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Fanfiction Writers Are Litterally Like Hey Guys What I Just Wrote Is Very Foul And Self Indulgent And
fanfiction writers are litterally like “hey guys what i just wrote is very foul and self indulgent and litterally heinous” and litterally list out all the tw’s and tags and the comments will still be like omg this is so disgusting
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More Posts from Iris-ren
chapter six

getou x reader
chapter five
tags: hurt /comfort // violence // language // threat of r4pe //
word count: 3k
suguru was right, you did need to rest but as the night progressed you couldn’t seem to get your mind to stop racing. you tossed and turned in the bed for what felt like hours until you finally decided to go to the kitchen to make some tea, hoping it would help relax your mind. you stared out the window watching the trees sway in the night air while you waited for the tea kettle to come to a boil.
your ears picked up on the sound of footsteps approaching from the hallway, “your back early.” you said turning to face getou, except the person in front of you wasn’t getou at all. you sucked in a short breath at the sight of the unfamiliar person standing in front of you. “not who you were expecting?” the androgynous man asked in a playful tone.
you quickly grabbed a knife from the kitchen sink and turned back to face the man with the patchwork face. streaks of his light blue hair fell his face as his smile grew bigger. “now now, there’s no need for all the commotion. i’m just here to see getou.” you gripped the knife tighter as the man approached, “he’s not here.” you felt adrenaline pumping through your veins, you knew that the man’s intentions weren’t good, and you needed to be alert to his every move.
the patch faced man made a show of looking around the kitchen, “so i see.” he said, still closing in on you. “oh! how rude of me!” he said, slapping the top of his head with his palm, as if he was remembering something. “i almost forgot to introduce myself! i’m mahito, and you are?”
you kept the knife in a tight grip, feeling your cursed energy begin to come alive under your skin. “i’m a guest of getou’s.” you had no intention of divulging any personal information to this man.
mahito’s sinister smile was still on full display, “well any friend of getou’s is a friend of mine. but your not just any friend are you?”
the man had you cornered but he hadn’t made any further advances, “you see, getou doesn’t have many pretty friends like you.” he reached up to twirl a lock of your hair between his fingers, causing you to flinch. mahito shushed you in faux consolation, “shh.. your soul is shaking, i can feel it. there’s no need to be afraid.” mahito chuckled. “i only want to play.”
you averted your eyes, desperately looking for an exit route. the man dipped his chin, reading your slight movement. “there’s no point in running.” mahito paused in thought, “though i do love the chase.”
you screamed, violently swinging the kitchen knife in the man’s direction. your fight or flight instincts kicked in. you didn’t allow yourself a moment to see if the knife made contact with mahito’s skin before jutting off into the dark house at full speed.
the sound of laughter echoed behind you, when you finally made it back to your bedroom. your shaky hands fumbled against the lock on the door. the sound of your erratic heartbeat banged in your ears, almost drowning out the sound of mahito’s careful footsteps. the man slowly made his way down the hall. meanwhile in your bedroom, a cool breeze flowed in through the large door leading to the porch that wrapped around the perimeter of the house. you shivered, feeling a cold chill run up your spine.
mahito stood just outside the door for a moment, savoring the thrill of the chase. you knew he was there, you could feel his unpredictable cursed energy floating through the air. your breaths were heavy, as you clutched your big sleep shirt to your chest.
you prayed then for getou’s return.
the hour was late, but you didn’t know how late. getou usually returned just before dawn, but you didn’t know if you could survive that long. your opponent was strong, not just physically, but in jujutsu too. even with your recent training sessions, you still didn’t think you would be a match for mahito.
the man spoke through your bedroom door, cutting off your train of thought, “silly girl. don’t you know that a flimsy door like this can’t keep me out?” you stood then, moving towards the patio door as quietly as you could. if you could just get outside, there’s a chance that you could hide in the forest long enough until getou got back.
just as you were tiptoeing across the threshold into the outside world, mahito broke the door down with his cursed technique. a scream escaped your throat again. your feet propelled your body forward, moving as fast as they could into the wooded area. you barely noticed that one of your house shoes slipped off in the process.
mahito was still enjoying himself, he knew he could end this quickly but where would the fun be in that? getou had been too distracted as of late, and mahito disliked that fact. mahito’s original intentions with coming to getou’s realm was to confront the man—to find out where his sudden lack of interest in their plan was coming from.
though mahito was surprised to see you wandering around the house and not getou, he immediately understood where getou’s lack of interest was stemming from. it was you. getou had lost sight of what was important because of you. a stupid girl who couldn’t even use her curse technique properly.
while chasing you through the forest, mahito started to understand exactly why getou must have been so fond of you. you were beautiful, and in mahito’s opinion, you looked especially tantalizing when your eyes were clouded with such fear. he knew that he was definitely going to kill you, but mahito figured he should be able to have a little fun with you first.
you had been running for a while, your chest was tight, and the act of losing one of your shoe’s allowed your foot to get battered against the forest floor. you heaved heavily against a large tree, praying that you had lost mahito in the woods. unbeknownst to you, the torn skin off your foot created a trail of blood, making it quite easy for mahito to track you.
he was close, you could feel it. you tried your best to steady your mind, thinking back on the things getou taught you during training. you needed to concentrate. honing in your cursed energy into one consistent stream of power was always your downfall. you wanted to scream in frustration, the gnawing pain in your foot made it too difficult to concentrate on the unstable cursed energy moving through your body.
your ear twitched at the sound of a twig snapping
nearby. you took a deep breath feeling paralyzed by fear. a beat passed in stone cold silence, only for the moment to be shattered by mahito aggressively grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head as soon as he came into your line of sight. the skin of his face seemed to be held together with silver stitches, almost reminding you of frankenstein. though mahito seemed much more terrifying than the old victorian tale.
“ah ah. no need to be difficult, i’m not going to kill you just yet.” mahito said, reinforcing his hold on your wrists. you tried to retch free with no luck, he had you pinned. the man shushed you in a faux sympathetic tone as he pushed his thigh between your legs. your fear was replaced with anger at the sight of the man clearly enjoying himself.
anger seemed to be the key for you to concentrate on your cursed energy, you felt the warmth of it pooling in the palms that were hoisted over your head. you tried shaking from his grip once more, “what do you want from me?” you spat, not understanding the unprovoked attack. “why are you here?”
mahito pushed his thigh up farther, smiling as he leaned in closer to speak into your ear, “well, it all started as an innocent trip to visit getou. you see he’s been very distracted lately, and i wanted to know why but it seems the reason is standing right in front of me.” the man chuckled, lowering his tone as he spoke. “i mean don’t get me wrong, i get it. i would be distracted too, you are a fine specimen..” his voice trailed off, the human curse leaned in further to smell your hair.
fury in its purest form migrated through your veins, you might not be a match for mahito in terms of strength or jujutsu, but you did have the element of surprise at your disposal. you swang your injured foot upwards, landing a hard blow on the man’s groin. mahito staggered backwards, causing him to release your wrists from his hold.
your cursed energy was ferocious and messy but that didn’t deter you from shooting whatever energy you could out of your palms and into mahito’s direction. your cursed energy shot out in short, but powerful spurts, eventually landing a blow in mahito’s side. the shot of energy was like a bullet, shooting through the skin settling deep in his body. the impact was so strong, mahito’s blood blew back on to you, covering your body in the warm crimson liquid.
mahito was strong, you knew he wouldn’t be down for long but you took the opportunity to run nonetheless. you didn’t make it very far before intense fatigue clouded your senses, and the limp stemming from your injured foot slowed your escape. you tried to power on, but your blood covered body collapsed to the ground, from the acute pain shooting off inside your body. you felt like your insides were being torn apart.
mahito was still incapacitated on the ground, but kept the same menacing smile on his face nonetheless, “silly girl, i made contact with your skin. i have full control over your soul.” you wailed on the ground, feeling mahito’s cursed technique take hold of your body. the pain was so intense, your vision began to fade as your body lost consciousness.
getou immediately knew something was wrong when he sensed mahito’s residuals in the air once he arrived back to the realm. the scent of sandalwood and smoke fanned off of getou as his cursed technique ignited in his body. he angrily scoured the house searching for evidence of the two of you. getou didn’t stop moving forward at the sight of your bedroom door knocked off the hinges. the only thing that caused his swift movements to halt was your lone house shoe discarded in the grass. getou bent down to retrieve the shoe, the feeling of it in his hand only stoked the fire of anger in his heart.
getou found mahito first, the human curse was propped up against a tree trying to heal himself from the injuries he sustained. mahito smiled at the sight of the man who looked like death himself, “oh! hi getou! i’ve been look-“ mahito’s words were cut short from getou’s strong grip on his neck.
suguru hoisted the man up the tree, mahito slapped at getou’s arm in an attempt to get the man to release him from his hold. mahito tried choking out some intelligible words but getou cut him off again, “where is she?” getou’s tone came out much more threatening than usual. mahito still couldn’t form words from the tight grip getou held on his windpipe.the man could only signal with his eyes the direction that your body was laying in.
getou could only make out the shape of your body lying on the ground, but he could tell that you were hurt. fear struck his heart like a spear, getou dropped the man and whistled to the house spirits to come string mahito up. mahito panted on the ground watching getou run in the direction of your mangled form.
mahito yelled out to getou as the house spirits retrieved him from the tree, “getou! wait! what are they going to do to me?” getou didn’t respond, he didn’t have enough mind to even process the words when he saw the state that you were in. you were turned on your side in the fetal position, getou couldn’t tell if the blood that covered your body belonged to you, or mahito but he didn’t have time to speculate. getou scooped up your lifeless form and quickly carried you back to the house.
if you were conscious, you probably would’ve made a joke about how it seems every time you go outside, getou had to carry you back in. or maybe you would joke about how getou seems to have some really ugly looking friends, but you weren’t awake to do that.
every second that you were unconscious made getou’s stomach form into knots. the man had to affirm to himself over and over again in his head that you were going to be okay, trying to force himself to believe it. “fuck!” he said audibly, when he looked down on your face. you looked so peaceful, despite being so injured. the man felt so distraught, he was almost glad that you weren’t awake to witness it.
after the house spirits tied mahito up in the basement, they came to help getou tend to your wounds. suguru knew you wouldn’t want him to be the one to bathe you, so after cleaning your mangled foot, and pumping his own reverse curse technique into your skin, he allowed the house spirits to clean and dress you.
the large man felt odd for being in your room for so long, the last time he spent this much time in your bedroom was the night that he allowed himself to give into his lustful thoughts and fuck himself with his hand as you slept. getou shook his head, trying to clear his mind of thoughts of that night. he would never forgive himself for being such a creep. getou stood, trying to distract himself. he was pacing around the room for a moment, when he noticed the blood splattered necklace that he bought you just the day before. the house spirits removed it to bathe you, but getou couldn’t help but notice how the one thing that you owned that symbolized him, was covered in blood. an ironic sight.
you didn’t know how long you were out, but you knew it must’ve been a while. the sun was at the midway point in the sky, shining bright into your eyes. you groaned loudly, turning onto your back. you were surprised to see getou perched at the end of the bed watching you intently.
“hey doll, how are you feeling?” a grunt was all you could muster in response. your vocal cords were still worn out from your petrifying screams the night before. getou was riddled with guilt, he didn’t know what to say. there was nothing that could be said to make the situation better. suguru only wanted you to be safe, that was his new top priority—but it seems every time you get hurt it’s somehow related to him.
getou reached out to set his hand on top of yours, stroking lightly with his thumb. neither one of you were ever much good at showing any type of physical affection, and that fact felt clear in the moment. his eyes analyzed your limp wrist, while clearing his throat. “i’ll kill him. you don’t have to worry about him ever again.”
if you had enough energy you would’ve rolled your eyes, “i don’t care about that right now.” you were both taken back by how raspy your voice came out. “i just wish you could’ve been here. i was so scared getou.” a deep crease formed between his brows, listening to your words.
“why weren’t you here?” you began to cry then, feeling overwhelmed with thoughts of nights past. your mouth formed into a deep frown as hot tears fell from your eyes. “why weren’t you here suguru? why?” you couldn’t help but repeat the question over and over, it was like your brain was stuck in a loop.
getou felt as if his heart was pulled clean out of his chest, he made quiet shushing sounds while moving up the bed to take you in his arms. you couldn’t fight his embrace even if you wanted too, his hands were steady and unyielding. getou propped his back up against the headboard and pulled your shaking body into his lap. he held you tight, letting you curl up into his chest.
getou continued to shush you and stroke your hair, his shirt becoming wet from the abundance of tears. “i’m sorry.” his grip on your body tightened, he felt fearful that you would somehow slip from his grasp. you felt so delicate.
“i’m so sorry. you don’t have to worry about anything like that happening ever again. i’ll never leave you ever again. i promise.”
even in your hysterical state, you knew that was a promise that you would hold him too.
Oh to be loved by an immortal being that has seen billions of people and decides you’re the most beautiful of them all.
chapter 7

getou x reader
tags: character death // violence // feral reader // heavy smutt // over stimulation // morally grey reader //
word count: 3.8k
chapter six
getou let you weep in his arms until your eyes ran dry, and continued to hold you through the slumber that followed. the man watched you for hours, finally coming to the conclusion that the feelings he had for you could no longer be avoided.
getou didn’t sleep a wink even after the sun had set. the sorcerer’s mind ran on a rapid loop of anxiety. you hadn’t told getou exactly what happened when mahito attacked you, but seeing the effect it left on you made him want to kill the man immediately, but he refused to leave you alone even if you were sleeping. you needed him more than ever, and he dared not to let you down again.
the house spirits had imprisoned mahito in the facility deep in the forest that getou had originally created for gojo. the structure was small and rather unimpressive looking on the outside, its sole purpose was to hold curse users. the walls of the small prison were infused with ancient jujutsu. any jujutsu sorcerer—other than getou who enters the building will not be able to tap into their cursed energy while inside its walls.
the creation of the small prison was a early part of getou’s plan of capturing gojo, but it was now holding one of his own men. anger ignited in suguru’s chest, the thought of one of his own men disrespecting him in such capacity made him reevaluate just how sound his plan really was.
you tossed and turned in your sleep, finally settling with your head burried into getou’s chest. the angry feelings in getou’s chest was replaced with a warm content feeling. the man felt that he had waited years to finally hold you in his arms. the act felt right, and it filled his heart with peace.
no longer fighting against his own feelings, suguru held you closer, and placed a kiss on your forehead. getou rested his chin on your head, and allowed the peaceful blackness of sleep take hold of him.
morning came too quickly for getou. he yawned deeply, blinking the sleepy haze out of his eyes to see you perched on the end of the bed. you were facing the window, but getou could tell that something was off. “hey, you okay?” he asked in a voice still raspy with sleep.
you didn’t answer him, you only continued to stare out into the trees with a blank expression. you woke up feeling different, all the emotions you felt from the previous day were replaced with an intense anger and a need for revenge. your experience with mahito was the straw that broke the camel's back, and it made you realize that you didn’t want to be weak and incapable any more.
thinking back on the fear you felt while being taunted and chased through the forest ignited your cursed energy. getou could sense the dark energy exuding from your body. the energy was much darker and erratic than usual; he had never seen your cursed energy come out like this.
getou sat up in the bed, reaching for your shoulders to shake you out of whatever day dream you were having. “hey!” he shook you hard, but you were still deeply entwined in your thoughts of revenge. only the sound of your name leaving the man’s lips, brought you out of your stupor.
you finally turned to look at him. the sight of getou’s eyes and lips still puffy from his deep sleep caused your cursed energy to return to its dormant state. you stared at the man with a blank expression not knowing what to say. his brows furrowed, still looking at you quizzically, “what’s going on? i’ve never seen you like this. i need you to tell me what’s going on.” a beat passed. “please.” he pleaded.
you took a deep breath, “im angry.” you thought back on the night with mahito once more, your hands unconsciously formed into fists in your lap. “i’m tired of feeling weak.” you concluded. getou sympathetically wrapped a hand over your balled fists, speaking softly into your ear, “you’re not weak, and you never have to feel that way again. you turned to meet his gaze. “i can help you.” he said in a whisper.
“i want him dead.” your tone came out matter factly. “then it will be done.” you shook your head at getou’s words. “no, i’ll be the one to do it.” suguru’s face reverted back to its original concerned expression. getou opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by your words, “i will be the one to kill him.”
there was a massive shift inside of you, getou could sense the change in your demeanor. he knew this was an argument that he would not win, so the man conceded, “fine. i’ll take you to him.”
the walk to the facility was a long and quiet one. getou and you both were both too busy listening to the conflicted inner monologue inside your minds to make casual conversation. the weight of your earlier words began to set in, as the two of your made your way through the trees. you were going to kill a man, this would be the very first time that you would kill a man.
there’s a first for everything. you supposed. getou’s thought process was similar to yours, even though the man wanted to recruit you to his side all along, he didn’t know it would happen like this. getou knew you naturally carried a guilty conscience, he was fearful of what killing mahito would do to you. there’s no take backs when killing a person, getou knew this truth all too well.
after a long period of silence, the trees finally cleared. the makeshift prison getou built was small and inconspicuous looking, but your stomach still dropped at the sight of it. the two of you stopped at the entrance of the small stone building.
getou turned to face you, gripping both of your arms, “are you sure you want to go through with this?” you were nervous, and felt as if you could throw up at any moment, but your mind was made up. you knew what you had to do. you nodded your head silently, and getou led you through the entryway.
you followed the sorcerer through the dark passageways that finally led to a single cell. mahito could be seen chained up on the concrete floor through the small window in the iron door. it was clear that the house spirits had been torturing the man at getou’s command, based on mahito’s appearance. it looked like he was barely clinging to life, and the absence of his cursed energy signature only reaffirmed the thought.
getou left your side for a moment, allowing you to get a good look at the first man you would kill. you were deep in thought watching mahito’s unconscious form, when getou returned with a large weapon in tow. the man swung the long scythe with a flourish.
you couldn’t help but cock a brow at the weapon. the sight of it was terrifying, the weapon consisted of a long black pole that led to a large curved blade. you couldn’t help but notice how the blade shined against the low light of the stoned lined hall.
getou passed the weapon into your hands, allowing you to feel the cold steel pole in your grasp. “it’s a very old war scythe, used by powerful sorcerer’s from the high era of jujutsu.” getou revealed. “it’s embedded with cursed energy of its own, and even has its own technique.”
you gripped the pole with two hands, letting yourself get used to its weight, “yeah? what’s its technique?” you mused, not taking your eyes off the shiny blade. getou smiled then, “it can take the power of those who are killed with its blade.” you snapped your eyes back to him as understanding filled you.
“so i could have mahito’s power of soul manipulation just by killing him with this?” getou clasped his hands together, smiling down on you encouragingly, “precisely.”
the desire for power filled your bloodstream. you would never have to feel weak again. no curse—no matter how high the grade, could hurt you ever again. you smiled back at the man, “and you're giving this to me?” suguru nodded, “it’s all yours doll.”
the next moments passed in a fog. your senses were clouded with revenge and the need for power. getou opened the large door into the cell, causing mahito to stir awake. seeing the fear that filled mahito’s mind only fueled your vengeful desires. you toted the long blade over your shoulder, smiling down at the man, “good morning!” you giggled. “i hope you slept well.”
your next words were drowned out by mahito’s cries, the man begged getou for mercy knowing his life depended on it, but getou didn’t move from behind you. the man was completely unfazed by mahito’s cries, he knew that he would’ve killed the human curse eventually.
“whenever you're ready, doll. i’d like to get this over with.” you swung the blade off your shoulder, thinking that maybe you would like to hear how much the man could beg, but you decided against it.
“don’t worry mahito, i’ll make good use of your cursed technique.” you cooed, swinging the long blade in one quick motion across the man’s neck. mahito’s screams died in his throat while blood gushed from the fatal wound. his body slouched to the ground, but you hardly noticed. a ringing noise filled your ears. you became drunk off the power that the kill gave you.
every hair on your body stood up. you could feel the blade taking mahito’s power—sucking it up like a vacuum. you felt no remorse, only pure nirvana, you knew the world would be a better place without him. pride swelled in your heart, knowing that you were the one to take him out of the world.
getou called your name from behind you, but the sound didn’t register. your ears were still filled with the loud white noise ringing in them. a large hand wrapped around your waist and your name was called once more. a manic giggle erupted from your throat, still looking at the bloody blade.
“i did it.” you breathed. getou could tell you were having a hard time processing what you did, and he knew that he had to get you out of there. the man pulled you out of the cell in an attempt to get some distance from the scene. you were still giggling, you felt overjoyed with your new sense of power.
you pushed the large man against the wall with a thud, “you know suguru, i think you were right. the world needs people like us.” getou wanted to question your meaning but he couldn’t bring himself to speak. you stood on your top toes trying to get yourself at eye level to getou, “i still don’t agree with your whole ‘kill all non-sorcerer’s’ plan, but i think we could come to some sort of understanding.”
getou knew you were drunk on power but he couldn’t bring himself to care. the sorcerer looked down on you, “yeah?” he grinned, loving how you looked in your feral state. “yeah, now take me home please.”
you felt extremely grateful for getou’s teleportation technique when the two of you emerged from the darkness, back in the living room of getou’s home. returning home seemed to do nothing to quell the mix of mania and lust pumping through your veins. you didn’t push away from getou’s touch like you usually did after transporting, in fact you leaned into his hold.
chest to chest—getou looked down into your wild eyes using his thumb and pointer finger to lift your chin, “being the hand of death got you on a power trip huh, doll?” you blushed at his words, still staring into his all encompassing gaze. getou leaned down, allowing his lips to hover just above your own, “murderous little thing.” he whispered.
whatever restraight the two of your had before, completely disappeared at his words. getou’s grip tightened on the small of your back, while the other hand snaked up your spine to grip the back of your neck. your lips collided in a messy dance. it was unclear as to who was leading the kiss, due to your tongues gliding over each other in a hungry fight for dominance.
you wrapped your arms around getou’s neck, intertwining your fingers with his thick hair at the base of his head. the man moaned into your mouth at the sensation, causing your knees to buckle. getou didn’t falter, swiftly scooping you up in his arms allowing your legs to wrap around his waist. you could tell the man was good with his mouth, when he took your bottom lip between his teeth you couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper. the feelings that his mouth elicited on yours made your cunt grow wet from the sensation.
any shyness that ever existed in your body evaporated when you began to roll your hips against getou’s stomach. the act made getou break the kiss, looking at you with half-lidded eyes. your heart pounded in your chest and cunt, waiting for him to say something. getou breathed heavily, “i’ve never seen you like this. fuck.” he professed, grabbing a handful of your ass and kneading the flesh.
your hands still massaged the base of his scalp. his skin felt addicting, you wanted to kiss and lick every inch of it, beginning with his neck. suguru hoisted you up higher in his arms, walking the two of you to the master bedroom while you placed open mouth kisses all over his neck. you barely noticed the movement forward, you were too busy kissing and licking his warm skin all the way up to his ear. you didn’t take notice of the new location until getou sat himself on the edge of the bed. the motion caused your lips to leave his skin, noticing that your hips were now straddling his.
getou reached up to cup your face with one hand, and used the other to grip your hip. the man looked at you soberly, “you have no idea how long i’ve wanted this.” you giggled in response, pressing your clothed pussy against the cock growing hard in getou’s pants. you rocked your hips ever so slightly to tease him, “yeah? how long?”
a devilish grin appeared on the man’s face, “don’t taunt me doll, cause it’s you who’s gonna be begging for my cock later.” suguru didn’t give you a chance to respond, before gripping your hips and flipping you on to your back in the middle of the bed. he didn’t grant you a moment to catch your breath before settling his weight between your parted thighs and locking his lips to yours.
sounds of the wet kiss filled your ears. getou moved his tongue slower this time, using it to tease yours with languid flicking motions. not breaking the kiss, he removed your hands from his neck, and pressed your wrists firmly into the mattress above your head. you dared not move them when his deft fingers worked underneath the hem of your shirt.
your back arched off the bed when his hands met your breast’s under the thin shirt. getou moaned into your mouth at the feeling of your soft tits in his hands, causing you to buck your hips against his cock in response. still fondling your breasts, getou’s lips left yours, he thought you looked so pretty with your lips swollen from his mouth, and he wanted nothing more than to see all of you.
“gonna let me see those pretty titties baby?” he said in a pleading tone, gripping the bottom of your shirt. you nodded your head, suddenly feeling shy. getou took his time sliding the shirt up, not wanting to spook you. the cool air of the bedroom nipped your skin causing goosebumps to rise across your body.
you both sucked in a breath when your breasts were freed from the fabric. getou took a moment to take in the sight of you below him before he spoke, “so fucking pretty.” he whispered. his lips met yours once more, you fought the urge to move your hands from above your head when his large palm moved to roll your nipples between his fingers. your clit pounded at the sensation, crying out in a desperate plea for stimulation.
suguru shifted his body so his thigh was resting between your legs. his mouth left yours with a pop, “rub your cunt against my thigh.” he commanded softly. you heeded his command, doing anything to get friction on your clit. your moans came out more rapidly from the feeling of getou’s hands on your tits and his big thigh between your legs.
your body was heating up, and you desperately wanted getou to remove your pants but you had a feeling he was going to drag things out for teasing him earlier. “su-suguru, please.” you whined. “hmm?” he hummed playfully. “i need you to touch me, please.”
suguru looked at you through his lashes, “i'm already touching you, doll.” he said, moving his mouth to suck on your nipple. the feeling made your cunt flutter. you let out another soft moan, writhing under him. getou looked up at your face while flicking your over stimulated nipple with his tongue, “you sound so fucking pretty, baby.”
tears pricked your eyes, your cunt was in desperate need of attention. you were about to start begging just how getou said you would, when he tugged at the waistband of your pants, “let’s get you out of these.” getou quipped, taking your bottoms off swiftly. he smiled at the sight of your soaked panties, you noticed that this smile was a genuine one, not like his usual malice hinted smiles. the look reminded you of the old days. the days when you were completely in love with your best friend.
the sight could have made your heart explode, but the wholesome moment was cut short when getou removed his shirt, revealing his toned chest and arms. he looked like a giant looming over you without his shirt, the sight made your cunt throb even more. “i’m gonna touch you over your panties, okay?” suguru beckoned from between your thighs. getou kept his eyes on you as he hovered his fingers over your soaking panties, he wanted to see your every reaction. the man used only his thumb to work circles on your clit, but the sensation sent your head rolling back nonetheless.
getou’s cock ached at the sight of you coming undone from his fingers, but he made up his mind that he wouldn’t fuck you until you begged for it. “you’re doing so good for me doll, i knew you would.” getou praised. “you don’t know how long i’ve thought about doing this.” he moved his thumb quicker over your swollen clit, “years. i’ve thought about this for years.” his breath’s grew ragged, “-should’ve never let gojo have you. he doesn’t deserve this pretty pussy.”
you moaned loud, as heat filled the pit of your stomach, “getou! i’m gonna-“ his hand left your clit, causing you to sigh in frustration. the man shushed you quietly, “not yet. i can’t let you cum yet. you're gonna cum all over my cock, or not at all.”
tears filled your eyes once more, “suguru, please.” you pleaded, rubbing your wet panties against his clothed cock. getou smiled, “say it again.” he said teasingly. “please.” you begged in a low tone.
getou kissed your lips passionately before heeding your words. he pulled your panties off quickly, and took a moment to stare at your glistening cunt. “fuck.” he said in awe. “pretty, pretty, pussy.” he mumbled to himself. he then unsheathed his cock, it sprang upwards bouncing off his stomach. your mouth salivated at how pretty it was, noticing the slight upwards curve in the shape, and the small amount of pre cum already leaking from the tip.
getou leaned down to suck on your tits once more, sliding his cock up and down just on your slick outer folds. you moaned when the tip of his cock slid against your clit, the sensation alone was about to send you over the edge. you couldn’t keep your hands above your head anymore. you needed to touch him, you had to rake your hands through getou’s hair, you had to feel his warm skin against yours.
getou groaned, his breath was uneven, and he was almost as restless as you were. “you want my cock pretty girl?” he breathed raggedly. “yes! sugu- please!”
you took a deep breath watching getou grip your thigh with one hand, and using the other to line himself up with your entrance, you both groaned when he slid in, your cunt already clamping down on him. his thrusts were slow, allowing for you to get used to the size of him. even going slow, his cock tapped against your g-spot eliciting sweet sounds from your mouth.
your plush walls felt so good around getou’s cock he could help but let his thrusts grow more erratic, he leaned down to feel your chest against his as he pumped deep into your walls. you noticed his hair falling out of its bun allowing his hair to fall in both of your faces as he kissed you.
you moaned into his mouth, getou’s fingers played with your nipple all while his cock pounded your g-spot. suguru broke the kiss to look at you with lust filled eyes, “you feel so fucking good.” he crooned. “want you to be a good girl for me and cum all over my cock okay?”
he kneaded your breasts that were bouncing from his thrusts, while your walls clamped down on him. the consistent motion of his cock hitting your g-spot sent you over the edge, you wailed as your cunt fluttered around his cock.
getou moaned, about to cum from the feeling of your cunt dancing around his length, “ah! good girl! that's it, cum all over my cock baby, that’s it.” his thrust grew ragged in your swollen cunt, you cried in over stimulation as he spurted hot liquid into your tired pussy. getou leaned down to place a sweet kiss onto your lips and then your forehead, “i’m so proud of you, pretty girl.”

tw: my terrible art
i got bored and tried to draw getou from chapter one of abducted

VERONICA open the door please
source: e_m.v on instagram