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485 posts
Astraea For Situated And Zzz, And Caelum And Toffy For Mmm And Bro
Astraea for Situated and Zzz, and Caelum and Toffy for Mmm and Bro
Situated - How long does it take you to make yourself at least remotely comfortable?
It normally takes her a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile, since she’s always careful about her large size. But it also depends on if she’s comfortable with her predator, like if it’s a certain friend of her’s than she’ll be able to get comfortable much easier
Zzz - Do you end up falling asleep inside your predatory captors? Why? If no, why not?
Well, it also kind of connects with Situated, depending on if she can get herself comfortable without causing her captor discomfort (ain’t she sweet). If she can’t get into a comfortable position then she won’t fall asleep, but she can fall asleep easier if she’s in one of her friends’ stomachs
Caelum and Toffy
Mmm - Have preds ever told you what you taste like? Do you have any clue how you taste to predators?
Toffy has been eaten maaaaaaaaaany times, so he’s been told what he tastes like on multiple occasions. He knows he tastes good, like a nice sweet and soft meal 8D
Caelum on the other hand… he gets the idea that he tastes good (at least to a certain predator), but he’s not overly sure what he himself tastes like. He avoids asking their buddy this to avoid “taste testing” (even though it will happen anyway xP)
Bro - Do certain friends swallow you to show affection?
Toffy’s is both yes and no, as there have been times when he’s just been yoinked up as a snack. But most of the time he’s eaten by friends
Caelum’s is a hardcore YEP. His best friend does it to him on the regular, and Caelum is really feeling the affection
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More Posts from Itsawrites
LATE TO THE PARTY FOR REBLOGGING THIS BECAUSE I COULDN'T FIND THE RIGHT WORDS AHHHHHHHHHHHH ... I still can't... it's so awesoooooooooooooooooooooooome!!!!!! Lookit Toffy!!! He looks so perfect and amazing and adorabllllllllllle!!!!!! His expression is way too perfect

Have I mentioned how much I love fantasy AUs? Because I love my friends’ OCs even more. So I went ahead and doodled some of them up as DnD/FF/FE classes~
feat. (in order): ‘Fighter’ Kai belonging to @askbloatedbellyblog; ‘Bard’ Toffy property of @itsawrites; ‘Bard’ Avon persona of Avon; ‘Cleric’ Barry owned by @princeofvore; ‘Hero’ Pruitt © @fire-emblem-anon; ‘Dancer’ Jake brainchild of @blackberry-tsundere; ‘Red Mage’ Amber persona of @sunset-aria; and ‘Ranger’ Jamie a la @ironcladshadow !


My frog boy, Djalu! Look at his sweet boy face :V

I got two anons who sent in asks about Djalu. One wanted to see him with a belly again, and one wanted to see how far his tongue can reach!
For the record, that’s not his absolute limit for the tongue. That’s just how far it goes if he’s not slinging it at prey or such.

More Mizuki as a little wind down picture. Would you believe me if I said this was supposed to be kink shit like holy crap.
But yeah, surprise! In the Animal Kingdom, Sea Snake varieties of naga fall under the same jurisdiction as mers and can switch between legs and their tails at will. So for her job (fashion model), Mizuki will alternate her form depending on what outfit her designer requires her to wear.

i forgot she wore blue shoes lol, and sorry it’s huge, also i haven’t drawn on my tablet in awhile fshdkfhh
~~~~~ WELL IT LOOKS AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!! Look how adorable she loooooooooks and the peaches in the background!!!