Tom Riddle - Tumblr Posts

New Book Idea:
ㅡ Lana Coded.
Releases: July 4th 2023
I. Trash Magic
II. West Coast
III. Stargirl Interlude
Tom Riddle
has an enemy, her name is Olivia Remmington and she hates Riddle, very very much. Every chance she gets is to seek his suffering. She wants to destroy him yet, when the time comes too - She is frozen. Stuck, afraid to move her heart is holding her back from doing what she is destined. Unfortunately it costs her. She loved Riddle dearly, she became infatuated since she first met him during her First Year at Hogwarts. Albus Dumbledore finds that she is smitten for him.
The two are neck and neck in any and everything - Olivia and Tom grow to be nemesis. Any chance they get is an argue or a tension of emotions.

Students fear him, while others come to her. She is the better half of him, and vice versa. Her heart swells at him. Completely starstruck by him.
- He cannot fulfill her desire of her being with him - Instead he hates her deeply, quickly searching to find the right words, he cannot. He doesn't love her but wants her, he needs her badly.

She doesn't understand the quick glances he shares to her. Not knowing the naughty thoughts he has about the girl. She walks by him, she's a lie to lush quickly scammering to him. She's addicted to his love. The way he loves. She loves him deeply.
Black Women/White Man
Chamber Of Secrets
Enemies to Lovers
Killing (Avada Kedavra)
Slow burn
Cigarette Burns
Jazz Playlist with Lana
Stressful subjects
Toxic Personality
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Tom Riddle
Lana Del Rey Coded
Black OC

They casually fight a lot and it's very tense when they do. Some descriptive mentions of intercourse and very very (yk) thoughts (Mostly Tom)

‘Aren’t we just terrified?’- Tom Marvolo Riddle Headcannons!!
• In full trust, he thinks that love is non existent and isn’t a true feeling. Just something that muggles had made up and has somehow fallen into the hands of the wizarding world.
• If he was a song, one of the songs that he’d be is Rosyln by Bon Iver & St. Vincent. But instead at being at its normal pace, it would definitely be the slower version of the song. Add rain, and you’ve got yourself Tom Riddle.
• Not even joking, it took years and I mean YEARS to make Tom fall for you in the slightest way. Now don’t be fooled though, just because you guys are together doesn’t mean you get treated any differently. Sorry.
• He has actual diaries that he will write in and will keep them locked up for years. He has them locked up and hidden so well, you’d have to demolish Hogwarts just to find them, or solve an extremely hard task to find them.
• Surprisingly he smells like the way the air smells after it rains, morning dew, coffee, old books and a cologne of a clean scent.
• Again with the rain stuff, he is the rain. He smells like it, his emotions match up perfectly and everything. He likes the rain as well. He likes to listen to it while studying, reading or writing.
‘I can fix him!!’
Him in question;

Professor!Tom Riddle would 100% fuck you on his desk for multiple reasons. You did well on a test of his? A reward for trying so hard! You’re doing poorly in his class, he’s making you count how many times he had edged you within the past hour. Had to deal with a disrespectful student or parent? He’ll bend you over his desk as he digs your hips into the wood.

mattheo riddle / marcus lopez appreciation post <3
Jkr is always changing her words and mind. I’m pretty sure (and correct me if i’m wrong) that she [re]stated that it was purely symbolic. That he could’ve felt love had he just had his mother to actually raise and love him.
tom riddle not being able to feel love cause he was conceived under a love potion was one of the lamest things in the books some people are just evil and bigoted
Just sitting here thinking about Harry James Potter and how much these songs remind me of him:
These remind me of Ron & Harry [when they fought]:
These ones specifically of Sirius & Harry:
Harry to his parents:
Harry to the Dursley’s:
Harry to Dumbldore [when he learned of his “betrayal”] & Aunt Petuina:
This one is for Harry, Snape, and Tom [the three half-bloods that found a home at Hogwarts]:
Harry from OOTP to The Deathly Hallows:
Just sitting here thinking about Harry James Potter and how much these songs remind me of him:
These remind me of Ron & Harry [when they fought]:
Songs that reminded me of fanfics I’ve read: Dwelling by aideomai | Running on Air by eleventy7 | Hauntingly by ObsidianPen:
AHHHHHHHHHHH My poor baby 😭💔
Just sitting here thinking about Harry James Potter and how much these songs remind me of him:
These remind me of Ron & Harry [when they fought]:
V/Tom and Harry is literally just Tom and Jerry

Everyone thinks I chose computer science and became an engineer because I'm a genius.. nobody suspects that I actually chose it so I could spend more time reading cool weird things on the internet
Voldemort, who has to admit Harry is a powerful wizard 🤝 Harry still amazed that Expelliarmus kept him alive for this long
Amortentia - T. Riddle
Pairing : Tom Riddle x Slytherin! Reader
Warnings : Tom is not Voldy, he’s his son, and this is set during the Golden Trio, so, not very movie accurate
Genre : Fluff, soulmates implied, or, where an unexpected scent comes out of an all-too-famous potion
Part Two
Requests are OPEN

The potions classroom was alive with the chatter of students. Everyone was buzzing with the anticipation of their next project. Snape had declared that, on that day, they would be brewing Amortentia. None of the students failed to share their excitement and anticipation for the highly known potion, some even hoping to discover their one true love through its scent.
Y/N, however, had no such expectations. All she wanted was to brew the potion and get the grade.
Cauldrons sat in front of them in pairs, and she expected to be working with the Gryffindor next to her, yet, Snape seemed to have other plans.
“Students, I will be calling off your names in pairs, they will be your partner for the project,” he spoke in his monotone voice. Y/N was stressed; she prayed she wouldn’t get paired off with someone who would potentially hinder her grade.
After reading out the names of half the class, she heard her name being called along with “Tom Riddle.” The classroom fell silent. Her heart stopped. They had interacted here and there and she didn’t care that he was the Dark Lord’s son, but, he was so intimidating that the girl couldn’t help but feel nervous. She watched as he gathered his things and moved into the previously occupied seat next to her.
He gave a curt nod, barely sparing her a glance. She caught a whiff of his cologne, damn, she thought, he even smells good.
After being told to begin, the pair worked silently. They both knew what was required of them for the potion, and both pulled their weight. She was quite happy they weren’t speaking much, not because she didn’t like him, but, because she didn’t want to embarrass herself by saying something stupid.
They added the final ingredients to the cauldron and watched as the liquid turned a bright pink. They waited patiently as Snape walked by and examined their work, giving a small hum of approval. “Twenty points to Slytherin.” She couldn’t help the smile that graced her face, making eye contact with Tom and giving an appreciative nod.
After all the potions were brewed, some faring better than others, came the time to smell the potions. As she leant in, all she could smell was Tom’s cologne. It smelt of parchment and leather, a combination she found to be quite enchanting. She was, however, annoyed of his closeness as she attempted to smell the potion. She looked up quickly, about to ask him to step back, when she saw the empty chair next to her. Tom wasn’t next to her, no, he was standing at least six feet away, speaking with Professor Snape.
She was shocked. It couldn’t be, could it? Why was she smelling none other than Tom Riddle in her Amortentia. As if sensing the topic of her thoughts, Tom’ eyes drifted onto hers, locking her in a trance. He seemed to understand what was happening and the source of her shock, yet seemed entirely unfazed by it.
Her eyes didn’t stray from his as he walked to their shared table and took a whiff of the Amortentia. Again, he seemed completely unfazed by what he smelt, eyes never leaving hers.
Finally, their trance was broken as Snape dismissed the class. Her feet felt as heavy as bricks as she made her way out of the dungeon and towards her friend’s common room, trying to process everything that happened.
“Oh, come on! We both know what this means!” Y/N was currently sprawled on her best friend Hermione’s bed, listening as she tried convincing the girl that Tom Riddle was her soulmate, according to the Amortentia. As Hermione put it, she was just “in denial.”
“I don’t know, Mione. It was probably my mind playing tricks on me! Plus, he didn’t even mention it nor seem fazed by it. He most likely smelt someone else, or, no one at all.”
A pillow smacked her in the head. “You know that’s not true!”
A groan spilled out of her, “I can’t think about this right now, I’m going for a walk.”
She thought sneaking into the Gryffindor common room and speaking to her most level-headed friend would help ease her thoughts, but she left feeling worse than before.
It’s not that she doesn’t like Tom, it’s that she wonders whether she’s what he wants; will he like her too? Probably not, she thought, Tom Riddle doesn’t like anyone.
“Going somewhere?” A voice she dreaded spoke. Turning around, she came face to face with the subject of her anxieties.
His face was stern, albeit beautiful, and she quickly realized how late past curfew it had gotten.
She stumbled over her words, attempting to find a good excuse yet coming up with none.
His eyes scanned her face as she stared like a deer in headlights. “I’ll walk you back to the dungeons,” he said after a good minute or two of the two gawking at each other, his tone leaving no room for question.
As she turned to walk, she felt his hand ghost over the small of her back, summoning a blush to her face.
“Are we going to talk about it?” He broke the silence.
“About what?” She waited a second before she spoke, although he knew she would know what he meant.
“I smelt your perfume in the potion, you smelt my cologne. We both know what that means.”
She kept quiet for a second, racking her brain for the right words, afraid of making the conversation more awkward than it was already. “Yes, we do. But, is it what you want it to mean?” She waited a beat. “I mean, how do you feel about it?”
“I’ll admit, I am surprised.” She searched his face, worry seeping into her head at his words. “And, although I’m surprised, it doesn’t mean I’m unhappy about it.”
She stopped and turned to face him, “you’re not?”
“No,” he said, his tone sincere, “you’re smart, kind, and beautiful. I must admit, I am glad it’s you.” He turned and kept walking, her feet rushing to catch up to him.
She couldn’t believe it. She knew all the rumors about this boy, people thought him cold and cruel; they judge him because he’s quiet, they don’t know him. Albeit, neither does she, but his words don’t come off as ‘cruel’ or ‘cold.’
“Wait, so, what does this mean?” She asked just as they reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room.
“It means that we have a date this weekend at Hogsmeade. Have a good night, Y/N,” he spoke with a soft smile.
As she walked into the common room, she couldn’t help the smile that graced her face, for the first time feeling grateful for Professor Snape’s class.
hello! I'd like to request a Tom Riddle oneshot, maybe a part 2 to Amortentia? But if you don't want that, I have an idea where Tom sees y/n as an academic rival but they get partnered yet realize that they enjoy each other's company.I only request that it's a ravenclaw reader hehe and it's up to you to make it more fluffy hehe, advance thank you!!
Potions Class - T. Riddle
Pairing : Tom Riddle x Ravenclaw! Reader
Warnings : Cursing
Genre : Fluff, or, where Tom and reader are forced to work together after years of rivalry
A/N : I saw this request and got to work immediately! I hope I did your vision justice! And, I am working on Amortentia part two so I will let you know when that’s out <3
Requests are Open

“Y/N, you’re with Riddle for this one.”
Her professor’s words made her heart stop. No, she thought, it can’t be. It’s no secret that Tom Riddle is her biggest rival. The Slytherin has been a thorn on her side ever since first year, the two competing for the highest grades possible.
Of course, if you asked her, she’d say she’s the best of the two, and that Tom Riddle is nothing but a stuck up piece of sh-
“Well, I knew the day would come when we would have to work together at some point.” Tom Riddle’s aggravatingly smooth voice jolted her from her thoughts.
“Yes, I suppose so,” she spoke with reluctance. She watched as the boy sat next to her, and she galked at his nonchalance. “Does this not bother you?”
“Very much so, but nothing I can do about it. Well, other than show you how to correctly brew a potion.” He struck a nerve and he knew it.
“I know how to brew a potion, thank you very much. My excellent grade in this class proves it.”
“Whatever you say, darling.” The nickname brought a heat to her cheeks, her mind overrun with thoughts of how devastatingly irritating Tom Riddle was.
The pair got to work in silence, only speaking when reciting the recipe from memory, or asking for an ingredient from the other. As they worked, Y/N found herself oddly at ease. She had to admit, they worked well together.
As they waited for the cauldron to boil, he broke the silence. “What are your thoughts on the Astronomy project?”
She was surprised at first, but answered honestly. “I thought it easy. Not exactly necessary seeing as it was information we both already knew, but I found it enjoyable.” He huffed out a small laugh at her words, an action which took her completely off-guard.
“Yes, I thought it enjoyable as well. Although, I am quite positive I got a better grade than you,” he spoke with a teasing smirk.
“You did not!” She exclaimed with a laugh.
“Did too. Denial is not a good look on you, dear raven.” Once again, she was surprised at seeing this side of Tom, the two so busy competing and never actually getting to know each other. Yet she was enjoying their easy banter, her affection for him certainly growing as the minutes ticked by.
“Alright, just add the basil and stir, and we should be fine.” He spoke as she did what he instructed. However, they were both startled when the potion began bubbling and overflowing from the cauldron.
“What did you do?” Tom exclaimed.
“I did what you said!”
“No, this clearly is not what I said.” At his words, she turned to stare at him in disbelief. How dare he accuse her of messing up the potion? Yet, as the pair made eye contact, they couldn’t help but burst out into laughter, drawing the attention from their classmates.
“Well,” he spoke after three minutes of uncontrollable laughter, “it seems we have managed to fuck this up royally.”
“It seems we have,” the smile was glued on her face.
“What do you say we get together to study, we clearly need the work.” She paused at his words, searching his eyes to decipher a hidden motive to his offer.
“I’d like that,” she spoke after she couldn’t find one.
“Great.” He began cleaning up their workspace.
“Great,” she whispered back.
Tom Riddle is definitely not what she thought.
Under the Stars - T. Riddle
Pairing : Tom Riddle x Slytherin!Reader
Warnings : Slight use of Y/N, use of the word ‘damn’
Genre : Fluff, or, in which reader and Tom go on a much unexpected date
A/N : Part two of Amortentia is here! Thank you to @vivisandg @cats-and-sheep and @kenobi-baby for requesting a part two! I really am proud of this, so I hope you guys like it as much as I do! Also, two posts in one day, I feel so proud 🥲
Part 1
Requests are OPEN

It had been a week since Y/N’s fate was revealed to her, a fate which led her straight to none other than Tom Marvolo Riddle. They had talked now and then, he would wait for her and walk her to class, but she felt awkward around him, as though her lips were sown together by the string of her shyness. He noticed this, of course, yet he still put in the effort to talk to her, a fact she greatly appreciated; one which would make butterflies express their wings in her stomach.
It wasn’t until she sat in the library studying, when an opportunity for more arose. As she flipped through her Charms textbook, a folded piece of parchment fell onto her lap.
Confused, she glanced around, yet the library appeared empty. She plucked the note from her lap, and gasped as she read it.
‘Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 10.
Your dearest,
Tom M. Riddle.’
She didn’t know what to think. He wanted her to break curfew to meet him, but, as she thought about it, she couldn’t help but be curious as to the nature of the meeting. Is this a date? Should she dress nice? Damn him for being so ambiguous in his note.
Her hands shook as she ascended the steps to the Astronomy Tower. She didn’t know what to expect, nor what would be waiting for her. Her fingers tugged her coat tighter around her frame, a shield against the cold and the nerves.
As she went up the final step, her eyes found the back of Tom Riddle, his figure turned away from her and leaned against the railing. What caught her eye, however, was the hundreds of candles which littered the floor.
He turned to face her, her gasp alerting him of her presence. She was left speechless as her eyes adjusted to the tiny flames, his eyes trained on her and her reaction.
“Do you like it?” He asked after a moment.
“Yes, this is,” she took a beat to find the words, “it’s beautiful,” she spoke as she stepped closer to him.
“I’m glad.” He held out his arm to her, which she gladly took, as they settled on the railing of the tower, his grip on her steady to give her a sense of safety.
The pair stood in silence for a couple minutes, both enjoying each other’s presence too much to speak.
“You know, I- I once read a book in which there was this boy who was in love with this girl, and she tells him that if he wants to be with her, he has to catch a falling star for her, and so he spends the rest of his life trying to catch a star, but, every time they reach the earth, they shatter. And, in the end, she marries someone else and he dies while chasing stars. It’s quite tragic, but, every time I look at the stars, I can’t help but think about how they represent his devotion and love for her, yet it will never be enough, cause every time, it shatters.” She turns to look at Tom, and finds him staring intently at her. “Anyway, that just came to mind.” He kept staring, the corners of his mouth turning up. “What?” She asked, becoming self-conscious by his staring.
He shook his head, “nothing, you’re just,” he paused, “you’re incredible.”
Heat rushed to her cheeks, and she had to break his gaze to keep from melting in front of him. It had only been a week since their discovery, yet she felt as though she had known this introverted boy her whole life. He was nothing like she expected him to be. And she loved it.
“Thank you.”
The rest of their night was spent talking; they shared anecdotes and discussed literature, and the seconds turned into minutes and the minutes turned into hours.
They found themselves sitting in the middle of the candles, facing each other and laughing constantly.
Once a comfortable silence fell over the two, Tom felt compelled to speak. “I want to ask you something. You are absolutely in your right to say no, I respect you and your answer.”
She began to get nervous at his words, wondering what on earth could be so important for him to word that way. He was always so well-spoken, something she deeply admired, however found intimidating in the moment.
“I would like to take you out. On a date. Again, you can say no. I know it’s only been a week since we began to get to know each other, however, I can’t stop thinking about you ever since that class. It’s as though you have enchanted me, and I welcome it with open arms. I want to court you, if you’d do me the honor.” His words melted her heart as though he was the sun and she was the snow. She was sure she was falling for this boy, and she didn’t want any parachute to soften her landing.
“I would love that,” her words were like honey to him, her soft hand covering his. He took her fingers in his, bringing them to his lips, leaving what can only be described as a most gentle touch, and moving them to his chest.
Serenity took over the two. As he committed her features to memory, he thought he would gladly spend the rest of his life putting together the pieces of a fallen star if it would make her smile.
Slytherin headcannons 🫶🏼
Remember, these are MY head cannons. It's okay to disagree, but don't hate me, please. Also, I'm new to this. It's my first post.
⚠️ I just wanna say that the slytherin boys are English aristocrats Purebloods, so I'm writing them like that, I feel like they have been too modernised and became really american. If you don't like it, just block me, I'm scared of getting hate, so please be nice.
Mattheo Riddle:

. He would be very reserved and quiet
. You have to be very close with him for him to be playful
. Does like to joke
. He gets into fights sometimes, but when he does, he uses his wand
. is actually insecure about his scars
. He thinks he'll never fall in love
.spoiled because he grew up with draco and gets everything
. Closest with draco but they pretend to find eachother annoying
. He gets angry easily and hates it
. Secretly likes muggle poetry
. Is a good drawer but no one knows
. Very private
. Not a f- boy, sure he does it sometimes, but he doesn't like being physically close with people. And most girls avoid him because he's scary
. He likes shy, sweet girls. He thinks it's cute to tease them. But because he is mean, he will scare a girl like that away on purpose because he feels like he's too bad for them.
Tom riddle

. Dosent have any friends
. He only lurkes around mattheos friends when in the common room because his brother
. Would probably ignore you at first
. Really mean
. Teachers pet
. Pretends to be charming
. In result people actually like him, he just dosent like them
. He's convinced he's like his father and is not capable of love
. Germophobe
. Thinks muggles are pathetic
. He's sassy
. Likes quieter girls who don't party and be really loud, girls like that irritate him (sorry)
. Virgin. Did you think otherwise 🤨 who's he gonna be sleeping with?
. Insanely smart
Draco Malfoy

. Superiority complex
. Also really mean 😭
. Loves gatherings and lavish parties
. Is a f- boy
. Let's be real he's sexist (they all are a little sexist they are boys from the 90s...)
. Bragging king
. He likes girls who will feed into his ego. Pureblood and Sophisticated. He also like smart girls, he thinks dumb people are annoying
. He only hangs out with goyle and Crab because they feed his ego
. Mummy's boy and will compare you to his mum 😭 (well my mum does this... she does that...)
. He would hate you if you mention the ferret thing
. Dosent like sensitive girls because they can't handle his crule 'jokes'
. Idk why people are adding to his trauma and saying his father was abusive... It's mentioned so many times how his parents love him and spoil him so much
Blaise Zabini

. Quiet
. Stoic, but is funny
. Knows how to treat a lady because of his mum
. Dosent like how draco treats girls
. Is really sweet. He'll do cute things for your birthday and valentines
. Really good dancer
. Slight superiority complex
. Had a teddy bear from his mum in first year but got made fun for it so he hides it in his room
. Not on voldermorts' side or Harry's, he dosent want to get involved and dosent like what voldermort does
. Criticises the food all the time
. He goes to parties but will sit in the corner
. He's dated a few girls, but I don't think he sleeps around, maybe once or twice
. He likes girls who are more energetic than him, likes to listen to you rant about whatever the heck you do, and he does like girls who are a little weird and in their own head
Theodore Nott

. I do see him as Italian
. When he first came to hogwarts, his English wasn't very good, and draco and lorenzo taught him bad words but made him think they meant something else
. Introvert
. Gets exsited about little things
. Dosent talk about his mum
. Sleeps around but is quiet about it, he dosent brag
. He's kinda thick in the head, he has blonde moments
. Forgets a word in English and Italian, then gets really frustrated when people don't understand what he's saying (bilingual troubles)
. Thought Seamus was speaking a different language when he Sat next to him because he didn't understand his accent
. He likes girls who are really sweet and friendly and really good with children. He doesn't know why, but something about seeing his girl being really good with children makes his heart flutter
. Likes to draw but is really bad at it
. Really book smart, but without common sense
. He's really calm. It takes quite a lot for him to blow up surprisingly
.always eating, carries food around in his pockets to snack on, and gets in trouble for it
. Likes muggle music (David Bowie, Billy Joel, Harry nilson...)
Lorenzo Berkshire

. He gets mischaracterised the most
. He is really sweet, but he's also a player and the worst one for it
. Very cocky
. Bffs with theo and blaise
. Mummy issues
. He's the guy in the back of the class being loud
. He doesn't bully people but will make fun of them behind their back
. Friends with the Weasely twins (his dealer)
. He gets so excited about everything
. I see his personality really simular to mathew Grey gublers (if you don't know him, search him up, I love him)
. He likes girls who he can joke about with and play around, girls who are extroverted with loads of energy to match his freak
(If he was in this gen, he would speak brain rot)
That's it 🫶🏼 tell me your hc's
Gave the poor old man PTSD 😭
i love how harry has escaped voldemort so many times that by book 7 it's like:
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!
Harry: ...
Voldemort: ...
Bellatrix: You did it! You finally killed him.
Voldemort: ....
Voldemort: Someone go poke him with a stick to check.

there is no way it can't be truth