Itsanswers - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
From These Two Overly Kind Goofs, @animalkingdxm And @dumdumdrawstumtums

From these two overly kind goofs, @animalkingdxm and @dumdumdrawstumtums

7. Their tickle spots

He’s pretty ticklish in all the usual spots (armpits, soles of his feet), but especially ticklish in the sides of his ribs and even more so around and just above his tail 83c

Just poking above his tail will get a silly reaction from him instantly, most likely some weird yelp-like sound as he jumps away and holds his tail

10. Fears/phobias

He’s definitely 100% afraid of anyone bigger than him, at least at first, especially if they look like they wanna have a little bunny snack. He’s also easily scared when such a person is suddenly running at them

In truth, he’s also probably scared that people won’t like him. Even though he’s normally quite reclusive and reserved(?), he really doesn’t like being alone all that much

12. Grudges and vendettas

His grudges don’t really see fruition, since there’s not a lot he’s capable of doing on his own. He’d probably hold a grudge against a certain friend of his for having too much fun with him

The best he’s normally able to do about this, though, is pout and grump loudly. Of course, if a moment ever showed itself where he could get some revenge somehow, he’d be ready for it

17. Regrets

Not taking phys. ed class seriously for one B3 But he probably regrets his physical inadequacies the most since it’s lead to some trouble for him already

Probably regrets being such an enjoyable snack too 8P

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8 years ago

rei 13 15 19 22

13. What gets them flustered

Oooooooooh that’s a tough one! It’s hard to say, but I’d probably say something REEEEEEALLY genuine and special would get her good!

It might just take a few/bunch of tries to get her to realize you’re being serious 8P

15. What it takes to make them cry

Another tough one! That’s hard to say, since even immense amounts of failures and losses over a countless number of years hasn’t made her break down yet

It’d take a great deal of heartbreak to make this ancient fox witch cry, but she keeps her heart under a tight lock and key, so that ain’t gonna happen any time soon ;3

19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them

She’s not really affected by these sorts of things, since her end goal is ruling over all of humanity and overturning the Gods

Of course, for her actions, she normally always get punished, or get stopped before they can. So I guess you can say that it affects her by getting her into trouble 8O

22.  People who’ve influenced them greatly

She probably heard many stories about great and tricky yokai fox when she was growing up, and aspired to be even greater than they were!

And probably even the god Inari could’ve influenced her, being a fox god and all. “If a fox could join the ranks of gods, why couldn’t she overturn them?” was probably her mindset 8D

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8 years ago

How about Izumi with 6, 11, and 13?

6. Their vices (physical or emotional)

Hmmm… Izumi is a rather cool-headed guy, so it’s kind of hard to say… Though… he probably does enjoy playfully teasing Toffy from time to time >w>

Definitely loves playing with his little chinchilla!! But that’s probably not a crime–

11. Bad or petty habits

I’d say he has a habit of being a little too competitive, especially when it comes to eating contests ;3 If someone is being quite confident with their eating prowess around him, he’ll try to put them in their place.

And if being around Toffy isn’t enough practice for that event, then I don’t know what is

13. What gets them flustered

He is very cool-headed, so it’s pretty tough. Of course, if his precious Toffy is doting over him and taking care of him and Izumi doesn’t feel he deserves it, he might get a little embarrassed and flustered x3

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8 years ago

Then Baku 1 and 2 and 22

1. Their physical weak spots

Hmmmmm, his back is probably a weak spot for him, but being the rather supernatural being that he is, it’s hard to say just how weak that spot is

2. Their emotional/moral weak spots

Tatsuo is a fairly emotionally stable guy, so it’s tough to say. He’s not easily swayed by insults thrown around, since he’s very understanding of people and very patient

But perhaps he may feel weak if he ever thought that the only way he’s helpful to people is by giving them good dreams, and nothing more

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

Tatsuo was probably influenced by rather saintly or kind people, if anyone, or even the Gods and their generosity. He really enjoys being helpful through and through

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8 years ago

Tachibana and 7, 11, 17, and 20

7. Their tickle spots

The sides of his stomach, below his ribs, as well as the side of his neck! He’ll get all embarrassed and try to cover up the ticklish spot if you tickle it 83

He might have to nom a goof in defense! … and whose to say the interior of his belly isn’t ticklish (It totally is!!) 8O

11. Bad or petty habits

Well, his worst habit is just eating people from right off the streets when his hunger gets the better of him. Other than that, I can’t say there’s much, besides also forgetting his lunch at home too often x3

17. Regrets

He definitely regrets how much he lets himself gorge 8O He regrets it because he finds it so embarrassing, just imagining how he must look, especially when he walks!

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines

Hmmmmmmm… I can’t really say I have many ideas for that yet 8′D

It’ll be fun to think some up though 83c

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8 years ago

Nano with 13, 3, and 12

3. Scars or painful spots

There’s several scars on his body from a fight he lost a long time ago. A majority are on his back, and a few along his arms. Though he could easily remove them (supposedly), he chooses to keep them.

They are ‘”tender” he’ll tell you, but don’t risk getting close enough to check 8U

12. Grudges and vendettas

He holds a grudge against the hero who enshrined and banished him many, many years ago, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, there’s not much he can do to get revenge today, since that hero is long deceased

13. What gets them flustered

Not a lot can really fluster him. That’s not to deter you from trying. By all means, worship him and give him gifts til he’s “flustered” ;P

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7 years ago

Caelum & Champagne - "Whoops"

Whoops - How do you feel about accidental Vore, and do you blame the predator for it?

Caelum: He’ll definitely blame the predator for it at first, but he might get more lenient if they seem genuinely sorry about it. However, if they seem like they’re enjoying it or don’t regret it, then he’ll continue to blame them for it and be angry

Champagne: She’d probably be doubtful of it being an accident at first, since it’s very common for her to be eaten on the job. Champagne would mostly be alright with it, though she still wouldn’t overly be fond of the whole experience

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7 years ago

Astraea for Situated and Zzz, and Caelum and Toffy for Mmm and Bro


Situated - How long does it take you to make yourself at least remotely comfortable?

It normally takes her a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile, since she’s always careful about her large size. But it also depends on if she’s comfortable with her predator, like if it’s a certain friend of her’s than she’ll be able to get comfortable much easier

Zzz - Do you end up falling asleep inside your predatory captors? Why? If no, why not?

Well, it also kind of connects with Situated, depending on if she can get herself comfortable without causing her captor discomfort (ain’t she sweet). If she can’t get into a comfortable position then she won’t fall asleep, but she can fall asleep easier if she’s in one of her friends’ stomachs

Caelum and Toffy

Mmm - Have preds ever told you what you taste like? Do you have any clue how you taste to predators?

Toffy has been eaten maaaaaaaaaany times, so he’s been told what he tastes like on multiple occasions. He knows he tastes good, like a nice sweet and soft meal 8D

Caelum on the other hand… he gets the idea that he tastes good (at least to a certain predator), but he’s not overly sure what he himself tastes like. He avoids asking their buddy this to avoid “taste testing” (even though it will happen anyway xP)

Bro - Do certain friends swallow you to show affection?

Toffy’s is both yes and no, as there have been times when he’s just been yoinked up as a snack. But most of the time he’s eaten by friends

Caelum’s is a hardcore YEP. His best friend does it to him on the regular, and Caelum is really feeling the affection

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7 years ago

Marshmallows to anyone


Marshmallows - Does it bother you when preds ingest you when there’s already food in their stomach?

Caelum: YES. But he’s almost painfully used to it at this point. He knows he’ll eventually be the only thing left in there in a few hours, but being packed in all that food is annoying to him

Isabel: She doesn’t overly mind, as normally what awaits her is less food and more tea. If it’s fruit tea, then she LOVES IT

But if it were food, she’d probably be a little annoyed, since it’ll get on her nice clothes, but if she was eaten by her really good friend, then she would overlook it (since they’d probably just get her new cute clothes later anyway)

Rei: Much like the bunny, YES! It’s normally one of the most commonly used ways to “seal” her. She’ll kick up a big fuss in the pred’s belly, which often results in them having to eat more to get her to stop

Toffy: He doesn’t mind in the slightest, in fact he was probably the one who stuffed the pred in the first place! He may have even hinted at them eating him in the first place

Aaaaaaaaaaand BONUS OC

Vert: She would be rather indifferent, probably analyzing the food, and seeing what it is/was and how long it will be until it’s properly digested

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7 years ago

Mmm, Audio, n Beat for Isabel~ 🦇


Mmm - Have preds ever told you what you taste like? Do you have any clue how you taste to predators?

She’s been told she tastes fruity, which she says is due to her being a fruit bat or drinking/eating so many fruits 8O

Audio - Do stomach noises intimidate you when you’re trapped inside, or relax you?

Probably mostly relax, since she’s mainly only been in one stomach, so she knows she’s safe in there!

Beat - How do heartbeats make you feel?

She’s probably actually fascinated by them, since she can hear the heart beating real well if she tries to listen for it while in a stomach 8O

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7 years ago

I said I was gonna do this: all the questions for Caelum, Rei, Astraea, Vert, Isa, and Toffy! :3 I need to know all the things cuz I love yer OCs so much x333333



(Read more because it BIG)

Nom - How do you feel about preds giving you a little nibble or two (not enough to hurt, though)?

Caelum: He’s not overly a fan of it, and tends to squirm around when he gets nibbled. His ears are the best target for nibbling, and they’re often chewed on 8B

Rei: She hates it. She already hates being rendered helpless when being eaten, so just being mocked further with nibbling will make her furious x3

Astraea: She doesn’t overly mind, even though it’s an odd sensation. She has to do her best to keep herself still because she’s scared her size will harm her predator, so she does her best to try and overlook being nibbled

Vert: She doesn’t enjoy it. Given who her predator mainly is, she’ll be in for an unenjoyable time soon following the nibbles B3c

Isabel: It would probably surprise her at first and make her suddenly jump, but she’d probably be okay with it

Toffy: He loves them, they probably tickle him x3 he’d kick his legs all happily if he got a playful nibble, he just loves it so much


Mmm - Have preds ever told you what you taste like? Do you have any clue how you taste to predators?

Caelum, Toffy, and Isabel already got their answers x3

Rei: She has not a clue what she tastes like, but she knows that she apparently goes well with most any Japanese style dish, and various desserts. Fox sushi and Fox noodles seem popular with a certain god 8O

Astraea: She’s not sure how she tastes, but she assumes good enough because her friend doesn’t have a problem eating her 83

Vert: She has no idea, and she dares not ask, but her predator does enjoy her flavour


Audio - Do stomach noises intimidate you when you’re trapped inside, or relax you?

Isabel already got her answer 8D

Caelum: As long as it’s his best buddy, they’ll relax (and probably annoy) him. He’s been in there so many times that he’s soooooooooo used to it

Rei: Not really intimidate? More so REALLY annoy her. Maybe if she was outside of the stomach first and it started making noises, then she’d be a little intimidated, but once she’s in there then she’s just maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

Astraea: She’s not overly intimidated by stomach noises, since she’s more worried about herself harming her predator than them harming her. Definitely relaxes her if she’s eaten by her friend though.

Vert: Intimidates her thoroughly! She’s terrified already in her predator’s stomach, so the noises will just add to that 8O

Toffy: Relaxes him, no matter what! Toffy lives for the tummy x3


Company - Would you rather be eaten alone or with a friend?

Caelum: He’s rather indifferent? If anything he finds more company to make the belly cramped for him

Rei: Well… Rei doesn’t really have any friends? But she wouldn’t enjoy the company even if she did xP

Astraea: She prefers alone, just because of how large she is. She wouldn’t mind company though, as long as she knows where they are at all times

Vert: Alone, that way no one has to go through what she does 8O

Isabel: She’d be totally alright with company in her friend’s stomach 83

Toffy: He’d LOVE company! The more the merrier!!


Marshmallows - Does it bother you when preds ingest you when there’s already food in their stomach?

Caelum, Rei, Isabel, Vert, and Toffy have already answered!!

Astraea: Not really, since she’s very understanding and knows that most predators just loooooooooooove to eat


Regrets - Do you ever have that moment when you regret letting your guard down around a predator?

Caelum: Probably quite often. He’s normally quite relaxed around his best buddy, so he’s normally quite open for Hans to eat B3

Rei: This is a very big YES!! She’ll often let her guard down when she thinks Mizuki is enjoying being stuffed, so while she’s bringing the naga more food to fill her up, she’ll often just get yoinked up and eaten

Astraea: Not really, since she’s always well aware of when a predator is going to eat her. It’s incredibly hard to eat her without her noticing x3

Vert: Yes, very much so. Once she’s caught, it’s no fun for her B3

Isabel: She’s often caught by surprise when she’s eaten, but she doesn’t regret it herself

Toffy: NOPE, he regrets nothing B3 He’s more than happy to be eaten no matter what


Beat - How do heartbeats make you feel?

Already answered for Isabel!

Caelum: He probably finds them really odd, yet rhythmically comforting x3

Rei: She’s probably really annoyed by them, since she doesn’t want to even be inside someone, let alone hearing all these sounds

Astraea: She’d probably find it relaxing, listening to a nice, strong, beating heart 8D

Vert: She would find it fascinating, probably even doing readings and analyzing the beats as best she could

Toffy: He’d find it really cool!!


Situated - How long does it take you to make yourself at least remotely comfortable?

Astraea already got an answer here 8D

Caelum: It normally takes a little while, since he has to kick up a fuss first, and then there’s probably food coming in soon after. Once the eating slows down, he’ll begin getting comfy 83

Rei: A looooooooooooooooooong time, if ever! Normally when she’s eaten, she’s just played with and teased more, so it takes a long time before she can even try to get comfortable… and even then she’s likely to just be toyed with again and lose her comfortable position right away

Vert: She can never get comfortable in her predator’s stomach, it’s not a good place for her 8B

Isabel: She can get comfortable right away, as long as she’s eaten by Sunan. As soon as she’s in there, she’s comfortable 8D

Toffy: As soon as he’s in a stomach he’s comfortable, no questions


Pounding - When someone ingests you without your consent, do you relax and try to find a way out calmly or make a major fuss and unleash hell on their innards?

Caelum: MAJOR FUSS!! There’s not much he can do, besides express his discomfort at being eaten by weakly punching the stomach around him

Rei: She’d love to unleash hell on her captor, but sadly her abilities get blocked by the divine stomach she’s often “sealed” in

Astraea: This big dragon would likely just relax and try to get out calmly, since she’d hate to hurt her predator

Vert: She’d kick up a bit of a fuss, but there’s not a lot she can do to help herself escape 8O

Isabel: She’d probably kick up a fuss at first if she wasn’t eaten by her friend, but after that she’d try to calmly find her way out

Toffy: He ain’t even worrying about this, as soon as he’s eaten he’s okay with it


Whoops - How do you feel about accidental Vore, and do you blame the predator for it?

Caelum already got an answer!

Rei: “WHAT ACCIDENT!?” She’d say. She’d 100% blame the predator, and would say she’d only forgive them if they spat her out (which she wouldn’t even follow through with)

Astraea: She’d be incredibly surprised if someone accidentally ate her, but she wouldn’t hold it against them

(Is it even possible to accidentally vore her???)

Vert: She’d highly doubt if it was an accident or not, but she’d be indifferent, since either way she’s stuck in someone’s stomach

Isabel: She’d probably blame herself and her horrible eyesight for it, or even blame how delicious and fruity she tastes x3

Toffy: He blames no one, since he would love this happening to him!


Explanation - Do you think preds need to tell you why they swallowed you?

Caelum: He’d say yes, but he already knows the answer 8B

Rei: She’s already well aware of why she’s getting eaten, but she’ll forever hate it

Astraea: She understands that predators need to eat, so she doesn’t require and explanation, unless it seemed rather peculiar

Vert: She doesn’t need an explanation, since it doesn’t change the fact that she’s trapped in someone’s stomach 8B

Isabel: She’s fine as long as it’s Sunan, since she knows why she’s being eaten by him already x3

Toffy: He’s a weird one, he doesn’t need an explanation. If anything, the predators need an explanation for why he’s okay with them swallowing him xD


Sorry - If a predator apologizes, do you forgive them?

Caelum: He’d begrudgingly forgive them after a while, but request to be released

Rei: Not until they let her out, and then NO SHE WON’T

Astraea: Easily! She holds no grudges against anyone!

Vert: As long as she gets let out, yes she will

Isabel: She most likely forgive them, she’s not the angry sort x3

Toffy: He’d forgive them! Probably even give them tummy rubs to make them feel better!


Zzz - Do you end up falling asleep inside your predatory captors? Why? If no, why not?

Astraea has already been answered for here

Caelum: YEP! His best friend’s stomach is his room now pretty much, so he falls asleep in there like every night

Rei: Yes, since she’s often trapped in her captor’s stomach for a long period of time

Vert: She can’t fall asleep, since she can’t get herself comfortable in a stomach

Isabel: If she’s in there over night, then she’d totally fall asleep! She’s perfectly safe in there 8D

Toffy: Definitely!! He’d easily get cozy in a tum, and if he’s in there for a while then he’ll totally get some sleep too


The Fear - Are you phased by Vore, or are you perfectly comfortable with sliding down a predator’s throat?

Caelum: He used to be completely terrified of it. He’s still scared of being eaten, but as long as he’s eaten by Hans, then he’s less terrified!

Rei: HATES IT! She questions why it’s the favoured method in sealing her, but she may arguably be used to sliding down a predator’s throat B3

Astraea: The only reason she’s not wholly comfortable with being eaten is the overwhelming worry that she might harm her predator x3

Vert: She doesn’t like being eaten at all, especially by the Spider

Isabel: She’s pretty comfortable with it as long as it’s by her friend! He makes it pretty quick anyway 83

Toffy: 100% comfortable with it!! He lives for it!!


Picky - If you had to pick anyone you knew or looked up to to swallow you, what person would that be and why?

Caelum: He really doesn’t want to answer. We already know his answer anyway, but he’s a big dork and doesn’t wanna say… It’s obviously Hans, his bestest buddy ever 8B

Rei: She wishes to abstain from answering this, so I’ll pick for her!! Mizuki BD

Astraea: Yesren! Since they’re very good friends, and he can actually manage his huge belly well!

Vert: The poor bunny girl doesn’t want to answer either, so I’ll pick for her too~! The Spider 8P

Isabel: Sunan, all the way!! He’s her closest friend, and she spends most of their time together in his stomach anyway 8D

Toffy: DON’T ASK HIM TO CHOOSE!! There’s waaaaaaaaaaay too many people he’d love to be eaten by!!


Bro - Do certain friends swallow you to show affection?

Caelum and Toffy have already answered this one

Rei: Define “friend” to her She has what we call a “frenemy” who happily eats her whenever they please, so that might count?

Astraea: Definitely!! Her good friend Yesren is very kind and would happily eat her!

Vert: … Well… not a friend… and not to show affection… But I guess affection can take different forms, so it’s possible 8U

Isabel: HECK YES!! Her friend is very nice and swallows her so she doesn’t have to focus on both paying attention to walking and him talking at the same time. Now she can wholly devote her attention to him 8D


Metabolism - Are you easy-to-digest or indigestible?

Caelum: Easy to digest, if he were eaten by anyone who wasn’t a friend 8B

Rei: Indigestible! She’s very powerful and has a number of ways she is immune to digestion

Astraea: She’s probably rather hard to digest, if not indigestible

Vert: she is fairly difficult to digest, if not indigestible, due to her divine nature!

Isabel: If she was to be digested, she’d probably be easy to digest! Her friend is quite nice and doesn’t digest her x3

Toffy: This chinchilla is indigestible! He’s not overly sure why, but he claims it’s because tummies love him!


Hard to Stomach - Do you typically force preds to spit you out?

Caelum: He can’t, but if he could he probably would 8O

Rei: There is nothing she wants more than to be able to do this. Sadly, she can’t do this, since she has very little to no control over what’s going on during these times

Astraea: Nope, she just sits still in their stomachs and waits. If they can stomach her then she’ll just relax, but if they can’t handle her size then she’ll be coming right back up

Vert: If she could then she gladly would, but sadly she can’t

Isabel: She’s never had to, since her predator is quite nice to her 8D

Toffy: NOPE! Toffy is just enjoying the ride! He’ll leave when they want him to


Cocoon - Are stomachs a calming or unnerving place to be?

Caelum: They were mostly unnerving for Caelum at first, but he’s grown incredibly used to them at this point (at least a certain one). He doesn’t necessarily find them calming, but he’s much more used to them

Rei: She finds them real unnerving and aggravating, because she wants O U T!!

Astraea: Calming for her, since she gets to just sit in there and relax 8D

Vert: Unnerving. It’s terrifying for her and she really doesn’t like it

Isabel: Calming, especially when there’s delightful fruity tea waiting for her x3

Toffy: Calming and enjoyable no matter what for this goof! It’s super hard for him to hate and stomach 8O


Pain Relief - Do you ever go down and try to cure a predator buddy’s illnesses?

Caelum: Reluctantly, but yes he does. If his best buddy is really groaning up a storm then Caelum will begrudgingly go down and try to help him out

Rei: That’s a hard N O for her. However, sometimes she doesn’t get a choice

Astraea: She’d gladly lend a hand, she loves helping her friends out!

Vert: It’s possible that she might, if the predator is commanding her to, or in an attempt to get on the predator’s good side 8O

Isabel: She love to help, but she might have a hard time finding the source of the illness on her own

Toffy: He’d do his very best!! He’s always more than willing to go help his predator friends no matter what

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7 years ago


01. Full name: Caelum Laplace02. Best friend: Hans 8D03. Sexuality: Bi04. Favorite color: Biege05. Relationship status: Taken/currently dating06. Ideal mate: Anyone who can get past his grumpy exterior and love him for the nerdy dork he is, even though he’s cripplingly shy and not at all social07. Turn-ons: Being able to talk about all the things he’s passionate about and them being just as interested08. Favorite food: Carrots 8B09. Crushes: This cute deer boy he met through his video games, and then met in real life10. Favorite music: He really likes video game OSTs11. Biggest fear: Being chased and eaten by a big predator (who isn’t his friend), and also being alone because no one likes him due to his personality12. Biggest fantasy: Becoming a famous and pro gamer and getting payed to play video games13. Bad habits: Trying to escape Hans, Never being able to stop after just one carrot14. Biggest regret: Not taking Phys. Ed class seriously, and fighting with his parents before he went to school and moved out15. Best kept secrets: He’s actually, deep down, kind of a little okay with Hans eating him16. Last thought: “Is he having MORE pizza?!”17. Worst romantic experience: N/A18. Biggest insecurity: His inability to let people grow close to him without him being grumpy at them19. Weapon of choice: His friend Hans?20. Role Model: Probably Hans? and Toffy too. They’re able to speak their minds much easier than Caelum and they’ve met lots of cool people because of it 83

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5 years ago

Do you think that Ozymandias and Gilgamesh would be friendly with each other while eating the most delicious of food fit for kings such as them, or would there be a big competitive streak with their clashing egos being almost as big as their resulting bellies?

Oh I think they'd totally get along as they both indulge themselves on the most elegant and extravagant of foods. Their laughter filling the room as they say they've had appetizers larger than this, patting their giant bellies.

They're bellies growing large enough to match their brilliant forms, and their egos... and even then I doubt they'd be full. Still casually enjoying desserts as they boast about feasts past, or talk about their great feats during this feast, or saying how this was only a good start.

... not to mention if they swallowed some servants or cooks or waiters during this, maybe telling them it serves them right for getting in the way of these kings' royal banquet... maybe Gil giving a hearty, cocky laugh as he slaps his belly, telling them that their futile struggles only help to make more room. Ozy on the other hand maybe just patting his gut, telling them how lucky they are to be within his glorious belly.

... and even these large bellies aren't enough to keep these fit kings from going out and taking in all the attention they can, and hitting up some fancy restaurants and other establishments. Maybe eating a waiter or two for serving them mediocre food, and telling them they're lucky to be eaten by a king such as himself.

I obviously have a really big weak spot for the King of Kings himself... so I really love the idea of someone hiding in a large, pyramid shaped cake for Ozymandias. Maybe some other servants saying how it'd be impossible for him to eat it, but Ozy taking it as a challenge, like "You think this meager delicacy would be enough to best me? The King of Kings?" And he just devours the whole cake in a matter of moments, laughing as he pats his large, gurgling belly I'm triumph.

Eventually he feels the movement in his belly, and figures out what happened, but tells them that they're gonna be stuck in their all day. It's their fault for being in his food anyway, but they're truly lucky to be able to be inside the Sun King's gut... at least Ozymandias tells them so

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4 years ago

Who do you think would have the biggest belly (stuffing wise or vore wise) in a competition with the dudes from Sk8?

Hmmmmm, this may be my bias/favouritism but I’d say Joe would have the biggest belly, followed by L/anga and R/eki!

J/oe has the unfair advantage of being around food (including customers) all day at work, so his belly could get very large. If we thought L/anga had a lot of food at the restaurant, just think of what Joe’s plate would’ve looked like!

L/anga just packs food away almost nonstop whenever he can, and R/eki’s competitive spirit helps him keep up with L/anga as they chow down!

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3 years ago

Are you alive? It’s nothing from you here for a long time. Missing your content, dude…

SORRY, I've just been going through a real dry spell lately and a lack of motivation

I'm still alive, mostly just lurking around, but I'm still here!! Hopefully I can be more lively sooner rather than later orz

I'm also on twitter at itsawrites where... I don't really post things either...

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