Thinking About Baby Daddy!Miguel OHara Who Did In Fact Have Some Of Your Old Clothes Lying Around. Tucked
Thinking about baby daddy!Miguel O’Hara who did in fact have some of your old clothes lying around. Tucked deep in the depths of his closet was an old sundress that he had forgotten about, a dress you had worn when you were still pregnant with Gabi, having refused to wear pants during the last few weeks of pregnancy. Despite it being a tad too big for you now without the baby bump, it still looked great on you.
Baby daddy!Miguel who insisted on tagging along with you to pick up Gabriella when you were going to slip out of his door. Saying he’d treat you girls out for lunch as an apology for fucking you dumb last night a “pre-back to school” treat since Gabriella was starting middle school on Monday.
Baby daddy!Miguel who wouldn’t take no for an answer like he didn't last night when you said you weren’t going to take the couch. Such a stubborn man he is, that’s how you found yourself in the passenger seat of his black Chevy Silverado truck, on your way to her soccer team sleepover.
Baby daddy!Miguel and yourself who weren’t entirely ready to talk about what had happened last night, mostly you though. Not having really processed what had happened during the last twenty-four hours, so you both opted to stay quiet the whole ride. The only sound coming from the car stereo that was playing Miguel’s music from his phone.
Baby daddy!Miguel who pulled up to the front of the house you were supposed to pick your daughter up from. The leftover girls that were still waiting for their guardian were in the front yard, passing around a soccer ball. Rolling down his window to call out to his daughter, her brows scrunched together and her head tilting in confusion when she saw her father in his truck rather than her mother in her SUV. Growing a bit more confused when she saw you poking your head out for her to see to tell her to get her bag and get in the car.
“Hola mija.”
“Hey amor, how was the sleepover?”
You both greeted your daughter when she hopped in the car, tossing her back in the air next to her before she closed the door. You’d expect her to tell you all the deeds about her night/day like she always did, talkative one your daughter. But instead, the second her seatbelt was one she crossed her arms and raised a suspicious brow at you both.
“Why’d you both pick me up? You guys never both pick me up together, especially in the same car.” You couldn’t help but raise your brows a bit at her skepticism, Miguel just chuckled at your daughter's tone.
“We just wanted to surprise you mija, take you out for the day before you have to start school tomorrow.” Miguel explained, not completely lying. Tilting down his sunglasses as he looks at her through the back mirror. “You’re telling us that you don’t want to go to that breakfast place you like before going to the pulga?” He asked in a teasing tone.
“What!? I never said I didn’t!”
“That’s what I thought.”
Part 6.5<
Not proofread.
Word count: 500
Taglist: @scaleniusrm @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanmee @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @migueloharastruelove @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi @hanjisgf @deljojeisbackagain @safixiovi @emmalandry @maxinemus3 @lauraolar14 @aaaaslaaaan @kenz-ee @esmedelacroix @whattheshock @migueloharasoulmate @syler-griffin @comeonatmebruh @xwonderlandresidentx @m4dyy @mcmiracles @the-pan-liquid @lilbrababe99 @jxstanemo @badbitchhour @freehentai @sillysillygoofygoose @nj452896 @jadeloverxd @faretheeoscar @ce3stvu @scorpihoooe @blossomofbismuths @nxxav3rs3 @ilovespiderverseeee @ghost-lantern @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiira @lavenderslemonade @rinnako @reirain @nommingonfood @miguelsfavwife @tomalymme @farrowroyale @beckberin-xo @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout @reader-1290 @laysmt @migueloharasoulmate (if you want to be added click here)
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More Posts from Indecisive-capricorn
Thinking of making a long imagine for Tom Riddle and by long, I mean like more than 3k words long, really long type with backstories for the characters, but what kind should it be?
Papa, You're Getting Old
Soccer Family! Miguel x Reader

Warning: Fluff, slight smut, suggestive towards the end, introspection, body perception and insecurities. Married couple rants and moments, no proofread.
Summary: Miguel finally notices his white hairs, comfort ensues.
A/N: Like Miguel, got a mini crisis when I spotted my first white hairs today 🫠. Then remembered mom had them around my age too so jsksk. Then remembered (x2) I had this one sitting forgotten in my files jsksk, been forgetting this AU lately :'). Help.
A/N 2: Nearly done with the moving. So we're back, I guess? jsksj.
Soccer Family Masterlist
Papa, you're getting old.
Gabi's words had unintentionally pierced through his skull, engraving with emphasis the old part in his brain after his girl found out the couple of white hairs peppering his wavy locks. He was getting older.
Fourty years of his life had gone by within the blink of an eye. When did time got itself some wheels to roll faster? Who gave it permission to do that? Yet Gabi's words lingered in his thoughts longer than they should.
He was getting old. And the silver strands popping here and there, discreetly in his gorgeous hair you loved sinking your hands into, were the irrefutable proof to understand time never stopped, not even a single second.
For the umpteenth time, he brushed his damp hair away to see if he discovered more of them, and to his bad luck, he did. Specially on the front and side bangs.
He scowled at his reflection and pursed his lips. His body still kept the musculature his younger self nurtured. He truly never believed people whenever they said that exercise kept you active and young looking.
And besides the greying hairs on his head and some on his chest, the fine lines turning a bit more prominent on his features, he looked almost the same.
The same man you had been sharing a good chunk of your life with. Almost sixteen years to be more exact if you counted those two dating years. And now he was growing old.
Miguel didn't want to admit it, but sometimes his age reminded him that his body wasn't the same anymore.
You'd often find him sleeping midway in the couch during movie nights, or his office, whenever work from home was done. Sometimes, his body would ache out of nowhere, but in truth it was mostly his bad posture due his size.
Other times, his grumpiness ran rampant through the day, leaving his coworkers to deal with it, cause he didn't have the heart to pollute his home with his bad vibes. A term Gabriella kept including during the conversations at night to talk about her unlikeable classmates.
And now, he was glaring at his reflection for daring to do such thing as graying. Even the happy trail you loved to nuzzle had a couple of white hairs.
"You're winning that staring contest, mi amor."
Your little laugh, earned a brief chuckle from him as his shoulders slumped, and if almost sixteen years of knowing eachother had taught you something, was to perfect to a T the understanding of his body language.
You came closer and hugged him from behind, keeping his towel around his hips in place while spanking his plump ass in the process, earning another airy chuckle from him.
"Wanna tell me why, you're glaring harder at yourself this time?"
His arm wrapped gently around you and caressed your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. Yours and his reflection in the bathroom mirror staring right back.
"I'm... getting old, mi reina."
You blinked before looking up at him to have a proper view of what he meant.
"More like aging like a fine wine, Miguel."
"No. You don't understand. Look at this," he pointed at the pluck of white hairs peeking out from his roots, "I didn't have them a few months ago and now I've got a bunch of them. Everywhere!."
You smirked, "Everywhere?"
"Mi amor." He warned and you giggled, pulling him down for a kiss.
"Relax, they look gorgeous on you."
"Oh, do they now?"
With a sigh, you took his hands and gave him that look, he knew by heart as a 'really?'
"I've known you for... How long?" It was your turn to hold onto his narrow waist, holding him exactly the way his hands held yours at the beginning.
"Almost sixteen years." He mumbled, still glueing his eyes on the decaying version of himself.
You nodded and looked at the mirror. Together and close, like most of your pictures together. As always.
"Basically almost half of your life. I met you when I was twenty one, gave birth to our Gabibi by twenty three, enjoyed her for ten years, then we almost made Benjamin in the car."
He snorted and nodded, tittering silently at the sudden memory of the cops calling you out in the lookout spot.
"Almost." He mumbled and you nodded.
"Almost, yeah. But we made him! And look at him, being the smartest boy in his class."
Miguel nodded, fond of his boy's achievements.
"And now we have Rosie. Crawling and trying to walk up in every room we put her in."
"Remind me to baby proof the stairs."
You smiled and smacked his ass, "What I'm trying to get at, Papa. Is that, those white hairs in your head and body are only a beautiful proof that you've lived and loved the right way. Look at us."
You pulled him down for a peck, and cupped his cheeks, making him to look your way.
"You, Papa, mi amor, mi niño hermoso, are the best everything I've ever get to experience. And I'm honored to be the one that you're growing old with."
His eyes softened and his hands trapped yours to then kiss them.
"I'm having white hairs too! Like, the other day a kid called me señora to get me pass his ball. SEÑORA!"
His chuckle turned into a soft and genuine laugh.
"Like, the audacity!"
"You're my señora." He murmured in the side of your head, kissing it afterwards.
"Damn right I am." You nodded proudly," Like we're Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara for a reason."
His smile turned sweeter as he placed your hands around his neck and sat you before him in the sink, looking down on your eyes.
"Would you love me-"
"If you were a worm, yes. I would."
"Cállate" he laughed and cleared his throat, "I mean, you... You still want this?" He pointed at his graying hair and chest.
"That question is offensive in itself."
His eyes darted away, but your soft and gentle hands made his gaze to hold against yours again.
"I'd love you if you were bald, had extra pounds, all tattooed, piercings and stuff, a worm, hell, I'd love you the same if you were an alien."
His brow quirked, but snorted, genuinely amused at your rambling.
"I'd love you the same even if we're going through natural changes as growing old. And yes, I'd still fuck and make love to you all the same." Your hands rested on his hips.
"Oh really?"
"Obviously. That makes me worried though. You're entering a dangerous zone where women see you even more handsome. And I'm not one to be jealous, but all of this," You tapped his butt gently, "is mine."
He pecked your lips with a loving laugh. "I'm all yours. And you're pretty jealous."
"Well, yeah, I'm not sharing your dilfness with anyone. Not when I have these for myself." Your hands squeezed his firm butt and spanked it, he pursed his lips, trying his best to suppress a bashful smile.
"And I'm pretty sure in a future our caretakers would find us having sex in the most random of places in the hospice."
That pulled a merry laugh out of him to then kiss your lips.
"You're crazy."
"For you, always. But in all truth, they'll have to put me in quarantine, because I'm still jumping your bones. Even if I have to use a cane, or ask for assistance to the nurses."
"You'd be lucky if still works."
Your eyes rolled and your thighs pulled him closer to you, between your legs. His teeth bit softly his bottom lip as your hands roamed up his chest, eyes widening partially at the sudden bold move.
His soapy clean smell tickled your senses, after all, you had caught him post shower.
"Trust me, it works wonders."
He groaned when your hand slid between the folds of his towel, cupping him with a light squeeze.
"Yeah?" He half mumbled, half moaned into your lips with darkening eyes. Your touch ever delicious, and sparking the arousal only you managed to ignite in his body. Your scent remained forever etched into his brain, almost conditioning him into enter a needy mode whenever desire oozed from your pores.
You nodded with a needy 'hmm' while your hand stroked him, as if with every movement you'd jerk and caress away all those insecurities out of his mind and body.
"Definitely, mi amor."
His hips stuttered into your gentle grip, heaving a deep and shuddering breath hovering over your inviting lips, relieved and proud to see your eagerness to have him. Gray hairs and all.
The silver strands mattered little, specially when you were set into worshipping and honoring your vows.
"I think I'd love to test it's performance, just to make sure."
A crawl rolled down his spine upon your words. He loved when you talked in his language, it turned him on im such a way he didn't know it could make that part of his cortex tingle. But this moment, had him delivering sweet pecks and kisses down your neck, drunk in your softness and want for none else but him.
You still wanted him, flaws and all. He still made you a mess. And that made his cock to twitch.
"Shall we go to the testing area then, mi reina?"
His flushed and broad tip poked urgently between your clothed folds and inner thighs, hoping to slip in your scorching tightness and wreck you completely, like in his younger years.
However, as much as he wanted to take you right there, the privacy of your room offered him more space to bend and meld you at his whims. Without saying much, he threw you over his shoulder and rushed to your bedroom, thrilled for the upcoming long hours of exhaustive, mind splitting testing.
Headcanons to Dating Yandere Tom Riddle:
WARNINGS: MDNI! Yandere, stalking, implied dubcon, mentions of sex, violence, mentions of blood, mentions of breeding, mentions of wife, mentions of marriage, etc.
SUMMARY: A chance to experience what dating Tom Riddle is like, even when it's against your will to do just that.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, this headcanons leans more into dating Yandere Tom Riddle but technically, even without the yandere and dark part, he will do questionably dark things for his partner. I'm planning to make other headcanons that goes into details about that specific situation. For example, a "Headcanons to Dark Tom Riddle x Pregnant Wife Reader"
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)

It doesn't matter where you come from, alright? Although it's important for Tom to have an excellent muggle free reputation, Tom has his ways to make sure any history you have with muggles are erased. No one knows your precise history because of it either, but according to their Dark Lord, you were a witch from a fine family in France. While that might have been true, what they didn't know was how you were actually a rebel and fought against him for a time until he kidnapped you.
You left him with no choice! He was infatuated with you due to your strength and infamous beauty. Tom kept on sending you gifts, invitations to balls even and attempted to bait you to become Dumbledore's spy in order to get closer to you. However, you rejected all his gifts and invitations, burning them into the fireplace as soon as they arrived.
You were intelligent enough to know about his plan, but as evil and cruel as Tom was, he was also a genius.
When Tom kidnapped you, you had screamed all the curses in the world at him, refusing for him to even touch you. However, it silenced down when you saw several death eaters pointing their wands to the necks of your little sister and other family members.
You were a rebel and if Tom tried to take you with the threat of hurting your family, he knew you would continue to reject him. After all, actions speak louder than words, and as the death eaters began to torture your family, you finally got on your knees and pleaded for him to stop. Tom was more than pleased with your actions, but to ensure that you will stay true to your promise, he demanded a kiss from you, which you reluctantly gave in the form of a peck on the lips.
Though Tom had spared your family, he will make sure you never see them again. One way or another, no matter how many times you plead and beg to see them, he will rip you away from your family for the sole reason so that your focus would not waver from him. Yeah, he's that possessive of you.
Speaking of being possessive, Tom from the beginning of the relationship will always make sure you are covered in the finest silk and most rarest yet stunning jewellery. You might try to refuse them at first, but you don't quite get it. All of the fine dresses, luxurious clothes and expensive jewellery that he had picked out for you was also his way to tell others that you're his, that you're his possession. Try to refuse it and he will punish you.
There are various of punishments Tom can give you. It depends on what you have done that made him measure how severe the punishment should go, but it also depended on his mood. If Tom was only lightly jealous, he'll most likely just leave marks on you like hickeys and bruises. However, if Tom was severely jealous.. then prepare yourself. Tom had once fucked you in front of two of your old friends whom he had taken as prisoner as a way to humiliate you after you had tried to communicate with them in their cells. Just don't defy him, okay? It won't end up good for you.
Other than that though, Tom will take care of you. He feeds you well, pampers you and even shower you with affection from time to time, which you always try to refuse. Tom tries to spend some time with you whenever he has the time, even with the ongoing war. Tom doesn't usually allow you to be out of the manor, but with his company, he allows you to wander around the garden and as much as you hate his company, a bit of fresh air will certainly do you good after being stuck inside for a long time.
However, with all that, he expects you to do your duties as well. You both might not be married yet, but Tom already views you as his wife, the only thing lacking is a wedding ring between your fingers and a ceremony. It will happen sooner than later. But due to it, you became the lady of the manor is your job to make sure that everything was going well in your 'home', telling the servants on what they must do to keep the cleanliness of the house.
And oh, on that note, you're not able to ask for them to help you escape. You learnt that the hard way because the day after you had tried to ask them, all of their tongues had disappeared, unable to speak properly anymore.
Tom desires to flaunt you to the public after making your relationship with him 'official'. However, he will only start bringing you to balls after he was sure that you will behave and Tom might just make a potion to help with that. He considers it as one of the duties you have to perform as his partner. But oh my, you do look ravishing in that tight dress he picked out for you.
At times during the night, you found Tom rubbing your stomach, eyes full of desire, as he thought fondly of children. He had been unsure of starting a family before. Of course Tom needed an heir, but he didn't think he would ever find himself wanting more children until he met you. It didn't matter if you didn't want children. Sooner or later, before or after marriage, you will be swollen with his child. And what better way to ensure an heir than start now?
Official || Jealous Tom Riddle x Reader
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, MATURE CONTENT, semi-public sex, cunnilungus, oral sex, overstimulation, master kink, a bit of praise kink, uses of "slut", mature language, shameless, possessive, jealousy, mentions of torture, suggestive talk, rough behaviour, cursing, blood, mentions of violence. Both reader and Tom are eighteen and in their last year of Hogwarts!
SUMMARY: Another wizard has taken an interest in you, but Tom will make sure that everyone knows you're his.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: HELLO! I spent more time on this than I should and the smut part is shorter than the rest of the story, but I hope you like it! The other imagines and headcanons will soon be published too. The schedule is a little hectic but don't worry, I'll still try to post as much as I can! :)
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)

In the bustling halls of Hogwarts, where new faces arrive every year alongside familiar ones, it was hardly uncommon for some to remain unknown to each other. With the sheer size of the castle and the constant changes in one's appearance as they grew older, names and faces often slipped by unnoticed.
It allowed for the few students who barely interacted with anyone to be hidden in the shadows, their presence merely lingering in the corners of the castle. Yet, there were also those who commanded attention without even needing to utter a single word. These students were widely known throughout the castle, their names and faces forever planted into the memories of everyone who walked past them.
You weren't one to command attention effortlessly like those students did. However, you had a kind and friendly demeanor, always open to comfort those in need of a friend, even though you were a little bit shy and introverted.
Not everyone knew who you were, and those who did often dismissed your sweet nature because they understood why they had to avoid you.
And why is that? It was a question that appeared in the minds of those who cared enough to ask, especially after being warned to stay away from you. After all, you have always shown genuine kindness towards others, regardless of their blood status. However, that question was answered each time by the piercing, dark eyes that gave a pause to those who looked your way.
Due to your close friendship with Tom, who was known for his magical abilities as a powerful wizard and intelligence as the top student of his year, you often found yourself in the shadow of his fame. Despite this, you cherished your friendship with him above all else and if you were being quite honest, you would have disliked the attention as well. You wanted a genuine connection with others, not a parade of fans eager to follow your every command. However, many have tried to get closer to Tom through you, which led to moments of hurt and betrayal when their intentions were eventually revealed. Tom, who was quite protective of you, swiftly ensured those who caused you pain faced terrible consequences. Some of them vanished completely from your life, leaving no trace of their presence and no one around you dared to speak a word about them, even if you tried to ask them..
It wasn’t long until you stopped asking though. Tom always made sure you didn't dwell on their betrayal any longer than necessary.
“They were worthless creatures, why bother giving them any more of your time?” Tom would say whenever you asked him about the vanished students. Despite your curiosity, you chose not to pry any further, trusting Tom's judgment and understanding that some things were better left unspoken. And so afterwards, you focused on moving forward without dwelling on the past.
That was the reason why other students tended to avoid you. While you might have been friendly and approachable, the fear of crossing a line and having to face Tom's wrath lingered in the minds of your peers.
Most of the time, you were with Tom or a selected few friends. However, during moments when you were left alone, a sense of loneliness crept inside you as you thought of how none of the other students wanted to befriend you. While you appreciated the company of friends like Malfoy or Parkinson, you desired to have connections with a wider circle of people. And at times, despite not daring to say it out loud, it felt as if your friendship with them was forced, as if they were only following Tom's orders than genuinely befriending you because they like you. You could tell by the bored looks Parkinson tried to hide at times and the fake smiles he would muster whenever he interacted with you. Abraxas was a little more blunt with his feelings towards you and didn’t try to hide his disinterest. He probably tolerated you at the most, but would always interact with you whenever Tom was around.
One day, when you were deep in your thoughts, you found yourself questioning if there was something wrong with you to the point that it made you unapproachable. As these doubts plagued your self esteem, you finally accepted that perhaps there was a valid reason for others to seem hesitant to connect with you. It was a devastating realization, but perhaps you were just a freak after all.
Which was why you were taken aback by the unexpected request from a Hufflepuff boy whom you neither know nor was one of your friends.
“Excuse me?” You responded back with confusion, but the boy’s grin persisted. “I asked if you want to be partners.”
You stole a quick glance at Tom, wanting to see his reaction before giving the Hufflepuff boy an answer. However, Tom’s dark eyes were already fixed on the Hufflepuff boy whom he knew as McLaggen, since the moment he approached you. Potions was Tom’s forte and he had been your regular partner for it. When Tom was unavailable, Abraxas stepped in as your partner, being the second best student at Potions. Tom didn’t trust the boy, being fully aware of his terrible skills in Potions. However, before Tom could voice against it, Professor Slughorn was quick to usher him to Abraxas, ever so eager to see two of his top Potions students to work together.
Despite being aware of Tom's distrust toward McLaggen, you saw this as an opportunity to connect with more people. Besides, you still needed a partner, and Tom and Abraxas were already paired up. Here was someone wanting to work with you, so it wouldn’t hurt to be partners with McLaggen, right?
Shooting a smile back at McLaggen, you replied back, “I don’t see why not.”
McLaggen’s grin widened and helped you to prepare the materials for the potion, before starting on the potion together. Unbeknownst to you, Tom's eyes bore into you and McLaggen throughout the lesson, his expression dark and menacing, as if he could unleash his wrath upon McLaggen at any given moment if he did a single thing wrong. Tom’s intense scrutiny didn’t go unnoticed by Abraxas, who grew increasingly worried about Tom's dark gaze.
“My lord,” Abraxas murmured in a hushed tone to Tom, ensuring that he was the only one able to hear him. Sensing Tom’s volatile mood, Abraxas navigated carefully, knowing that any misstep could have terrible consequences for him. Tom's sharp gaze shifted to Abraxas briefly before returning to the potion at hand, his focus unwavering. Tom remained vigilant throughout the lesson, glancing towards McLaggen and you every once in a while, ensuring everything was proceeding as it should without McLaggen standing too close to you.
At the end of the Potions class, after Professor Slughorn praised his work again as usual, Tom made his way outside of class, before noticing your figure slipping out of class to reach him. He was quite pleased to see you smiling, as you excitedly recounted the success of your potion to him. “It went so well, Tom! Professor Slughorn said that other than yours and Abraxas’s work, it’s one of the best Draught of the Living Best he’s seen in a while—” you continued talking about the process of making your potion to him.
Whenever you began one of your lengthy rants with Tom, he remained mostly silent, leading you to wonder at times if he was truly listening or preoccupied with something else. However, any doubts were dispersed when he interjected with remarks or asked questions, showing that he was indeed listening all along. In your relationship, you were always the talkative one and Tom was the listener. The opposite could be said when interacting with others though, and Tom tended to take the lead in conversations.
Tom perceived your silence regarding the Hufflepuff boy as a positive sign. In fact, you didn't really talk about him at all, leading Tom to speculate that McLaggen's interest in partnering with you might have been only to secure a decent grade for once in the semester.
However, it would only get worse from there.
A few days later, during Charms lesson, McLaggen approached you and took a seat beside you, one that was usually reserved for Tom. Aware that Tom was in the restroom, you attempted to inform McLaggen that the seat was already taken, but he dismissed your information and settled into the seat anyway. When Tom returned and found McLaggen on his seat, his expression turned menacing.
“That seat was already taken,” Tom asserted, his tone leaving no room for argument.
“I didn’t see your name on it, Riddle,” McLaggen coolly replied back, showing little concern for Tom’s dark gaze.
You felt a wave of nervousness hit you at McLaggen’s reply, and you glanced towards Tom, silently urging him not to escalate the situation into a scene during Charms class. You sent him a pleading look as well that told him that the issue should be addressed later in a more appropriate place. Tom turned his piercing gaze towards McLaggen, his eyes casting a silent warning. Without another word, Tom moved away to take a seat beside Abraxas, leaving you and McLaggen behind.
Although you and Tom weren't officially in a romantic relationship, the unspoken tension between the two of you was undeniable. Despite both being aware of your feelings for each other, for some unknown reasons, neither of you have talked about them before. Tom didn’t find a purpose to since you two already acted like a couple and everyone at Hogwarts knew of your unofficial romantic relationship as well. So, why the hell would a pathetic boy from Hufflepuff try to put himself into your relationship with him?
Tom needed everyone to know that you're his and he knew just the thing to do it.

"Master, ngh— please!" You sniffled, tears streaming down your cheeks, as Tom pulled another orgasm from you.
Looking up momentarily from your juice-covered pussy, Tom smirked when he saw how flustered you were. Cheeks turning red from the scandolous activity you and Tom were currently doing, and your chest heaving heavily with each breath, tempting him to rip your collared, white shirt out to play with your sensitive breasts.
You choked back a gasp when Tom circled his thumb around your clit, causing his smirk to widen. Tom loved how sensitive your pussy was, but after cumming a few times in the abandoned classroom thanks to Tom's tongue and even fingers, it seemed a single blow of air to your clit was enough to send pleasure down your spine.
"One more," Tom cooed to you, circling your clit with more pressure, as he heard students talking outside, including McLaggen who was asking the other students if they have seen you. "My little slut can take one more, can't you?"
You could barely focus on Tom's words and only nodded hazily. He turned his attention back to your pussy and kissed the hood of your clit, before he hungrily ravaged your pussy like a starved man who hasn't eaten in days, as if he hadn't just eaten your pussy a few minutes ago.
"Master—" you half-moaned and half-whimpered, clutching his dark hair from the overwhelming pleasure.
Tom removed his tongue from your heat, giving you a moment to catch your breath. You released your grip from his hair and sighed in relief for the break. However, it didn't take long for two fingers to thrust into your tight hole, causing you to let out a surprised moan.
It was only then you noticed the noises from the students outside and you weakly tried to close your legs, afraid for them to hear you, but Tom's free hand firmly gripped your inner thigh, preventing you from moving.
"You promised me one more, remember?" Tom wore a cruel grin on his face as his fingers hit into your most sensitive spots. You arched your back, feeling a familiar knot in your stomach. You desperately muffled your moans with your hand and gripped the wooden table you were on tightly.
Tom forced your hand away, but before you could protest, Tom kissed your lips roughly, continuing the pace of his fingers. That was enough for you to climax again, clear liquid gushing all over his fingers. You panted heavily, tiredly gazing into Tom's dark eyes.
As you went over to embrace in Tom's arms, you murmured tiredly, "Maybe I should start spending more time with McLaggen if it means you'll get jealous more often."
The next morning at breakfast, McLaggen noticed your limp and wondered how you had gotten it until he spotted Tom's arm around your waist, along with the cocky smile tugging his lips.
Headcanons to Yandere Bucky Barnes X Pregnant Reader
WARNING: MDNI, baby-trapping, mentions of sex, alcohol, mature language, some mentions of suicide, murder, mentions of depression, implied suicide attempts in the past, etc.
SUMMARY: It's already bad enough that you got kidnapped by an obsessed Bucky Barnes, but how will he react when he finds out you're pregnant? And how will he treat you throughout your pregnancy?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: (Edited) It's been a few years since I posted this and I began to notice some readers liking it recently, so I decided to edit it and make it longer. Also, I have been so busy lately with my schedule, I barely have a day's rest for the past few weeks, but I will try to post more here. And for those who have experienced this type of relationship, please tell someone whom you can trust because while this is only fictional, it isn't good in a real life.
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)

Finding out you are pregnant in the a public restroom was one of the hardest experience you had to go through. You could barely even look at it, much less hold the three pregnancy sticks without your hands trembling with fear amd anxiety.
It took a few breakdowns for you to get yourself together, but it wasn't as if you allowed them to last very long. You had used the excuse to go outside to buy some groceries, which was one of the only things a very reluctant Bucky agrees for you to go out for, but even then, if you stayed out for so long, he would get suspicious. You discarded the pregnancy tests into the trash bins, before buying his and your favourite snacks and drinks. Bucky got in a good mood at home because of it too.
You decided to keep your pregnancy a secret from Bucky, which won't be much of a problem.... or so you thought.
Ever since you found out about your pregnancy, for a whole month, you kept on being your usual stubborn self, always rejecting Bucky's attempts to show his affection to you, especially whenever he tries to get closer for a kiss. Somehow though, the soldier began to notice something odd from your regular behaviour, although you tried to keep it as it was before.
Perhaps it was the way you were much more stubborn and adamant to not have sex with Bucky or maybe it was the way you shove his head away from your stomach every time he tries to lay his head on it and gave him a grumpy or irritated look. It might also be the morning sickness that loves to pester you every morning without rest, which causes Bucky to wake up and get worried over you.
Eventually, he realized what was going on after a month of taking your same old excuses, and forced you to take a pregnancy test in front of him.
"You knew all along, didn't you?" Bucky asked you after the pregnancy test showed a positive result to you, causing your stomach to churn. One of the reasons you didn't tell Bucky is because you were afraid that he might force you to abandon the child or get an abortion instead since he was still running away from the government. However, you were welcomed with a warm smile on his face. "Why didn't you tell me? We're going to have a child soon!"
Afterwards, you learnt that it was actually Bucky's plan to get you pregnant all along, believing it to be the way for you not leave him. Of course, you were furious as fuck and threw a 'tantrum' as he like to call it. Bucky only let out a chuckle and kissed your forehead while gently rubbing your belly, which carries the small two months old baby, as if it was the most precious thing in the world.
Bucky made it his mission to learn to cook. Don't be fooled, Bucky has always been capable of cooking and he makes some of the most delicious dishes you have ever tasted, but ever since your pregnancy, he is keen to be the one to cook every single one of your meals. Bucky prevents you from going to restaurants in fear that you and the baby might get food poisoned and out of worry that the food there would be unhealthy for you. Not even a bag of chips is allowed in the house. You want a donut? Don't worry, darling, Bucky can make one for you shortly.
Speaking of him not letting you go out to restaurants, if you think Bucky even allows you to go outside alone, then you're surely mistaken. Bucky has already been far too protective and possessive of you before he found out you were pregnant. During your pregnancy though, he has never left your side, even following you when you want to use the bathroom in the middle of the night to pee, thanks to your sensitive bladder. Although Bucky does help you a lot while staying by your side, either by helping you tie your shoelaces or massage your swollen feet, especially with how fast your baby bump was beginning to grow, you still can't help but feel disgusted with his touch.
If for whatever reason you are forced to go outside, you won't be alone. Bucky will disguise himself and go wherever you go, keeping a safe distance from you to keep you safe if he has to, but be rest assured, you're never alone anymore when you go out. Not like you ever were, but you don't need to know that.
There was once an incident where he deemed a man who was asking you for directions to a place was "too friendly" with you and after leading the man to a secluded place, Bucky killed him on the spot. Remember how Bucky doesn't allow you to be too far from him outside? Yeah, because of that, you witnessed Bucky in the act of killing the innocent man. It caused you to feel a thousand times more disgusted whenever Bucky tries to help you, though he assured you a hundred times that the man was seeking to hurt you in some way.
Bucky knew of how suicidal you can get and after that incident, he knew you would blame yourself for it at some point. Due to it, he made sure to throw away your sleeping pills and all of your birth control pills in fear that you might try to commite suicide like you did in the past with them. To be fair, he had already throw away all unnecessary pills in the house, but Bucky practically rummaged through the entire house, through your secret stashes even to get rid of anything that can harm you. However, you had a feeling Bucky got rid of the birth control pills because he wants another child in the future as well. Killing two birds with one stone, he must have thought.
There was once during your pregnancy when he had no choice but to leave for a mission, much to your excitement, since this would be the first ever time he left you alone for months. However, that excitement quickly died down when he left you with his best and most truated friend, Steve Rogers, and frenemy, Tony Stark. You weren't sure why Tony was even there since he wasn't in good terms with Bucky, but he probably felt pity for you because of your situation. Your chances to escape though was practically none as long as Steve was around since he acts like a second yandere to you, especially after you got pregnant. The good thing was that he was sweeter and less possessive but just as much protective as Bucky. Steve only has one mission; to not let you escape and Captain America never breaks away from his goal.
It is better to be around Tony though if you want a hint of freedom. You won't get much, that's for sure, especially with Steve hogging around you as well, but Tony tries his best to get you a fresh air of freedom whenever he is able to. It might not be much nor quite often since Bucky's mission doesn't last that long either, but you appreciated his actions to make you feel comfortable. Though it only made you dread the day Bucky comes back even more.
When he does come back, you gave him the silent treatment. You were still upset about what happened to the man a few months ago and continued to ignore Bucky, even with all his pleas for you to just look at him and apologies about it. That was until the day came when you felt your water broke and after screaming and pushing him away, Bucky forced you to let him carry you to the private hospital Tony had bought for you to give birth at.
After many, many hours of pushing and blaming everything on Bucky, a new bundle of joy came into the world. You and Bucky were in awe the whole time watching the little baby being washed by the nurse, before wrapping a blanket around him. You hated Bucky with all you have, but you could never hate your baby. It wasn't his fault that their father is an obsessive asshole who can't keep his pants to himself.
In the end, you love your baby with everything you have, but hatred is the only emotion you have for Bucky and the whole time you were resting after your exhausting birth, you were too busy thinking of a plan to safely get away from Bucky with your baby boy. And you will do whatever it takes to get out of there, for both his sake and yours.