insomathewitchgoblin - Friendly neighbourhood feral witch
Friendly neighbourhood feral witch

I gremlincore, witch. post at random a bit. 17 she/her

110 posts

This Happened About A Week Or So Ago. But Around The 24th I Had School. And Of Course I Do My Daily Routine.

This Happened About A Week Or So Ago. But Around The 24th I Had School. And Of Course I Do My Daily Routine.
This Happened About A Week Or So Ago. But Around The 24th I Had School. And Of Course I Do My Daily Routine.

This happened about a week or so ago. But around the 24th I had school. And of course I do my daily routine. A little happy knowing since the 24 kind of marked my transition into becoming wiccan. Making a first degree witch now. So I was happy knowing my practice and work feels like it boosted a bit.

But anyway. I do what I need to do. Go on the bus, get off the bus. When I get off I usually stand in a certain spot outside until they open the doors to let everyone inside the school. As I walk over to my spot I thought I saw some wrapper on the ground. But no. It was a live little bloomed rose. Note it is freezing freezing cold 30 and below. And the small little gardens around my school are all dead. Also V day passed so all the flowers and trash stuff would be gone or blown off.

I then remember that the fae can leave gifts of nature to you. And something clicked. The fae gave me a gift. I guess like a congrats gift or a thank you gift. Since I have been caring for our only and first house plant. And the fae love nature and of course when they saw me do that. And they might have picked up on me at work. Soooo yeah.

I was really happy and enjoyed my time with this gift. I decided to take a few pictures since I just thought it was adorable and kind of wanted to draw it. And maybe give it and a few other things in return. But I did not want to keep it neither. Since I am not that close yet with the fae. As lovely as they can be. For all I know it could have been a contract. And I did not want to burry it or leave it there out of the school. Since I did not want some aloof person taking the gift. So I set it under a tree near the front of my house. :)

Also I ended up putting it in a container and tried keeping it safe the whole day until I was home. XD. I really did not want to crush it or have it fall since I knew my clumsy gremlin self might do that. But thank the gods I didn't. 🌿👌

But yeah first time ever receiving a gift from the fae. As sweet as it is best to know my stuff 100% first. Not too bad for my first time neither.

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5 years ago

Those are some nice Mens 13 Nikes. Ngl.

insomathewitchgoblin - Friendly neighbourhood feral witch
5 years ago

All I want to do is be a smol gremlin/goblin raccoon child in the forest and vibe. Move out of my hassling and shut in life style. And live in a small but quaint two story house in Salem, Massachusetts. Where I will have a living space all on the first floor. With just the kitchen, small dinning room and living room etc.

But then the second floor is all gremlincore and witchy aesthetic. And its all kind of a weird clash but has a lot of vibes to it. And I work on the side doing tarot and stuff in my craft. While also being a artist full time and stuff. And just be a boss, a bad bitch. Secret witch.

Thats all a girl wants XD

All I Want To Do Is Be A Smol Gremlin/goblin Raccoon Child In The Forest And Vibe. Move Out Of My Hassling
4 years ago

So Ostara for me was not too good. I thought and planned on communicating with my first deceased guinea pig Gus/Gus Gus. Basically through out my Ostara day. I was working on the over load of school work. And I noticed one of my teachers posted something about loss and grieving. I did not think much of it since.. There is a lot going on. And I went to check on my current guinea pigs. And I noticed Simon limping and not walking right.

All in all I am scared for him I am keeping him close and watching him. If you can fellow witchlings please send some encouragement. We both might need it we are going to take him to the vet soon. It most likely a bruise/soreness. Since I feel nothing broken. Either way if its anything more we need to put him down. Which might be the hardest thing I can do/think of right now... Thank you🙏🔮🙏

So Ostara For Me Was Not Too Good. I Thought And Planned On Communicating With My First Deceased Guinea
So Ostara For Me Was Not Too Good. I Thought And Planned On Communicating With My First Deceased Guinea

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