Attack On Titan Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

his crazy ass is so pretty

thank u for 800 followers!!
now look at jean boi in paths <3

the sweetest most precious boy <3
i want to hold jean to my chest and let him squeeze my tits for reassurance as he watches the rumbling and cries
i wanna moisturize jean’s beard with my puthy

VERONICA open the door please
source: e_m.v on instagram

shhh… he’s sleeping

the most perfect & precious boy that there ever was

he looks so perfect
it’s not my fault that i’m unbearably horny !!!
it’s mappa’s fault!! they shouldn’t have made levi and jean so seggsy

my poor sweet boy didn’t even get his second bowl of stew ;-(

he’s so pretty i could cry

feeling the urge to write a porco fic based on this photo alone
support the artist here!!
your fictional significant other always feels conflicted..
sometimes they want to lock you away in a tower somewhere so that you’ll always be safe and protected from the world
and other times they want the whole world to see you, to know you and your greatness—and know that all that greatness belongs to them
Surprise! We’re having another server event 😌✨ which means...another fic from me on Feb 24th 👀
Just a fair warning tho, the fic that I’m writing for this event is a bit darker than my other ones!
Also please support the rest of the creators by checking out their fics/art too!
I can’t wait for you guys to see it!
- Em ♥️
The Colosseum: Sweet But Psycho Valentine’s Day

Join The Colosseum as we celebrate a sweet, but psycho Valentine’s Day! Our third fandom event is an angst-filled tragedy, riddled with heartbreak! Rejection! Murder?
Members of the server were able to choose characters from Attack on Titan, Haikyuu!! or My Hero Academia. Content creators then selected from a list of prompts to base their fan art, fan edit, or fanfic on and below is our schedule! We start tomorrow!

Our lovely content creators tagged in order:
@dailydoseofscenarios @himbokutokou @shrxks @dailydoseofscenarios @kaita-senpai @sp-demonsky-light44 @aceavatar @milktaro-inc @katsukisblackteddy @aceavatar @todorokikouen
Each contribution in this event will be appropriately tagged for content and/ or trigger warnings. (Disclaimer here for the use of SM Entertainment IP/ Red Velvet’s Irene.)
If you have any comments, concerns, or questions, please direct them to me at Daily Dose of Scenarios. And if you’re interested in joining our awesome Discord server, don’t hesitate to contact me or any of these amazing people!
Thank you!
fandoms I will write for + characters

yumiko ( wlw )
gawain ( platonic ONLY )
tenya iida
izuku midorya
mina ashido ( wlw )
mei hatsume ( wlw )
shouta aizawa
ochako uraraka ( wlw )
armin arlert
eren yeager
sasha blouse ( wlw )
hange zoe
maka alburn ( wlw )
soul eater evans
two ghosts standing (in the place of you and me)
summary: the war is over now, and you had promised on your dying breath to wait for him.
pairing: levi ackerman x reader
tags/warnings: character death (but its ok cause its set in the afterlife), you literally are just waiting for your bae to join you in the afterlife and he does, this is ridiculously sappy, angst with a happy ending
a/n: hi this is the result of me FORCING myself out of a writers block by making myself come up with an idea and write it in one sitting and here she is a little drabble/one shot. enjoy!
When he wakes up, the air smells faintly of autumn, thick and full as he takes an easy breath in. Cracking his eyelids open and turning his head to the right finds him at eye level with blades of green grass, the early morning dew still not yet having left them as they shake gently with passing wind. Shades of purple and pink, yellow and orange compromise the sky above him as he blinks to take it in. He should be afraid, he realizes. Just moments ago, he was falling asleep. But he’s not afraid. Wherever it is, it’s almost silent. Almost. Somewhere in the distance, he recognizes the sound of crashing waves upon a shore, a sound synonymous to easy and effortless joy. He hears that same sound hit the wooden docks outside his window every morning, on the mainland far away from the island that raised him. He hears that same sound in memories, but it's often accompanied by sounds of high pitched laughter and the feeling of warmth and adoration.
He gets up from the ground, and begins to walk to where he hears the water.
The feeling of stretching his legs, letting his feet guide him, and the muscles of his legs supporting him is foreign. He missed it. He missed this. So much of his life relied on his legs, but that life seems like eons ago as similarly as it seems like moments ago. He was always running, always chasing.
In happier memories, he’s walking to the ocean in the same way he walks to it now, but in his memories, he’s not alone. It was dark then, the summer air having cooled into the nighttime, but that same sweet sound, the monotonous rhythm of the water hitting the ground, played the same way he’s hearing it now. There were so many stars. He remembers even now the constellations that you pointed out, relaying to him stories of fallen heroes and star crossed lovers who found their way to the skies after their tragic downfalls.
He used to be in love, he remembers now as he walks. He doesn’t really think that that love ever went away. He thinks of you every single time he’s by the water, even if it's just on the docks of the Marley port now instead of the sandy beaches back home. He remembers the way you looked that night as you both snuck away from duties, if only for a few hours. Two abandoned green capes traded for soft linens and towels until you had to return when the sun rose.
He had always believed his love for people is what drove them to their demise. Anybody he had ever let get too close was snatched away, and always due to his reasoning. Bad judgment calls,
fear, poor timing. He was always just moments too late when it came to saving those he loved. And you, for all of your strength and prowess, fell to the same fate. You had never promised him you would live long in the life you had chosen as a Scout - because it would be wrong to promise the impossible - but you could promise him he helped you live well . You always talked about moments. That the small stuff was the important stuff. He can fondly recall many late nights reading where you couldn’t put down your book, early mornings of you curled into his chest as he drank his tea and got a headstart on paperwork. Racing through wooded training grounds on ODM gear, sneakily stealing the bread off his tray in the mess hall when you thought he wouldn’t notice (he always did), the coordination between the pair of you in battle, exploring the cities within the walls you called home. Waking up with your hair in his mouth and his arm slung over your waist. Practicing dancing in his office for military banquets, hearing you hum quietly in his adjoined bedroom as you got ready for bed while he finished work in his office.
And oh, god, how he would have given anything to grow old with you. To shift the moments you had to become memories and make new moments, make enough to last a lifetime.
But war takes.
War doesn’t care who somebody is to the people around them. War doesn’t care that the losses that it leaves in its wake were people .
And he often tries not to think about it, but the memory catches up to him sometimes. His step falters even now as he thinks about warm blood as it pools under his knees and he’s screaming at you to please damn it, don’t leave me too just keep your eyes open stop it stop -
"I'll see you soon." You had uttered it like a promise.
The war itself may be the thing that stole you away, but he was, as always, merely a moment too late.
Thinking about you and him on the beach is a much more pleasant scene in his mind. He likes to remember you like that.
The air doesn’t smell as crisp as it did now, giving way to the scent of salt as the terrain under his feet changes, his feet giving way now with each step he takes in the sand. The crashing waves are tangible now, deep green and blue and always moving, the sound roaring, a cacophony of ebbing and flowing.
He knows who he will find here before he even sees them. He quickens his pace, if only slightly.
He walks closer, close enough that he could reach out and touch, and moves to sit down, no discomfort aching in his joints now as he crosses his legs neatly upon the sand, and takes in the person beside him as they watch the crashing waves. A sweet, familiar smell joins the scent of the salty air, and his lips quirk.
Maybe this is what home is supposed to smell like, he muses.
He turns his head. You’re dressed in soft clothes, laying on the sand, turning your head to meet his gaze with a soft, ever knowing smile.
“Hey you! Much to catch me up on, huh?”
someone pls put levi prompts in my inbox so that i may once again break my writers block <33
wings wouldn't help you down
summary: "he isn’t one to believe in a higher power. he isn’t a religious man. but in this moment, he asks the universe to please, just be kind to him. just this once.
and the universe laughs."
(or: the 5 times you wake up, and the one time you don't).
pairing: levi ackerman x reader
word count: 4k
tags/warnings: major character death, a loose little 5+1 idea, the poor captain is whipped for u, many fluffy moments, some lowkey hurt/comfort, but some MAJOR angst too sorry not sorry, for the sake of the argument the end of this is loosely based around the 57th expedition
a/n: hi loves. this is crossposted from ao3 and i wanted to give her a home on here. enjoy!
It’s the oddest feeling, you think.
The realizing. That you are going to die.
The realizing that no matter how hard you pushed, no matter how hard you fought, no matter how much it took of you to survive everyday, it would never come to fruition.
That you, too, would die. Alone, cold, in this hole under the ground of Mitras. Safe indeed within the walls, but not safe enough.
When you were young, you dreamed of being a bird. A small, quick little thing that breezed through the air without so much as a thought. You would glide on the wind and feel it tickle under your feathers. You would fly right past those stairs that lead above ground, and nobody would even give you a second glance. Because if you were simply a bird, nobody would try to stop your flight.
You would feel the sun. You would bask in that.
You would move. You would fly. You wouldn’t sit here, waiting to rot, waiting to become a corpse in the street. You would break the legacy of dying here, waiting for hope to come.
Suddenly, your eyes are heavy. When did that happen? Hmm , you think idly. It’s finally come.
You’re waiting now.
Until you’re not.
The world is all bright colors and harsh lights as someone shakes you with a “wake up! Move. You have to move.” It’s jarring, to be sure. This is the first movement you’ve felt in…hours? Days? It’s hard to say now. Everything is so bright. You blearily take in the person who shook you awake. Dark hair, slate grey eyes, and he’s glaring at you, scrutinizing you ever so slightly. His hands are on your shoulders. He gently shakes your shoulders again.
“Get up now. If you stay here like this, you’re gonna die. You have to move.”
There’s another boy with him, blonde hair and slight figure. He nods to the dark haired boy in front of you, and he helps you, slowly, rise from the ground. It’s dizzying, tiring, and you feel the need to pass out. But he’s shaking you again, and your shoulder is supported by his small frame.
One step. Two steps.
You’re awake again. And you’re walking. He huffs quietly next to you, and you’re going with him, they’re taking you with them, him and the blonde man.
You don’t necessarily understand it, not then, maybe in time. But it feels like a second chance to fly.
You’re going to die in the street.
You’re going to die here. Alone. And scared. And hungry.
Levi never came. He never came to save you. You laid there, in the wide open, and he never came. You stayed there, like so many others before you, and you never got a second chance. There is no flight. There is no escape.
And because you never got saved, there is no going home to the small house the four of you share. No Isabel, Furlan, or Levi. There are no rowdy nights around the dinner table, the four of you, Isabel laughing so hard that her drink comes out her nose. There are no more early morning discussions with Furlan that come so easily as you talk about the future. Your fears and what you want with your life. Your hopes and aspirations that there could be so much more than ODM flying through the city for thug jobs.
And there’s no more Levi. Levi, who has always been so oddly protective over you since the first day that you met. Levi, who has always had an eye out for you. Levi, who always seemed cold, cunning, and methodical, until you broke him down to his very basics. Levi, who had to grow up too fast for his own good. Levi, who never believed he could have anything good because it would always be taken away from him.
Levi, the only person you ever knew in this life that you loved.
Levi, the one who loved you back. Who gave you your first kiss, first everything, shared a bed with you and held you in the night. Levi, who always made sure you were safe, who let his guard down to let himself be soft with you. Levi, who cradled you when you cried. The singular person the universe gave you to cope in a world that was so beyond cruel.
There was none of that. And with the lack of that, there was no escaping the Underground, the four of you.
Because he never came for you, you don’t ever see Isabel’s glee when she finally sees the sun beyond the walls as a scout. You never see Furlan underneath the stars convincing Levi to let them all go on this expedition with him.
But then, yet again, you never have to see Isabel crushed between two titans. You don’t ever see Furlan eaten. You don’t ever see these things, because you don’t know these people, he never saved you, he never came-
You sit upright in bed as arms grab you by the shoulders, shaking you awake. You struggle to put breath in your lungs as you shake. A bad dream, all just a nightmare. You are here. You are okay. You ground yourself as you recognize the small room you lay in, a provision from Levi’s new title of Captain.
Your breathing slows into ease once again as you feel the weight of aforementioned captain’s arms on your shoulders and he squeezes, just like that day years ago. When he did save you. There is no exhaustion in his voice when he asks you what’s wrong.
He’s been awake. He’s been awake this whole time.
Tears are quick to well in your eyes as you explain, speech coming out erratically as you describe the frantic fear you felt, scared of this dream world where he never came when he did. Something in his eyes, those slate grey eyes that most would usually akin to daggers, softened. There’s a kiss to your temple, a hand cradling your cheek, and a whisper.
“I’m here, you know. Right here. It was only a nightmare. And I’m not going anywhere.” It’s slow, but the Captain of the Scout Regiment of all people did not always have a way with soft words. He’s always been more than that, though. Quiet Levi. Quiet Levi who often couldn’t find the words. You huff at this, heart still beating fast, but the previous anxiety seems to all but flood out of you. You are the only one who sees him like this, soft eyes and heart on his sleeve.
“You better not be. Who else would I annoy everyday? You’re all I got.” You smirk, and he feigns annoyance with a huff at this, but the glint of laughter in his eyes gives him away.
He hums an agreement and brushes a hair behind your ear, and adds “I’ll hold you. If you want to try and sleep again. I’m not going anywhere.” And you know if anything could keep you safe, if anyone could make you feel safe, it's him. When it's you and him, nothing will ever come near you.
When you wake the next morning, he is passed out beside you, a rare sight indeed. His arms, though, stay steadfast around your waist.
You’re safe.
Levi hasn’t always known you to be the most deft on your feet.
One of his favorite memories of your time together in the Underground before being brought to the Survey Corps was your attempts at using ODM gear. If it took Isabel a while to get it, it took you even longer. You ended up either hanging upside or flat on your ass more times than he could really count. Smiles tended to be a rare thing from him, but seeing you twisted up in your gear like an idiot always earned you a huff or two. After that, though, he adamantly refused you’re using the ODM gear unless he could be with you to supervise and ensure your safety.
But this time, he’s not laughing.
It’s a simple training course. But you’re just not getting the hang of it. He sees it in slow motion, and it almost makes his heart stop.
The green of the forest whirls around you both as you swiftly zip through the trees. You’re in front of him, just barely. He’s giving chase, and cadets beneath you are doing standard training exercises, moving wooden titan decoys in and out of your way. He sees it before you do, and he’s yelling at you to watch out. You hear him, but only a minute too late. You fumble to swing at the nape, as your foot catches the shoulder of the decoy.
You’re merely inches off, but you miss.
You miss the nape.
Your foot catching on the titan decoy sends you spiraling to the ground and you have no time to break the fall before you hit the ground, your head hitting the ground with a smack.
His heart stops at the sound, and the training exercise is forgotten as he drops to the forest floor, rolling to take you into his arms. There’s a gash on your head from where it made contact with the ground, and your breathing is shallow. His heart lurches, but his mind is quicker, and he almost turns around to call for help when another voice does it for him.
“Someone help! We have a cadet down!” Levi whips around, and his eyes widen as a brown haired person with glasses calls out for help, other cadets moving around them. Hange, if he remembers correctly, goes to move and grab you. Levi instinctively tightens his grip, and Hange moves back only slightly.
“She’s not the first to drop like that in a training exercise,” They say easily, trying to provide some comfort. “I don’t know where you guys came from, but she’s safe here. We just need to go patch up that gash on her head. She’ll be alright.” They say that last part softly, moving slowly to grab you from Levi, who loosens his grip on you. You slip from his arms into theirs and they're off, down the small path carved into the forest floor back towards their base.
He can only watch as they take you, moving with a couple other cadets to run you to the infirmary.
It’s been hours, he thinks, as he paces outside the infirmary doors. The sound of his footsteps, tapping on the floor as he walks wall to wall, allows him a cadence to his thoughts. He hasn’t felt this kind of fear since Isabel and Furlan. The sheer panic he felt watching you fall to the ground so perfectly mirrored that same panic he felt watching Isabel crushed, and Furlan dropped into a titan’s jaws. That same helpless panic. It’s been hours now. And you’re still not awake.
He is not one to easily become scared. He knows this. With every loss he’s acquired, it adds a new brick to his wall, a wall he’s built so high so as to not let himself be hurt. So that nobody could get close enough. He doesn’t scare easily because his wall has become so high, so guarded.
But you managed to get through that.
You managed to get through it, and now every time he sees you smile, hears you laugh, feels your arms around his shoulders, it steels him to be strong. He promised you a long time ago, when you were both young and naive, that he would give you as much of the world as he could. He would try to show you as much of it as he could, that he would be your wings. He promised that as long as he was living, he would protect you. Not only that, he would give you a future together, at the end of all of this madness, if you wanted it. He wanted to spend his life with you. He promised if you wanted that, he would give it to you.
He wants so badly to fulfill that promise. He wants so badly to give you that life, because he’s known you for years and yet every time he sees you, his heart skips a beat. Every morning he gets to wake up next to you, he knows he is home. He can’t lose you to a simple training accident.
He can’t lose you because you stumbled and missed. Something that was so you in its nature. One mistake can’t be what does you in.
The door of the infirmary squeaks open, and it breaks Levi from his reverie. Hange leans out, smiling.
“Loverboy! She’s awake!”
“Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up.”
The sound of his voice rouses you awake. It really could never get old to you. You’ve always been the one to oversleep, exhaustion coming easily to you, causing him to be the one to wake you most of the time. He was quite the insomniac, after all.
This morning was a little different. A kiss to your hairline roused you into wakefulness, and he sheepishly requested you to clear any plans you may have had, apologizing that he didn’t warn you earlier. A surprise, he claimed it was under the guise of. Luckily, today was an off day from training, and you had no plans other than a nice day of staying in your room and finishing some reading. Thus, the two of you set off on horseback, Levi telling you to close your eyes on the way there.
This wasn’t too hard for you. The rhythmic pace of the horse and the sun warming your skin ever so slightly were a deadly mixture, and it didn’t take you too long to be completely consumed by sleep. Eventually, he awakens you (quite rudely with the name calling, you think), and you open your eyes.
And then open them wider; for what a sight there is before you.
Soft green grass spanning so far the wall ahead of you is almost a blur. The sky is blue, so blue, and clouds sparsely dot the sky. But even better (and you think you see Levi smile at this, just flittingly), birds, as far as the eye can see. Wings out, leisurely gliding wherever the wind took them. Your smile is enormous. You have loved birds ever since being a child in the Underground. You so badly wanted to fly like them. When Isabel had first joined your little group, you remember, you had bonded over the sentiment. The want, the need, to fly.
“How did you find this?” You turned around, the wonder prominent in your voice.
His eyes widen ever so slightly, taking you in, then soften. Beautiful, like this, he thinks. But he shrugs nonchalantly. “Had to ride through here on an expedition a couple weeks ago. There were lots of birds that day too. I just…figured you would enjoy it.”
You grab his hand, and move to sit the two of you down on the grass. He hesitates briefly (“the grass is gonna stain my pants, you idiot”), but eventually assents and moves to let you lay your head on his chest. “You’ve gone soft,” you murmur, and he squeezes your hand. This is a way only the two of you can be. Laying in the grass on a bright and beautiful day, watching the birds fly overhead. His hand in yours, legs intertwined, his lips to your temple, forehead, jaw. Feather-light kisses, the tickle making you laugh. The sunlight on his skin, you think, makes him look so beautiful.
You wish you could stay that way, forever, the two of you. Live in these small moments, however fleeting they are. Your eyelids are heavy as he shifts and carries you back to the horse, placing you in front of him to sleep on the way home. Once in place, he places a chaste kiss to your head.
He speaks honeyed words whispered in your ear, reserved only for you. You sleep peacefully the entirety of the ride home.
Soft rain hits the window gently, a quiet metronome as you open your eyes. Your lids are heavy as you blink them. Once. Twice. Once again. The room is dark save for the almost unnatural gray glow streaming through the window, the dawn giving way to stormy morning skies. You grumble quietly.
Not great weather for an expedition day, huh?
The sheets are still warm, heat trapped in by the sturdy arms wrapped tightly around your waist. That, at least, gives you a semblance of peace. The morning feels…odd. You can’t quite place your finger on it. Perhaps, it’s the weather. Perhaps a gut feeling. You’re shaken by your reverie from a shift and a groan as the figure beside you starts to wake.
The rain continues its onslaught, picking up only slightly as he leans his head into your shoulder.
You feel his breath in the crook of your neck as he whispers “be safe today, please.”
The very nature of it, this morning, at least, takes you aback. It feels like a plea from him, tumbling from his lips. It feels wrong, misplaced. Humanity’s Strongest begging something of you.
Perhaps he could see it in you as he blinks his eyes into wakefulness. See through you, like he normally does. Perhaps he can sense the fear you have, radiating through the sheets you two currently share. Something feels different today. You’re taking your room in, this feeling in, this morning moment in, like it’s a snapshot. Trying to commit it all to memory.
It was an abnormal assignment, you think, to be placed right flank as a scout. You were far more used to being placed closer to the center of the formation. It’s not as if you’ve never done this before.
It feels different today. The very air you breathe feels heavy.
“You know me well enough by now, Levi. I will be alright. You worry too much.” You feel him scrunch his nose slightly at this, the grip from behind you tightening. “I know you better than you know yourself by now,” he retorts, brows tightening a bit. You laugh lightly at this.
“That you do,” you quip back easily, flipping around to kiss between his brow. He tries to swat you away, feigning annoyance at not being fully awake enough yet, but he doesn’t fight back.
“You have to be vigilant of your surroundings,” he mutters, “Promise me? Look at me and promise me. You rely on the people around you, don’t take on anything alone if you don’t have to. Just, be safe . Please.”
This feels wrong.
The pleas. This feels wrong.
You muster up a smile, trying to look convincing. “I’m not stupid. I’ll be aware of my surroundings. It’ll be fine.” You try to be convincing. To him and you. He looks at you a second longer, scrutinizing. And then, with a light kiss to your temple, and then your jaw, he moves to ready himself for the day ahead.
Perhaps, you’re not convincing enough. You couldn’t convince yourself. And try as you might, you couldn’t shake the feeling. All you really wanted was to stay in bed, to stay warm, with him beside you and not a care in the world beyond the small room you shared.
Maybe you should have just stayed in bed, you thought.
Yeah. Maybe you should have just stayed in bed.
Maybe you should have just stayed in bed, he thinks.
It’s all coming back to him now. In this moment, desperate like he’s never been desperate before, it comes back to him.
The moment the report comes to him that almost the entirety of the right flank was wiped out, he is already moving. He doesn’t know exactly when he employed his ODM gear, but he’s soaring through the sky now, and his eyes are scanning the ground, scanning the trees, every possible surface he could find.
You couldn’t be too far off, right? You were in the inner right flank, at that, shouldn’t he have heard something? Seen a signal flare? Anything?
He lands, and the ground is more red than it is green. His eyes narrow, and he breaths a shaky breath.
He isn’t one to believe in a higher power. He isn’t a religious man. But in this moment, he asks the universe to please, just be kind to him. Just this once.
And the universe laughs.
Because there you are. He almost slides to you, the ground being so slick with blood and earlier rainfall. His pants are stained. He briefly thinks to himself in this haze he’s in if those stains will ever come out. He’s pulled your head into his lap and you blink and manage to smile. It's a miracle you're still alive, but you thank whatever higher power may be that the last thing you get to see is his face. Those beautiful grey eyes, reflecting the skies above you. You think if the day were nicer, maybe you would see birds in the sky. You know now, all these years later, you finally got your shot to fly. Levi. He’s still saved you, every day.
“I an idiot. I missed.” You sigh out. You see Levi swallow hard. A stupid mistake and this is the cost. Just like that time in training, when he was so scared he might lose you. It’s not just a gash on your head this time, though. The ground contains more of your blood now than your own body. You cough, red flecks coating Levi’s face, and his eyes are wide. He knows, and you know. There isn’t much time now.
“I’ve loved you since that first day. Since that day you saved my life.” He makes a choked sound at this. He holds back his pleas of asking you to just stop talking, that you'll be alright, that he'll get you help. His unspoken 'I can still save you' dies on his tongue as you continue. “And all I’ve wanted since that day was to give you my everything. I’m sorry…I’m sure I didn’t tell you enough.” You breath in, out, in. The sound is becoming more flighty by the minute.
Maybe now. Maybe now you can actually fly. Like the birds you so desperately wanted to imitate in your youth.
“Listen to me. Stop it. Stay.” He’s begging now. “I promised you so much more than this. I promised you…” His voice breaks, and he’s sobbing now. “Why didn’t you listen to me!” This morning, when he had told you to not act like an idiot, to be safe. You had laughed him off, told him it would be alright. Now you’re bleeding out in his arms, the sound of your breathing turning into nothing more than raspy wheezing.
In. Out. In. Out. Nothing.
The rise and fall of your chest ceases.
And the world stops, just for a moment.
And suddenly you’re out of his lap, and he’s desperately, frantically trying to put your heartbeat back in your chest, where it belongs. With every compression, he’s pleading with the universe to give you back, and he’s pleading with you to just wake up. He knows it’s foolish. He knows that you’re gone now, he watched the light fade from your eyes. The only thing that comes is a steady stream of blood out of your mouth with every compression. This, this is torture, he realizes. This world is cruel, and it offered him a solitary gift, let him fall in love, and then consequentially stole it from him.
So he screams. He screams until his throat is hoarse, and he can’t scream anymore. His vision is blurry, and he realizes its tears. All he can do is helplessly cry as he cradles you, cold, in his arms. Cry for the one person he vowed he would keep safe, unmoving in his lap. He was tired; tired of the losing, friends and comrades. You were the light, all he had left to keep him moving forward.
When he returns home, the bed will be cold, cold like the unnatural temperature of your skin as he held you one final time. It comes to him that he wishes he could wake up now. He wishes this was all a bad dream.
But it’s not.
There’s no waking up this time.
You should have just stayed in bed.