Yandere Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Yandere! Concubine Harem

Yandere! Concubine Harem
Yandere! Concubine Harem
Yandere! Concubine Harem

Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’

Yandere! Concubine Harem

Many people would call you crazy or insane but you didn’t care. You absolutely hated your life and the god forsaken family you were born into. If you could choose, you would have been born into a lesser family. It wasn’t always like this, in fact when you were younger you were last in line for the throne. It was due to the sabotage of greedy and jealous mothers that got all your half siblings and full blooded siblings murdered. Unfortunately, that meant that you were forced into the position of being the next heir and eventually the new ruler.

You could remember the moment you became heir, you were immediately bombarded with people trying to curry up your favor. You honestly hated it, everyone just felt superficial and it didn’t help that as you grew, so did your power. Even your childhood friends were not immune to this. Imagine your shock when your closest friend got up on one knee and asked for the chance to court you. Then your classmate, then your former brother’s friend, and etc.

You had barely even had a concept of what love was. From a very young age your mother was murdered and your father hardly ever paid that much attention to you as well. You were mostly alone in your own little world and you absolutely loved that. People always just seemed so annoying to you that you did the bare minimum in communicating with others.

You tried to remain single as long as possible but your father did not agree with this decision of yours. He’s always seen relationships and marriage as a way to get more influence from around the world. So at the age of twenty, you were officially given a concubine, a foreign princess from the East. She was clingy and whenever you talked to other people she seemed to always want to monopolize your attention. This behavior only seemed to get worse when your father caused you to take in concubines to gain various alliances.

Within your harem there was competition daily. Sons of generals who tried to show off with their strengths, princesses who tried to get your attention with their singing abilities, princes who would try to show off their archery, scholars who showed off their intelligence, etc. The list goes on and on. There was so much jealousy in your harem that it was unbelievable. It also didn’t help that everyone was always trying to kill each other. You were so sick and tired of it. All you wanted was some peace and quiet.

There were daily assassination attempts on concubines, poised drinks to make someone infertile, constant fake crying so that you could favor someone, and etc. Every single time you take in a new concubine you could always feel them seething but you always ignored it. You didn’t know why they loved you so much, hell you even told them if they ever wanted a divorce you would give it to them. Yet, no one has ever left willingly. It was as if they looked up to you as a god or something it was just so strange.

You’re favored concubines were of course, always thrilled to have your attention on them. They were usually the ones who got to sleep with you at night. Seems as a privilege as only the most loved got to do that. You, however, had to be careful sometimes because unwanted sexual advances could happen anytime in the bedroom.

If you feel in a particularly good mood that day however, you may even let one of them bathe with you. “Your majesty, your skin is silky smooth. I wish to do this with you forever. No words can express how I feel and how much I love you. Won’t you allow me to be your first husband?” Yeah, this was basically how most of your conversations went. Everyone wanted to have the first slot at being your husband or wife. It was the ultimate showcase to prove you loved them the most and was a definite power trip for those in the harem.

Going to bed everyday was like a minefield. You just don’t know who’s going to show up in your chambers. Most of the time it’s one of your concubines, that you allowed to sleep with you for the night, in provocative attire. “Your majesty, I’ve been feeling a little lonely lately. Won’t you please pay some attention to me?” It’s honestly crazy how there is no limit of what these guys wouldn’t do for you. They just seem so overly infatuated and obsessive.

No matter what you did to them, they would always seem to look at you with love and admiration. You could basically insult all of them and they would accept it with a ‘thank you’. Nothing you did, could ever make them hate you.

Bullying was an extreme issue in your harem. No matter where you went there were always green tea bitches, white lotuses, and cunning foxes trying to bring someone down in your eyes. It’s even worse if they're new, having barely any awareness of what is happening, they definitely need to be more careful. No matter where you go at least three of them are stuck to your side. You’re alone time is basically nonexistent and extinct.

With teary eyes one of your concubines shout, “My lord, please help me! I’m being bullied by the others in the harem!” If you were being honest, you absolutely did not care about what was going on and one hundred percent knew that she was just using a manipulation tactic. However, to avoid the incoming headache you begin to console her and tell her that you’ll have a talk with everyone. You then decide to give her what she wanted and guide her towards your bedroom chambers. As you both leave she quickly looks at the faces of the others and sticks her tounge out. There was a look of absolute rage on their faces and with that they all had the same unanimous thought in their head.

“I’m totally going to get that bitch back for this!!!”


Yandere! Concubine Harem

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1 year ago

I'm intrigued by the idea of yandere priest harem.

Just a bunch of sexually repressed men that now have a tangible person to 'worship'.

Yandere! Priest Harem

I'm Intrigued By The Idea Of Yandere Priest Harem.
I'm Intrigued By The Idea Of Yandere Priest Harem.
I'm Intrigued By The Idea Of Yandere Priest Harem.

Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’

Tags: @endism

I'm Intrigued By The Idea Of Yandere Priest Harem.

What the fuck. You can’t believe it but you accidentally started a cult. You weren't sure how but you managed to do it. Everything about it was planned perfectly for you. From the moment you were kidnapped to the moment where you gave in, there was always some sort of routine that the priest followed that seemed almost robotic. Every word or phrase spoken to you seemed somewhat rehearsed as if they were doing everything in their power to make you pleased and happy. Everything that you requested or asked for was quickly met. Did you just say that you were hungry? Don’t worry, wait a couple more minutes and a feast will be made just for you. Did something catch your eye while you were shopping? In a couple minutes it is purchased and given to you. Never in your life had you seen a group more downbad people then these priests. They are incredibly whipped for you and treat you as if you were some kind of God.

Although you were kidnapped you soon learned to just accept the role as their false God. Why? Well to simply put you were just plain lazy and if being kidnapped allowed you to live a luxurious life without needing to work then so be it. Screw having a job and screw having to pay for bills. You will accept this position with grace and take advantage of it however you would like. The only thing that bothered you was why the hell were people joining this stupid cult!?!? By now you expected the stupid priests to run out of money by now due to your spending habits but why on Earth are people still continuing to donate to them!?!? There just always seems to be a never ending supply of money!!!

“Did you see them? The God of this religion is such a cutie. Do you think I have a shot at becoming a priest? Hell, I wouldn’t even mind being a sacrifice to them.” (Go away).

“I just donated my entire retirement fund to them. It’s so worth it. Did you see how cute their sneezes are? I could literally just die!!!” (Then die).

“I shook their hand a few days ago with my right hand. I haven’t washed it since.” (Gross).

Dammit that's why. You're so called “followers” were nothing but a group of some weirdo simps. The only thing that you ever did around this place was give speeches to your cult that came right out of your ass and they would eat it up everytime too. It is so bad that you could literally say that the Earth was flat and they would go to war to defend that you were right. You’ve never seen a group of more stupider people. As of right now you were currently giving out one of those bullshit speeches to your followers.

“... which is why cats are superior over dogs. If you have a cat tell them I said pspspspsp.”

One of the priests raises their hand, “Can you repeat that whole thing again? That was super cute and I forgot to press record.”

Another priest responds with, “Don’t worry I caught it all and I’ll send it to you later. In exchange, can I have that limited edition picture of them sleeping with a teddy bear.”

Another voice shouts, “Wait! I have some never seen before photos of them. Are you willing to trade it for the limited edition picture?”


Later that night you soon discover that there is a “trading card game” going around the cult using your pictures. You weren’t even sure how they even managed to take these photos but they somehow have them and how were these mass produced without you even noticing!?!? Why are they out of stock and why are they so popular!?!? Everyday is a never ending migraine for you. Just when you thought the priests couldn’t disappoint you even further, they always manage to prove you wrong. If they weren’t the ones feeding you, you would have been long gone by now.

Waking up always felt like a struggle most of the time. Like it literally was a struggle because there was always someone in your bed with you. They would constantly cuddle up to you as close as possible and make it difficult to leave the bed with their weight holding you down. By the time you wake up breakfast is already made and there is someone constantly fighting to decide who gets to feed you. After breakfast, you stroll around the gigantic garden that was funded with the money of taxpayers. Afternoons are spent giving out wack speeches and talking to your loyal followers. Dinners are the same as breakfast and there is competition on who gets to bathe with you. Quite often these end up turning physical fights between everyone. During the night you're out like a light and it’s a repeat of everything the next day.

Every passing day makes you so concerned for the mental health of others. There is just no way that any of these people are mentally sane. They have to be on drugs or something. You refused to believe that these were rational adults that are contributing members of society. No matter how much you try to change your personality, they always find a way to coo at you. On the days that you act like a brat you are met with the responses of, “Oh my god look at them pout that's so adorable!! Now step on me–”. On the days you act lazy it’s met with, “You don’t have to move I’ll do it all for you! Just let me lick your–”. Are you acting happy today? Well that's met with, “Your smile is so radiant! You know what would make your day better if you let me suck–”. In the end though it really doesn’t matter because their main goal in life is to forever worship your being whether you like it or not.

I'm Intrigued By The Idea Of Yandere Priest Harem.

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9 months ago

Sweet yanderes who are so gentle with their darlings, handling them like they’re made of glass. They never raise their voice and hold their darling like they’ll break under the slightest pressure, terrified of harming their darling in any way.

Sweet yanderes who can be a bit overwhelming, always doing everything for their darling and making sure their always within eyeshot of them. They just don’t want their darling to strain themselves, is that so bad? Their darling won’t have to lift a finger as long as they’re around!

Sweet yanderes who would never hurt their darling, no matter how much they acted out. Yanderes who rely on rewards rather than punishment, giving their darling more privileges the longer they behave.

Sweet yanderes who want nothing more than to keep their darling safe. Sure, they kidnapped them and took away most of their freedom, but it was for their own good! They can’t have their darling being hurt and corrupted by the cruelty of the outside world, it would destroy them!

Sweet yanderes who make their darling as comfortable as possible as a way to make up for their lost freedoms. They’ll buy all their darlings favorite things, nab all of their comfort items just to keep them happy. They know what they’ve done is upsetting but eventually, if they keep treating their darling well, they’ll see that it was for the best. They have all they need where they are anyways!

Sweet yanderes whose hearts break a little more every time their darling tries to escape or lash out. Why can’t they see that this is for the best? Aren’t they doing enough to keep their darling happy? Yanderes who work even harder to keep their darlings satisfied, doing anything and everything they ask (except for letting them go).

Sweet yanderes who would and do murder anyone standing in between them and their darling without regret, brutalizing their victim until the body’s almost unrecognizable. Yanderes who make sure their darling never finds out about what they’ve done, too afraid of scaring their darling even more than they already are.

Sweet yanderes who remind their darling how much they love them every day, gently kissing them on the forehead while snuggling up to them. It’ll all be ok in the end, they just need to give their darling a little time to adjust, eventually they’ll be living happily ever after, just the two of them.


The sweet yanderes: MICAH, Rain, Stella, REN, Leo (kinda), GWEN, Ivy

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1 year ago

Could I request a Shalnark (hxh) x male neko tsundere reader?

M!readers part of the phantom troupe.

Also m!reader likes to sleep alot cuz he's he's part cat, he's also pretty stubborn.

Shalnark might be a bit ooc, and it might not be very good, lol.

Could I Request A Shalnark (hxh) X Male Neko Tsundere Reader?

Shalnark would absolutely love petting your ears. He went on a stressful mission? He's cuddling his favorite kitten and petting his ears.

Obviously, you would be cold to Shalnark when you first met, but after a couple of months, he gained your affection. You're still cold to most of the Troupe though.

You only let your guard down and sleep around Shalnark, which makes him so happy. He's always willing to protect you while you sleep by him.

This man would call you things like “Kitten”, “Baby”, “Darling”, “Sweetheart”, and “Kitty”.

When you're being stubborn, Shalnark will withhold all cuddles and affection. That is if it's something like you're refusing to tell him what's wrong or refusing to get healed. If you're fighting with another Troupe member, he's not gonna do shit.

Don't get me started on if someone has a crush on you. Pretty soon after he finds out it'll be, someone who had a crush on you. They aren't going to live another day. You are his kitty. No one else's.

If you're FtM, he'll be so so sweet when you're on your period. All you get is praise, nothing less. He'll already be stocked up on whatever you need. Absolute angel.

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1 year ago

Could I request illumi x male reader with the same reader I have requested for chrollo before (flirty, if he kisses a person's body part they heal, his clothes always have boob windows)

I am so sorry I've been so slow getting to your ask!

Could I Request Illumi X Male Reader With The Same Reader I Have Requested For Chrollo Before (flirty,

Illumi would be less obsessed with your boob windows, asking you to cover up.

It isn't because he doesn't love you, no, it's because only he should see you in those clothes.

He'd love stuff like impact play, breeding, cock warming, as well as predator and prey play.

Illumi would love to read his book after a long mission, having you in one of your boob window shirts, kissing his neck to heal all the injuries he may have while cock warming him.

He'd definitely call you, 'doll', 'sweetheart', 'baby', 'baby boy', 'kitten/bunny', and more of course.

If you're too busy to give him attention when he wants, he'll stop whatever you're doing and manhandle you into whatever position he wants.

“C'mon Baby, you can handle it, can't you? Aren't you a good boy for me? Yes, you are, so just do as you're told.”

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1 year ago

Omg YESSS, imagine OP being so good with his words, all high mighty convincing that everyone will easily believes him even if he 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴.

optimus as a yandere urgyegd

im losing my mind over this. got me twirling my hair and kicking my feet

i might write some headcanons on it, if anyone has any ideas to share.

Optimus As A Yandere Urgyegd

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8 months ago


Sea Sorcerer x Mermaid Reader x Human Prince

Basically like the little mermaid fairy tale, but instead the sea sorcerer loves mermaid reader. I hope this still gives you enough room to be creative

Sea Sorcerer x Mermaid Reader x Human Prince

Requests are open!


You were a beautiful mermaid and on top of that a lovely princess. Many mermen tried to get your attention but you weren't interested in any.

But one day your father, the king of your sea kingdom sets your marriage with a human prince whose kingdom lies on the outskirts of ocean. Your kingdom and his has been having a lot of trouble due to sea creatures and humans which eventually always leads to small arguments and fights. So to put all that behind your father and his set off your marriage with prince.

You have always dreamed of having a husband, kids to love, a happy family with a beautiful home. Since you got the news of your arranged marriage. You and the prince would meet everyday at the shore to discuss everything about your future life as per the parents instructions. You liked prince he was tall, handsome, gentleman, a true prince charming.

You would bring him pretty shells, stones, pearl or a sea dish you made for which he would thank you but he always kept his distance from you. And made you think that he was doing a formality and truly didn't like you. You feel like if you get to know more about human traditions and start to act like humans he might like you more. You wanted him to like you, love you because you already feel this towards him. But even after lots of trying you just feel it's not enough.

So one day you go to sea Sorcerer who lives in your kingdom and is infamous for his spells. You asked the sea sorcerer to make you a human but you didn't knew that the sea Sorcerer was madly in love with you, with your smile, your gorgeous siren eyes. How could you do this to him ?He was furious that you were getting married to that vile Human and on top of that you wanted to be a human for that prince??

He puts a spell on you making you fall in love with him madly. The sea Sorcerer kept you hidden in his huge sea hole.

Many days passed by and you didn't even come to the shore one single time making prince worried. He loves you. He didn't show it because he was trying to overcome the fact that he was going to marry a mermaid princess. How could he not fall for you? With you bringing him shells, pearls. Your gorgeous smile, your cute confused look when he explains about some human things to you, your cute starfish hairclip which you love a lot,he even bought a shell necklace for you because he heard you love shells. he loves you a lot.

With you being missing the whole water kingdom searches for you but you are no where to be found. When this news is told to prince he thinks now he has to take the matter in his own hands. He summons his kingdom 's personal sorcerer and ask him to put a spell on him to become a merman. The Sorcerer makes his highness a merman and the prince dives into sea. He would do anything to find you even become a merman.

He searches for you everywhere in sea when he stumbles upon the sea Sorcerer's hole. He gets a instinct that the sea sorcerer might help him to locate you. He peeks inside the hole to see you snuggled against the Sorcerer.

The prince gets into the fight with sorcerer upon seeing this and finally gets you. But you under the spell of sea sorcerer constantly tell him that you love sea sorcerer and not him. Sensing the sea sorcerer might have put you under his spell. He takes you against your will upward to the shore. Where after touching the land he comes back to his human form and calls his kingdom 's personal sorcerer who breaks the spell upon you.

Prince finally let's out a sigh of relief and kiss your lips or more like devoure it.

"I like you more under my spell as much as I am under yours my queen" prince says while not letting go of your lips and lifting you in his arms in bridal style not wanting to ever let go of you again making you smile like a idiot. Well it Seems like you already had prince under your spell long ago without the help of sea sorcerer.

Requests are open!

For more yandere reading

Yandere Masterlist
Hello! I write about yandere, fandoms, imaginary scenarios and many more. Requests are open. Enjoy! Yandere Secret Admirer X Reader http

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8 months ago

Yan Husband x Pregnant Reader ~

Requests are open!

Yan Husband X Pregnant Reader ~

• You and your husband has been married for 3 years and you have a happy marriage that your life couldn't get any better

• Until one day you realise your period has been late a few weeks. You take a pregnancy test and found out you guys are gonna become parents.

• You told yan about your pregnancy and now you are the happiest couple in world. You always thought yan husband is very protective? Well get ready darling because this man is gonna get double protective and stress out about every single thing till the baby is born.

• Yan Husband who hires the most famous, experienced and expensive gynecologist in city.

• Buys every pregnancy book available and remembers every single thing mentioned in it

• Food cravings? My love he would go buy anything even at middle of night. But you wanted from that specific shop? Well then he is going to make owner open the shop and make food for you at the middle of night no in between.

• Makes the most nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinner by himself. Makes you eat fruits, homemade smoothies that even professional fitness coaches plan is colourless compared to his.

• Reads so many pregnancy articles, cases and watches video. The only thing remaining now is getting a medical degree which he thinks upon to get just in case which you have to put a stop on.

• Constantly checking your blood pressure, sugar levels, pulse that he has become personal doctor of yours.

• Going with you on walks, doing yoga together.

• Buys all the baby stuff with the most safety guarantee even if the price is ridiculous. When it comes to you and baby nothing is expensive.

• Takes leave from work or work from home throughout your pregnancy. Won't let you go out of his sight.

• Won't even let you lift a finger and you are thinking about continuing job? THAT'S JUST STRAIGHT UP NO.

• Baby proofs that whole house. Always looking up at nutritious recipes for pregnant ladies on internet.

• Buys everything that he finds adorable and spending unnecessarily very high that you have to sit him down and explain the budget but still doesn't listen.

• Wants Baby to look like you because you are the most beautiful person in this world for him.

• Attends every doctor's appointment with you like a ritual and bores doctor to death with his constant questions about your pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you find him talking to doctor and asking a question at two in night.

• Talks and kisses to your baby bump everyday and mostly talk about you to baby telling how much lucky he is to have you and how much he loves you both.

• Has multiple panick attacks through out your pregnancy just thinking about you and baby's safety.

• When your water broke and the contraction begins he is just a centimetre away from having a heart attack.

• When you are under going labour threatens doctor that if anything happens to you or the baby the doctor will become a dead body.

Requests are open!

Read more yandere fics:

Yandere Masterlist
Hello! I write about yandere, fandoms, imaginary scenarios and many more. Requests are open. Enjoy! Yandere Secret Admirer X Reader http

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8 months ago

AHHH OR could you do stalker yandere X Social media star darling? - pet darling

Yan Stalker x Social media star (Dark)

Requests are open!

AHHH OR Could You Do Stalker Yandere X Social Media Star Darling? - Pet Darling

• You are a famous influencer. You have a crazy number of followers and fans on social media. You were always trending due to your content, beauty, and kind behaviour. Your fans think you are a literal breathing angel on earth. You have everything fame, money, beauty.

• But with advantages also come disadvantages. You had many stalkers before but now only one. Wonder why? Well because yan Stalker beated all your other stalkers to dead as only he has the right to stalk you.

• Award events, Cooking, fashion, reality shows every show that you are invited in he is there in audience if he can't be in audience then he will be as a backstage crew but no matter where you are he is always there. He literally follows you more than your own shadow.

• Clicks as many pictures of you. Always complements and praise you on internet. You wore a simple skirt today? He will praise you on internet saying How simple and kind you are. No one can stop this man from praising you.

• Someone bitches about you on internet. Well darling you had made a wrong choice he will hack that account and write a apology and will hack his bank account and spend all the money to your favourite NGO as a threat to never do it again.

• Will buy all your merchandise.

• You said in one of your video you loved an x company of handbags. Get ready girl your office is gonna be flooded with that company's handbags for you.

• Is your biggest fan. Period.

• He can't believe such a perfect human like you exist. You are too good to be true in his eyes. And vows to protect and cherish you. After all your all his, isn't it? ( He is more delusional than most of the population)

• A crazy fan break into your apartment? Don't worry baby he will take care of it. Tomorrow morning that crazy fan's body is found dumped in the river.

• Someone sold your hair on etsy at a ridiculous price? Yes. Your guess is right he bought it.

• Someone flirts with you and makes you uncomfortable well he simply breaks their nose.

• You are scared of your stalker as he has no moral when it comes to you. You are scared because you don't know who is he and what he will do next?

• Yan Stalker who is damn sure you are his future spouse by your own will or kidnapping.

Requests are open!

For more yandere reading:

Yandere Masterlist
Hello! I write about yandere, fandoms, imaginary scenarios and many more. Requests are open. Enjoy! Yandere Secret Admirer X Reader http

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8 months ago


Um, I don't know if you make requests, I'm sorry if you don't. But I've always been curious about, how would Yandere bafam react to a supernatural darling? Like, a demon.

You don't need to respond or anything, thank you for your attention.

Yandere Bruce x Maneater Demon Reader

Requests are open!


You and Bruce recently got married. It wasn't for love. It was an arranged marriage Bruce parents set before they died and as to respect them he decided to follow their decision.

Bruce and you were only married on papers and infront of public eye. You two were distant. Living in different rooms, rarely seeing each other which means seeing each other only while passing the corridors.

You came from a wealthy and educated family just like Bruce. You observed how he wasn't home at night and mostly out till morning.

You would ask alfred about it but got nothing. You were a curious cat and one day tried to follow Bruce but got lost in some shady dark place at middle of night due to his fast speed.

You were trying to find where you were and get back to home when you saw a drunk young men coming towards you.

"Well well what do we have here?" The drunk man said with a sick smile while laughing. There was no one around you other than this men. You were all alone in a shady place having no idea where the hell in Gotham City are you as you were from another city.

If this would have happened to you a few years ago you would have been shit scared praying to God for help but not now. Infact you were feeling sorry for the poor bastard.

"I suggest you to leave me alone for your own safety" you said in a calm voice. While he laughed like crazy at you. "For my safety? Are you insane bitch? Whatever I like insane women they are kinky" he said rubbing his hands together and coming towards you. That's it. This sick asshole deserve it. You thought.

When the man stands right infront of you. You tilt your head making your eyes starting turn red, making the man scared and screaming "What the fuck?"

"What happened? You liked insane women, right?" You said smiling sinister while your face and body started transforming into your demon form. You attacked the man and started tearing, rupturing him and eating him like the maneater you are while his blood drip down your neck and his screams feeling like a soft melody to your ears bringing you immense pleasure.

After devouring him up you look up and saw Batman standing infront of you a few metres apart looking at you with an intense look. You knew it was your husband Bruce. It was like you can identify Bruce in any costume. Might be one of your demonic advantages.

You turned back to your human form blood all spread over your mouth dripping down your neck while Batman/bruce looking at you with a shock confused look.

"Don't worry I won't eat you"you said wipping your lips with your hand then licking the blood on your fingers.

"I know" you heard his deep voice.

"And yeah he was a asshole. I only eat bad people and the one who annoy me" you said standing up blood covering your clothes.

"How?" You heard his deep voice.

"How I become this? Well long story hubby will tell you some day"you said going towards him. "He wasn't tasty" you said pouting generously hurt that he wasn't delicious.

You were a demon but why does Bruce feels like you are a goddess not demon. He should be scared but it only made him more fascinated by you. Well after all he was also a freak only of a different kind.

Requests are open!

A little Drabble About them :

Yandere Bruce X Maneater Demon Reader Drabble
Requests are open ! Yan Bruce : Why did you eat that lady at party, y/n? Reader : I already told you many times that I was hungry and she

For more yandere reading:

Yandere Masterlist
Hello! I write about yandere, fandoms, imaginary scenarios and many more. Requests are open. Enjoy! Yandere Secret Admirer X Reader http

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8 months ago
Reader : If One Day I Cheat On You What Will You Do?

Reader : If one day I cheat on you what will you do?

Yandere : Kill that person and lock you in my house.

Reader : "....."

For more yandere reading:

Yandere Masterlist
Hello! I write about yandere, fandoms, imaginary scenarios and many more. Enjoy! Requests are open! Yandere Secret Admirer X Reader https

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7 months ago
Hello Everyone!!! Thank You So Much For Your Love. Our Blog Has Crossed Over 200 Followers Now. When

Hello everyone!!! Thank you so much for your love. Our blog has crossed over 200 followers now. When you folks like or comment on my work I feel so happy and satisfied that someone is enjoying my work. You all are the best. Before posting any fic I feel like it's not good and worth posting but your likes, comments makes me feel that yes it is a good fic. I just love you all. You all are too precious for me. Please take good care of yourself and stay healthy. If you wanna talk to someone I am there for you feel free to message. Love you all💗

Requests are open! Please let me know if you have any requests for any imaginary scenarios, Drabble or headcanons or yandere. Thank you.

This is how I feel whenever you like or comment on my work:

Hello Everyone!!! Thank You So Much For Your Love. Our Blog Has Crossed Over 200 Followers Now. When

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7 months ago
Thank You So Much All For Over 300 Followers. Love You. Take Care Of Yourself. All Of You And Have A

Thank you so much all for over 300 followers. Love you. Take care of yourself. All of you and have a great day!!!💕

Requests are open!

Please keep sending me ideas and requests to write. I love writing for you people. Your requests gives me so much ideas on what to write.

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7 months ago

Hello! Since i saw ur bio that you take requests and i want to ask for a yandere boyfriend that wants to marry you immediately since you guys were at the right age, (hes 21 and the y/n is 20)

And I'm going to add something, like the boyfriend gets too jealous whenever there's other boys are looking at y/n or other people

(i don't know if you take baby fever? kind of thing, though just the boyfriend wanting a baby with you once you accept his marriage)

And just a headcannon of boyfriend getting so, sooo jealous whenever you get crushes on fictional men, you can add what you think of this! So and Is it okay if I give him a name? If yes, then Elliott, Thank You!

Keep up the good work! I really love it! And i also hope you'll do a part two of the Yandere Dom Kidnapper!

If you need ideas please do say!

(sorry for any grammar, english is not my first language! 😭)

Thank you for your idea. I hope you like this fic. And yes please keep sending me ideas. I love writing for you all.

Yandere Possesive (Dark)

Requests are open !

Hello! Since I Saw Ur Bio That You Take Requests And I Want To Ask For A Yandere Boyfriend That Wants

• You and Elliott dated throughout the high school. He was older than you but only by one year.

• You were happy with him. He is caring, charming, has a good humour with which he always tries to make you laugh. He is love of your life and you are his.

• You and Elliott were in same college as he doesn't want to be away from you no matter what. Recently you celebrated your 20th birthday with him. Everything went well only the plot twist was that Elliott proposed to you on your birthday night. You love him and you know he is the only one you want to marry but not now. You were just 20 and Elliott 21.

• But after much convincing or more like manipluating Elliott convinced you to say yes. Life didn't changed much only the difference now was that you were engaged. You thought to yourself that you were just being anxious about marrying too young but was not a issue atleast to you and Elliott as he was a really good patner.

• Elliott would bring flowers for you weekly, cook delicious meals for you, read a book to you while you snuggle in his arms, go out on dates with him, watch movies, bake together, talk with each other till late night and then falling asleep in each others arms.

• But as no one is perfect and everyone has their own flaws. Elliott had them too. He was extremely jealous and possesive about you that it many times led you two to an argument which always ended with Elliott fucking you against the wall or wherever you are making you beg for him while he would ask you

"Who do you belong to, darling?"

• You were talking to a man who was not him for some college project? This man becomes extremely jealous. That after your conversation he threatens the poor boy to stay away from you.

• You loved your stuffed teddy and would often cuddle with it. Well this man is even jealous of your teddy bear. What can I say whatever or whoever catches your attention he gets jealous of it and when you ask him one day "have you seen my bear?" "No. Darling but don't worry I am here cuddle me whenever you want until we find that stuffed bear". When in reality he has thrown that bear to a very distant place in jealousy. This man wants your attention 24/7 on him. Madly obsessed with you.

• You read many romance books and whenever you compliments some fictional character he gets jealous and says "Let's recreate those spicy smut scenes of your novel so I can show you how much better I am than him."

• A guy tried to flirt with you when you were hanging out with him at bar? Elliott beats that person until he is an bloody mess.

• When some random boy looks at you a bit long kisses you infront of them. To show how you belong to him just as he belongs to you.

• This man worships you like a goddess but is a freaking dominant in sheets fucking you until you are a dumb drooling mess.

• Elliott often thinks about you with a glowing round belly pregnant with his child. Having babies of you two. Showing it to the whole fucking world that you are only his and carrying his child. Hence leading to his baby fever.

• Would often show you cute videos of babies and saying "Our's will be more adorable with your pretty eyes, darling".

• Shops all the cute baby stuff he finds under the saying of "For future, darling". While you just ignored his baby fever thinking it's just a phase.

• You both got married on the fixed date in a beautiful church.

• Elliott cries like a baby while seeing you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding dress looking like an angel which you definitely are according to him.

• After marriage you thought Elliott's jealousy would become less as you are husband and wife now but it doesn't lessens even a bit. Hence leading to many arguments again.

• This arguments scares him thinking you might leave him so he baby traps you with him knowing too well you would never leave him while having a child. He knows he is fucked up. But no matter what he is never losing you. And after all you both love each other and the unborn baby so anything else doesn't matter to him. Now only you and the baby matters to him.

• Elliott knows that he is crazy for you. But after all love makes us do crazy things, right?

Requests are open !

For more yandere Reading:

Yandere Masterlist
Hello! I write about yandere, fandoms, imaginary scenarios and many more. Enjoy! Requests are open! Yandere Secret Admirer X Reader https

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7 months ago




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7 months ago

HELLO!! I really love your stories and i wanna request something, like a yandere gamer bf or husband that streams for a living, and whenever he is off camera he always wants your attention and love even though he gets attention from the streams he makes.

And when he gets invited to an event, he will be sad since you are not yet known to the internet world, he keeps you a secret since he only deserves you, but when he was streaming, you accidentally And almost let yourself know but a fan noticed it and asked about it

And that's it! Just a quick question, do you take any anons? And i really love your works and i was hoping for a part 2 for the dom Kidnapper yandere, but keep your time! Once again i really, reallyyyy love your works! Bye bye!

Thank you so much for your love. And yes I take anons. I hope you enjoy this fic.


Requests are open !

HELLO!! I Really Love Your Stories And I Wanna Request Something, Like A Yandere Gamer Bf Or Husband

• Yan is a gamer famous for his skills and techniques.

• His streams have millions of view. Other gamers admire him for his skills. He is always bathed in attention and praises from his followers which are a lot that when you saw the number your mouth just fell open.

• This man has the attention of more than million people on his streaming but he wants your attention on him. His so precious y/n.

• As soon as the camera gets off he is a cuddling mess in your arms looking at you with heart eyes.

• He is invited to numerous gaming tournament but whenever he is there he misses you so dearly, wishing you were here. But you can't.

• Because you are his secret. No one knows about you. No one even knows that yan is in relationship.

• When asked by his followers that if he has someone in his life he would say "I am fully focused on my gaming career right now"

• He doesn't tell about you to others because he thinks you are too precious to get to know by anyone but him.

• Is a lot possesive about you.

• No one but he deserves you. You are too good for others to even look at you.

• He is just very much in love with you.

• He wants you all to himself. Just thinking about you with some else makes his blood boil.

• He thinks you are his lucky charm. Hence always carrying something of yours to his every tournament.

• You are everything. His lucky charm, his gf/bf, his future spouse, just everything.

• You are a gamer too but you are just a beginner recently started and still exploring everything.

• Yan would teach you so many skills, techniques, ideas about the game.

• When he is not streaming he would have you lying on his chest while playing and giving you little pecks of kisses in between.

• Plus he looks so fucking hot with his glasses, headset on, agressively punching the buttons by his fingers and intently focused on screen.

• One day accidentally you came in the camera filming region while he was streaming online making everyone question "Who you they?"

"Is it your gf/bf?"

"They are good looking"

• Well that's it as soon as yan saw some people saying you are good looking he has to claim you to make this people shut up. (This man is just too jealous)

" Yes that good looking person is my gf/bf and soon to be my wife/husband. So stop looking at them".

• Hearing yan say your going to get married soon made you gasp and blush both.

• Well this accidental reveal sure was good and beneficial you thought.

• After few days he officially proposed you with beautiful decorations.

• The best thing is that you are officially his now and yan don't have to miss you in his tournaments now as you would be there supporting him with a ring telling everybody that you are already taken.


For more yandere reading :

Yandere Masterlist
Hello! I write about yandere, fandoms, imaginary scenarios and many more. Enjoy! Requests are open! Yandere Secret Admirer X Reader https

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2 years ago

Yandere Batfam (and their fellow villains/rivals) Headcanons

Bruce Wayne

- He is one paranoid fucker. As soon as he feels any sort of attraction to you, he’s researching you the fuck up. Your background, your history, who you’ve been in contact with for the past decade. Everything there is to know, he will know. It can’t be helped. The last couple of women he’s been with were violent and morally ambiguous. Hell, we all saw what happened with Talia. He doesn’t want to let his guard down. It’s a dangerous world for a man like him to fall in love so desperately that all he wants to do is carve out his own heart and give it to you. 

- He is highly manipulative and obsessive. Obsessive, in the sense that he will be stalking you 24/7. He wants to know absolutely everything there is to know about you: your favourite hobbies, the food you like, that one drink you keep ordering from that cafe down your workplace/university. And he’s manipulative in the sense that once you’re his or once he’s embedded himself into your life, he will be using as many psychological tools and tactics to get you falling in love with him. Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning is one of his favourites. Just like Pavlov managed to get a dog to associate food with the sound of a bell ringing, he’ll have you associating himself with anything you adore. 

- On that note, he is insanely protective, too. He knows just how bad this world is and will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. And he’s paranoid that something might take you out of this world. He’s been through enough deaths in the family that not feeling any sort of desire to lock you up and hide you from this rotten world would be abnormal. Of course, he doesn’t, because he respects you as a human and wants your willing consent. By locking you up, he’s no better than those villains and crooks he beats up every night. But the thought is there. It always is. 

Dick Grayson

- Constantly tries to impress you. Very dramatic when it comes to interacting you or uh, as Damian puts it, “courting” you. Can dial it up from 10 to 306 in a matter of seconds. 

- Has a constant need for attention. Can and will chat your ear off. He likes being your everything all the time. If your attention so much as leaves him for more than 5 seconds, he is not going to be happy. Focus on him and only him. If it’s for work related reasons, fiiine, he’ll accept it (begrudgingly) but if it’s because some asshole butted in and stole your attention, yeah it’s not going to work. He’ll take it as a competition and keep stealing back your attention, doing stupid and crazy shit in order to get you focusing on him alone. He’ll either do some insane acrobatic move or he’ll act like a total baby, huffing and puffing until you get annoyed and turn back to him. Good attention, bad attention. It doesn’t matter as long as it’s attention.

- Like all the batfam members, he’s hecking obsessive. They all want to know everything about you but compared to the others, Dick isn’t that bad. It’s still really bad but Bruce and Tim can take it to a whole ‘nother level that even the devil himself would be morbidly impressed and disgusted. He wants to know everything about you and will be tracking your location 24/7, the messages you send, the links you copy into google, everything. 

- Is quite the charmer. There are a few of the batfam who take a more productive and active approach into seducing you into their lives and Dick is one of the main ones. He plans, of course, once he realises he wants you in his life - Bruce would be ashamed if he didn’t, and he’d never hear the end of it from his brothers (especially Tim) who’d be judging him considerably for not planning anything - but he’s quick to slide on in into your life. He likes to go with the flow a lot so he’ll sort out a ‘meeting’ scenario but other than that, whatever goes, goes. He’s a quick-thinker and can act without the need for a well-thought out plan (unlike Tim). 

Jason Todd

- Jason’s been replaced all his life. After his death, he was replaced not once, but twice. He’s got some sort of paranoia when it comes to his darling. He fears that he might be replaced because he’s “not good enough”. Dick’s the nice, compassionate one. The golden boy. Tim’s the smart one and Damian’s the biological son. So what’s he? The defective Robin? The broken one? He doesn’t constantly try to prove himself worthy of your attention because he, as the great Klaus Hargeeves once said, “has this self esteem issue where he hates himself but still thinks he’s better than everyone else”, but it’d be nice if you notice things about him. 

Keep reading

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9 months ago

Yandere husband headcanons

TW: yandere stuff, harassment, age gap, bad things I guess

💜Please keep in mind that English is not my native language💜

Yandere husband who is in his late twenties when he met you and falls head over heels for you

Yandere husband comes from a wealthy background working as a CEO in his fathers company, yep it’s not his money but he acts like it

Yandere husband is a complete nepo baby, he didn’t even work until he was 25 years old

Yandere husband who was extremely happy when he spotted you as a new intern at „his“ company

Yandere husband who always made remarks about you, wanting you at his department all the time

Yandere husband who forced you to sit on his lap while he works, saying that’s your new job

Yandere husband always saw how his father treated his mother, and thought badly of „poor“ people overall saying you need him and starting gaslighting you

Yandere husband who forced you to be his partner and showed you off to all his friends

Yandere husband who fires you from the company, forces your landlord to quit your contract and makes himself out to be your savior in your darkest times

Yandere husband who proposes to you after you moved in with him leaving you in a vulnerable situation

Yandere husband who makes your wedding the biggest event hes ever thrown

Yandere husband who loves belittling you infront of everyone, praising your looks and making fun of your intelligence

Yandere husband, who as much as he belittles you, does love you for your mind, soul and personality in the end (he had enough pretty people in the past who were only objects for him)

Yandere husband who doesn’t care for your age gap, he secretly enjoys being the older one

Yandere husband who doesn’t have a problem with giving you addicting drugs if it makes you submissive, as long as your health allows it

Yandere husband who always makes sure you look put together and pretty, no matter what your mental state is

Yandere husband who brings a child into the relationship either through babytrapping you or adoption

Yandere husband who wants you under him all the time in bed, being a dom in the relationship btw

Yandere husband who loves you more than anything and just wants his pretty, young and sweet darling save in his grasp

💜Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it, feel free to leave asks 💜

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1 year ago

look I know everyone wants to say the creepypasta characters are all yandere but LISTEN to me with Toby.

he’s the type to have one person be kind to him and immediately see them as a fucking weirdo (which he likes) and will attach himself to them (but he won’t admit it). this would slowly grow into obsession as they seemed to accept each and every one of his traits, even the negative ones. he’d see them as flawless, the perfect being, only made for him. they only accept him, nobody else. of course this isn’t true, they’re just a kind person but his attachment to them has ran his life, changed everything about him. the others would notice of course, he wasn’t as grumpy as usual and a lot less snappy with his mood swings. they’d ask him about it, but that’s when he’d get snappy, telling them to fuck off and never mention your name. it’s not a healthy obsession at all so don’t mistake it for one but dear GOD do I want him to be obsessed with me like that 😍.

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1 year ago

Yandere Cult Leader! Headcanons

Yandere Cult Leader! Headcanons

Warnings: Toxic Behaviour, Obsessive Behaviour, Possessive Behaviour, Delusions of Grandeur, Narcissism, Manipulation, Indoctrination, Implications of Smut, Implications of Sexual Coercion, Kidnapping, False Imprisonment, Implication of Murder, Implications of Torture, Implication of Sexual Punishment/Reward, Implications of Pregnancy (Not of Reader), Poisoning, Stockholm Syndrome, Religious Themes, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he sees you for the first time, a quiver in your walk and your voice as you explain to him that your car just swerved into a tree, seemingly of its own accord, leaving you with no means of transportation, knows there is something different about you. Almost whimsical.

♡ Something that makes his stone heart stammer.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when you shamble up to his front doorstep and plead for help, welcomes you with open arms into his house – the only one for miles – and tells you to “Take a seat. Please, make yourself comfortable !”

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, after finding out that you’re unfamiliar with the area, that you’re not privy to where anything or anyone is, hence you didn’t see whatever caused your car to swerve, can’t help but feel something hidden, dark, light up in the back of his mind.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who insists you “Stay the night; we’d be more than happy to have you !” And actively resists your declination, your promise that you’ll “Be fine if I can get to a hospital.”

♡ Yandere Cult Leader whose only elaboration on who “we” are comes in the form of taking you out the back of the house, which now you see is more like a manor, the front of the architecture being deceptively small and mousy, where, as far as the eye could see, a town slept. One filled with people – hundreds, it seemed – dressed in clothing so similar to one another that they formed a moving pattern.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, despite knowing there are always vacant houses available for any ‘late comers’ to his Association, tells you otherwise – that you will be “Staying with me.” Just until you’re better. Or the next morning, at the very least.

♡ With no phone signal and a growing headache, throupled with your limp, you feel you have little chance of survival out on the open road; especially at night.

♡ And, with what you suspect to be a concussion and no room to argue given how far from anything and everything you were, you accepted what you thought was a gracious offer.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader knows he has to act fast – while you’re still vulnerable and malleable.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he has one of his associates draw you a bath, takes your clothes and puts them somewhere only he knows, providing you with clothes of the same material and disposition as everyone else at the compound town.

♡ “For your comfort,” he says, smiling vaguely. “Those city garments looked awfully dirty and uncomfortable – especially since you’ve just had a nasty accident.”

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when you ask for an ambulance, does one better, bringing you the ‘in-house doctor’ who tells him exactly what he wants to hear. That you’ll “Need to rest for the next week or so, just to be safe.”

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who thanks whatever deity aside from himself exists who has gifted him such a lenient timeframe to grant you ascension into his Family.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, standing just outside your guest bedroom, can’t help but smile, knowing that a week alone with you will be a cakewalk. He’s converted people in a single night before now. Albeit through practices he just can’t bring himself to use on you. Not in isolation, anyway.

♡ Despite the unfamiliar sense of urgency that twists his heart in directions it has never known.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who wastes no time in spinning a frivolous, magnificent story for you, proclaiming himself the mayor of this small, humble town, made up of hard-working folk – farmers, labourers, clothes makers; people who were driven from the city after industrialisation made it impossible for them to financially support themselves.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who revels in the way your eyes glimmer when he divulges his accolades to you, though does so with the modesty of one who sees it as their everyday life. Yet, he knows he has not captured your adoration yet. Another idol lives in your heart; a pop star, a film actor, a god of some description. Not him.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who promises to stamp this out of you. In time.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, in the couple of days after you arrived, commits every ounce of his free time to getting to know you, to understanding what makes you tick, what makes you submissive.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, being the only one in the Compound to understand your culture references outside of this town, having access to sources his Family does not, uses all his knowledge to create an image of himself as a relatable, well-adjusted member of society. Both yours, and his.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader can see you’re becoming more comfortable with him the longer he spends in your presence. And he picks up on your body language to know when you want to be left alone, when you want to speak with him, when you’re starting to feel uncomfortable for one reason or another, and acts accordingly.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when you start to ask if you’ll be able to leave soon, knows what must be done.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader understands that, to create the perfect disciple, one must first give them the illusion of choice, and the illusion that, when given the chance to leave, they are making the right choice by deciding to stay.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader no longer accosts you when you go to leave the house anymore, instead feeding into your little fantasy that “You’re looking a lot healthier now ! I think you’re almost fully healed.” Even getting the doctor to confirm his false pleasantry musings.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, from the top floor of his sprawling manor, watches you interact with his Family. You’re so easy to track even without his assigned Protectors following you. You stick out with your mannerisms, your smile fresh and not derived from worship of him, but a million other things running through your mind.

♡ You’re a challenge. Oddly resilient to his attempts to charm you as not to want to spend every waking second in his presence as his disciples do. Then again, you’re much more strong-willed than them. Have something to live for.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, despite his goal of initiating as many people into his Family as he can, can’t deny that the more he knows about you – what little information you divulge to this perfect stranger – he feels…drawn to you. In the same way his disciples are to him.

♡ This, he cannot allow. Though he does humour this schoolboy feeling of his interest piquing, his heart fluttering whenever you laugh at his jokes, or relay something to him he never knew before.

♡ Sure, maybe he’s only known you for about a week at this point, but he knows potential when he sees it.

♡ And he’s seen it in you.

♡ Now it’s just a case of getting you – and it – to conform to his will.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, just like whenever he’s feeling overwhelmed or needs to dispel energy of a most nefarious nature, beds his willing disciples – those he knows will not say no, who will gladly take his seed, those who will bear him the fruits of his labour.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader lives for validation, and he’s essentially created his own serotonin farm to stroke his ego whenever he feels it deflating.

♡ And nothing makes Yandere Cult Leader’s ego swell more than seeing the women of his town with his children, knowing that they shall be his successors, the ones to continue his legacy, or fall into his personal army if they are too weak in the mind to take up his mantle.

♡ And that, he knows, is the root of all power. His power, at least.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he realises that people will start looking for you soon, decides to take matters into his own hands. He won’t let anyone take you from him. Not when there’s still so much he has to show you – to teach you.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who fabricates your demise – an unfortunate car accident – sacrificing one of his family collective to take your place in the car, similar to you in every aspect in your physicality; your hair colour, your height, your eyes. And the parts that can’t be faked – moles, tattoos, patches – he has his associates cover up with a fire sparked when the oil leaked into the car engine.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, in the meantime, starts thinking of ways to keep you inside – to stop you from seeing anyone else besides him, from potentially escaping.

♡ That, and he underestimated your likeability, noticing his disciples beginning to take to you with something akin to haste. Something akin to that which he felt for you.

♡ Attraction.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who sees this liking displayed when everyone is gathered in the hall for his talks, wherein he sees the odd person or two talking with you during his speeches. Something unheard of – straight-up forbidden – until now.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader decides not to punish you for this transgression. After all, you’re new ! You don’t know how everything works here (he’s made sure of that). But the initiator…

♡ Yandere Cult Leader makes sure they learn their lesson – a little etiquette in obedience. And you won’t be seeing them again for a while.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader doesn’t just see you as a distraction for himself anymore, but a potential weapon against his power.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader isn’t stupid. On the contrary, he’s entirely lucid and knows exactly what you’d call his little establishment. A cult. A blasphemy of heretics.

♡ And he can’t have you blabbing your mouth – as much as he loves hearing you tell him stories – to the wrong people. Or realising what you’ve been roped into.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader takes your health into his hands and begins adding a secret ingredient to your meals. One which is tasteless, scentless, yet weakens you with each passing day.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, now having the excuse to do so, rarely lets you out of the house (not that you can leave, anyway) insisting that you aren’t well enough to do so.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader makes sure he’s your main source of care and entertainment during your time of declining health.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader uses your weakened, bed-ridden state to feed you more glorious tales of his philanthropy and godliness. And you, with little else to do – little else you can do – listen. And believe.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, as the weeks go on, can see that the defiance in your eyes, the initial hesitation and wariness you displayed in your first days here, is starting to fade, along with any fight or hope you have of ever leaving this place.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader feels his heart clamour when you request his presence, an associate of his coming to retrieve him from his office on the rare day he isn’t there to care for you himself.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, when he can see you’re particularly pained, looks over his shoulder and, as if he’s letting you in on a secret, flashes you a smile.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader calls you his “Special little Lamb. My Saint,” and gets up, locking the bedroom door, returning to your bedside.

♡ His hand slips beneath the bed sheets, finding your thigh. First, with reassurance. Then, with something else. Hunger. Promise.

♡ And you, in your state of delirium, either cannot or choose not to resist as his hand travels further beneath your night shirt, creeping ever closer to your epicentre. All the while, he’s crawling on top of you, an archway to another world. A cage.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader tells you to “Keep quiet. We don’t want the others getting jealous now.”

♡ And all the while, as he’s taking care of you, making you gasp, too feeble to even make a sound, he tells you how he thinks “The Gods will heal you, if only you acknowledged them.” His gaze turns hard. There is no humour, no levity, within him. “Join them.”

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, one evening, when he’s at your bedside, after months of his attempts to break you, feels his heart soar when you tell him you “Want to become part of the Family.”

♡ Yandere Cult Leader can’t tell if he’s eventually gotten through to you, either with his promises of restoration or his nights of gratification, but he sees your conformity as loyalty. Finally.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, seeing that he has you in his iron grip, ceases his poisoning and begins work on your ascension. Immediately.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, as your condition begins to improve, tells you that you are to become his ‘special assistant’ – an occupation everyone in his town would kill and die for.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader whose articulation of what ‘special assistant’ means comes in the form of a collar.

♡ And not just any collar. A shock collar. 

♡ Not that you know this. Yet.

♡ yandere Cult Leader who, when you’re able to stand, move, and even participate in everyday activities, has your ‘coronation’ organised. A celebration (and display of ownership_ of you and all that you will be bringing to the Family.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who watches everyone’s reactions carefully, picking out those who showed doubt, even a sliver, and those who seemed overly-accepting of your presence.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, that night, as you went to go to your room, pulled you into his, locking the door behind him.

♡ “An assistant as special as yourself can’t be expected to sleep all by their lonesome,” he tells you, his hand on yours. Iron.

♡ “Not when it’s my job to serve you.”

♡ Yandere Cult Leader is a master manipulator. A lucid one at that. Though, his narcissism clouds his sense of self.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who, that night, takes you for the first time, deeming it to be the claiming ceremony’ – one which has been a tradition since the inception of the Association.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader convinces you that this is the right thing to do, regardless of how much you want to do it.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader who doesn’t stop until he sees every ounce of resistance leave your eyes, and not just towards his advances. Extending far beyond tonight – into the rest of your life as you come to accept that this is your fate, one spent with a demon in a  god’s clothing.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader uses sexual gratification as a motivator (or punishment) depending on your behaviour.

♡ If you do something that displeases him, that risks making him lose face if only for a second, he can be vile. Promising the most promiscuously torturous and painful outcomes should you defy his word again.

♡ Such motivators of these punishments can be as simple as wanting to take a walk outside the Compound, asking him a question about the Uncaring Outside, or not doing what he asks of you immediately after he’s told you what he wants.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader is most unkind when he is displeased. And he’ll let you know how easily replaceable you are, how quickly he can find a willing body to take your place in his bed at a moment’s notice.

♡ And you know he’s right. That’s why you obey like you do, why you take the slings and arrows your existence is heir to now, why you plead and beg and cry that you’d “Do better next time ! Please, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry–”

♡ However, if you have displayed good behaviour, he’ll call you by any name you want to hear – “Sweetheart”, “Darling”, “Angel” – anything that reinforces your perceived importance to the Cult Leader.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader has you glued to his side forevermore. Anyone who tries tot ake you from him is deftly dealt with. Which is why you never see the people who’ve come searching for you, who stumbled upon the leader’s human enclosure as you had. Albeit with less guidance from the Leader.

♡ Yandere Cult Leader promises you that “Nobody out There loves you as much as I do. If they did, they’d have come to join you, wouldn’t they ?”

♡ God forbid if you disagree. The Leader didn’t groom you to be opinionated; he tamed you into his pet.

♡ And if you ever want a fighting chance of escaping this place alive, you have to make him believe that you’re dedicated to nothing but him.

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Masterlist Masterpost

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