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In The United States Men Were Generally Not Allowed To Be In The Room With Their Partners When They Were
In the United States men were generally not allowed to be in the room with their partners when they were having a baby until the 70’s ish, though of course this depends on if you’re in a more liberal or conservative area (like for instance it was more normalized in California before somewhere like Mississippi) and whether or not the hospital was religious, and also depending on if the couple was married, and also unfortunately due to financial status (that is, who would be least likely to have the means to sue)
Given that rural areas are (GENERALLY) more conservative, as is the Midwest generally as a region, and given the fact that the hospital in Gallows Creek is religiously affiliated (most likely Catholic due to the recognition of a Saint in its name, which is generally not a Protestant thing, and unless GC has a big Greek population I don’t see Orthodox either, but it could be) , and given the fact they were teens with not much in the way of means, if George had been alive when Henry was born, there’s a pretty significant chance he would not be allowed to see it.
And like, we know George is a rather gentle soul. Harming people is explicitly out of his character.
But if someone prevented him from bringing comfort to his Bean during an event that could literally kill her (yall they didn’t do ultrasounds back then, anything could have happened) and kept him from meeting his son for however long, he would absolutely be contemplating violence lmao
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Idea: Henry does NOT know how to interact with people, at all. He’s at That Age™️ so he decides to ask Grandpa Mooney for advice
Henry: How do you ask someone out, like on a date?

That’s kinda cute, I love that. At least he gets someone to ask since his Dad couldn’t be there to help him out.
I am so torn cuz on one hand I love the idea of Henry being an aroace king but on the other hand I love the idea of Henry being so full of love like his father was and just desperate to find someone to share it with but his mother drained all of the hope for love right out of him in favor of their goal
another chapter of my Stepdad Jason fic is out!!
Yall roleswap au but Marie and Henry switch places during the final confrontation
Like Forrest still gets trapped in the producer booth but Marie strolls in, maybe knocks down a speaker or upturns the couch, saunters over to the recording booth and hits the “Press 4 Peggy” button, turning the microphone to herself.
Forrest: Dawn.
Marie: *does the single finger at a time wave* Forrest. I’ll be honest, you don’t look how I expected you would. Not bad.
Forrest: I don’t have time for your bullshit, Dawn. Where’s Peggy?
Marie: ugh, temper, temper. We’ll get to her later. For now, I thought we could end tonight’s Whistling Man special with a special guest.
Forrest: you?
Marie: *laughing* no. If my timing is right, you should be getting a call coming in any minute now.
Forrest: just what the hell are you- what? The board… it’s a call?
Marie: *absolutely done being nice* answer it.
Henry: *heavy breathing*
Marie: welcome to the air, Mr. Teddy Gallows Junior.
Forrest: so there WERE two. That’s how you’ve been getting around so fast!
Marie: aren’t you a clever boy.
Henry: *loud breathing*
Teddy: you son of a bitch, your breathing is too god damn loud I can’t hear a word they’re saying!
Marie: DONT yell at him, or I’ll have him slit you ear to ear. It’s okay, honey, you can remove your mask now. Poor thing, no wonder Mooney went crazy wearing these.
Henry: *muffled scuffle noises*
Teddy: it’s… just a kid! Wait, hang on, you look familiar somehow. Kind of like this girl I used to know twenty years ago…
Marie: I’m back, Teddy.
Teddy: Marie?! Marie Campbell?! It really IS you! Boy, it sure has been years since I heard your-
*Henry kicks the shit out of him*
Marie: he doesn’t like kissasses.
Forrest: wait. If you’re… George’s girlfriend… then… who is that with Teddy right now?! What do they have to do with any of this?
Marie: Forrest Nash, let me introduce you, and all of Gallows Creek, to my boy, Henry Barrow.
Forrest: Hello, Henry.
Teddy: ow!
Marie: don’t mind him. he’s shy.
Forrest: what do you want, Marie?!
Marie: *examining her knife* well, since you did such a good job in piecing together everything that’s happened, I want your help in revealing what really happened that night twenty years ago.
Forrest: meaning?
Marie: I want you to interview us.
Forrest: and if I say no?
Marie: *tosses her knife in the air and catches it* *clicks her tongue and shakes her head* guess that’s a wrap on Forrest Nash, then.
Teddy: you bitch! What makes you think I’ll play along?
Teddy: OW!
Marie: seems like you found a good enough reason on your own.
<the interview is pretty much unchanged, with the added visual of Marie physically turning around and holding the desk when she gets too upset to answer>
Peggy: *getting closer* MARIE?! MARIE- huh?!
Marie: honey, put your auntie on the phone for me, please.
Peggy: GET OFF ME-
Forrest: PEGGY!
Marie: Peggy… it’s me…
Peggy: Marie?! Where are you?! Are you okay?!
Marie: I’m better than I’ve been in a long time, Peg. Your good friend Forrest has been keeping me company. For now.
Peggy: what- I don’t-
Marie: frankly im a bit sad you forgot my voice… I called up so many times hoping you’d remember…
Peggy: you… you were Dawn… that’s… that’s why you asked us to play that song…
Marie: good to talk to you again, Peggy.
Peggy: Marie, what happened to you?! You just disappeared one day and-
Marie: disappeared?! I was thrown out! I begged mom and dad to do something about what happened that night. But did they care? No. They told me to stay quiet. They only cared when they learned I’d been with George, and then…
Peggy: thrown out?! I don’t understand-
Marie: does the handsome young man in the dark trenchcoat look familiar to you?
(Optional teddy line here: familiar?! He’s your spitting image!)
Peggy: he’s…. Oh my God, Marie…. I’m so sorry.
Marie: it’s not your fault.
(The rest of the dialogue basically remains the same)
(If Peggy dies, Marie briefly drops to the floor before picking herself up.)
Yall sometimes I do cook okay

Do you want to talk about it? :p
I’d love to gush about this song but I’m just waiting for someone to start it first so it doesn’t feel too awkward
I listened to it and I like it a lot, I think it suits well!
“Hey sweetie (not in the endearing way but in the I’m-an-older-man-condescendingly-addressing-a-woman way), if you’re listening, you’re really scary and everything and I can’t wait to hear you call up again but before you do can you just pop on over to Ponty’s Pizza and give him a few quick shanks? Yeah he’s over on Jones road next to the fire station. Can’t miss it. Thanks so much sweetheart you’re a doll”
“Peggy this is for the greater good”
if i were forrest nash i would tell the whistling man ponty's location over the radio