inusam - Youcan't make me
Youcan't make me

308 posts

Abigail Caine

Abigail Caine

Okay we all know Abigail disappeared at the end of episode 5 but did you think about the timing of what she disappeared. She stuck around when she had plenty of chances to not only make a run for it but have Harry killed in the process like at Scotland until she found an answer. Her answer was James's, is I'm not calling him Jimmy I'm not, weakness. Funny how it's not a physical weakness but an emotional one, Macy! I think she was waiting around to see what she could play against him whether it's because he attacked her and their enemies or she actually let him out or wants to work with them and he doesn't want to is still yet to be seen. But I can almost guarantee with the way the story is going right now she was waiting around until she had something she could use as a pressure point for her purposes only turns out it's Macy which Harry and the sisters we're super fucking dumb for telling her all the shit and is going to be seen regret it.. Whether it's threatening Macy to get the dark lighter to do what she wants or on her side or or emotionally manipulating one and or both of them they are going to regret ever showing her all this. At Macy's expense again!!!

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5 years ago

“young adult dystopian novels are so unrealistic lmao like they always have some random teenage girl rising up to inspire the world to make change.”

Young Adult Dystopian Novels Are So Unrealistic Lmao Like They Always Have Some Random Teenage Girl Rising

a hero emerges 

5 years ago


Okay I'm calling it! When they made the first white lighter the alpha they discovered just leaving them untethered had consequences as in Darksiders so the elders tethered the white letters to them in life and death and that's why all the white lighters died when the elders died. But because Harry could already been severed and was an independent white lighter a dark lighter was made to mirror him and restore the balance or whatever. And that's why the two untethered ones with darklighters are still around but all the other white whitelighters are dead

Hey maybe the reason why he's trying to gets female Alpha creatures it's so he can get together then erase the good Harry that ones just a theory. Though I kind of hope they don't playoff his focus on Macy as part of that as a cop out. Cuz that was just suck with all that buildup and that nothing!!

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5 years ago

how i sleep knowing i will pirate every single thing released on disney plus

How I Sleep Knowing I Will Pirate Every Single Thing Released On Disney Plus
5 years ago

Actors Vs Writers

I'm getting kind of tired of people defending bad writing by saying how beautiful a scene or moment was or how much they like a character in those moments. Just because the actor are amazing enough to make you feel what they want you to feel in those scene doesn't mean the writing in that moment or leading up to that moment was good or validated enough of a payoff to justify what the writer are putting down. In media on any screen that tends to be the actors job. Any good actor can pull you in even if its not the best writing. Case and point the Star War Prequels. A great actor can break yout heart even when the story diresction or action have you scratching your head. They can have you love a character that you have no business even liking. A moving scene is sometimes, unfortunately more and more often now a days due to a actor then good writing or the deadly duo of both working together. It seems now a days writer go for the shock value then the content. Its always been my veiw that actor job to make us feel it and a writer job to make us believe it. If you cry\laugh\cheer or etc. During a scene thats the actor doing their job. If you look back and it still makes sense to you and you still believe and feel that way even away fro the media itself thats the writer doing theirs. Lately I have seen some pretty damn amazing acting for some down right shitty writer. Feeling vs Believing is a very real thing in media lately and it makes me incredibly sad to think of what they could have made if it wasnt so. Think of all those moving moments mixed in all the bad writing or cheap ending that leave the bitter taste of copout in your mouth and just how much more they could have been. Even if it wasnt the ending you want or were expecting it would still have ascended those moments if the direction\story\characteristics was believable.

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