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Purely A Hypothetical But Imagine Marie Decides To Chop All Her Hair Off Before They Go On The Hunt So
Purely a hypothetical but imagine Marie decides to chop all her hair off before they go on the hunt so she looks even more like her son to throw people of that there’s two
But like Henry gets really sad about it and just sulks around the house more than he usually does, just pouting and scowling cuz he’s always loved her hair and thought it was beautiful and it comforted him because it reminded him of when he was little
And shes like “oh get over it, it’s just hair, it’ll grow back” and he’s literally like

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I am laughing so hard because even like a year and change out from the fandoms creation; the VAST majority of thirst posts are about Henry
And like I get it. Masked man. Stabby stabby kissy. Why do you think I like his mother.
But he just…. Seems too young for me. Hes not really, I mean he’s 18 and I’m only 21. There’s people in my university courses that are his age. But I just… I see him less as a masked man hottie and more as this sad misguided youth who had to grow up too fast.
But like
Now I’m thinking
…am I just old??? It can’t be that right??? Am I too old to be in on the Henry hype????
…or I might just be way gayer than I thought I was.
👉👈 I know this is like a rarepair for a rare fandom but I think chapter 2 is nice
The thought that the reason George and Marie got separated that night was because he knew he was faster and could run for longer (athlete) so he purposefully broke away from her to lead what he thought was an actual killer away from her and give her a chance to escape is currently keeping me awake rn
A idea request help-
But anyways, ending of killer frequency happens and it’s the au where the parents are alive, and Peggy fucking SNAPS and she yells at the parents and screamed how horrible they are for kicking Marie out, what they’ve done to Marie in the past and the parents have SO MUCH GUILT IN THEM! 😭👍 just wanna see them in guilt and horror
I will definitely have to visit that au. It was fun. Maybe a comic of the three of them after Marie was buried (doubtful they’d have a full funeral for her given the towns opinion of her lol). But I agree, it would be nice to go into their guilt a bit more. Though I think it was their guilt that killed them in canon. Do you think they got off easy in canon? Lmk yall.
So I was just thinking about like “oh Marie would want to be buried next to George and she’d probably kick up a fuss if she was buried next to her parents + Peggy’s stepdad” but then that made me realize
Dude George and Marie’s parents were all probably buried in the same cemetery (perhaps not Martin Campbell, it seems like he moved away since Peggy said he “left” but perhaps Martha brought him back and buried him in GC)
That would be awkward as SHIT
All the ghosts in the GC cemetery
Idk what The Rules are for ghosts in this universe if there are any but my general fictional rules for ghosts are people become ghosts when they:
1) didn’t know they died (extremely sudden death, like an anyeurism in their sleep)
2) died from something really traumatic that prevents them from finding peace
3) had unfinished business or extreme regrets on earth that prevent them from finding peace
George is obviously number 2, possibly also number 1 since he was knocked out before drowning, but he did remember falling so
IIRC Martha passed away soon after Mr. Weaver did, presumably from a broken heart, and Mr. Weaver died of illness. Illness can be traumatic, but if he was given enough time, he could probably have made peace before death and gotten to move on. Martha, I’m not so sure. If she truly died of a broken heart, it’s probably due to her 1) grief over her second husband, 2) grief over her first husband, 3) regret about Marie, 4) regret about letting Martin leave. Would these be big enough to make her stick around? Not sure.
Martin, on the other hand, got into a car crash. Thats a traumatic death. He also apparently had regrets since he’d been an emotional wreck ever since Marie left. I definitely think he’s wandering around that graveyard.
All this to say can you IMAGINE Martin and Martha having to interact with George??? Like what would they even SAY???
I’m sure Martin would be very very apologetic and remorseful but idk about Martha.