257 posts

The Rules

The Rules


When you are talking out of RP text, please indicate as such in whichever way you see fit.

Any speech MUST be indicated with quotation marks.

No God-modding or controlling any character besides your own. I’m always watching you.

If you have trigger issues, talk to me! I’m always open to it.

Both myself and the muse are 18+, but I am likely not going to be open to RPing explicitly sexual situations. I’m really sorry.

I’m open to any RP type, and asks are always welcome.

Even if our characters have never interacted, you’re welcome to tag me in open starts or come chat via ask.

I will do ask RP.

Sometimes my ask eats things. If you think I’m ignoring you, I promise, I’m not.

I track the tag instantkarmabalancing.


Skip between different RP storylines.

Skip between different time frames.

Declare your character(s) to know Bruce.

Declare your character(s) to share history or a background with Bruce.

Start an AU. I love AUs, too, so just talk to me if you want to do one.


You cannot control the conversation or be the center of attention. 

You cannot relate to Bruce’s background or history without my consent.


You cannot kill Bruce without my permission.

You must allow me to choose to accept or avoid an attack.

You cannot say where Bruce got hit, nor how he took damage.

You may only make one attack at a time.

You may not make any moves without giving me a chance to do something.

You must take damage at some point 

These are all of my basic rules. If you have any questions, my ask is always open!


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Bruce watched the man turn around and walk away. He forced his own control back into place carefully and hurried after Andie.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Bruce hissed in her ear. "I can still call for back-up. I have the button, everyone'll know back at the Tower, they can be here like that." Bruce looked up at the office door and blew out a breath. "We don't know what he'll do. You should've brought Clint, maybe, or Peter. I just... This is insane."

"Are you sure this is legal?"

"If not I know a couple of brilliant lawyers that would be more than willing to help us out." Andie shrugged, looking over at him. "Don’t worry so much."

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"I don't forget," Bruce told her, trying to keep from becoming too serious and frightening her. "I think about it a lot, actually. But I'd rather... I should control it myself."

"Are you sure this is legal?"

"If not I know a couple of brilliant lawyers that would be more than willing to help us out." Andie shrugged, looking over at him. "Don’t worry so much."

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Bruce let Andie do the talking and tried his best to seem imposing and intimidating. He folded his arms across his chest, trying not to shift when the uncomfortable suit he was wearing itched at him. When the young man looked at him, he raised one eyebrow, though he was unsure of how it looked when his hair was actually combed back for a change. He just had to hope it looked intimidating and careless enough for the man to not want to test him.

"Are you sure this is legal?"

"If not I know a couple of brilliant lawyers that would be more than willing to help us out." Andie shrugged, looking over at him. "Don’t worry so much."

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