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Inkyrainstorms - InkyRain

What is Ghazal’s fault for not living
her childhood safely? How long will our children suffer???? ❤️🩹💔😭Ghazal was one year and four months old before the war, and now she is two years and three months old. Ghazal did not live through any stage of her childhood. She did not hear the bombing, the sounds of missiles, and saw the destruction and blood. How long, O world??? 💔❤️🩹💔 Ghazal now suffers from speech impairment because of the fear she experienced that affected her speech. She needs intensive treatment in order for her to speak.
Ghazal now lives in a torn tent, burning from extreme heat and cold at night, and I fear that winter will come upon us while we are in this torn tent. There is nothing. We have clothes for the winter because we left our house and did not take anything.
Everything in the house was destroyed.
I wish to return to Gaza to smell the dirt and dust of Gaza 😭😭🇵🇸 I do not know the meaning of sleep.
I am afraid that a snake or rodents will come upon them and they will get hurt.
I cry all night 😭💔 over what happened to us all. This torment, and no one moves or stays still.
Rather, the world is silent over all these massacres, destruction, and humiliation that we live through for food, water, shelter, and clean clothes. I hope every day that this dark nightmare to which we are exposed will end❤️🩹💔🇵🇸
. I hope and please 🙏🙏 to help me and my children to get out of this nightmare that has been going on for a long time and we are tormented and hurt by it. Share and donate, even if it is a little, to give us a glimmer of hope that we will emerge to safety. ❤🙏🙏

@el-shab-hussein @@malcriada @appsa @aces-and-anime @buttercuparry @ahaura @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka @tamarrud @familyabolisher @fleshdyk3
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@malcriada @appsa @aces-and-anime @ @ahaura @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka @tamarrud @familyabolisher @fleshdyk3
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More Posts from Inkyrainstorms

GF au where Stan died/disappeared under ~mysterious~ circumstances just before breaking Fords science project. The only thing left behind was a still running perpetual motion machine and an empty bag of toffee peanuts

say his name three times!

[the journal you see is journal 4, he ripped off the number and fingers out of anger (great another diary edgy edition) ]
After the portal incident Ford fell into a heavy depression making Bill leave him because he got bored, once Ford had gotten a metal plate installed into his skull by a sketchy doctor he eventually got the idea to showcase his life's work so he wouldn't die as a failure. Ford knows he cannot show the real deal to the tourists so he spends his time creating realistic models of the creatures he’s studied keeping him busy. He refuses to have made up creatures like Mabel suggest because he views it as a mockery and scam it reminds him of someone
When the kids came for the summer he gained some confidence and weight after Mabel's much needed "mandatory self care" days. Ford loves both kids to death but has trouble showing it. Sees himself within Dipper resulting in him spending more time with the boy unintentionally separating the twins
After faking Stanley's death with a car crash he drags back the Stanmobile having it fixed and sitting in a locked garage with Ford staring at it for hours at a time repeating the words “he’s gone and there’s nothing I can do”
Hey, so you know that post I made earlier today?
Twins in Time AU but instead of 1982!Stanley getting sent back to the past he gets set to Post-Wierdmaggedon 2012 because I need him to get love and comfort from Ford.
Yeah, I wrote it. You can find the not beta'd version under the cut and I'll probably post the still-not-beta'd version on AO3 tomorrow.
You're A Hero, Stanley
A not really at all, but inspired by, Twins in Time AU ----- Stanford Pines is disassembling the portal when it happens.
The kids have gone home after their 13th birthday, and Stanley is out at the store getting groceries. They decided to take a few months to plan everything before setting out to sea. With Bill Cipher defeated and the portal dysfunctional, Ford had no reason to feel uncomfortable being in the basement alone. He's down there, disassembling it completely so it can't be remade when it turns on. He stares at it for a moment, something like fear coursing through his veins as his worst dreams come true.
There's no way that it should work. Parts are missing. The energy source is gone. In fact, Ford was almost done. He stares at the bunch of wires in his hands and the tools on the floor, then back at the blue glow of the portal. Suddenly, a figure falls out of it and crashes to the ground. Ford reaches for his gun, pointing it at the figure as they groan. The figure rights themselves, standing to their feet and looking around. Ford can't believe his eyes.
"Stanley?" He asks in confusion, lowering his gun.
The figure—assumedly Stanley—stares at him in a similar state of uncertainty. "Ford?" His voice rings out hesitantly.
"What happened to you? Are you okay?" Ford asks, rushing over to examine him. "Did something happen at the grocery store?"
"What are you talking about?" Stan says, reeling at the attention. "We were fighting, and I went through your weird portal thing, and now I'm here."
Ford frowns, the portal hanging emptily up above them like a threat. He takes in his brother's brown hair and thick jacket, tucking his gun away. "When are you from?"
Stan looks at him oddly. "What is that supposed to mean?" He blinks, looking at Ford as if seeing him for the first time in the dim light. "What happened to you?"
"Stanley," Ford repeats emphatically. "What year is it?"
Ford's eyes widen in shock, and he inhales abruptly. His hands start the shake, and he feels the need to take a deep breath. This Stan is from 1982. 1982. Arguably the worst year of Ford's life. This is when it happened. But it seems that instead, Stan was pushed through and ended up here. He suddenly feels like he doesn't know what to do. He looks at this version of Stan and sees one so similar to his own and knows that this is how he looked and this is how he felt when he was left alone. It scares him, and it's sad. It takes him a moment, and there's a short period where he's just staring at him. He can tell that it makes Stan uncomfortable by the way that he squirms in place.
He then pulls his brother into a tight hug because there's nothing else to do. It's obvious that Stan doesn't know what to do either from the way that he tenses in the hold. Maybe Ford should've been more careful with his abrupt movements and constricting motion, seeing as this Stan is fresh from a life on the run. He knows he's made the right choice when Stan eventually melts into the embrace.
“I'm so sorry,” Ford says, apologizing for things in the past. “And thank you,” he says, apologizing for things in the future.
Stan doesn't say anything back, but Ford suspects it's because there are tears in his eyes. "Are you okay? You never answered my question about whether or not you were hurt.” Ford says, pulling back and holding him at arm's length to investigate him closer.
“I’m fine,” Stan says, “just got some dust in my eye.”
Ford nods knowingly.
"What is this place anyway?" Stan demands. "And why are you so old?"
"This is Gravity Falls, Oregon, and it's the year 2012." Ford grins as Stan's eyes widen in surprise.
"You mean to say my nerdy twin brother invented time travel?" He asks in disbelief.
Ford chuckles. "Not quite. I believe you're from an alternate dimension. If my theory is correct: My Stanley is at the grocery store, and your Ford is working furiously to get you back."
Stan scoffs, eyes dropping to look at the ground. "I doubt that," he says somewhat miserably.
Something sharp and painful pierces Ford in the heart. He knows he's made a lot of mistakes in the past, but seeing it spelled out so clearly in front of him is a special type of torture. "I know you don't believe me, but if your Ford is anything like me, he does love you. He's just an arrogant, ignorant ass about it."
“Hey,” Stan defends on reflex. “That's my brother you're talking about.”
It is equally heartwarming and pain-inducing to see Stan jump so readily to his defense when he knows that the Ford of that time would so easily push him to the side. “He's me,” Ford points out. "It’s just the truth.”
Stan frowns, like he's not happy about it.
"Just like I know it's the truth when I said he cares about you."
Stan eyes him skeptically. "He told me to take his journal as far away from him as possible," he deadpans.
Ford cringes. He doesn't really remember what he said to his brother in that paranoid, insomnia-induced haze, but that sounds pretty bad. "Fair," he conceded. Ford did think he hated his brother for the longest time, even if he really didn’t, so he supposes that Stanley isn't too far off. "Then I can't do much besides reassure you that I love you now."
Stan looks away again. "Not me though. I mean, some version of me, I guess. But yours is at the grocery store, or so you said."
Ford grins, grabbing Stan by the shoulders and forcing him to look at him. "Stan, I love every version of you. Alternate dimension or not. If you can't find it in yourself to believe me, at least look at me. Am I lying?"
Stan studies him. “No,” He says, and something between disbelief and awe breaks out across his face. "You really love me?" He asks, a sound like hope ringing in his voice.
Ford continues to smile, wider this time, and pulls his brother into another hug. "Of course I do. You're my brother. Even more than that, you're a good person and a hero. Stanley.” he says as the young Stans in his arms tightens his hold around him. “You're my hero.”
The blue glow of the portal highlights Stan in his arms as it springs to life again. Ford rests his chin on top of his brother's head, allowing this younger version to take comfort in the moment. He stares up at the portal—the portal that in no way should work and yet does—and holds his brother tighter for a little longer. “I told you he was going to get you back,” Ford says, wishing he didn't have to let him leave. “Now, it's time for you to be his hero.”
Stan takes a step back and with a grin, turns to face the blue glow. He lets himself get sucked into the gravitational pull, floating up and disappearing. It doesn't get any easier or less terrifying to watch someone disappear into its gaping maw, but Ford is reassured that this Stan is going somewhere great.
The portal closes, dowsing the room in darkness once more, but as Ford pulls apart the last pieces, he is filled with hope.