inusam - Youcan't make me
Youcan't make me

308 posts

S Ooo Funny Story.

S ooo funny story.

While I was watching last night's episode before they even pulled the hood off the woman and after when they showed it was Macy before they fully explained I totally thought it was The Other Woman of his other family and still Macy. Like Macy's the reincarnation the woman he loves but couldn't be publicly and legally because she was black. But with James being insatiable he was still with her and had another family and then was pressured into marrying or something. So they basically became the other family. I mean why else even mentioned the other family thing unless they're going to play unexplained memory off as the reason why dark Harry is going to be like try to rape Macy what I'm not down for at all so I really hope that's not the story they're going with. But like yeah Macy and Harry are basically reincarnated forbidden lovers in James is mortal life. Which you also got me thinking about the memory his son dying what is that wasn't Carter but his other kid. And charity would have known probably knew that and is manipulating him even then we already know about. I also think it would be funny if she was also HR somebody important to the magical community in her past life too and the sacrifice our brave heroic thing he did to be a whitelighter was evolving around her and their other family. I don't know if this is actually going to be a theory cuz I already started explaining away from it but I'm into it now. Oh it's dark Harry are we calling him James now have their memories cuz that would make more sense that's my theory but if not either way. And the James I know that when he stabbed Harry Harry wouldn't act like. I need us to it to be better because he had Macy or he was angry at Harry for being imprisoned or him being free or him getting to be around Macy or maybe just a whole charity thing to begin with including Macy depending on when these feelings started.

Oh and I keep on hearing a theory but and his human life he was an actor that got like drafted or constructed into the army or whatever where did I come from where is the source cuz I've heard it like little bit and people act like it's fact but I don't remember this. All I remember is like him robbing a bank before and his memory Tartarus? I need answers it's bugging me. Is it just a headcanon or am I missing something? Cuz we have gotten no references to being an after or soldier that I recall.

Side note, if every white lighter has a dark lighter what does that mean for Jada the half white lighter? And is she even alive because of her half white lighter origin and if she is did it affect your powers and anyway?

  • charmed-autistic
    charmed-autistic liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Inusam

5 years ago


Okay I'm calling it! When they made the first white lighter the alpha they discovered just leaving them untethered had consequences as in Darksiders so the elders tethered the white letters to them in life and death and that's why all the white lighters died when the elders died. But because Harry could already been severed and was an independent white lighter a dark lighter was made to mirror him and restore the balance or whatever. And that's why the two untethered ones with darklighters are still around but all the other white whitelighters are dead

Hey maybe the reason why he's trying to gets female Alpha creatures it's so he can get together then erase the good Harry that ones just a theory. Though I kind of hope they don't playoff his focus on Macy as part of that as a cop out. Cuz that was just suck with all that buildup and that nothing!!

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5 years ago

Okay, hot take? Bisexual and pansexual are functionally synonyms, and the decision to ID as one or the other comes down to personal preference and interpretation, and any attempt to further separate the two is driving a wedge between two communities that should have nothing but love and solidarity for one another. 

We have more in common than not, and the words for our respective identities should not be pitted against each other. 

5 years ago
You Spent Most The Past Six Years Hating Khlyen
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You spent most the past six years hating Khlyen…

5 years ago
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten
Also: Dont Stigmatize HIV+ Individuals Because They All Have Different Circumstances And Mightve Gotten

Also: don’t stigmatize HIV+ individuals because they all have different circumstances and might’ve  gotten the virus from a variety of sources (sex, occupational, birth, blood transfusions in other countries). 

HIV-related stigma remains a huge barrier to preventing HIV, and is linked to a low level of people testing for HIV. 

The bad news is that Trump is cutting America’s spending on HIV year after year.  He has taken steps to weaken the Affordable Care Act since coming to power.

5 years ago

Dark vs Light

Okay from what I see we all identify James the dark lighter as all of the bad or evil in James West well and Harry is supposed to be all the light and good but and a thought, you know that it was the elders that made was in charge of this so is it such a crazy thought to think light and dark don't mean our version of light and dark cuz we all know the elders version was fucked. Like they literally wanted to kill anything that was even remotely inconvenient and all these weird sadistic test they put everybody through like the elders themselves weren't light as they tried to make themselves out to be so they could have just put whatever they found useful enough in Harry and whatever they wanted to discard in the dark lighter James and they would call it light or dark because they're so pretentious holier than thou assholes, right? Like the fact that they even created white lighters in Darksiders gives away to the fact that they weren't all that white not to mention what else they know of and we know that magic is neither good or bad it comes from the same Source the flame or whatever but it's how you use it and whether you let it consume you that decides it. So wouldn't it be cool to explore the darker sides of Harry and the lighter sides of James. Because everything that's a elders and their acolytes decide where is dark or whatever wouldn't necessarily be dark or evil. Not to mention the whole dark and light thing doesn't necessarily mean good or evil? And no I'm not saying Harry's evil. Maybe it's more like Chaos and Order then as simple as good and evil.

Speaking of James West well I really hope there's more to his other family and the whole you're insatiable greedy thing, like an actual story behind it that I have a fanfiction in my head I kind of hoping it's true about Macy's past-life but regardless I really hope it's something more other than to give James darklighter and excuse to be really creepy and rapey towards Macy. I'm really hoping the show doesn't go that way but a lot of shows have been going down using rape nothing more than a shock value and then it's moved over with an only brought up to traumatize people then actually a story about anyting of substance to say about it instead of hyperfocusing and almost fetishizing it and putting it in there unnecessarily. Grrrr seriously you don't know how sick and tired I am of seeing that. Make it a story let me see his other family give me a reason. Also tell me how where he was in the bottle and How Deeply they're connected! Along with how he felt about the Callahan sisters. And you know darklighter James is personality or motivations at all up to and including Macy. I mean we know he has feelings for her but we don't know enough about his personality or how they're going to betray him to know if this is a good or bad thing. Cuz just because they have them say it's a bad thing in the trailer or in the show we don't know what that. You're going to come across cuz as they've shown previously just cuz you think it's a bad thing doesn't necessarily mean it is even if one or more are almost all of them agree with you. It's like they're giving us moments of Harry and saying it's his backstory but they're not actually giving us the back of the story to make us understand any of the why. Not to say I am not loving this at the Hacy.😁

Side note I don't actually understand why Abigail is actually on the demon side the more we learn about her backstory I know she says things that were supposed to take as motivation but it almost just sounds like she's just saying things to say things because what she saying doesn't make sense to what she's doing. It almost seems like she's trying to manipulate them but like the equation does not balance okay. I don't know maybe I'm just not getting it

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