because of Health Issues so i’m just gonna go ahead and dump these here. i drew these a couple weeks ago and didnt intend on posting them cause i mean………. i dont actually go here lmao. i drew these for fun because while i dont know much about fnaf, i DO know a few things about animatronics, n when i saw these two it really struck me how much fun it could be for them to utilize rear projection mapping in their faces. especially since they are meant to be daycare attendants who work with very young children and toddlers, i thought this would be a good way to have them more closely resemble something like a child’s toy while also having moon be able to be corrupted into something more disturbing at the same time. im sure im not the first person to think of this and these are also probably heavily influenced by the copious amounts of fan content i’ve seen around–i’m actually probably more familiar with fan interpretations of them than their canon selves fdjgkfjdlg but ya overall i just thought itd be fun to play around with their faces a bit. lil sad i didnt get to do more but oh well

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8 months ago

Random worldbuilding: A culture where everyone's social status is expressed through how their hair is braided.

Children all have the same kind of a simple, unisex "child's braid" which is meant for their parents to be easy to do - traditionally boys were only taught how to do a "wife's braid" while women braid both their husbands and their children, but a modern man is naturally an attentive father and contributes to both cleaning and feeding, and clothing and braiding his children.

While this kind of knowledge is more accessible in the modern age, the art of braiding is still seen as an intimate family thing, and it's not unusual for a youth to come out to their parents by the way of braids - for example a daughter asking her father to teach her how to do the "wife's braid", or a son asking her mother how to weave the "husband braid" for their future spouse. Or a trans kid asking their parents to give them the other gender's braid when it's time to transition from the child braid into the "unmarried youth" one.

It is nonetheless still somewhat common to see an older gay man with a "wife's braid" or two older women both wearing "husband braids", because that was the only way they were taught to braid a future partner's hair when they were young. They could learn the "appropriate" braid now, but it has become a part of the culture, an old-fashioned gay thing to do. It's pride - if you wear this braid to show that you're an adult with a spouse, why try to hide who braids your hair every morning?

The only braid that one is expected to do on themselves is the widow's braid - the only one that is also unisex, braided in reverse from the simple children's braid. Sometimes, young unmarried adults who have no interest in starting a family switch directly into wearing a widow's braid to signify that they are not looking for a partner and are independent adults on their own.

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1 year ago

Congratulations! You've found the fairy's...

🌟❤️~~Character Question Summoning Post~~❤️🌟

If you would like a character-focused question from the fairy, please reblog!

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1 year ago
Day 7: Thief

Day 7: Thief


I wasn't really sure what to do with this one at first. And then I got an idea. And then that idea spiraled

Basically, we got Detective who is hellbent on finding this Thief, practically already declared Thief as their arch nemesis. The Thief steals all kinds of things, sometimes valuable, sometimes not, sometimes just a sign they made it inside at all. Thief is clearly just showing off how easily they can get away with crime, and Detective is pulling their hair out trying to figure out how Thief keeps succeeding--

Thief is just a borrower who decided it's their life goal to fuck with the humans. They find out Detective is their arch nemesis, and decides to move into their walls just to fuck with them more. So far, they're having a great time.

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5 months ago
(Click For Better Quality)

(Click for better Quality)

Howdy there, would like a silly little doodle of a fish? Perhaps multiple fish? Mabe even said fish, doing things? Well boy howdy jeepers gosh wiz do I have the thing for you!

For just the low price of five dollars to any of the fundraiser listed below, you can have one silly little doodle of a fish of your choosing!

If you would like more than just one fish, or you would like the fish to be doing things such as, wearing costumes, or eating bread, than feel free to either donate more than five dollars to the fundraiser listed below, or dote five or more dollars to multiple! Its that easy.

You can see an example of what you may get above, though it will be of better quality.

All you need to do is dm proof that you have donated to one or some of the listed fundraisers and request the image of your choosing.

What I will draw:

A variety of fish

Any animal that spends its entire, or close to, life under water.

Minimal Backgrounds

Costumes on Fish

What I won't draw:


Other Animals

Complex landscapes or backgrounds

Give me a week at most to complete your piece and I will send you the file.

Do be patient with me, this is my first time doing something like this.

Donate to Death chases my family in Gaza; you're the HOPE!, organized by Rana Khalaf
My precious family and I are seeking your generous donations to help us e… Rana Khalaf needs your support for Death chases my family in Gaza
Donate to Support my uncle's family to survive the war, organized by Hasan Alsheltawi
Support my uncle's family to survive the war I am Hassan Al-Shaltaw… Hasan Alsheltawi needs your support for Support my uncle's family
Donate to Support Siraj's Family in Rebuilding Their Home, organized by Ahmad Abudayeh
hi, my name is ahmad and I'm raising a fund for my cousin Siraj and thi… Ahmad Abudayeh needs your support for Support Siraj's Family in Reb
Donate to Help Eslam Save Her Family, organized by Victoria Beauchamp
My name is Victoria, from the greater Chicagoland area, and I am starting this fundraise… Victoria Beauchamp needs your support for Help Esl
Dona a Support Muhammad in Gaza with a New Start, organizada por Annie Hall
The Hamam family has decided to focus their attention away from rebuilding their … Annie Hall necesita tu apoyo para Support Muhammad in Gaz
Donate to I wish I could regain my childhood I hope you can help....., organized by Osama Thaer
Hi My name is Osama thaer, Palestine - Gaza Strip I used to … Osama Thaer needs your support for I wish I could regain my childhood I hope
Donate to Help us and my elderly parents to get out of the war, organized by kies Alnajar
"My name is Nadaa, and I live in Gaza with my mother and father. We'… kies Alnajar needs your support for Help us and my elderly parents to
Donate to Rebuilding Lives: Trying to find hope in a tragedy, organized by Mosaab Alnwyry
Hello, my name is Hamdy, and I'm reaching out to you with a heavy he… Mosaab Alnwyry needs your support for Rebuilding Lives: Trying to find

Tagging for Reach: @commissions4aid-international @feluka @greenmossyrock @decolonize-solidarity @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @starredforlife @justaleksey @virologistandpotato

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6 months ago
Hey Uh. Does That Inkling Look Weird To You?

Hey uh. Does that Inkling look weird to you?

Oh. Thats why.

Hey Uh. Does That Inkling Look Weird To You?

Imagine. Youre a salmon running group. You see another group in the distance, running around some rocks and picking up golden eggs. They call to you, wanting to pass the eggs to your basket. So you come closer. The first of the group wades into the water, offering one of the eggs....

...with a smile thats reaching her eyes...

Too late. The "others" in her group have grabbed the rest of your team. Glass eyes and rubber tentacles. Dragged into open maws that surfaced from the deep.



Youll see one of the heads braiding another heads' "hair", usually. While the middle head tinkers with one of the puppets.

Sometimes the middle head goes and picks beaks and ragged clothes/hardhats from her sisters' teeth. Like one of those cleaner fish

For a so called monster, shes well-groomed. Makes sure her scales are all shiny and clean and the middle head dressed all nice and neat :)

"Scylla" btw is what the Inkfish call her. Inspired from legends of antiquity. Her salmonid title is likely smth else.



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6 months ago

Gravity Falls AU where instead of dimension hopping after falling through the portal, Ford becomes incorporeal and the only people who can see or hear him are the ghosts (and a few of the other magical beings in the town).

He works out pretty quickly what’s happening. He expects Stan to leave, he expects he’ll be trapped this way forever.

Instead he spends the next 30 years watching Stan try to bring him back.

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8 months ago
All Of Two People Will Care About This ButDungeon Meshi Trigun AU Anyone??

All of two people will care about this but…Dungeon Meshi Trigun AU anyone?? 🫣

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1 year ago
New AU!!! For Now Just Calling It L330-N, Which Was This Guy's Name!

New AU!!! For now just calling it L330-N, which was this guy's name!

Now it's just L33, though. Most of the other bits of his name rubbed off :/ He's wandering around redisovering humanity! Or what's left of it! He doesn't really remember much, but he thinks he's looking for someone...or something. He doesn't know, but he can feel himself moving closer and closer to whatever it is.

New AU!!! For Now Just Calling It L330-N, Which Was This Guy's Name!

And this is Casey Jones (Jr.) He's also wandering around, but he is looking for his mom! or, well, actually she went missing a few weeks back so now he's on the search for her and the mysterious family known as the Hamatos. All he knows is they should be able to help him find his mom and he isn't stopping until he finds them.

Currently plotting this au out, so designs may be tweaked a little here and there <3 I probably will be making this a comic, or at least a mini series of some sort. It'd be fun as a fic, too, though soooo we'll just have to wait and see <3333

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11 months ago

Just an idea:

As a result of the lazarus pit jason is now immortal he doesn't ageand he cant die, realizing this he fakes his own death. Would love to hear your take on this idea

Ah alright so I can’t go full sad because I’m very much incapable of writing angst where one person has to watch all their loved ones age and die, but I can do an element where… none of them age. But Jason thinks he’s the only one thanks to the pit (his immortality still works different).

So… he fakes his death.

And it’s good. He goes the whole nine yards. Fake body, DNA samples, footage of himself frantically trying to escape yet another warehouse rigged to blow, the panicked call to the rest of the Bats to “Please, please, not again please, get me out of— please, i don’t want to burn again-“ that has everyone in a mad scramble trying to save him him…

But they arrive “too late”. Again. (Jason’s last hurrah at Bruce for the shit he pulled since his return).

And then Jason Todd is… dead.

He watches them from the shadows. Sometimes from continents away (but he can’t escape Gotham. Something pulls him back time and time again, no less than once a year.)

And at first.. it hurts. It hurts watching his family grieve him. But it’s better this way. He can’t stay and watch them age out and die. It would destroy him. But this way— this way he can focus solely on keeping them alive. To give them the longest life possible in their line of work. No more dead Robins. (No dead Batman.)

It hurts, but he makes it work. Watches years pass in which Tim grows up first. Then Damian. And then… it just stops?

After a decade Bruce still only has that faint shimmer of silver to his hair, movements neither slowing nor becoming sloppy with age.

Dick still survives on an unholy cocktail of sugar topped with more sugar, in peak physical condition despite it all.

And finally— finally Jason catches on that something might not be quite right here.

(And they still mourn him. Acutely aware of the loss of one of their own. Of the empty space at the dinner table. Of the silence down the comm line they still keep open religiously. Just in case. Just in case….)

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5 years ago

Video Game Idea.

A game that is marketed as your standard fishing game and for the first 20 minutes or so you catch normal fish like bluegill and bass and what have you. But the further you go into the lake you start to catch fish with mutations and it gets more and more intense until you’re pulling in Eldritch horror monsters and sometimes severed human limbs. You realize you don’t recall how you got to this lake in the first place and the objective becomes to find your way back to shore. You have no real weapons but you can throw the creatures you’ve caught far away from the boat as a means to distract whatever is underneath you, bumping into the boat sometimes. Additional items for the game.

A fishing pole with a radar that starts out with just beeps but later includes noises with hidden messages.

A GPS that displays texts and story elements.

You meet other boaters, all from various backgrounds, countries, and time periods. Some are friendly, others want to sacrifice you to the lake monsters.

You can also take the route of sacrificing others to the lake monster.

Or you can assemble a party and work to keep them safe.

The more fucked up looking the fish you catch, the closer you’re getting to a boss fight, which is usually running from something you can only see part of in the water.


And that’s my game idea.

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I think a time travel au where William and Mike both go back with all their memories and also knowing that the other knows would be very interesting. Like they both want things to be different and they both understand the other wants that as well but neither trust the other to not compromise their plans. William who claims to only want to see his family stay whole this time and Mike who wants the same but doesn’t believe William to not seek remnant and ghosts out and William who doesn’t trust Mike to not kill him in his sleep the first instant he slips up so it’s this awkward tip toe game they have around the other of trying not to look to suspicious around the other members of their family but also keeping a close eye on each other. A mutual agreement of ‘you don’t try anything and neither will I’ but both aware how fragile that truce is.

Cue something else happening that instantly has them at each other’s throats before realizing ‘I didn’t do this’ and ‘you didn’t do this’ so wtf is going on. Then them having to come to an arrangement bc they maybe back in the past but that doesn’t mean the timeline won’t try and ‘fix’ itself by having other problems occur. Ones that might actually force them to have to work together.

Also I do like the thought of William genuinely not wanting to be a murderer this time around (he’s seen where going down that road lead him). But also not able to let the idea of immortality go.

I also like the thought of him slightly trying to be a better parent. Like Mike still constantly feels like he’s dead & rotting resulting in him forgetting to eat and do other human things which leads to William reminding him to do and the first time he does it catches Mike completely off guard and it makes him suspicious that it might be William trying to get him to lower his guard by pretending to care but he eventually grows used to the reminders though he’s still reluctant to trust his dad or think that’s he’s actually changed.

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