itslulabee - Lula

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65 posts

I Did It Again (the Hobbit Characters As Vines)

I did it again (the hobbit characters as vines)

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More Posts from Itslulabee

9 months ago
I Saw This In My Dreams And Now I Am On My Hands And Knees Begging Someone To Draw This For ME I CANT

I saw this in my dreams and now I am on my hands and knees begging someone to draw this for mE I CANT DRAW PLEASE SOMEONE DO THIS

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10 months ago

Participation (Ch.4)


Warriors Haven

Participation (Ch.4)

Dwalin x OC (smut!!)

(part one, part two, part three, part five, part six)

Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, now we're getting down and dirty with Dwalin (I've truly lost it with this one I fear)

MINORS DNI !!! very much 18+, please scroll younglings...

Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3

~ <3 ~

Kaia lay beside Bofur for a while after, her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as he played with her hair and hummed.

A smile never left her lips.

Who would have thought that joining a company of thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard would lead to such happiness.

Kaia had fallen for Kili, and he her. He would braid her hair, and she would be his when this was all over. He would be hers… as would Fili, and Bofur.

How lucky could one girl be?

Kaia lifted her head up to look at Bofur, who had his eyes closed as he hummed gently. Placing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth, she watched as his lips turned up into a goofy smile.

“Well, hello there…” Bofur murmurs, cracking an eye open to look down at her.

“Forget I was here?” She teases.

“How could i?” The dwarf chuckles, running a hand over her hair. “So, have Kili asked you to court him yet?”

Kaia giggles, nuzzling against Bofur’s cheek, “He has. Though, if he hadn’t, you would have just ruined the surprise.”

“What surprise?” Bofur laughs, “That boy has been enamoured by you since he first saw you, lass. He follows you around like a love sick puppy.”

“Not unlike the rest of you.” Kaia murmurs, biting at Bofur’s lower lip.

“Oh, aye, we all adore you ground you walk on.” He responds, taking her hand in his own to kiss her knuckles, “But you’re Kili’s One.”

“And you?” Kaia asks, looking into his soulful brown eyes, “What will you be to me?”

Bofur raises an eyebrow, pulling her closer so she rests atop his broad chest. She plays with his spiralled moustache as he runs his fingers through her hair.

“You heard us earlier. Our lasses often take lovers, but that does not mean they are any less important to her. Yes, her husband is her one, but she is adored by every dwarrow who she claims as hers…”

Bofur suddenly looks shy, self-conscious. “I know, if Mahal willing, you’ll court Kili, in the future you’ll marry him, and become a princess... and I am just a miner who dreams of being a toymaker, with no titles to my name, and a very impressive hat-”

“I’m going to stop you right there.” Kaia chimes in, pressing her fingers to his lips. “I would love for you to be one of my lovers, Bofur.”

His eyes shine, and he breaks out into a wide smile. Pressing a kiss to her fingers, he leans forward to press his forehead to his own.

“You know, we’re about to go and fight a dragon, but I’ve never felt more sure we’ll be okay than in this moment.” He says quietly, a contented sigh leaving his lips.

“I agree.” Kaia murmurs, kissing his cheek.


An hour passes. After washing again with Bofur, who behaved for the most part, Kaia walked back to camp with her hatted lover in tow.

Some of the Company had already gone to sleep, with only a small group of dwarves and Bilbo remaining around the fire.

“There you are!” Bilbo exclaims, sighing with relief, “I was beginning to think you drowned, or something.”

“I’m alright! Did not drown, very much alive.” Kaia chuckles, patting Bilbo’s shoulder as she passes him.

Fili and Kili sit on a log, giving her bright smiles as she came to sit beside them.

“Even if I were in any danger, I had a big, strong dwarf to protect me.” Kaia says, smiling at Bofur as he walks towards the group. He raises his eyebrows, looking around before pointing at himself. “Yes, you, you oaf!”

“Yes, I’m big and strong and fearless, look at me.” Bofur flexes his arms, and Bilbo sighs at him.

“Where even were you, Bofur? I hope you weren’t bothering Kaia whilst she bathed!” Dori chastises, tutting. Beside him, Nori smirks.

“I don’t think he was doing anything she didn’t like…” He states, “She’s blushing like a dam in heat.”

“No, I’m not.” Kaia waves her hand, and Fili catches it in his own to play with her fingers gently. Kili smiles at her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

“What are those marks on her neck?” Ori asks, tilting his head at her.

Kaia feels her blush bloom deeper, one hand coming up to feel the marks left by Kili, Fili, and now also Bofur.

“Admiring our handiwork there, Ori?” Fili teases, winking at Kaia. “I see you added a few of your own, Bofur… are there more congratulations in order?”

“I would say so, aye.” Bofur beams, and Fili stands up and claps him on the shoulder.

The group look around in confusion, with Balin and Nori being the first to realise what was happening. Kaia reaches into her skirt, taking out the courting bead Kili gave her. With a bright smile, she offers it to the prince.

“Would you do me the honour of braiding my hair, Kili?” She asks, and his smile could light up the entire forest around them.

“It would be my honour, Kaia.” He says, and she sits between his legs for him to start braiding a section of her hair.

The rest of the dwarves cheer, smiling brightly and patting the four beaming individuals on the shoulder. With a contented hum, Kili finishes her braid, and Kaia runs her fingers over it, pressing a kiss to Kili’s own.

“That does not explain the marks- Ow, Nori!” Ori says, getting smacked on the back of the head by his brother.

“No seriously, what are… Oh. Oh! Ohh.” Bilbo goes bright red, looking anywhere but Kaia and the three beaming dwarves.

“Well, isn’t this marvellous!” Dori says, clapping his hands, “Oh, I’m so happy for you all!”

“This is cause for celebration!” Nori says, bringing out his water skin full of wine, passing it to Kaia.

She smiles and takes a sip, feeling bright and happy as the dwarves around her talk happily about what this means for the Company. Kili rests his head against her own, as Fili and Bofur talk about what it will be like in Erebor for them all.

“I wonder what Thorin will have to say about all of this.” Balin comments, and Kaia’s shoulders slump a little bit.

“Oh, aye. Kili, you’ll have to talk to him.” Dori says.

“Yeah, I should probably go and do that now… I was hoping to avoid it until later, but now that my ghivashel has my braid in her hair…” Kaia can hear Kili’s smile in his voice as he presses a kiss to her hair.

“I’ll come with you.” Fili nods, standing up, “Thorin will want to have all of the details, seeing as Kili is now courting her and me and Bofur are shagging her-”

“Must you make it sound so vulgar?” Dori tuts, with Gloin agreeing with him.

“Don’t be ashamed of it, Dori. You’re some lasses’ lover, too. I’m sure you get yours!” Bofur says, winking at the older dwarf. Dori goes bright red, before standing up to clip Bofur around the ear.

“Bofur! I think you should come too!” Kili says, standing and grabbing Bofur as he and Fili head off towards where Thorin is keeping watch.

“That conversation is going to be fun.” Nori chuckles, shaking his head at the three dwarves.

“Do you reckon Thorin will oppose it?” Kaia asks, fiddling with her courting braid anxiously.

“He may have his grievances, lass.” Balin sighs, patting her shoulder, “But we can all see how much Kili cares for you, he’ll fight for you. And I reckon both Fili and Bofur will have their own words to say.”

“Don’t they always!” Nori laughs.

Kaia still feels worried. She does not want Kili and his uncle to have a spat over their courting. She is a human, and he a dwarven prince, it would not surprise her if Thorin refused to acknowledge their relationship.

Feeling suddenly sick and self-conscious, she excuses herself from the group, walking further into the clearing to have some time to think.


Kaia finds herself in a secluded part of the camp, far enough that their voices are lost but the light of the fire reaches her finger tips.

Sitting on a rock, Kaia brings her knees to her chest, trying to not get too worried over what the King Under the Mountain will have to say about her relationships with both of his heirs.

The thought of him forbidding Kili from being with her, or stopping her from being with the other two in some way, makes her chest tight. What if he sends her away, dismissing her from travelling with the Company from now on…?

“What’s got you sulking, then?” A deep voice growls, causing Kaia to jump.

A few feet from her, Dwalin leans against a tree, tilting his head as he stares at her. His face is casted in shadows, and Kaia cannot read his face.

“Nothing.” She says, wrapping her arms around her knees.

“Spit it out, girl. You look like someone killed your puppy.”

Kaia bites back a smile, he sounded so gruff and angry, but there was something comforting about his presence.

“Me and Kili are courting.”

“Took you both long enough.” Dwalin chuckles, walking over to sit next to her on the rock. “Don’t tell me you’re already having troubles five minutes in?”

“No, Kili’s wonderful…”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” Dwalin grumbles, causing Kaia to laugh.

“I’m worried Thorin won’t be happy about it.”

“Screw him.”

Kaia gasps, staring wide eyed at Dwalin. The gruff warrior shrugs, looking off into the distance, “He’s seen as well as the rest of us how much Kili cares about you. And you seem to like him, Mahal knows why, so he shouldn’t be what stops you both from being happy.”

Kaia smiles, bumping her shoulder with his. Though he is a dwarf and she is a human, he stands at the same height as her, and on the rock, she has to look up at him slightly.

“Something else on your mind?” He asks, looking down at her. His blue eyes meet hers, and she feels butterflies in her stomach looking at them. Dwalin may be a grizzled, tattooed warrior who has probably killed more people than Kaia has ever met, but damn it if he isn’t attractive.

“Well… Kili and I, once we confessed how we felt, we…” Kaia blushes slightly, looking away from his intense gaze.


“We… um, we were intimate.”

“Not surprising.” Dwalin says casually, but his voice has gone an octave deeper.

“Not just him and I… Fili, as well… and Bofur…” She chuckles, looking down at her feet.

“Mahal, lassie, you move quickly.” Dwalin laughs, shaking his head.

“Hey, I was told I can have as many lovers as I want!”

“Oh, certainly you can, the more the merrier.” He says, looking over at her.

The way his eyes travel down her remind her of how he looked at her earlier in the evening.

“How many should I have?” Kaia asks, turning her body towards him.

“Many dwarrowdams have only one or two… but a lass like you, you shouldn’t even consider having less than four.”

“Oh? I’ve only got two, so far…” Kaia pouts, trailing an arm over his bicep. “Know anyone who might want to be my third?”

Dwalin growls low in his throat, grabbing her hand with one of his own whilst his other arm wraps around her waist. Kaia gasps as he pulls her onto his lap, straddling his strong thighs as he presses his forehead to hers.

“I know someone who would be more than willing…” His voice rumbles low in his throat.

Kaia grins, and Dwalin leans forward, kissing her hard and fast.

Their teeth clash in a bruising kiss, and Dwalin bites at her lower lip. When she gasps, he forces his tongue into mouth, causing Kaia to moan at the feeling,

One of his arms remain around her waist, supporting her against him as his other hand travels down her body. He grabs a handful of her behind, squeezing roughly in a way which makes Kaia groan.

His lips leave her own, trailing down her jaw and neck in open mouthed kisses, nipping her skin to hear her pant and gasp in a way he loves.

“I’m sure the princes and the toy maker were nice to you. All gentle and delicate…” Dwalin groans, licking the tops of her breasts. His thighs support her weight as he brings both of his large hands up, grabbing onto the top of her dress.

“But I won’t be gentle.” With one tug, he tears her bodice open, revealing her breasts to the cold air.

Kaia gasps, before moaning as Dwalin drops his head to her tits, taking one of her nipples in his mouth to suck and bite it. He moves his head to her other breast, while his hands move back to her ass, squeezing and slapping it.

Lifting his head back up, he stares at her with dark, lust filled eyes.

“I’m going to fuck you.” He says, voice low and hoarse, “If you don’t want to be taken rough and hard, tell me now. Because once I get a taste of you, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”

Kaia is panting now, her hands grasping onto his shoulders as her brain digests his words.

He is staring at her, chest heaving and sweat pooling at his neck. His eyes are so dark the blues in them look like a midnight sky, and his lips are swollen beneath his beard.

Below her, she can feel how hard he is. And how big he is, too. Straining against the leather of his trousers, his cock pulses as she shifts herself on his lap.

“Why don’t you show me how it’s done, Dwalin?” She murmurs, leaning forward to dance her lips over his ear. His piercings are metallic against her tongue, and she captures his lobe between her teeth, forcing a deep growl out of the warrior.

In an instant, he lifts her up, one arm under her ass whilst his other tangles into her hair. He kisses her, fast and bruising, as he spins them around, pressing Kaia’s back to the rock below them.

Dwalin’s lips moved across her neck, biting at the marks left by the others and sending pleasured pain through her body. His large, calloused hands grabbed at her tits, playing with them and making her moan and gasp at the feeling of them being tugged so harshly.

Her noises caused him to groan and buck against her, his hips searching her own as she spread her legs for him. Dwalin lifted his head up, looking over her body where she was lying, tits out and chest heaving, legs spread as he dress fell low on her legs.

“Sasakhabiya abnâmul, Mesmel…” He groans in Khuzdul, dragging his hands over her breasts and up to her neck. “I need to feel you around my cock.”

Kaia moans, bumping her nose against his own. “Take me, please, Dwalin…”

With another low growl, Dwalin lifts her up, turning her around so her hands and knees are against the rock. She gasps at the feeling of the cold stone below her palms and knees, but feels her heart race as the gruff warriors hands soothe down her back and ass. She arches her back as his fingers dance under her knees, pulling her dress further up.

“There you go, just like that.” Dwalin murmurs, pushing her dress up until it is around her waist. Kaia can hear his sharp intake of breath at the sight of her cunt, “So wet for me, Khajmel.”

He kisses her back, before biting down on her ass. She winces, but the pain feels heavenly as he pushes one of his fingers into her tight heat.

Pumping it in and out, he stretches her open with one of his thick fingers, before adding a second one. He presses a kiss to her clit, groaning as her pussy flutters around him as he does so.

“You’re so tight, did those boys do nothing to open you up?” Dwalin tuts, kissing her back again. “I’ll show you what it feels like to be properly fucked open, sweet girl.”

Kaia gasps and moans as his fingers increase their pace, fucking her open as her lips spread further and her back arches. She pushes against his hand, but he tuts and lands a smack against her ass, causing her to wince.

“Behave.” Dwalin commands, continuing to finger her whilst his other hand smooths over the red mark on her ass cheek. “Are you ready for my cock, princess?”

“Yes! Yes, please!” Kaia begs, biting down onto her lip as he chuckles low in his throat.

“So desperate. Like you haven’t already had three cocks in you tonight. Such a dirty girl…” His voice grumbles, sending tingles down her spine. “Open your legs wider for me, Mesmel…”

Kaia does as instructed, spreading her knees out until her stomach is almost touching the stone below her. Her back arches as Dwalin glides his hands over her waist, pulling her back.

The sound of a belt unbuckling makes her cunt throb, her body thrumming in anticipation of what was to come.

“Relax, princess.” Dwalin murmurs, resting his hands on her waist.

With a single, bruising thrust, he sheathed himself inside her fully.

Kaia gasped, her body feelingly like it was splitting open in the most beautiful way. Tears prickled in her eyes as Dwalin gave her a moment to adjust to his size. He was huge. Thick and long and throbbing inside of her, making her body shiver at how full she felt.

“Are you alright, Khajmel?” Dwalin asks, his voice tight as he restrained himself from fucking her like a wild animal.

“Yes! Please just… move, Dwalin! Please!” Kaia begged, pressing her forehead down onto the rock beneath her.

Dwalin’s laugh rumbled through his body, and Kaia felt it through his hands and his hips.

Just as she thought he was going to stay still and tease her forever, his cock disappeared from within her, before slamming back into her to the hilt.

Kaia gasped and moaned as he set a rough pace, completely filling her with each push and pull of his hips. He pulled back until the tip rested against her, before shoving forward until he bumped against her cervix.

It hurt in a way which made her entire body sweat, but felt so good that she screamed at him for more.

“Fuck, Dwalin, yes, harder!” She pleaded, her voice breaking.

A strong hand wrapped around her neck, while the other remained against her waist, bouncing her back against him as he continued his bruising thrusts.

Dwalin fucked like an animal, and he sounded like one too. He growled and grunted behind her, murmuring words in Khuzdul as his pace increased.

Kaia knew she wasn’t going to last, not with how fast and hard he pumped his cock into her, and as he grabbed her hair with one hand, and her shoulder with the other, forcing her eyes up to the sky, the new position hit a place deep within her cunt which made her see stars.

“Oh gods!” Kaia gasped as her body erupted in her orgasm, making her body shake and her eyes roll back into her head.

Dwalin did not even falter. He fucked her through her orgasm, slamming her ass against his hips as her cunt squeezed him. He was getting closer, she could feel in the erratic way he started pummelling into her.

But he wanted to feel her cum one more time before he finishes.

“You can give me one more, pretty girl.”

“Fuck, Dwalin, I can’t!” Kaia sobbed as her body buzzed with over stimulation, her cunt strangling his cock as he kept abusing it.

“Yes you can, princess, I can feel it. Cum on my cock again, like a good girl.”

Kaia felt his fingers leave her shoulder for a second as he dove his hand between her legs. Pulling her hair until her back was pressed against his chest, he flicked and rolled her clit until she was practically seizing around him, another orgasm taking all of the strength out of her in one hoarse scream.

He held her close, relaxing her hold on her hair as he wrapped his arms around her, fucking her faster as his climax surged through him.

Dwalin’s hips stuttered, and he roared as he emptied himself inside of her, thrusting into her a few more times as he fucked his seed deep into her. Murmured words of praise left his lips, whispered into her ears as she lay limp in his arms, trying to catch her breath.

“Are you alright, sweet girl?” Dwalin asks, his voice unusually soft as he kisses her temple.

“More than alright… that was amazing, Dwalin.” Kaia beams, looking back it him through her messy hair. Dwalin smiles down at her, kissing her gently as he pulls himself out of her. The both groan at the feeling, and Kaia can feel his spend trickling down her leg.

“I’ll never hate that feeling…” Kaia breathes, thinking out loud. Dwalin grins hungrily, kissing her shoulder and dancing his fingers between her legs.

“Oh, aye? Did the others finish in you too?”

“Mhm.” Kaia says drowsily, smiling at him. His grin is like that of a wolf, biting at her lower lip as he slips his fingers inside of her, playing with her gently as her body responds immediately. “Again? How many times are you going to make me cum, Dwalin?” Kaia giggles, but she breathes heavily as his fingers fuck into her gently.

“As many times as it takes for you to realise that me and the others aren’t going to let Thorin take you away from us...”  


Translations !!

Sasakhabiya abnâmul – You look beautiful

Mesmel – Jewel of all Jewels

Khajmel- Gift of all Gifts

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9 months ago

Participation (Ch.6)



Participation (Ch.6)

Kili x OC, fili x OC, Bofur x OC, Dwalin x OC, Thorin x OC

(part one, part two, part three, part four, part five)

Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, here's the final part!! no smut in this one, fluff with suggestive themes though! There will be some one-shot spin offs coming soon <3

~ <3 ~

The sound of birds and soft conversation was what Kaia heard when she began to wake up.

After the events with Thorin last night, he and Kaia had walked back to the camp. Most of the Company was asleep, except Kili and Bofur, both of which had smiled as she returned, and given her a knowing look as Thorin pressed a kiss to her head before settling in for his watch.

She approached the pair, and Kili offered her his hand. Kaia took it, smiling as he pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

“How are you, amrâlimê?” He asks, pulling her down gently to sit between him and Bofur. The hatted dwarf presses a kiss to her temple before he continues whittling away at a piece of wood.

“Better than I have ever been, my love.” Kaia murmurs, resting her head against his shoulder.

“Me too.” Kili says kissing her head.

She didn’t remember falling asleep, but she could remember closing her eyes as Kili and Bofur spoke quietly beside her.

Now, she could feel a soft blanket below her, and a warm arm around her stomach. She was warm, two bodies pressed to her sides.

Cracking open her eyes slightly, she looked up at the bright blue sky, soft rays of sun floating through the overhead leaves. A bird flew over her head, singing a sweet song that had her smiling sleepily.

Moving her head to the right, she came face to face with a sleeping Kili. His face was peaceful, mouth slightly open as he took shallow breaths. Kaia resisted the urge to kiss him, not wanting to wake him up.

She turned her head, and found Fili sleeping on her other side. He was snoring loudly, leg bent over her own, moustache braids out of whack. She lifted one hand up to play with one, and he sighed in his sleep.

Shuffling by her feet made her look away from the blonde prince, Bofur’s head popping into view.

He smiled, before dropping to his knees and army crawling over her. Kaia held back a laugh as he settled above her, giving her a dopey smile.

“Morning.” He greeted, his voice still raspy with sleep.

“Morning.” Kaia chuckled.

He leans forward to press a kiss to her lips, before flicking Fili on the nose, causing him to shake awake.

“Bofur, you fuck.” Fili sleepily groans, swatting him.

Kaia laughs, pushing Bofur away. He nips at her lower lip, before standing and offering her his hand. Kaia kisses Fili’s cheek before standing, letting Bofur guide her towards where the others are eating breakfast.

“Good morning, lass!” Balin greets, smiling brightly at her as she approaches.

“Hello Balin, lads.” She greets them all, and they all offer her nods and smiles. Bombur hands her a bowl of porridge, smiling fondly at her.

As she walks to sit amongst the feasting dwarves, she spots Dwalin. He sits sharpening his axe, but his eyes light up when he sees her. Kaia walks over to him, giving him a smile.

“Good morning, Dwalin.”

“Lass.” He responds, raising his head as she leans down to kiss him. He hums slightly against her lips, a small smile on his face when she pulls away, “I could get used to that.”

“So could I.” Kaia blushes, before taking her seat beside him.

Bofur sits on her other side, pulling out his pipe.  “Comfy?” He asks, looking her over.

“I could be comfier.”

“Come here.” Bofur puts his pipe between his lips, extending his arms for her to lie against his chest. As she reclines, Dwalin hooks his hand under her knee, bringing her leg over his own. He nods to himself, content.

Kaia sighs happily, snuggling against Bofur’s chest.

“Comfy?” He asks again.

“Comfiest.” Kaia giggles, and he presses a kiss to her hair.

Bilbo walks into the clearing, slightly damp and running a hand over his face.

“Where’ve you been?” Nori asks, looking over the hobbit.

“I went for a wash.” Bilbo says, accepting a bowl from Bombur.

“You’ve been gone for hours!” Nori chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows, “Get up to anything fun?”

Bilbo blanches, grabbing a twig and throwing it at him. “I will have you know, I had to walk further down the stream… trying to find a place that hasn’t been tarnished by some people’s activities!” The hobbit says, rolling his eyes.

“Ooh, someone’s grumpy this morning.” Bofur laughs, “It’s not like we shagged in the water, we have some decency!”

“Yeah it was against the bank!” Kaia giggles around her spoon. Bofur plays with her hair, smiling innocently at their friend.

“Well, I was worried you might have done things on the rocks around them, too.” Bilbo sighs, shaking his head.  “I had to find a boulder away from the camp to leave my clothes to dry.”

Kaia’s eyes widen, and she looks over at Dwalin, as a smile begins to form on the warriors face. “Um… Bilbo. Whereabouts was that rock?” Kaia asks.

“Oh, it’s over there somewhere.” Bilbo points… in the direction of the clearing where Kaia and Dwalin got intimate.

Dwalin laughs heartily, surprising the hobbit. The rest of the dwarves snicker, with Dori tutting and Ori going red. Bilbo eyes the dwarves, confused.

Then his face drops. “No…” He gasps.

“Yes.” Kaia chuckles.

“You didn’t…”

“We did.” Dwalin chuckles.

Bilbo stares at them, jaw dropped and face pale.

“For fucks sake!” Bilbo exclaims, rubbing his hands over his reddening face and pulling at his clothes as if they are tainted.

“Language, master Baggins.” Dori chastises.

“Is there a section of this forest you haven’t shagged in, Kaia?” Gloin chuckles.

“If there is, we’ll rectify that before we leave.” Fili’s voice calls as he enters the clearing. He winks at Kaia, who blushes at him.

“Is that a promise?” She asks, and he grins at her as he leans down to kiss her.

“Might even be a threat.” He growls, nipping at her nose.

The rest of the dwarves settle into a pleasant conversation, as Kaia lets the morning wash over her. She sits with Bofur and Dwalin for a bit, until Bofur leaves to help Bombur and Bifur with washing away their dishes, and Fili takes Bofur's spot beside her.

"Are the princess' catching up on their beauty sleep, or what?" Dwalin grumbles.

Kaia looks around the camp, her eyes searching for Kili and Thorin. No sign of them yet. 

"We need to get going soon!" Balin says, shaking off his bedroll as he gives Kaia a look. 

"You want me to go wake them?"

"Better you than us!" Gloin comments.

"Yeah, you're the one climbing in their trousers." Nori chuckles, and Fili flicks him around the ear, synchronised with Dori who smacks him around the head, "Alright, alright, no need to gang up on me!" 

"You're lucky I'm too far from you, Nori!" Bofur calls over, "Don't talk to our lass like that!"

Fili and Dwalin grunt in agreement, and Kaia kisses them both on the cheek before standing up.

"I'll go check on the remaining Durin's." Kaia sighs, stretching her arms, "Someone's got to keep them in line."

"Thank Mahal that's no longer my job!" Balin chuckles, patting her on the shoulder.

"There's three of them, you know." Dwalin says, earning a faux-hurt look from Fili.

"And I have all my faith in Kaia being the one to keep them in line." Balin says, sending her a wink.

She smiles back at him, before walking away from the clearing, in search of her One and her missing lover.


Kili remained asleep. More spread out now than he had been when she left, his legs splayed in an unnatural way and his arms wrapped around Kaia's blanket. 

She smiled at the sight, before biting back a laugh at a particularly loud and un-princely snore Kili emitted. 

Crouching by his side, Kaia reached down to tuck a strand of his wild hair behind his ear, his pretty face visible to her now. 

"Kili..." She murmurs, dragging her finger over his cheek, "Kili, darling, you need to wake up."

Kili groans, stretching his arms out but makes no move to get up. 

"Kili." Kaia chuckles, running her hand sthrough his hair, before lightly tugging on it. Kili gasps slightly, his eyes opening as he looks u at her.

"That was a dirty play."

"Yeah, well, got your attention, didn't it?" Kaia smirks, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. 

His arms extend and warp around her waist, pulling her down to him. 

"Kili!" Kaia exclaims, as she is held tightly against his chest. The dwarf merely hums, nuzzling against her as he keeps his arms locked around her. "Kili, let me go." 

"No." He grumbles, voice raspy, "Mine."

Kaia giggles, kissing his nose, "We need to get up..." He doesn't move, "The others are getting ready to go..." He remains still, "...You're going to miss breakfast."

He opens his eyes, giving her a sly grin, "Okay, you've convinced me."

"Knew it."

Kili releases her, rising and offering her his hand as she climbs up also. "Such a gentleman." 

"Of course, I am a prince!" Kili says, giving her a dramatic bow. Kaia laughs, smiling at him warmly. As he stands up, he beams at her, taking her hands in his own, "And you're my princess."

"Oh, is that so?"

"It is. You've got my bead to prove it." He pecks her lips, before trailing kisses over her nose and cheeks. "Amralime."

"I love hearing you say that."

"Then I will say it to you every day for the rest of our lives."



Kaia drags her thumb over his hand, resting her forehead against his own as they stand in silence for a moment. 

"You should go grab breakfast now." Kaia whispers, bumping her nose with his, "Before Bilbo takes your share as his second breakfast."

"Over my dead body." Kili mumbles, pressing a kiss to her forehead before he dashes off.

She chuckles slightly, fingers fiddling with her braid. Kili's bead is rough, imperfect but beautiful, detailed and full of love... just like him.

Trying to keep her dopey smile at bay, she wanders off in search of their fearless leader.


Finding Thorin took more work. His bedroll was laid out near enough the rest of the group, but he was nowhere to be found. Kaia searched the bushes and the cave nearby, but no sign of him. 

After almost giving up, she heard some distant snores.

Thorin was sat beneath a tree, axe in his lap and a sharpening stone in his hand. His head was leaning against the tree, face peaceful as he slept. 

Kaia quirked her head at him, coming to the conclusion that he had drifted off during his watch.

Knowing what he was like when he first woke up, especially armed, she decided to grab a small stone and throw it at him. It landed squarley in his chest, and (as she expected), he sat bolt up right, holding his axe up as he looked around.

Seeing her, he lowered it, letting out a sigh.

Kaia points at him, "See I knew that was going to happen."


"That you would be on guard the second something touched you." Kaia smiles, "I would like to keep all my limbs, Oakenshield."

Thorin hums, resting his axe back down on his thigh.

"You know... when we get to Erebor, you're going to have to let your guard down when you sleep. Especially if you're going to wake up next to me." 

Thorin gives her a small smile. Almost unnoticeable, but the gentle crinkle around his eyes told her it was genuine, "Aye. I imagine that would be the case."

Kaia crouches at his feet, resting her hands over his calves and drawing lazy circles over them. 

"I'm still a novice when it comes to dwarven customs." She starts, avoiding his eye as she caresses his leg, "If we get to Erebor-"


"Huh?" Kaia asks, looking up at him.

"When we get to Erebor." Thorin says. He looks more relaxed today than he had been yesterday morning... or any morning Kaia had seen him. It makes her glow, inside out.

"Haven't seen you so sure in a while."

"Perhaps I have a new reason to be optimistic."

Kaia blushes, looking away. She hears him moving, and feels his strong hands wrap around her, pulling her close to rest against his chest. His axe lays at his side, his hands laid gently upon her waist and arm, calloused fingers 

"You were asking me something." His voice rumbles.

"Oh, right." Kaia clears her throat, "When we get to Erebor... If all goes the way I hope, me and Kili will court, properly. And then, I imagine we'll marry. What does that mean for the rest of you? My lovers?"

"In what sense?"

"When will I see the rest of you? I imagine we won't all be sleeping in one massive, fuck off bed. Do I seek you out after the sun has fallen, like some night stalking hyena?" She jests, prodding his chest. He laughs, his chest vibrating and sending pleasant sensations along her body.

"No, sweet girl. Whenever you need us, we will be there."

"And what if I don't need you, but I want you? ...And miss you?"

"Missing me already?" Thorin asks, smirking slightly.

"Oh, yes, you're so far! At least the distance of a fly's wing." Kaia pouts, and he leans down to press a kiss to her lips.

"To answer your question; it is customary for a dwarrowdams' lovers to live either in her home, or near it. That way she can see them whenever she wants, and they her. From what I know and from what I have seen, even when her lovers do not live with her, they will spend most of their free time by her side."

"Like ducklings?"

"Yes, like ducklings."

"But you will be king. Fili, the heir. Dwalin, your guard. I could probably drag Bofur with me by his hat for the rest of my days-"

"I cannot imagine he would complain."

"-But what about you guys?" Kaia asks, feeling anxious now thinking about it.

It was all well and good them saying they would be her lovers, when they were out in the wilds, on a dangerous quest. But when they return to their kingdom, gods be good, they will have duties, Thorin will be king for crying out loud... and who is she? A farmer, an orphaned human with no titles, no family, nothing to offer...

"We will be wherever you wish us to be." Thorin says, voice quiet and earnest.

"You cannot promise that."

"I cannot promise anything, other than our love, and our devotion. Completely." He whispers, kissing her forehead, "We take lovers very seriously, ghivashel. You will be the king's consort, as well as his heirs lover and his prince's One. You will live with us in the royal chambers."

"And Dwalin and Bofur?" 

"I imagine Dwalin would not be opposed to living either with us or right by us. I cannot imagine he would want to stray to far from either of our sides. And Bofur... well I imagine he'll be like our cat, sleeping on the floor of our hallway."

"Thorin!" Kaia laughs, shaking her head. He laughs with her, playing with her fingers.

"Alright. We'll get him a bed." Thorin sighs heavily, rolling his eyes with a small smile on his face.

"I'm sure he wouldn't ask for a large one. Just one big enough for him and his hat."

They share a chuckle, staring down at their entwined hands.

"What I am trying to say, Kaia, is that we are bound together now. All six of us. When you need us, want us, miss us, we will be right beside you. Sure, you may occasionally have to pull me away from an important council meeting, or drag Dwalin away from training someone half to death, or pry Bofur away from hat-maintenance related tasks... but we will always be there, my heart. Always."

"Thank you, Thorin." Kaia murmurs, happy tears threatening to break. They remain in each-others arms, fingers dancing over one anothers, admiring each others callouses and scars from their own lives before each other, pressing kisses to any skin they wanted to as they enjoyed a peaceful moment.

"Alright, I'm getting sick of all this loved up, sappy shit, can we just have sex or something?" Kaia jokes, bumping Thorin's chin with her forehead.

"You really are insatiable, aren't you, ‘Ibinê?" Thorin chuckles, leaning his head down to nip along her jawline.

"Seeing as I will be tending to the needs of five dwarves for the rest of my days, I think that is a blessing." kaia says, enthusiastically receiving Thorin's heated kiss.

"You are a blessing, sweet girl."


After half an hour of... tenacious activities, Kaia and Thorin walked back to the clearing. His arm was settled around her waist, as she told him a story about her parents.

He seemed to enjoy listening to her as she talked, and she was more than willing to oblige him. 

As they neared the Company, a raised voice caught their attention. It sounded like Bilbo.

"Oh no." Kaia says, sighing.

"Do you wager it was my nephews, Bofur, or Nori who has enraged our burglar this time?"

"Can I say all of them?"

Approaching the group, Kaia's smile returned when she set her sights on a much taller individual.

"Gandalf!" She greets, and he turns around to offer her a large smile.

"Kaia, my dear girl!" The wizard says, accepting her hug and patting her on the head, "It's nice to see someone is happy to see me."

"You disappeared, Gandalf!" Bilbo exclaims, hands on his hips.

“I’ve been gone five minutes!” Gandalf chuckles.

“No you bloody haven’t!” Bilbo scoffs, placing his hands on his hips, “It’s been days!”

“Alright, alright, Bilbo.” Gandalf shakes his head, before giving Kaia a smile, “Congratulations, anyway, Kaia!”

Kaia raises her eyebrows at him, looking around at the others. They shrug, confused as well.

"Congratulations for what, Gandalf?"

"On your courting with Kili, of course!" He chuckles, before giving her a knowing look, "And joining in on dwarvish customs. Four lovers in one evening is certainly a record, my dear."

"Knew it!" Nori says, earning an elbow from Oin. Kaia just laughs, shrugging.

"Which one of them told you?" She asks, looking over the Company.

"None of them." The wizard shrugs, "I had a feeling."

This earns him a further confused look from the human lass, and Gandalf leans down to her, keeping his voice quiet.

"Why do you think I insisted on you joining us all those weeks ago?" Gandalf muses, giving her a conspiratory wink. She scoffs, shaking her head but unable to keep a smile from playing on her lips.

“Finished!” Ori calls from across the camp, blowing over the piece of paper he had been scribbling on.

“What have you got there, Ori?” Nori asks, looking over his brother’s shoulder. A smile breaks out on his face, and he ruffles his brothers hair.

“That’s marvellous, that is!” Dori says, beaming at his brother.

“What is?” Kaia asks.

Ori stands and walks over to her, crouching beside her as he shows her his drawing. Kaia gasps, sitting up as she looks in awe at the paper.

It’s a drawing of Kaia, and her five dwarrows. There are six individuals drawings, five smaller ones around the edges with a larger one in the middle. The five drawings include Kaia with each one of her lovers;

Kaia and Kili as he braids her hair, then Kaia with her head on Fili’s shoulder as he holds her hand.

In one, she’s leaning against Bofur’s chest while she laughs at what he says, and in another, Dwalin and Kaia are walking hand in hand back to camp.

In the last smaller one, Kaia and Thorin are sitting next to each other as Kaia tends to a wound he received a few weeks back.

In the centre, the larger picture shows Kaia with all five of them, surrounded by them all as they smile. She's wearing one intricate braid down one side of her head with smaller braids littered through her hair. 

It was truly beautiful, and she wraps her arms around Ori in a hug as he gives it to her. “Thank you, Ori.”

“You’re welcome, Kaia.” Ori says, smiling at her.

“Aw, my hat looks great!” Bofur beams, tipping his hat.

“I do not smile that like.” Dwalin grumbles, and Kaia smacks his chest.

"Amazing, Ori!" Fili says, with a wide smile on his face, "I hope you realise that when we get to the mountain, I'm going to be asking you to make me a dozen drawings of us all!"

“We’ll put that in our chambers when we get to Erebor.” Kili murmurs, kissing the spot below her ear.

Kaia beams, leaning into him as she traces her fingers over the charcoal faces of her dwarves.


Thank you for reading! <3

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10 months ago

My account is a time machine to 2014 (the hobbit characters as vines again... I am starting to think I have too much free time)

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9 months ago

brought to you by, i love sarah schauer so much still to this day

(also you KNOW gimli had to listen to a hundred of Oin's tangents growing up, bc he misheard him)

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