Everything here will probably/most definitely be related to male vore and stuffing, and such. Please view at your own discretion
485 posts
Caelum & Champagne - "Whoops"
Caelum & Champagne - "Whoops"
Whoops - How do you feel about accidental Vore, and do you blame the predator for it?
Caelum: He’ll definitely blame the predator for it at first, but he might get more lenient if they seem genuinely sorry about it. However, if they seem like they’re enjoying it or don’t regret it, then he’ll continue to blame them for it and be angry
Champagne: She’d probably be doubtful of it being an accident at first, since it’s very common for her to be eaten on the job. Champagne would mostly be alright with it, though she still wouldn’t overly be fond of the whole experience
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More Posts from Itsawrites

My frog boy, Djalu! Look at his sweet boy face :V
01. Full name: Caelum Laplace02. Best friend: Hans 8D03. Sexuality: Bi04. Favorite color: Biege05. Relationship status: Taken/currently dating06. Ideal mate: Anyone who can get past his grumpy exterior and love him for the nerdy dork he is, even though he’s cripplingly shy and not at all social07. Turn-ons: Being able to talk about all the things he’s passionate about and them being just as interested08. Favorite food: Carrots 8B09. Crushes: This cute deer boy he met through his video games, and then met in real life10. Favorite music: He really likes video game OSTs11. Biggest fear: Being chased and eaten by a big predator (who isn’t his friend), and also being alone because no one likes him due to his personality12. Biggest fantasy: Becoming a famous and pro gamer and getting payed to play video games13. Bad habits: Trying to escape Hans, Never being able to stop after just one carrot14. Biggest regret: Not taking Phys. Ed class seriously, and fighting with his parents before he went to school and moved out15. Best kept secrets: He’s actually, deep down, kind of a little okay with Hans eating him16. Last thought: “Is he having MORE pizza?!”17. Worst romantic experience: N/A18. Biggest insecurity: His inability to let people grow close to him without him being grumpy at them19. Weapon of choice: His friend Hans?20. Role Model: Probably Hans? and Toffy too. They’re able to speak their minds much easier than Caelum and they’ve met lots of cool people because of it 83
This is a highly important Thursday coming up!! We gotta decide what all to feed to the pupper!!!!
I recalled a little while ago that this upcoming Thursday is Hans’ birthday. :B I gotta decide what to stuff the Pupper with for his big daaaaaaaaaay~
isabel >:3
01. Full name: Isabel Drolet02. Best friend: Sunan03. Sexuality: Asexual04. Favorite color: Raspberry Red05. Relationship status: Single06. Ideal mate: Anyone patient who will help her with getting around without running into stuff07. Turn-ons: N/A08. Favorite food: And sort of fruit or fruit food09. Crushes: N/A10. Favorite music: She really enjoys electric swing music11. Biggest fear: She’ll make it as a singer, but people will hate her voice12. Biggest fantasy: Becoming a famous singer13. Bad habits: She runs into stuff more often than she’d like14. Biggest regret: Never getting proper singing lessons, also never getting glasses15. Best kept secrets: She normally can’t tell what she’s actually looking at, so when she’s shopping whatever she’s buying is almost a mystery to her16. Last thought: “I wonder if this looks cute on me... I wonder what it looks like...”17. Worst romantic experience: She’s never thought of dating before18. Biggest insecurity: That people think she’s a ditz or an idiot when she crashes into stuff19. Weapon of choice: Screaming20. Role Model: Most and singer who can sing proudly and happily

I got two anons who sent in asks about Djalu. One wanted to see him with a belly again, and one wanted to see how far his tongue can reach!
For the record, that’s not his absolute limit for the tongue. That’s just how far it goes if he’s not slinging it at prey or such.