Courting Rituals - Tumblr Posts
Witchers have their own set of courting traditions. One of these traditions is to present a token from a particularly difficult hunt to their intended.
When they were lovers, Geralt had carved Yennefer a pendant from the tusk of a basilisk.
Years after that relationship crashed and burned, Geralt realized his feelings for Jaskier. Geralt wanted to court Jaskier, but he knew he needed to match or top the token he had given Yennefer. Otherwise, his commitment could be questioned.
Then, Geralt got the brilliant idea to hunt a series of monsters for Jaskier, using components from each to make one grand gift.
THIS IS SO GAY I LOVEEE ITTT No thim making a lil outfit for his boyfriend with lil bits and bobs made from monsters and beasts omg
Participation (Ch.1)
Be My Lover

Kili x OC (smut!! some plot too)
(part two, part three, part four, part five, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, starting with the beloved Kili <3
MINORS DNI !!! sexy times ensuing...
AN; I was listening to Freaky Deaky by Tyga and Doja Cat whilst reading this, just letting you know the vibes.
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
Joining a company of thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard was never on Kaia’s to-do list.
She enjoyed the sanctity of her little cottage in the middle of nowhere, keeping to herself and minding her business. After all, she was a human woman with no family, and no ties to the rest of Middle Earth. No-one should bother her… right?
Wrong. One night, a few weeks ago, a storm broke out. Ignoring it to the best of her ability, Kaia curled up in her armchair with a book, almost missing the knock at her door.
Curious and slightly annoyed, Kaia looked out through the small window built into the wooden door, and was surprised to see a rather tall man standing on her doorstep. He wore a grey cloak and a pointy hat, both of which were completely soaked from the tumultuous rain. As was his long grey hair and his long grey beard.
Nevertheless, when he caught her eye, he gave her a warm smile.
“Good evening, my lady!” He bellowed, trying to sound louder than the thunder which echoed around the valley. “I wondered if my travelling companions and I could seek refuge in your barn?”
And that was how it started. Kaia begrudgingly agreed, hardly willing to let some travellers freeze to death when she had the means to help. He thanked her profusely, and went on his way, closely followed by fourteen smaller, but equally soaked, individuals.
The next morning, she went to the barn to check on her unexpected guests.
The man introduced himself as Gandalf the Grey, a wizard. She had heard of him, and he her. Her father was a traveller in his day, and he seemed to have crossed paths with the wizard on a few occasions.
Gandalf was glad to have found her, as the leader of their company had led them astray during the storm, and they were now completely lost.
With a sigh, Kaia agreed to show them the way back to the main road, hoping that once she saw them off, she could go back to her life and forget about this whole affair.
She was wrong.
The journey to the main road was a quick one, but felt longer as Kaia spent more time talking with Gandalf, his hobbit friend Bilbo, and the variety of dwarves which comprised the Company of Thorin Oakenshield.
And just like that, she found herself travelling with them far past the main road.
It surprised her how much she enjoyed being around the odd bunch. They made her laugh with their jokes and gripped her attention with many stories of their homeland, and their mission to reclaim it.
What surprised her most, however, was how attractive some of these dwarves were...
The renowned and uncrowned King Under the Mountain, Thorin Oakenshield, was certainly easy on the eyes. Tall for a dwarf, coming up to her shoulders, he was built well and walked with a commanding aura fit for a king. He had a handsome face, a deep rumbling voice and a self-assured glint in her eye which made her swoon.
But it was not just him who caught Kaia’s eye. His two nephews shared their uncles rugged good looks, but had their own styles and mannerisms that made them completely different. They were cheeky and energetic, and did not waste a single opportunity to flirt with her, causing her to almost be in a constant state of blushing.
Thinking about the line of Durin was enough to make her get hot and bothered, shifting slightly on her saddle as she felt a familiar ache she had grown used to ignoring. However now, in the presence of all of these dwarves, she found herself getting more and more restless, yearning for five minutes alone with one of them, or a few of the other handsome dwarves besides the royal three…
“Are you alright, Miss Kaia?” A small voice breaks her from her thought. She turns her head to see Bilbo Baggins looking up at her from his own pony, giving her a small smile.
“Oh. Yes, I’m fine, Bilbo, Thank you.” Kaia nods, offering him what she hopes was a convincing smile. In truth, she was letting her mind run wild with fantasies of at least five of their dwarvish companions, her whole body flushing at the impure thoughts floating around her head.
“Your face looks a little red, and you keep twitching. Do you feel under the weather?” Bilbo asks, growing concerned.
“I believe I am just tired from all of this riding, dear hobbit…” Kaia chuckles.
“Aye, lass, we’ve been going at it all day.” Bofur's voice pipes up, sidling up to Kaia’s other side, “No wonder you’re sore.”
Bofur gives her a lopsided smile, but his seemingly innocent words struck another cord in Kaia. Looking at Bofur and his goofy, handsome face, she started thinking about going at it with him all day… she cleared her throat, looking away from Bofur to focus on the horizon.
“No, you definitely don’t look alright, I’ll go speak to Oin!” Bilbo says, awkwardly manoeuvring his pony away from her before she could protest. Sighing, she gripped the reins of her horse once again, avoiding Bofur's concerned gaze.
“We will stop for camp in the oncoming clearing!” Thorin’s voice booms from the front of the troupe. Kaia sighs gratefully at this, excited to be able to rest.
Camp was set up very quickly, the proficiency of these dwarves was really spectacular. Especially when they were hungry. In record breaking time, the princes caught rabbits for Bombur to cook. The group milled about in their small, camp-fire lit area, engaging in pleasant conversations amongst themselves.
“When do you think Gandalf with be back?” Bilbo asked Kaia. He was sat next to her, as he often did, smoking his pipe. They had become fast friends, often finding common ground as the minority of non-dwarvish members of the company
“I don’t know. He said a few days, how long has it been?”
“A few days.”
“Ah.” Kaia clicks her tongue, “Then I suppose he should be back soon!”
Bilbo chuckles at this, and Kaia smiles over at him, glad she can make him laugh in moments when he is uneasy. Their friendship was important to both of them, grounding them when they were both caught up in their thoughts. Bilbo worrying about his position in the group, fighting a dragon and perhaps never returning home. And Kaia, thinking lewd thoughts about half of their travelling party. She definitely had it worse.
Kaia reclined against a boulder, fiddling with her mothers necklace as she closed her eyes for a moment. She heard a pair of footsteps approaching the campfire, sitting across from her.
“So, Kaia.” Came Kili’s voice, “You’ve been travelling with us for a while now. Not in a rush to go home?”
Kaia opens her eyes to look at him. He and his brother are sat on a log across from her, Kili smoking his pipe and smiling at her, with Fili busying himself with cleaning his daggers.
“It seems like it.” Kaia says, shrugging.
“We never asked, who’s waiting for you back in that cottage of yours?” Fili asks, his tone nonchalant as he sharpened one of his many knives.
Kaia squinted at the pair, curious about whether or not they were starting up another one of their strange pranks. She had been brought into too many of them before by being naive.
“Why?” She asks.
Fili and Kili shrug, in unison. More members of the group have sat around the fire now, waiting for dinner to be served.
“Why, what?” Nori asks, stretching his arms in front of him.
“We were asking her if she’s got anyone waiting for her at home.” Kili says, shrugging once again.
“Oh, dear, I hope you haven’t left your parents behind to worry about you!” Dori chirps, looking her over in concern. She gave him a warm smile, opening her mouth to speak when she’s interrupted by the blonde haired prince.
“We weren’t asking about her parents…” Fili says. Kaia looks at him, and he winks at her.
“You’re asking me if I left a husband to wait for me?” Kaia asks, a small smirk gracing her lips. Fili’s eyes drop to her mouth, and his tongue pops out to dampen his own. It makes Kaia’s thighs clench slightly at the image of him using his mouth for other means crosses her mind…
“No. I have no husband waiting for me.” Kaia says, trying to play coy as she looks off into the campfire.
“No suitors, either?” Kili asks, resting his head in his palm.
“No suitors, either.”
“How come?” Bofur asks, sitting down next to her. He chews on his pipe as he looks at her intensely, and she shrugs at him.
“I don’t know. No men have come knocking. I don’t think I’m really “courtship material.” Kaia chuckles, playing with the hem of her shirt.
“What do you mean by that, Kaia?” Gloin asks, warming his hands on the fire.
Kaia thinks for a second, looking around at the intrigued faces of her friends.
“I think I intimidate them. I’m not one for being wooed, any men who come close to me I pay no mind to.” Kaia then stops as a sad thought enters her mind. “And perhaps, I’m not attractive enough.”
Though she expected the dwarves to pay no mind to this self-degrading sentiment, the group was in uproar.
“Not attractive enough?!” Kili guffaws, looking at her with wide eyes.
“I’ve never heard the likes of it.” Bofur agrees, shaking his head. The flaps of his hat shake with him, and he gives her an incredulous look.
“Are the men where you're from blind?” Dwalin grumbles, sharpening his axe whilst he looks her up and down.
More of the group hum in agreement to this, and Kaia feels her face go red at the surprising compliments.
“W-well… my father always said I didn’t have womanly features. I always wanted to be out in the fields doing the hard labour with him, and I probably eat more than I should…” Kaia’s voice comes out quiet, thinking back on her parents negative thoughts about her.
It was true, Kaia was built more like a farmer than a wife. Years of working on a farm has given her some muscle, and the years of experimenting in the kitchen and making herself hearty meals had given her a little stomach and a bigger behind. She didn’t hate herself, by any measure, but she could understand that she was not the "picture of femininity"…
“You don’t eat nearly enough!” Dori says, shaking his head. Kaia chuckles at this, and the adamant agreement amongst the group.
“Men really are strange creatures…” Dwalin grunts, “If you were a dwarrowdam in the blue mountains, you’ve have dwarrows fighting over you every damn day. Hell, you’d probably be married with four lovers and an army of bairns by now!”
Kaia laughs heartily at this, as the others agree with him with cheers and nods.
“Four lovers?!” She exclaims, as Bilbo looks at her shocked.
But the dwarves all nod, giving her smiles which indicate this to be a huge compliment.
“Of course not.” Fili says, waving his hand in the air. “She’d have at least seven! And they would be the richest dwarf lords in the mountains.
“Aye!” Kili says, clapping his brother on the shoulder.
Kaia looks at them with wide eyes, and looks over at Bilbo who mirrors her confusion.
“And why would I have so many lovers if I were married?” She asks, confused and wondering if she should be insulted. Were they calling her a slut?
The dwarves raise their eyebrows at her.
“As is tradition.” Balin says to her gently, sitting beside his brother. “Dwarrowdams are a very small percent of our population. Because of this, many will often have many paramours and lovers, as well as a husband.”
The dwarves nod at this.
“Aye, the more lovers she has, the more beautiful she must be, and respected she is amongst her kin.” Gloin says, nodding. “My lass has three lovers keeping watch over her back home.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?” Bilbo says, incredulous.
Gloin guffaws at this, insulted.
“They are all honourable dwarves. I’d trust them with her life and mine, and our lads too.” Gloin says, holding his chin up.
“You must understand, laddie, that it’s not as if there is not commitment there.” Balin says gently, “Taking a lover is a significant arrangement. There are celebrations and all, it's rather romantic.”
“Aye, Bombur’s wife joined with her lover before we left, it was a beautiful ceremony.” Bofur sighs, wistfully.
Kaia looks around at all of them.
“Have any of you have got dwarrowdam lovers waiting for you back home?” She asks, playing with her hair.
“Oh, aye. My dear dam Myssa. She’s truly special.” Dori says, smiling proudly along with Ori and Nori.
“She has a husband?” Kaia asks, carefully. Dori nods enthusiastically.
“His name is Heron. He’s a lovely dwarrow, always welcoming of me and my brothers. We’ve been a family for going on fifty years now.”
Kaia nods at this, finding herself moved by the love in his voice.
“Though, it’s not always about commitments. Sometimes a dam will have a dwarf just for one night of passion.” Bofur says, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
Bilbo chokes on his pipe, spitting tufts of clouds. Some of the group nod at this, but others tell Bofur to stop being so vulgar.
“Damn straight.” Nori sighs, a cheeky grin on his face, “Nothing like a beautiful lass taking you into her arms for just a long moment…”
“Nori! Don’t make it sound so lewd!” Dori tuts. Beside him, Ori flushes deep red, avoiding Kaia’s eyes.
“He’s right, though. A good tumble in the hay is exactly what a dwarf needs to keep his mind sharp.” Grumbles Dwalin, who smirks down at his axe. Kaia stares at him, and his large hands, wondering if they are talented at more than just axe-wielding.
Noticing her gaze, Dwalin locks eyes with her. His eyes travel down her body, slowly, taking in every inch of her. Kaia pants slightly at the fire in his eyes, and feels like she is naked in front of him. She wishes she was naked in front of him…
“What’s all this about?” Comes Thorin’s voice, who walks into the centre of the camp. He looks around at the dwarves, a variety of expressions looking up at him.
His eyes land on Kaia, who is flushed red and breathing deeply. His eyes linger on her chest for a moment, before he looks into her eyes.
Can one of these dwarves please just take it easy on me for five minutes…
“We were just educating our dear lass and hobbit about dwarvish customs.” Balin says nonchalantly, trying to clear some of the tension in the camp.
“You know the ones, uncle…” Fili drawls, leaning back slightly. He locks eyes with Kaia as he says, “Sharing is caring.”
Kaia looks over at him, and he spreads his legs slightly while tilting his head. The movement has Kaia blushing, and she looks away, catching Kili’s eyes. Kili is watching her intensely, a slight pink tint to his cheeks but a smile graces his lips. The look in his eyes, as well as the look in Filis, has Kaia’s body practically thrumming with desire.
“Now, now, boys. The lass is human, she’s unused to our dwarfish customs. Don’t make her feel uncomfortable.” Balin says, shaking his head at the princes. He gives her a warm smile, which she feebly returns.
“Aye, Bilbo’s practically seizing.” Nori says, chuckling. He’s right, Bilbo is as red as a sunburnt tomato, mouth agape and eyes wide at the revelation of the dwarves voyeuristic behaviours.
“That’s enough. It’s almost time to eat, stop this foolishness and return to your duties.” Thorin growls, walking away from the group.
The air is thick with tension. Across from her, Fili is staring at her like he wants to devour her, and Kili is watching her like he wants her to devour him.
Balin follows after Thorin, leaving Dwalin in his place to glide his hands over his axe, watching her legs as they tremble slightly. He grins, spreading his legs slightly at the sight.
Dori is chastising Nori, who is watching the dwarves around him with a grin.
Bofur watches Kaia from around his pipe next to her, one of his legs shaking nervously, and Kaia can spot a slight tent in his trousers..
“Foods ready!” Bombur yells across the camp, and Kaia has never stood up so fast.
After dinner, Kaia kept to her bed roll. She sat cross legged on it, crushing up some lavender to add to her collection of medicinal herbs. Her brain is practically vibrating with memories of the events of this evening.
Fili was such a tease, looking at her with hungry eyes and displaying himself like that… damn that dwarf. It didn’t help that Kili had spent all of dinner making heart eyes at her, making her swoon and tug at the collar of her shirt.
Bofur kept making his jokes throughout, but his eyes lingered on hers longer than they did before, often travelling down her neck before he looked away with a blush. He was such a sweet dwarf, and there was something about him that made her want to jump his bones-
Dwalin had been the worst of them all. He was like a dwarf in heat, staring at her with half shut eyes and breathing heavily, even going as far as to adjust himself in front of her. The memory of it made her hands clench, wanting nothing more than to storm over to him where he was now and tease him, herself.
She really needed to get these thoughts in check.
Kaia was sure she would have been fine if the damned dwarves hadn’t started talking about how they’re all basically a bunch of sluts. Now all she wanted was to grab the first dwarf she sees and pull him down into the grass-
“You alright, lass?” Asked Balin, coming up to stand beside her.
Never mind, maybe the second dwarf she sees…
“I’m fine, Balin. A bit tired.” She smiles at him. He had become like a sort of father figure to her during these last few weeks, and he always had a kind word for her.
Balin offers her a warm smile.
“I’m not surprised lass. It’s been a long day for all of us.” He pats her shoulder. “The princes found a small lake nearby, and the dwarves are taking it in turns to have a quick wash. If you would much rather wait and go by yourself-”
“Yes please!” Kaia exclaimed, giddily. A wash was all she needed. Some cold water, and some time away from these pesky dwarves and the pheromones that came with them.
Balin chuckles at her eagerness. “Very good, lass. Ori and Nori are going next, I’ll tell them to let you know when they’re done.”
She smiles brightly at him, and he waves her goodnight.
Across the camp, Fili dries his hair while watching her. Catching her eye, he gives her a wink. She sticks her tongue out at him, and he smiles widely at her.
Half an hour later, Nori and Ori return. Kaia heads over and Ori helpfully points her in the direction of the lake. She thanks him and starts heading in the direction he pointed to.
The lake was not too far from the camp, but far enough that she embraced the quiet night ambience during the walk over, the Companies voices fading into nothing. She played with the braid in her hair as she walked, gently tugging it loose.
A twig snapping catches her attention.
Kaia stops, freezing in place. She reaches for her dagger which is usually sheathed at her side. Coming up short, she realises she left it behind.
Shit, she thinks. Another sound of crunching soil makes her spin around, eyes wide in fear. She grabs a stick from the ground and holds it up in defence.
Kili walks into her view, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Have mercy on me, please.” He chuckles, and Kaia breathes a sigh of relief.
“You scared me, you oaf!” She throws the stick at him, and he catches it. He smiles at her, shrugging.
“You’re getting better. I would have been able to sneak up on you with no trouble, a few weeks ago.”
“I’ve gotten used to you and your brother pulling shit, you’ve trained me well.”
They laugh, and Kili looks down at his feet, kicking a patch of dirt. The laughs die down, and he looks back into her eyes.
His eyes are so soft, her breath hitches. He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it again and swallows thickly.
“I’m sorry if we made you uncomfortable before.” He says, suddenly. “Talking about… you know all of that lover… stuff…”
“It’s alright, Kee.” Kaia smiles softly. “Truly, it didn’t bother me. It just caught me off guard I guess…”
“Of course, that makes sense.” He scratches the back of his neck. He is blushing again. Practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking at anything but her.
“Are you okay?” She asks, taking a step towards him. Kili looks at her, dropping his hands to his side. He goes to say something, but seems to not find the words. He takes a step towards her, meeting her halfway.
“I just… the conversation before…” He starts, “It got me thinking… about you.”
“About me?”
“About how much I want you.”
Kaia gasps slightly. She was not surprised by this, his actions had proved he desired her in some way. But the rumble in his voice as he said it, the vulnerability in his eyes as he confessed this to her. It made her heart quicken in place.
“You want me?” She says quietly, staring into his eyes.
“Yes.” Kili reaches his hand out, dragging his ring finger over her cheek. Kaia’s skin breaks out in goosebumps where he traces his finger across her skin, dragging it over her lower lip.
In a moment of confidence, she kisses his finger. He freezes, looking down at her lips. Darting her tongue out, she licks the pad of his finger, emboldened by the lust in his dark eyes. Kaia drags her teeth over his finger, before taking it between her lips, sucking slightly.
Kili groans, swaying slightly. He presses himself closer to her, pressing his lips to her temple. She can feel his bulge pressing into her pelvis, and she moans into his neck. His other hand seizes her hip, grasping her like she was the only thing anchoring him, twisting his other hand in her hair. He pulled it slightly, bringing her head back and causing her to let out a breathy gasp.
He kissed her exposed neck, dragging his lips over her tender, flushed skin. She dragged a hand over his chest, finding his exposed neck and dragging her nails against the stubble across his jaw.
Groaning, Kili presses his hips against her again, gasping into her shoulder.
“Fuck, Kaia…” He breathes, holding her to him.
“Kili…” Kaia moans, tracing her other hand down his stomach, coming to rest against his tented trousers. Kili moans, extracting his head from her neck.
“Can I… can we….” Kili stutters, eyes clouded in lust. She bites her lip, looking around to make sure they were really alone. She rubs at his erection, and he gasps again.
“I need you.” Kaia says, and Kili grins, smashing his lips onto hers.
The kiss is messy and rushed, clashing teeth and tongues licking at each others. They grasp onto one another, hands caressing and grabbing anything they could find.
Kaia pushes Kili back, pressing him against a tree. Separating from the kiss, Kaia fumbles with the ties on his leather trousers. Kili breathes sharply in front of her, running his hands through her hair and across her face and neck.
Once his trousers are undone, she pulls them down to his knees, causing his cock to spring free. He’s long and thick, the head of him red and weeping. She bites her lip at the sight, and looks into his eyes.
Kili blushes in front of her, bringing his hands up to rest on the tree above him. He looks so innocent and loving as he watches her, submitting himself to her completely. She kisses him once more, taking his lower lip between her teeth and biting it gently, and he groans, his cock pulsing between them.
Unable to wait any longer, Kaia drops to her knees, dragging her hands over his muscled thighs. Above her, Kili drops his head against the tree behind him, exhaling shakily as Kaia nestles her head against his lower stomach.
Pulling her head back, Kaia darts her tongue out, licking a line along the underside of his dick. Kili gasps and shudders, the leather of his tunic groans as his digs his nails into the tree trunk.
Kaia takes the tip of him into her mouth, licking at him before sucking, creating a vacuum. One of Kili’s hands grasps onto her skull, clenching into her hair. She moans around his cock, sending vibrations through him, and his cock pulses in response.
She slides her head down further, taking as much of him into her mouth. She let her spit gather around his length, dragging her hand along the rest of him.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck..!” Kili gasps, breathing laboured as he tried to not cum immediately due to her actions.
Kaia smiles around him, dragging her head back and forth with renewed vigour, twisting her fist around him in tandem with her mouth. Kili thrusts slightly into her mouth, his hand in her hair guiding her movements as he gasped and groaned low in his throat.
Kaia looked up at him through her eyelashes, and was rewarded immediately for her care of him. He looked down her with blown out pupils, eyes half-lidded and and mouth opened as he took staggered breaths.
She reached further down and grasped onto his balls, rolling them in her hand. Kili let out a whine, throwing his head back.
“Stop… stop….” He mutters, pulling her head back from his shaft.
Kaia removes her mouth and hands immediately, wiping at the corner of her lips as she stood up.
“Kili? Oh gods, did I hurt you?! I’m so sorry-” She’s interrupted by his lips crashing onto hers, causing her to gasp into his mouth. He wraps his arms around her, kissing her deeply and hurriedly.
He pulls back, holding her close as he looks into her eyes. “I’m so close… I need… Please let me...” He begs so prettily, hands holding her waist in a vice like grip.
Kaia smiles wrapping an arm around his neck as she lowers herself to the ground.
Lying back, Kili hovers over her. His eyes are wide and he seems suddenly nervous, going to say something. Kaia presses her finger against his lips.
“Shh, baby. Let me take care of you.” She murmurs, dragging her hands over his chest. Kili groans, laying his body over hers.
He nuzzles his head into her neck, and Kaia runs her hands through his hair, causing another choked gasp to come from the younger Durin prince.
As he nuzzles and kisses at her neck, Kaia lifts her skirt, tugging at her undergarment until it was hanging around her foot. She lifted her legs and pressed them into his sides, and Kili moaned into her neck, feeling her warmth pressing against his waist.
Kili raises his head, looking into her eyes. A silent question rests on his face, asking for her permission once more. She smiles fondly at him, leaning up to kiss his nose.
“Fuck me, Kili.”
With a groan, kill reaches down between them, taking his unbearably hard cock and pressing the tip into her. Kaia was soaking, and the feel of her warmth just at the head makes Kili whine.
Pressing into her, his eyes roll back as she takes him to easily, practically dragging him in further. Kaia gasps and locks her legs around his waist, urging him to push into her. He does so eagerly, thrusting his hips into her, sheathing himself into her to the hilt.
They both groan at the feeling. He’s so large and thick, and she’s so tight and wet. Kili shudders, his head dropping to her chest as he begins thrusting into her, fast and sloppy.
“Kaia, fuck, I… I’m so close already…. fuck, you feel so good, so tight around me…” Kili murmurs, his words becoming incoherent as he moves faster.
Kaia reaches up into his hair, caressing him as his hips begin to stutter. He lifts his head, looking into her eyes. He’s completely blissed out, eyes full of pure ecstasy, but he looks to her in apology as he knows he’s about to reach is end.
Kaia smiles at him, a wide smile which melts Kili’s heart.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” She whispers to him.
Kili gasps, and pushes his head into the junction between her neck and shoulder. His thrusts have become erratic, and he murmurs to her in Khuzdul as his hips slap against hers.
“Amrâlimê-” Kili chokes out, as he finishes. A low whine escapes him, filling her with his seed. Kaia moans at the feeling, keeping her legs wrapped around his as he spills himself, filling her up. He keeps moving, fucking into her until he becomes exhausted.
Collapsing onto her, Kili breathes heavily into her neck. Kaia runs her hands through his hair, soothing him as he comes down from his high.
He nuzzles her, speaking sweet words into her neck.
“So beautiful… you make me feel so good, ghivashel…” He murmurs, kissing along her collarbone. She smiles into his hair.
He pulls himself from her, causing her cunt to throb once again. He felt so good, and she was sure if he lasted a little longer she would have joined him in his orgasm. But, alas, such is life.
Kili looks up at her, his cheeks flushed and smiling wide. His forehead is covered in sweat, sticking his fringe to his face. She chuckles, combing her fingers through his hair.
He opens his mouth to speak, but is beaten to the punch…
“Well, what do we have here?”
Kaia squeaks in surprise at the new voice, and both she and Kili look over to find the source of the voice...
Thank you for reading!! The next chapter will be up soon!! If you can't wait, the first four chapters are up on my AO3 <3
Translations !!
Ghivashel – treasure of all treasures
Participation (Ch.2)
Sharing is Caring

Kili x OC, Fili x OC (Smut!!)
(part one, part three, part four, part five, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, we're continuing on with Fili ;)
MINORS DNI!! smut!! back off if ur a wee one!!
AN; I stand by the headcanon that Fili eats people out like a man STARVING
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
“Well, what do we have here?”
Kaia squeaks in surprise at the new voice, and both she and Kili look over to find the source of the voice.
Fili stands a few feet away, leaning against a tree. He looks down at the two, head tilted slightly.
“Are we having a little tussle?”
Kili scoffs, raising himself onto his elbows.
“No.” He says indignantly, raising his eyebrows at his brother. Fili smirks, and Kili sits back to pull up his trousers, blushing slightly.
Kaia raises herself onto her elbows, looking between the two brothers.
Fili looks back to her, eyes travelling down her dishevelled form. Her skirts are still hitched around her hips, displaying her legs. Fili deeply inhales at the sight of them, before looking over at his brother.
“Well done, Kili. Finally told her you care about her?” Fili asks, his voice tight.
Kili looks at her, and gives her a small smile.
“There wasn’t much talking…” Kaia chuckles, holding Kili’s eyes as he blushed even more. “But I got the gist.”
“Ah, young love…” Fili chuckles, “What would Amad say about you defiling your lady before putting a braid in her hair, Kee?”
Kili scoffs, leaning back slightly. “Amad will be happy I at least found someone... my One. How far have you gotten with that?”
At that, Fili smiles too. He gives Kaia a significant look, and her breath hitches. Fili’s eyes travel down her body.
Kaia watches Fili, before looking over at Kili. She was shocked to hear me call her his One, but her heart fluttered at the thought. She'd had a crush on Kee since the first week of their travels, specifically since he gave her a flower with a blush on his face. And they proceeded to fall halfway down a hill. He was truly one of a king, and she knew she was falling for him.
Fili's next words brought her back to the present.
“As long as you made her cum, I see no problem…” Fili shrugs, crossing his arms across his chest.
Kili and Kaia are silent. Kaia avoids Kili’s eyes, clearing her throat. Fili stands still, looking between the two of them.
“Wait.... you made her cum, didn’t you, Kee?” Fili asks his brother, eyebrows raised.
Kili is silent, playing with a blade of grass next to him. Kaia looks over at Fili, who is staring shocked at his little brother.
“Kili. We were raised better than that!” His disappointment is palpable, and if it wasn’t for the fact that both princes looked completely serious, this conversation would be hilarious.
“Fee, it’s no big deal.” Kaia states, sitting up. She pokes her foot at Kili, who looks at her in confusion and surprise. She shrugs, looking over at Fili.
The golden haired prince gapes at her. “No big deal?!” He says, incredulous. He walks over to the pair, crouching down.
“Lass, I know you’re used to the way of men. But, as we’ve pointed out, our ways are much different.” Fili says, seriously. “Dwarven women are precious to us. More than any gem. Making them happy is one of the most important things to us! This is why dwarrowdams have so many lovers. Satisfaction is a must.”
Kaia stares wide eyed at him, utterly confused. Both he and Kili are looking at her in earnest, expressions grave.
“I’m not a dwarrowdam.”
“If you are a dwarrows love, then you are practically one of us. You have the body of man, but your soul is made of the same stuff as us dwarves.” Fili nods.
“Now. Let us get one thing straight, ‘ibin abnâmul (beautiful gem). If a dwarf cannot satisfy his One, then she is completely within her right to seek satisfaction elsewhere.”
Kaia stares at him, confused once again. Both Fili and Kili are watching her, eyes urging her on.
“What do you mean?” She asks, breaking the silence that had grown.
“Kaia, it would be my honour to be your lover.” Fill says, taking her hand in his own.
Kaia gapes at him, before looking at Kili.
“Please, amrâlimê.” Kili pleads, taking her other hand in his own. His eyes and words are sincere. “Let my brother take care of you.”
“You’re… you’re okay with this… your brother, becoming my lover?”
“My heart is yours, ghivashel (treasure of all treasures). After tonight, I would be honoured to put a braid in your hair, if you would put one in mine.” Kaia’s heart warms to this, and beams at Kili. The two share a soft kiss.
Fili watches the two, his own smile gracing his lips. Looking at him, Kaia creases her eyebrows.
“You wouldn’t feel weird… or inferior?” She asks Kili, searching his eyes for any sign of discomfort. But, all she finds is love.
“It is an honour to know your lady is desired, to know she is loved by many. I want you to embrace our ways. I want you to never spend a day unsatisfied.” Kili murmurs, reaching his hand up to cup her face.
He shares a meaningful look with Fili. “It would not be odd for us, as we trust each other completely.”
The brothers share a smile, before pressing their foreheads together, before Kili looks at her and winks.
“Plus, we have always shared everything.” He teased, his hand moving to trace along her bare thigh.
“But.” Fili starts, “If you are uncomfortable, or you do not wish to take a lover, or if you do not wish for me to be one of them, that is completely fine.” He brings her hand up to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. “I care for you as my brothers One, nothing will change that. Please, do not feel pressured, sweet girl.”
Kaia is moved, tears prickling in her eyes. The love she feels from both of these brothers is something she has never dreamt of experiencing. She loves them both, in equal measure but in different ways. And she desires them both...
“I would be honoured to be yours, Kili.” Kaia says, watching as Kili beams, before turning to Fili, “And I would be honoured to have you as my lover, Fili.”
Said prince smiled brightly at her, a dimple forming underneath his moustache braids. He leans forward and presses his forehead to hers. Kili kisses her hand, and Kaia feels her whole body glowing with happiness at this turn of events.
Pulling back, the older Durin prince looks over Kaia’s body. Kaia feels herself blush, her cunt fluttering at his heated gaze.
“Now that we’ve gotten all of that sappy shit out of the way…” Fill murmurs, looking over at his brother, “Let me show you how to properly pleasure a lass.”
Kaia giggles as Fili leans forward and steals a kiss, trailing his lips over her jaw, down her neck and gently bites her shoulder.
File crawls on top of her, gliding his hands over her shoulders, and across her chest. Kaia moans as his fingers touch her breasts over her corset. Fili chuckles into her shoulder.
“Sensitive, are we?”
“Stop teasing me, you fucker.” Kaia groans. Both brothers chuckle lowly at this, and as Fili moves his head down to her chest, Kaia watches as Kili leans back on his elbows, dragging his hand lazily over his crotch. He winks at her, taking his lower lip between his teeth.
The sight of watching him fondle his growing bulge, and feeling Fili drag his teeth over her clothes nipples make Kaia whimper, clenching her knees together to get some friction to her core.
File grabs at the top of her corset, tearing it open to give him access to her tits. She gasps, arching her back. The prince damn near groaned as he eyed her heaving breasts, taking a nipple between his lips. He sucked hard, making Kaia moan and squirm below him. He flicks the other nipple with his finger, his other hand moving to shuck up her skirt even further up her body.
His skilled finger found her cunt immediately, tracing his fingers across her sensitive slit.
“Fili, fuck!” Kaia groans, bringing her fist up to her mouth to bite down on her knuckles.
“Let me hear you, badgûna (lady of my dreams). Tell me what you need.” File groaned around her breast, moving further down her to press kisses along her stomach.
“File please… I need you… touch me…”
“As you wish, sweet girl.”
Fili plunged two fingers into her, pressing into her until he was knuckle deep. She gasped and moaned low, eyes rolling back at the combined feeling of his fingers on her breast, his lips on her stomach and his digits pumping into her.
File scissored his fingers into her, adding a third as her cunt began to grip him harder. She was a moaning, writhing mess as he dropped his mouth lower. Pushing up her skirt, his golden mane disappeared between her legs.
“FILI!” She screamed, as his lips latched onto her clit and sucked, hard. Stars appeared in front of her, as an earth-shattering orgasm hit her. She went silent, unable to form words as Fili continued to suck, four fingers pumping into her pulsing cunt as she came in waves over his face.
Kaia arched off the ground, hand moving to his hair pulling hard as he overstimulated her poor clit. He sucked and licked at her like she was the elixir of life, tasting her and urging her to give him more, he himself groaning as she tugged on his scalp.
Kaia opened her eyes to look at the stars above, vision blurry as her body built up to another orgasm, painfully on the precipice.
She moved her eyes from the sky, travelling across the landscape until they fell on Kili.
He was on his knees a few feet away, slightly hunched over as he fisted his cock. He was red-faced, mouth open wide as he pumped himself hard, his cock red between his white knuckled grip. He watched her writhing body, before turning his eyes to hers.
Immediately, he let out a loud groan, staring her in the eyes as his body shuddered, his cock releasing ropes of cum onto his hand and stomach.
He slumped over, still fisting his cock as he shook.
The sight alone made her cum again. She bit her lip to stop herself screaming out again, arching her back until she could see the world around her turn upside down. Her body erupted, her muscles spasming as she fell into complete bliss.
File gently played with her whilst she came down from her high. Waves of pleasure cascaded through her body like flashes of starlight.
She loosened her grip on his hair, running her fingers through it to bring her back to reality.
“How do you feel, ghivashel?” Fili asks, resting a hand on her cheek. Kaia lifts her own hand up, resting it atop his own. She is sweating and exhausted, but her heart is filled.
Yet, she still was not completely satisfied.
Looking over Fili’s dishevelled person, she noted his half-lidded eyes and rosy cheeks. His mouth is covered in her release, his moustache braids damp. His clothes are askew, his coat pushed slightly down his arms and his shirt slightly unbuttoned, revealing thick golden hair across his pecs. Travelling her eyes further, she bit her lip taking in the bulge between his legs.
“You’re so good with your mouth, madtubirzu…(golden heart)” Fili’s eyes and smile widened at the pet name, unaware that she had taken time to learn some Khuzdul during their journey.
Kaia smirked mischieously, reaching down to grab at Fili’s erection. “…but how are you with this?”
Fili grins devilishly, leaning down to press his lips to hers. His kiss was slower than his brothers, expertly dancing his lips over her own. She continued to grope him through his trousers, and he ran his hands through her hair in response, as he growled low in this throat.
He rises up to his elbows, looking over his shoulder at his brother.
“Are you watching, Kee?” He calls.
Kaia looks over towards Kili, who is now sat reclined against the soil, trousers done up again as he watched his brother and his lover.
“I thought you were going to show me how to pleasure her, Fee, not how to tease her and act like an ass…” Kili chuckled, winking at Kaia. She bit her lip at the brotherly teasing, enjoying their dynamic.
“Big words from a dwarrow who came the second he got his end away!” Fili sniggers, throwing Kaia a wink. Kili goes to say something else.
“Too much talking , not enough shagging!” Kaia groans, glaring good-naturedly at her boys.
Fili looks down at her, mouth open in faux-shock. “Wow Kaia, you’ve got quite a mouth on you.”
“And she knows how to use it…” Kili drawls, biting his lip.
“Alright, alright. She’s right, too much talking.” Fili leans down slightly to grab her by the backs of her thighs. She squeals as he lifts her legs, bending them and pressing her knees to his chest.
On impulse, she tries to shut her knees together, but Fili slides himself between them, trapping himself against her. He grinds his hard, clothed length against her, rubbing against her clit. Kaia gasps, staring up at him with blown out pupils.
Fili smirks at her reaction, nuzzling his nose to hers in a nose kiss. They share a smile, before Fili sits back on his knees, undoing the ties of his trousers.
“You might want to hold onto something, lass…” He groans, pulling out his cock and stroking it at the sight of her splayed out for him.
His dick is beautiful. Slightly shorter than Kili’s but thicker and curved slightly. Fili grabs her hips, pulling her up slightly as he looms over her.
“…I’m not going to go easy on you.” With that, he thrusts into her fully.
Kaia screams, throwing her head back as he fills her instantly.
He starts fucking her hard and fast, hooking her knees around his arms to open herself fully up to him. He sets a pace which is harsh, pulling her up and down his length in tandem with his own thrusts.
Above her, Fili groans and pants, staring down at her as sweat beads onto his forehead. Kaia stares up at him, mouth hanging open as she takes everything he gives her.
His hips hit her own at an angle, bumping against her sensitive clit every time he thrusts into her. Kaia can feel her head spinning and the coil inside her tightening with every punishing thrust.
Fili lets go of her knees, in favour of grabbing her ankles, lifting and stretching them up to place them against his shoulders. He leans down, foldering her in half under him, hitting her at a deeper angle.
Kaia’s vision goes blurry, digging her fingers into his tunic and becoming a writhing mess beneath this beautiful dwarf.
The new position has Fili hitting a specific spot inside her over and over again, bringing her closer and closer to yet another earth shattering end. Fili holds his forehead against hers, his hot breath fanning her face and their own sweat mingling.
Movement catches Kaia’s attention to her left, and she turns her face to watch as Kili lies down next to the humping pair. He watches her face, biting his lip as she smiles at him with a blissed expression.
“My beautiful girl…” Kili murmurs.
Fili continues thrusting into Kaia, pressing his sweaty forehead into her shoulder as his thrusts became more erratic.
“Kee, play with her clit.” Fili groans, his own hands too busy with playing with her tits and grabbing her hair in a vice like grip.
Kili doesn’t need to be told twice, he reaches between them and starts rubbing her clit in figures of eight, nuzzling into the other side of her neck. One of Kaia’s hands detangles from Fili’s tunic to grasp onto Kili’s unoccupied hand, and she feels him kiss her neck.
The coil inside her tightens almost painfully, and she can feel herself on the precipice once again
“I’m- I’m going to-”
“Cum, ‘ibin abnâmu. I want to feel you cum on my cock.” Fili moans, fucking her with abandon.
“Cum for us, Amrâlimê!” Kili pants, sucking on her pulse point and rubbing his hand against her clit.
Kaia does just that. Throwing her head back and letting out a silent scream, she loses herself in her third orgasm of this amazing night.
Kili kisses up her neck, kissing her cheek, her temple, her forehead and then her nose. She looks back down at him, and he gives her a dazzling smile.
Fili lets out a groan from on top of her, and she feels how his cock pulses inside of her as he finishes, filling her up.
She drags her hand through his hair, forcing his head back to look into her eyes.
Blue eyes meet her own, equally blissed out, ones. He gives her a smile, kissing her gently before pulling out of her, causing them to both sigh.
Both brothers collapse on either side of her, taking each of her hands in their own.
Kaia feels Fili’s seed slipping out of her, covering the ground beneath her. She lets out a contented sigh, excited to have a wash soon…
We're all whores here :) thanks for reading, chapter three will be up soon!! First four chapters are posted on my AO3, if you can't wait!
Translations ~
Badgûna – dream girl ‘ibin abnâmul – beautiful gem Amrâlimê – love of mine
Participation (Ch.3)
A Slow Ride

Bofur x OC (Smut!!)
(part one, part two, part four, part five, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, this time we're getting frisky with beloved Bofur x
MINORS DNI!! smut!! I don't want to see you here if you are an itty bitty baby!!
AN; I love Bofur so much, he does NOT get enough love!!
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
“I should really go and wash now…”
Kaia murmurs this as she lies beside the two Durin princes. Her eyes are closed, but her other senses are all she needs to ground her.
The warmth radiates from her two lovers bodies as they brush their arms over her body. Kili lies on his side, playing with her tangled and messy hair. Fili was practically asleep, his breath coming out in even puffs as he presses his face against her shoulder.
“Stay with us…” Kili whines, kissing her cheek.
“If I stay with you any longer, I won’t be able to leave you all night…” Kaia groans.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Fili chuckles, nuzzling his nose along the skin of her bicep.
“It is if I don’t want to smell like sweat and sex for the next day of travel.”
“Again, you say that like it’s a bad thing!” Kili laughs, looking at her profile with starry eyes. “But you’re right. You deserve to have a wash, you’ve taken care of us so well…”
“Damn straight.” Fili whispers, shuddering slightly as he drags his fingers over her collarbones.
“Alright, I’m getting up, before we start all over again.”
With great effort on her part, Kaia sits up. The two princes try weakly to get her down, but give up when she continues rising to her knees.
More of the prince’s spend seeps out of her, dripping down her thighs.
Kaia groans at the feeling, looking around for her undergarments to try to keep some of her dignity when she ventured back to the group.
But they were nowhere to be seen.
“Which one of you has taken them?”
“What?” Kili asks.
“My underwear.”
“We haven’t taken them. What do you think we are, delinquents?" Fili chuckles, although he looks like he is considering it.
Either one or both of the princes were lying… or someone else took them.
The thought of one of the other dwarves sneaking over during their tryst, and stealing her underwear… it shouldn’t have turned her on, but it did.
And she knew exactly who took it…
Kaia chuckled to herself, shaking her head at her shameless kleptomaniac friend.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” Kaia sighs, standing up, her skirts falling around her. She looks over at the two Durins, who were staring up at her with adoring eyes. “I love you both.”
“We love you too, Amrâlimê.” Kili says, his smile so sweet it was infectious.
“So much.” Fili agrees, winking at her. Kaia giggles, securing her boots back onto her feet.
The elder Durin looks over at his brother, nodding towards Kaia. His brother gives him a questioning look, and Fili nods over at her again, raising his eyebrows.
“Fili, what- ow!” Kili rubs his thigh where Fili kicked him, then it dawns on him. “OH!”
Kaia giggles as Kili rushes to stand up, stumbling over himself as he makes sure his clothes are right and his hair isn’t sticking up on it’s ends.
With a deep breath, he takes a step towards her.
“Kaia, Amrâlimê…” Kili starts, taking her hand in his own, “I have fallen in love with you. My body and soul belongs to you, as I’m sure you are aware now… Would you do me the honour of wearing my braid, and courting me?”
He reaches into one of his pockets, taking out a small wooden bead. Kaia gasps, accepting the braid into her palm. She admires the ornate details carved into the small dark brown bead. Letters she recognises as Khuzdul and symbols which are beautiful and intricate.
“It’s.. uh, it’s not much!” Kili stammers, taking her staring at it as her disappointment, “I wanted to wait until we reclaimed Erebor and had access to the forges, but my heart told me to make you one while we travel… I know it’s very soon, but…”
“Kili, shush.” Kaia giggles, throwing her arms around his shoulders. His own arms immediately wrap around her waist, and his body sags in relief as she presses a kiss to his temple. “I would be honoured to court you.”
Kili leans his head back, pressing a hand to the top of her head before he pulls her into a deep kiss.
“Maralmizi…” He groans against her lips, holding her waist and head firmly but gently, as if she were as precious as the finest jewel in his hands.
“I’ll court you, as long as I can keep having both you and your brother to keep me warm!” Kaia says cheekily, nipping at his neck.
“Sounds good to me!” Fili calls to them, and she see him sitting back with his arms behind his head, oozing confidence with a shit-eating grin on her face.
“You could fuck the entire Company and I would still love you, Arsûnê.” Kili growled, “In fact, the thought of that alone makes me want to take you all over again…”
The young prince’s hand slides down her body, grabbing her ass cheeks roughly. She squeals, and he captures her lips into his own, biting down onto her lower lip.
“Oh for the love of Mahal, Kili, let the girl go and bathe!” Fili laughs, climbing to his knees to extract Kili from Kaia.
“Oi, shut up! You’re not her One…"
“No I’m one of her Many.” Fili drawls his arms encircling her waist.
“Ooh, did you just come up with that, your highness?"
“Yes, I’m clever like that.” Fili presses a kiss against her clothed stomach, before taking both her hands in each of his, distributing a kiss on each of her knuckles. “Now go, bathe, get that hair ready for Kili’s braid and that beautiful body for me to devour…”
Kaia gasps, and Fili gives her a devilish smile.
As she rushes off, she catches the two brothers talking.
“Hey! How come you get to pleasure her down there again? You’ve already down it once!” Kili exclaims, and she can hear Fili make a noise.
“Mahal, Kili, did you not?!”
Kaia chuckles to herself as their bickering continues.
Coming to a clearing not too far from her lovers, she finds the lake.
The moon is high above the trees, bathing the waters in pale light. The air is cold, but Kaia’s body is still burning with the ministrations of her prince’s.
But, she begins to grow cold, and her anticipation for a good clean has her practically giddy.
She was suddenly thankful for her clothes being half hanging off of her, as it took a quick tug and a pull for Kaia to be as bare as the day she was born.
Readying herself, she jumped and dove into the water.
The cold was invigorating, shocking her system from being in a tired, post orgasmic thrum, into full energy.
Kaia floated to the surface, tugging her hair from her face, and over her shoulder. She ran her hands through the long tresses, separating the knots and cleaning out the dirt and grime which had lingered for far too long.
As she played with her strands, she thought about the courting braid she would soon wear. Kili’s courting braid was tucked in her skirt pocket, waiting for her hair to be ready and Kili to plait it into said hair.
It felt so intimate, so personal, so romantic.
And very right.
Kaia was unwilling to begin a relationship with the young prince, though she felt a pull to him she had never felt before. Resentment hit her for the fact that she harboured feelings and desires for not only Kili, but for his brother, and his uncle, and Dwalin, and Bofur… and, I mean, if we are keeping count, she wouldn’t kick Nori or Bifur out of bed…
But now, her soul was free. She could be with Kili, belong to him fully, as much as he belonged to her. And she would enjoy Fili too… and perhaps the others…
“Oh, Mahal…” A quiet voice exclaims behind her.
Kaia turns around, her eyes landing first on a familiar strange hat, lowering down onto the kind face of Bofur, which was currently lacking its usual goody smile, and was sporting a bright blush beneath its moustache.
“Hi, Bofur.” Kaia says, smiling innocently at him.
Bofur does not meet her eyes. He seems to be unable to decide where to look. His eyes seem drawn to look over her exposed, wet flesh, but he was clearly uncomfortable about leering at her. “Uh… hi, lass.”
Kaia bit her lip, stifling a big grin at his flushed appearance and husky voice. His hands flexed besides him, and he shuffled awkwardly, completely short-wiring.
He was so… Bofur, even in this situation. Goofy, adorable, but handsome in his own wat. Bofur’s brown eyes flicker up to hers, and the sight of his blown out pupils and his dark eyebrows slightly creased makes Kaia clench her thighs beneath the water.
Wow, I am insatiable tonight. Maybe I am part dwarrowdam…
“Is everything okay, sweetheart?” Kaia asks, her voice teasing as she feigned innocence, dragging her fingers through her hair, before drawing her fingertips over her chest.
Bofur’s eyes follow the movement, and he swallows thickly, hypnotised by the movements of her digits as well as the movements of her heaving chest.
“My apologies for intruding on you, Kaia. Nori told me about the lake, he said you were last to go but that had been a while ago, I expected you to be long gone…”
“I got… held up… I can leave if you want?” Kaia lets her hair fall around her as she begins rising out of the water, the tops of her breasts breaking the surface of the water.
The dwarves eyes follow her for a second, mouth hanging open. But just before her nipples can be exposed to the air, he turns around, shaking his head.
“No, no, lass it’s fine! You go right ahead, I’ll wait until you’re done!” His voice is higher than usual, and she can hear how his breath is coming out quickly. He shifts on his feet, and Kaia wonders if he's hard.
The thought makes Kaia wasn’t to dip her hands between her legs, taking her clit between her fingers as she imagines Bofur’s skilled, musical tongue playing her like his flute. What could he do with his hands, how big was his cock…?
“Don’t be silly, the lake is big enough for the both of us…” Kaia says, swimming backwards slightly. It was true, the lake was large. Big enough for a human and a dwarf to wash with a comfortable distance between them.
Although, with the way her cunt is throbbing, Kaia believe she may have an obscured idea of what is “comfortable”…
“I… I couldn’t lass. Truly… it would be improper-”
“Oh, hi, Dori! Why are you wearing Bofur’s hat?” Nimue chuckles, sarcasm drips from her voice.
Bofur turns his head around to give her a half-assed glare. As his eyes travel down to where her body disappears into the water, he swallows thickly. His Adam’s apple disappears beneath his scarf, and Nimue wants to grab it off of him to gaze at more of his throat.
“Alright, lass… if you are sure…?” Bofur asks, turning around to look at her. “You should know I’m as hard as a rock right now, if that makes you feel uncomfortable.”
Kaia laughs heartily at this. There’s the Bofur she adores, him and his inability to keep his words inside his head.
“If you don’t get in here in the next minute, I might have to drag you in.”
Bofur stares at her, completely frozen for a minute. He makes a choked sound, and nods.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Ooh, she liked that.
He began to take off his scarf, making Kaia grin in satisfaction. As he placed it on a nearby rock, he narrowed his eyes and eyed her.
“Are you going to eye me the entire time?” He asks, trying to seem annoyed but the feeling of her eyes on him makes his stomach twist into pleasant knots.
“Something tells me the conversation from earlier really struck a chord in you, lass.”
“Are you going to keep giving my cryptic answers to my questions?”
“Perhaps.” Nimue gave him a smirk, pursing her lips as he gives her another glare.
“Har har.” He says dryly, rolling the ‘r’s in a way that made Kaia feel all kinds of things.
Bofur kept undressing, taking off his coat, and his gloves. He stripped more and more layers, and Kaia bit her lip as he exposed more of his skin.
He was big and beefy the way dwarves usually are, but had a good amount of muscle underneath his skin. Dark hair covered his chest, and he had a fierce happy trail which ended above his long johns.
“Like what you see?” Bofur asked, his tone joking but there was a hint of insecurity in the question which made Kaia want to jump out of the lake and wrap her arms around him.
“Very much.” She says, her voice drawing out the syllables.
Bofur smiled wolfishly, looking down as a blush deepened the colour in his cheeks.
“Stop teasing and take it all off, Bofur.” She growled out his name, and he flushes red at the command in his voice.
He pushes down the last piece of fabric covering his lower half, and before she can get a proper peak, he holds one of his big hands over his crotch. He gives her a cheeky smile, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Tease.” Kaia grumbles.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Bofur winks.
“I’ll do you one better.” Kaia smiles slyly, and she closes her eyes as she stretches herself out in the water, “Touch me and feel what you are missing out on…”
There is a second of silence, before a loud splash erupts around her. Within seconds, Kaia is swept up in two big, strong arms and lifted up. She gasps, and wraps her legs around a solid body which presses itself against her.
Kaia opens her eyes, and giggles as Bour looks at her with a bright smile and kind eyes.
And he’s still wearing his hat.
“I knew the hat would be the last thing you take off.” The human lass chuckles, shaking her head with a fond smile.
“Oh, so you think this is coming off?” Bofur wiggles his head around, making the flaps jiggle.
“You and that hat...”
“You love it.” Bofur holds her closer, his eyes focused on her lips.
Taking his hint, Kaia reaches down and presses her lips to his.
She is rewarded instantly by him groaning against her lips. She slips slightly in his arms, and her heat bumps against something hard and heavy between them.
Bofur gasps, lifting his head away as he looks into her eyes.
“I did warn you.” Bofur chuckles, looking away sheepishly.
Kaia hums, tracing her lips over his cheek. She scoots her hips slightly, welcoming the feel of him pressed against her.
Bofur makes a choked noise, pulling his head back to look at her.
“Not here.” He says quickly, his eyes blown out with lust.
With a quick movement, he pulls them from the water, carrying her over to the bank to lay her down.
Bofur leans back on his heels as he admires her, his eyes wide and chest heaving as he looks over her wet, beautiful body.
She herself stares at him, eyes raking down his bulky dwarvish form until she finds what she has been desperate to see.
Kaia gulps at the sight.
As with all the dwarves, apparently, Bofur is very well endowed. His cock is hard and heavy, with a light curve to the left which makes her clit spasm. Without thinking, her hand draws between her legs, and she flicks a finger over the small bud at the sight of Bofur’s impressive member.
At the sight, Bofur’s cock twitches. He shivers, and groans.
“Mahal maharuma…” The hatted dwarf murmurs to himself, and he drags his own hand down his length at the sight of her, spread legged and touching herself. His other hand glides along her thigh, touching her so gently as if she may break.
That won’t do.
Kaia sits up pressing into Bofur’s chest to kiss him, tangling their tongues as Bofur gasps, biting down onto her bottom lip.
He lets Kaia guide him so he is lying down on the bank below, and she straddles his torso.
Kaia leans forward, grinding her lower regions against Bofur’s bare stomach as she takes his hands in her own. Bofur gasps slightly, looking up into her eyes. He looks up at her with such a gentle, adoring expression, filled with desire which was not the same fiery lust that Fili’s had, nor the sweet eagerness Kili’s had. Bofur was looking at her like she was a goddess.
Overwhelmed by the emotion in his deep brown eyes, Kaia leaned forward, kissing him. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss. His facial hair was tickly, and she chuckled into his lips.
“I’m glad I can make you laugh even here, lass.” Bofur murmurs into her lips, his own smile can be heard through his gentle words.
“Only you can make me feel so comfortable even here, sweet dwarf.”
Bofur pulls back from her, his face positively glowing from his beaming smile.
“You warm my heart, Kardûna.” He whispers, nuzzling her nose with his own.
Bofur’s hand traces along her neck, and she can feel tender flesh there.
Kili and Fili must have marked her up with hickeys.
“Now what happened here? Get attacked by a wild dwarrow?” He chuckles, tickling over the bruised skin.
“Both Kili and Fili have had me already…”
“Had you? In what sense, sweet girl?” Bofur says, a teasing smile on his lips
“Both Kili and Fili have been inside of me.” Kaia says, rolling her eyes, but she feels almost sheepish as she traces circles along Bofur’s chest.
“Mahal maharuma…” The dwarf groans. Kaia would think that it was from disappointment or disgust, but his eyes rolled back into his head slightly, and he hardened even more underneath her.
“Look how quickly you have joined in our wicked ways, starlight!” Bofur smirks up at her, curling a strand of her hair around his finger.
“Mmm, do you want to hear all about it, you naughty dwarf?”
“Fuck, tell me what they did to you...” Bofur groans, grabbing her thighs as his hips bucked up slightly.
“Kili found me in the woods, he was so desperate for me, and I took him in my mouth so eagerly.” Kaia kissed along Bofur’s jaw as she recounted the events of the evening. “When he got close, we lay down, and I took him inside of me. Then Fili stumbled upon us. He pleasured me with his mouth before he fucked me raw.”
“Did they finish in your sweet cunt?” He gasps, gripping onto her thighs.
“Yes, they both did.”
Bofur is breathing heavily now, his chest lifting Kaia up and down with the force of his breaths.
Looking over her shoulder, she could see he was fully hard, pressing up towards his stomach. The head was red and begging for attention. She reached back, wrapping a hand around him.
The groan which erupted from Bofur was animalistic, he seethed through his teeth as he tried to get himself under control.
“Lass, lass, wait a second, please, Ghivashel…” Kaia does as he says, releasing him and resting both of her hands on his shoulders.
“Are you okay, sweet dwarf?”
“I’ve never been so beyond okay, you beautiful minx.” He laughs, reaching his hand up to fix his hat slightly. She nuzzled his neck, revelling in the smell of him. “I want you so badly, Kardûna, but I want to have you slowly. I want to savour the feel of you.”
Kaia moans at this, licking a stripe up his neck. A low rumble erupts out of the hat-wearing dwarf, almost like a purr.
“I want that too, Bofur.” She smiles up at him, and the smile he returns her warms her heart. “I want you as one of my lovers, to have whenever I want, as slowly as I want.” She elongates her words, grinding her wet pussy against his chest.
“Sounds like delicious torture.” Bofur moans, dropping his head back. His hat covers his eyes, and Kaia giggles at the funny sight.
“May I play with your hair, sweet dwarf?”
“If you don’t, I will be sorely disappointed.” Comes his reply, his eyes still covered with his hat.
“We can’t have that, now, can we?” Kaia reaches a hand up, undoing the ties binding his hair together. With gentle fingers, she coaxes them out of their tight knots, and they fall into soft waves around his shoulders. “Mmm, my beautiful dwarrow.”
“Oh, ‘ibin abnâmul, fuck… my beautiful lass.”
“I need you inside of me, my darling.”
“Fuck yourself onto my cock, darling.” Bofur sighs, reaching a hand up to shift his hat back. His eyes twinkle, taking Kaia’s breath away. “Take what you need from me, my sweetest girl.”
Kaia does not need any more instructions.
Stretching up, she lifts her hands above her head. Bofur’s eyes follow her movements, drinking in her body as it writhes above him.
Dragging her hands over her chest, Kaia plays with her nipples, tweaking them and rolling them under her fingers.
“Mahal, Kaia…” Bofur takes his lip between his teeth, his body shuddering beneath her.
“Do you like what you see?” Kaia smiles, repeating Bofur’s earlier line.
“More than you could imagine.” He groans, and he reaches one hand up to graze it over her pert nipple.
Kaia is astonished by how big his hands are compared to hers, his fingers play with her nipples and put her own to shame. She rolls her head back, gasping as he applies the perfect amount of pressure.
“Do you like that, lass?” His soft voice asks, and she nods weakly. “You’re so wet, I can feel you dripping all over me, you dirty girl.”
The way his voice growls out the last bit of the sentence releases another wave of her arousal.
His hands move to her waist, running his hands over her soft skin with his calloused finger tips.
“Are you ready for me, Bofur?” Kaia asks teasingly.
“Lass, if you don’t sit on my cock right now I’m going to spontaneously combust-”
As he speaks, Kaia lifts herself up and shifts backwards, lining her pulsing heat with his throbbing head.
Bofur stops speaking, mouth still open as he gasps at the feel of her.
Kaia grins down at him, as she sinks herself down onto his thick shaft.
Bofur becomes a shuddering mess beneath her, sweat forming across his neck and his forehead. His hands remain on her hips, and she can feel them flex against her skin.
“And to think I’ve been spending myself in my hand all this time.” Bofur sighs, looking deeply into her eyes, “You feel like a dream.”
“What do you think about when you cum?” Kaia asks, her voice erratic as she begins to move on top of Bofur’s dick.
“My hat.” He replies seriously.
Kaia stops moving, and Bofur’s face breaks out into a mischievous grin.
“I fuck my hand thinking it’s you lass, obviously. Now get a move on before I spill myself immediately!”
He’s trying so hard to keep himself at bay, eyes rolling back as she lowers herself further and further onto him, until their hips bump.
“Oh, gods… ugh, fu-uck, lass!” Bofur gasps out throwing his head back. His hat slips over his eyes again, and Nimue lets a laugh escape, but it turns into a breathy gasp as he throbs inside of her.
“I’m going to fuck you slow, Bofur, my sweet dwarf.”
“Please, please!” The hatted dwarf begs, eyes covered by his silly hat.
Raising herself up slowly, she lets him almost completely fall out of her, just the tip remaining trapped inside of her. Then, she rocks forwards, taking him fully once again.
Bofur moans, a deliciously long sound that erupts from low in his throat.
Kaia gasps out as she rocks on top of her sweet dwarf, her cunt fluttering around him in a way which feels heavenly for both of them.
His hands are so gentle as they drag up and down her body, guiding her movements but not pushing her up and down. The control Kaia feels is addicting. Bofur trusts her completely with his pleasure.
Leaning over him, Kaia presses her lips to his own, kissing him long and slow as she uses her hands to assist in her up and down movements along his cock.
Bofur moans against her lips, kissing her deeply as one of his hands comes to rest on the back of her head.
“So good to me, so warm and tight around my cock… fuck, you take me so well, lass…” Bofur’s words are like a song in her ears, surrounding her and filling her body up as good as he cock does.
Kaia can feel her orgasm approaching, the position they’re in has her rubbing her clit over his pelvis with every lift of her hips.
“Bofur… I…” Kaia gasps, pressing her head to Bofur’s neck.
“I can feel you, sweetheart.” Bofur groans, holding onto her back as he gently thrusts into her.
Her orgasm is fast approaching, and she’s practically bouncing on top of him as creeps closer and closer to that beautiful coil snapping-
It hits as Bofur slams his cock up into her, and she grips onto his shoulders as she releases with a high pitched, pathetic mewl.
“Oh, mahal maharuma, you feel so good, please I need to-” The hatted dwarf begs her as his hips stutter against his own.
Bofur, in all of his kindness, does not want to hurt her by fucking her whilst she comes down from her high. But she can feel how his cock pulsates inside of her, he’s on the precipice and, damn it, if she doesn’t want to hear what he sounds like when he cums.
“Fuck, don’t stop Bofur! Let me feel you and your beautiful cock- OH!” Nimue squeals when she feels Bofur plant his feet down.
With a firm grasp in her hair and a hand on her lower back, Bofur begins slamming into her.
He jackhammers her with a speed she did not think possible. The squelching of her cunt is loud as he forces his cock into her over and over again, chasing his own release with at a feverish pace.
Kaia can only grasp onto whatever she can find as he keeps up his unrelenting thrusts.
Being pressed to his chest makes her nipples rub against the coarse hair on his chest, and her clit throbs against his pelvis every time it slams against her.
“Bofur, Bofur, fuck!” She screams out, biting down onto his shoulder as he pulls her down to slam down onto his cock until her brain is… mush.
He groans into her ear, barely forming sentences as all of his words are followed by harsh grunts. “Kaia… fuck…. so good… Mahal…” His accent seems to become stronger and harsher the closer he gets to his own release.
Suddenly, Kaia felt herself cum again. The overstimulation mixed with the pace at which Bofur slams into her sends her hurtling off of the edge for a second time on his perfect, dwarvish cock.
His hips stuttered, and his eyes flew open as he stared deeply into her eyes.
“Please… please, Kaia, pull my hair!” Bofur whines, and she cannot deny him when he sounds so sweet, asking her so nicely.
With a shaky and weak hand, Kaia reached up and dug her fingers under his hat, which was flopping around erratically to match the speed and strength in which he sheathed himself inside of her.
Finding his scalp, Kaia grasped at his thick hair, tugging with all the strength she could muster and licking the sweat forming around his upper lip.
Bofur howled, slamming for a final time up into her as his cock pulsed erratically, filling her with his warm spend. She bounced herself against him to prolonged his orgasm, and he gasped and moaned as she milked him dry.
After a moment, they lay still.
Resting her cheek against his chest, Kaia listened to the thumping of Bofur’s heart as she tried to catch her breath. The world around her was fuzzy around the edges.
“So much for getting clean…” Kaia chuckles, and Bofur looked down at her with a fond smile.
“I’m so I made you so dirty, lass.” He says. Kaia places a kiss against his lips, nudging at his moustache.
“No, you’re not.”
Holy water for you 🫳💦
Translations for my bbgs <3
Maralmizi - I love you
Kardûna - heart-lady
Mahal maharuma – mahal be praised
Participation (Ch.4)
Warriors Haven

Dwalin x OC (smut!!)
(part one, part two, part three, part five, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, now we're getting down and dirty with Dwalin (I've truly lost it with this one I fear)
MINORS DNI !!! very much 18+, please scroll younglings...
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
Kaia lay beside Bofur for a while after, her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as he played with her hair and hummed.
A smile never left her lips.
Who would have thought that joining a company of thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard would lead to such happiness.
Kaia had fallen for Kili, and he her. He would braid her hair, and she would be his when this was all over. He would be hers… as would Fili, and Bofur.
How lucky could one girl be?
Kaia lifted her head up to look at Bofur, who had his eyes closed as he hummed gently. Placing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth, she watched as his lips turned up into a goofy smile.
“Well, hello there…” Bofur murmurs, cracking an eye open to look down at her.
“Forget I was here?” She teases.
“How could i?” The dwarf chuckles, running a hand over her hair. “So, have Kili asked you to court him yet?”
Kaia giggles, nuzzling against Bofur’s cheek, “He has. Though, if he hadn’t, you would have just ruined the surprise.”
“What surprise?” Bofur laughs, “That boy has been enamoured by you since he first saw you, lass. He follows you around like a love sick puppy.”
“Not unlike the rest of you.” Kaia murmurs, biting at Bofur’s lower lip.
“Oh, aye, we all adore you ground you walk on.” He responds, taking her hand in his own to kiss her knuckles, “But you’re Kili’s One.”
“And you?” Kaia asks, looking into his soulful brown eyes, “What will you be to me?”
Bofur raises an eyebrow, pulling her closer so she rests atop his broad chest. She plays with his spiralled moustache as he runs his fingers through her hair.
“You heard us earlier. Our lasses often take lovers, but that does not mean they are any less important to her. Yes, her husband is her one, but she is adored by every dwarrow who she claims as hers…”
Bofur suddenly looks shy, self-conscious. “I know, if Mahal willing, you’ll court Kili, in the future you’ll marry him, and become a princess... and I am just a miner who dreams of being a toymaker, with no titles to my name, and a very impressive hat-”
“I’m going to stop you right there.” Kaia chimes in, pressing her fingers to his lips. “I would love for you to be one of my lovers, Bofur.”
His eyes shine, and he breaks out into a wide smile. Pressing a kiss to her fingers, he leans forward to press his forehead to his own.
“You know, we’re about to go and fight a dragon, but I’ve never felt more sure we’ll be okay than in this moment.” He says quietly, a contented sigh leaving his lips.
“I agree.” Kaia murmurs, kissing his cheek.
An hour passes. After washing again with Bofur, who behaved for the most part, Kaia walked back to camp with her hatted lover in tow.
Some of the Company had already gone to sleep, with only a small group of dwarves and Bilbo remaining around the fire.
“There you are!” Bilbo exclaims, sighing with relief, “I was beginning to think you drowned, or something.”
“I’m alright! Did not drown, very much alive.” Kaia chuckles, patting Bilbo’s shoulder as she passes him.
Fili and Kili sit on a log, giving her bright smiles as she came to sit beside them.
“Even if I were in any danger, I had a big, strong dwarf to protect me.” Kaia says, smiling at Bofur as he walks towards the group. He raises his eyebrows, looking around before pointing at himself. “Yes, you, you oaf!”
“Yes, I’m big and strong and fearless, look at me.” Bofur flexes his arms, and Bilbo sighs at him.
“Where even were you, Bofur? I hope you weren’t bothering Kaia whilst she bathed!” Dori chastises, tutting. Beside him, Nori smirks.
“I don’t think he was doing anything she didn’t like…” He states, “She’s blushing like a dam in heat.”
“No, I’m not.” Kaia waves her hand, and Fili catches it in his own to play with her fingers gently. Kili smiles at her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“What are those marks on her neck?” Ori asks, tilting his head at her.
Kaia feels her blush bloom deeper, one hand coming up to feel the marks left by Kili, Fili, and now also Bofur.
“Admiring our handiwork there, Ori?” Fili teases, winking at Kaia. “I see you added a few of your own, Bofur… are there more congratulations in order?”
“I would say so, aye.” Bofur beams, and Fili stands up and claps him on the shoulder.
The group look around in confusion, with Balin and Nori being the first to realise what was happening. Kaia reaches into her skirt, taking out the courting bead Kili gave her. With a bright smile, she offers it to the prince.
“Would you do me the honour of braiding my hair, Kili?” She asks, and his smile could light up the entire forest around them.
“It would be my honour, Kaia.” He says, and she sits between his legs for him to start braiding a section of her hair.
The rest of the dwarves cheer, smiling brightly and patting the four beaming individuals on the shoulder. With a contented hum, Kili finishes her braid, and Kaia runs her fingers over it, pressing a kiss to Kili’s own.
“That does not explain the marks- Ow, Nori!” Ori says, getting smacked on the back of the head by his brother.
“No seriously, what are… Oh. Oh! Ohh.” Bilbo goes bright red, looking anywhere but Kaia and the three beaming dwarves.
“Well, isn’t this marvellous!” Dori says, clapping his hands, “Oh, I’m so happy for you all!”
“This is cause for celebration!” Nori says, bringing out his water skin full of wine, passing it to Kaia.
She smiles and takes a sip, feeling bright and happy as the dwarves around her talk happily about what this means for the Company. Kili rests his head against her own, as Fili and Bofur talk about what it will be like in Erebor for them all.
“I wonder what Thorin will have to say about all of this.” Balin comments, and Kaia’s shoulders slump a little bit.
“Oh, aye. Kili, you’ll have to talk to him.” Dori says.
“Yeah, I should probably go and do that now… I was hoping to avoid it until later, but now that my ghivashel has my braid in her hair…” Kaia can hear Kili’s smile in his voice as he presses a kiss to her hair.
“I’ll come with you.” Fili nods, standing up, “Thorin will want to have all of the details, seeing as Kili is now courting her and me and Bofur are shagging her-”
“Must you make it sound so vulgar?” Dori tuts, with Gloin agreeing with him.
“Don’t be ashamed of it, Dori. You’re some lasses’ lover, too. I’m sure you get yours!” Bofur says, winking at the older dwarf. Dori goes bright red, before standing up to clip Bofur around the ear.
“Bofur! I think you should come too!” Kili says, standing and grabbing Bofur as he and Fili head off towards where Thorin is keeping watch.
“That conversation is going to be fun.” Nori chuckles, shaking his head at the three dwarves.
“Do you reckon Thorin will oppose it?” Kaia asks, fiddling with her courting braid anxiously.
“He may have his grievances, lass.” Balin sighs, patting her shoulder, “But we can all see how much Kili cares for you, he’ll fight for you. And I reckon both Fili and Bofur will have their own words to say.”
“Don’t they always!” Nori laughs.
Kaia still feels worried. She does not want Kili and his uncle to have a spat over their courting. She is a human, and he a dwarven prince, it would not surprise her if Thorin refused to acknowledge their relationship.
Feeling suddenly sick and self-conscious, she excuses herself from the group, walking further into the clearing to have some time to think.
Kaia finds herself in a secluded part of the camp, far enough that their voices are lost but the light of the fire reaches her finger tips.
Sitting on a rock, Kaia brings her knees to her chest, trying to not get too worried over what the King Under the Mountain will have to say about her relationships with both of his heirs.
The thought of him forbidding Kili from being with her, or stopping her from being with the other two in some way, makes her chest tight. What if he sends her away, dismissing her from travelling with the Company from now on…?
“What’s got you sulking, then?” A deep voice growls, causing Kaia to jump.
A few feet from her, Dwalin leans against a tree, tilting his head as he stares at her. His face is casted in shadows, and Kaia cannot read his face.
“Nothing.” She says, wrapping her arms around her knees.
“Spit it out, girl. You look like someone killed your puppy.”
Kaia bites back a smile, he sounded so gruff and angry, but there was something comforting about his presence.
“Me and Kili are courting.”
“Took you both long enough.” Dwalin chuckles, walking over to sit next to her on the rock. “Don’t tell me you’re already having troubles five minutes in?”
“No, Kili’s wonderful…”
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Dwalin grumbles, causing Kaia to laugh.
“I’m worried Thorin won’t be happy about it.”
“Screw him.”
Kaia gasps, staring wide eyed at Dwalin. The gruff warrior shrugs, looking off into the distance, “He’s seen as well as the rest of us how much Kili cares about you. And you seem to like him, Mahal knows why, so he shouldn’t be what stops you both from being happy.”
Kaia smiles, bumping her shoulder with his. Though he is a dwarf and she is a human, he stands at the same height as her, and on the rock, she has to look up at him slightly.
“Something else on your mind?” He asks, looking down at her. His blue eyes meet hers, and she feels butterflies in her stomach looking at them. Dwalin may be a grizzled, tattooed warrior who has probably killed more people than Kaia has ever met, but damn it if he isn’t attractive.
“Well… Kili and I, once we confessed how we felt, we…” Kaia blushes slightly, looking away from his intense gaze.
“We… um, we were intimate.”
“Not surprising.” Dwalin says casually, but his voice has gone an octave deeper.
“Not just him and I… Fili, as well… and Bofur…” She chuckles, looking down at her feet.
“Mahal, lassie, you move quickly.” Dwalin laughs, shaking his head.
“Hey, I was told I can have as many lovers as I want!”
“Oh, certainly you can, the more the merrier.” He says, looking over at her.
The way his eyes travel down her remind her of how he looked at her earlier in the evening.
“How many should I have?” Kaia asks, turning her body towards him.
“Many dwarrowdams have only one or two… but a lass like you, you shouldn’t even consider having less than four.”
“Oh? I’ve only got two, so far…” Kaia pouts, trailing an arm over his bicep. “Know anyone who might want to be my third?”
Dwalin growls low in his throat, grabbing her hand with one of his own whilst his other arm wraps around her waist. Kaia gasps as he pulls her onto his lap, straddling his strong thighs as he presses his forehead to hers.
“I know someone who would be more than willing…” His voice rumbles low in his throat.
Kaia grins, and Dwalin leans forward, kissing her hard and fast.
Their teeth clash in a bruising kiss, and Dwalin bites at her lower lip. When she gasps, he forces his tongue into mouth, causing Kaia to moan at the feeling,
One of his arms remain around her waist, supporting her against him as his other hand travels down her body. He grabs a handful of her behind, squeezing roughly in a way which makes Kaia groan.
His lips leave her own, trailing down her jaw and neck in open mouthed kisses, nipping her skin to hear her pant and gasp in a way he loves.
“I’m sure the princes and the toy maker were nice to you. All gentle and delicate…” Dwalin groans, licking the tops of her breasts. His thighs support her weight as he brings both of his large hands up, grabbing onto the top of her dress.
“But I won’t be gentle.” With one tug, he tears her bodice open, revealing her breasts to the cold air.
Kaia gasps, before moaning as Dwalin drops his head to her tits, taking one of her nipples in his mouth to suck and bite it. He moves his head to her other breast, while his hands move back to her ass, squeezing and slapping it.
Lifting his head back up, he stares at her with dark, lust filled eyes.
“I’m going to fuck you.” He says, voice low and hoarse, “If you don’t want to be taken rough and hard, tell me now. Because once I get a taste of you, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”
Kaia is panting now, her hands grasping onto his shoulders as her brain digests his words.
He is staring at her, chest heaving and sweat pooling at his neck. His eyes are so dark the blues in them look like a midnight sky, and his lips are swollen beneath his beard.
Below her, she can feel how hard he is. And how big he is, too. Straining against the leather of his trousers, his cock pulses as she shifts herself on his lap.
“Why don’t you show me how it’s done, Dwalin?” She murmurs, leaning forward to dance her lips over his ear. His piercings are metallic against her tongue, and she captures his lobe between her teeth, forcing a deep growl out of the warrior.
In an instant, he lifts her up, one arm under her ass whilst his other tangles into her hair. He kisses her, fast and bruising, as he spins them around, pressing Kaia’s back to the rock below them.
Dwalin’s lips moved across her neck, biting at the marks left by the others and sending pleasured pain through her body. His large, calloused hands grabbed at her tits, playing with them and making her moan and gasp at the feeling of them being tugged so harshly.
Her noises caused him to groan and buck against her, his hips searching her own as she spread her legs for him. Dwalin lifted his head up, looking over her body where she was lying, tits out and chest heaving, legs spread as he dress fell low on her legs.
“Sasakhabiya abnâmul, Mesmel…” He groans in Khuzdul, dragging his hands over her breasts and up to her neck. “I need to feel you around my cock.”
Kaia moans, bumping her nose against his own. “Take me, please, Dwalin…”
With another low growl, Dwalin lifts her up, turning her around so her hands and knees are against the rock. She gasps at the feeling of the cold stone below her palms and knees, but feels her heart race as the gruff warriors hands soothe down her back and ass. She arches her back as his fingers dance under her knees, pulling her dress further up.
“There you go, just like that.” Dwalin murmurs, pushing her dress up until it is around her waist. Kaia can hear his sharp intake of breath at the sight of her cunt, “So wet for me, Khajmel.”
He kisses her back, before biting down on her ass. She winces, but the pain feels heavenly as he pushes one of his fingers into her tight heat.
Pumping it in and out, he stretches her open with one of his thick fingers, before adding a second one. He presses a kiss to her clit, groaning as her pussy flutters around him as he does so.
“You’re so tight, did those boys do nothing to open you up?” Dwalin tuts, kissing her back again. “I’ll show you what it feels like to be properly fucked open, sweet girl.”
Kaia gasps and moans as his fingers increase their pace, fucking her open as her lips spread further and her back arches. She pushes against his hand, but he tuts and lands a smack against her ass, causing her to wince.
“Behave.” Dwalin commands, continuing to finger her whilst his other hand smooths over the red mark on her ass cheek. “Are you ready for my cock, princess?”
“Yes! Yes, please!” Kaia begs, biting down onto her lip as he chuckles low in his throat.
“So desperate. Like you haven’t already had three cocks in you tonight. Such a dirty girl…” His voice grumbles, sending tingles down her spine. “Open your legs wider for me, Mesmel…”
Kaia does as instructed, spreading her knees out until her stomach is almost touching the stone below her. Her back arches as Dwalin glides his hands over her waist, pulling her back.
The sound of a belt unbuckling makes her cunt throb, her body thrumming in anticipation of what was to come.
“Relax, princess.” Dwalin murmurs, resting his hands on her waist.
With a single, bruising thrust, he sheathed himself inside her fully.
Kaia gasped, her body feelingly like it was splitting open in the most beautiful way. Tears prickled in her eyes as Dwalin gave her a moment to adjust to his size. He was huge. Thick and long and throbbing inside of her, making her body shiver at how full she felt.
“Are you alright, Khajmel?” Dwalin asks, his voice tight as he restrained himself from fucking her like a wild animal.
“Yes! Please just… move, Dwalin! Please!” Kaia begged, pressing her forehead down onto the rock beneath her.
Dwalin’s laugh rumbled through his body, and Kaia felt it through his hands and his hips.
Just as she thought he was going to stay still and tease her forever, his cock disappeared from within her, before slamming back into her to the hilt.
Kaia gasped and moaned as he set a rough pace, completely filling her with each push and pull of his hips. He pulled back until the tip rested against her, before shoving forward until he bumped against her cervix.
It hurt in a way which made her entire body sweat, but felt so good that she screamed at him for more.
“Fuck, Dwalin, yes, harder!” She pleaded, her voice breaking.
A strong hand wrapped around her neck, while the other remained against her waist, bouncing her back against him as he continued his bruising thrusts.
Dwalin fucked like an animal, and he sounded like one too. He growled and grunted behind her, murmuring words in Khuzdul as his pace increased.
Kaia knew she wasn’t going to last, not with how fast and hard he pumped his cock into her, and as he grabbed her hair with one hand, and her shoulder with the other, forcing her eyes up to the sky, the new position hit a place deep within her cunt which made her see stars.
“Oh gods!” Kaia gasped as her body erupted in her orgasm, making her body shake and her eyes roll back into her head.
Dwalin did not even falter. He fucked her through her orgasm, slamming her ass against his hips as her cunt squeezed him. He was getting closer, she could feel in the erratic way he started pummelling into her.
But he wanted to feel her cum one more time before he finishes.
“You can give me one more, pretty girl.”
“Fuck, Dwalin, I can’t!” Kaia sobbed as her body buzzed with over stimulation, her cunt strangling his cock as he kept abusing it.
“Yes you can, princess, I can feel it. Cum on my cock again, like a good girl.”
Kaia felt his fingers leave her shoulder for a second as he dove his hand between her legs. Pulling her hair until her back was pressed against his chest, he flicked and rolled her clit until she was practically seizing around him, another orgasm taking all of the strength out of her in one hoarse scream.
He held her close, relaxing her hold on her hair as he wrapped his arms around her, fucking her faster as his climax surged through him.
Dwalin’s hips stuttered, and he roared as he emptied himself inside of her, thrusting into her a few more times as he fucked his seed deep into her. Murmured words of praise left his lips, whispered into her ears as she lay limp in his arms, trying to catch her breath.
“Are you alright, sweet girl?” Dwalin asks, his voice unusually soft as he kisses her temple.
“More than alright… that was amazing, Dwalin.” Kaia beams, looking back it him through her messy hair. Dwalin smiles down at her, kissing her gently as he pulls himself out of her. The both groan at the feeling, and Kaia can feel his spend trickling down her leg.
“I’ll never hate that feeling…” Kaia breathes, thinking out loud. Dwalin grins hungrily, kissing her shoulder and dancing his fingers between her legs.
“Oh, aye? Did the others finish in you too?”
“Mhm.” Kaia says drowsily, smiling at him. His grin is like that of a wolf, biting at her lower lip as he slips his fingers inside of her, playing with her gently as her body responds immediately. “Again? How many times are you going to make me cum, Dwalin?” Kaia giggles, but she breathes heavily as his fingers fuck into her gently.
“As many times as it takes for you to realise that me and the others aren’t going to let Thorin take you away from us...”
Translations !!
Sasakhabiya abnâmul – You look beautiful
Mesmel – Jewel of all Jewels
Khajmel- Gift of all Gifts
Participation (Ch.5)

Thorin x OC (smut!!)
(part one, part two, part three, part four, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, our final dwarf, Mr Oakenshield <3
MINORS DNI !!! they shag, duh...
AN; There's like no build up at the start we're jumping right in where we left off! NSFW shit right from the get-go under the cut ;)
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
Kaia and Dwalin stayed together on that rock for a while… long enough for Dwalin to make Kaia finish three more times. He was relentless, insatiable, turning Kaia into a sweaty, writhing wreck with his words, fingers, mouth and cock.
After Mahal knows how long, Kaia was sat on his lap, his arms wrapped around her and dragging his hand through her hair. Kaia could do nothing but lie against his firm body, humming in appreciation for his gentle caresses.
“This feels right.” She murmurs, nuzzling into his neck.
“Aye, it does, doesn’t it?” Dwalin says, his voice rumbling like thunder all around her. “Our sweet girl.” Kaia smiles against his chest, pressing a kiss to his peck before extracting her head. Giving him a dazed smile, he helps her stand up.
After being thoroughly fucked by four different dwarves, her body was certainly feeling it. Her legs were shaky and unstable, not to mention her hips ached and she was sure she was covered in bruises and hickeys across every inch of her skin.
But she had never felt so complete.
Dwalin rested a hand on her waist, his other coming to hold onto her hand. He kisses the crown of her head, and Kaia was taken back by how gentle he was in this moment. She had seen the grizzled warrior slaughter orcs by the dozen, wielding his axes as if they were an extension of himself, barely breaking a sweat in the process.
Mere minutes ago he had been holding her against him, bouncing her up and down his cock with the strength and fervour of a wild animal, his blue eyes on fire as he held her head in place to keep their eye contact.
But here he was, holding her upright as if she were a precious jewel, delicate and priceless. Kaia smiled up at him, and was rewarded with seeing his smile in return.
As the two approached camp, they could hear a loud conversation. Unmistakably the voices of Nori, Dori, Bofur and Bilbo, the latter sounding horrified.
Entering the small clearing, the conversation became clearer, and Kaia could clearly hear from Nori and Bofur that they were explaining Dwarvish customs in great detail to the hobbit, who was bright red and holding his hands over his ears. Dori was also red faced, telling Nori and Bofur to be quiet.
“You see, Bilbo, when a dwarrow cannot satisfy his One, it is custom for her to bring in another to satisfy her, sometimes her husband will even watch-” Bofur rambled.
“Please stop.” Bilbo says, deadpanned as he stared at the dirt below.
“Aw, give Bilbo some peace, Bofur.” Kaia calls, patting Bilbo’s shoulder as she passes.
The group turns to look at the new arrivals. Bofur’s face lights up at seeing her, whilst Nori’s eyebrows sky rocket into his hairline. Taking in Kaia’s dishevelled appearance, and the relaxed way Dwalin holds her, the group begins hollering.
“I cannot believe it!” Nori says, shaking his head. “She’s got to have broken a record for the amount of lovers taken in one night!”
“Watch your tongue, Nori.” Dwalin warns, walking Kaia over to sit next to Balin. Kaia gives the older dwarf a careful smile, anxious about his reaction to this new information.
But Balin beams, giving her a small hug, “Welcome to the family, lass!”
“Aye, welcome to the family, Dwalin!” Bofur says, wrapping one of his arms around the formidable body of the warrior in a half-hug, who rolled his eyes and grumbled something under his breath.
“How did the conversation with Thorin go?” Kaia asks, trying to keep her nerves at bay.
“Oh, I imagine it’s going fine.” Balin says, patting Kaia’s shoulder beside her.
“They’re still talking?” Kaia looks over at Bofur, “Why are you back?”
“Well the conversation got a bit heated and Fili basically shoved me out of it... I imagine our king did not appreciate my jokes all too much.” Bofur chuckles, walking over to Kaia to sit on the ground in front of her, his back to her. She opened her knees and he reclined back, sighing contentedly as she played with one of his pigtails.
“They’re arguing? About… well, all of us?”
“Can’t imagine it’ll be better when he finds out about Dwalin, too.” Nori shrugs, and Dori smacks him around the back of the head.
“I wouldn’t worry, dear. I’m sure it’ll all be fine.”
“Dwalin!” Thorin’s voice booms across the camp, and all heads spin to see the King Under the Mountain standing at the edge of the clearing. His eyes are fiery, narrowing them at everyone present. Both of his nephews are behind him, Fili rolling his eyes and Kili looking nervous.
When his eyes fall on Kaia, his expression is tense yet unreadable, he looks away from her quickly, giving Dwalin a pointed look, before turning on his heel.
With a quiet sigh, Dwalin stands, walking over to where the king is stalking away. Fili follows after his uncle, and Kili stays put to catch Kaia’s eye. When he does, he gives her a sweet smile, looking like he wants to say something, before Dwalin grabs him around the scruff of the neck and drags him to follow the others.
“Well, that’s just fantastic.” Kaia sighs, wrapping her arms around Bofur’s neck. His large, calloused hands wrap around her forearms, pressing delicate kisses along her skin.
“I’m sure it’s fine, lass.” Balin says, but his eyebrows are knitted together.
“Why’s he mad at Dwalin?” Ori asks, scribbling away into his notebook, his eyes flickering to Kaia and Bofur every so often.
“I imagine he heard him and Kaia going at it like rabbits.” Nori says, nudging his brother.
“What?!” Kaia asks, eyes wide and heart thumping, “Did you guys hear us?!”
“No, lass-” Balin starts.
“Luckily for us.” Bilbo cuts in, his head in his hands.
“-but Thorin, Fili and Kili were talking in the cave… it’s not too far from where you and Dwalin were… well, you know.” Balin’s voice is comforting, but Kaia can feel her stomach in knots.
“They heard it?!” Kaia says, feeling her face flush red.
“I heard it.” Bofur says softly, nipping her thumb with his teeth, a clear smile on his lips.
“Oh for the love of-”
“Kaia!” Another booming yell from Thorin, and Kaia jumped in her seat. “A word.”
Looking at Thorin, she could not figure out what he was thinking. He looked tense, his body maintaining his usual kingly posture but his hands were balled up by his side. Sighing, Kaia rose from her seat, crouching to whisper in Bofur’s ear.
“If I don’t return, he’s thrown me off the cliff.” Kaia says, kissing Bofur’s temple.
“See you down there then, lass.” Bofur jokes, giving her knuckles a kiss as she leaves.
Walking over to where Thorin stands, Fili, Kili and Dwalin pass her on their way back to the group. Fili kisses her cheek, giving her a hand a squeeze. Kili rests a hand on her cheek, nuzzling her nose.
“It’ll be fine, Amrâlimê.” He murmurs, kissing her gently before he follows after his brother. She watches them go, and feels a pair of lips against her temple, as Dwalin passes.
“Don’t let him scare you, lass.” Dwalin murmurs, before grabbing her ass, “You’re ours.”
Kaia blushes as he walks away, before turning back to look at the King Under the Mountain. He inclines his head behind him, and storms away. Sighing again, she follows him.
The pair end up at the mouth of a cave, Kaia following after Thorin as he stomped along the edge of the cliff. They were silent for a moment as Thorin looked out at the trees around them, and Kaia bit her fingernail as nerves crept up her spine.
Neither of them had had a conversation longer than a few seconds. He would throw out commands and thinly veiled insults about her being a human, and she would offer back her own, even less conspicuous complaints about him. After a while of this, Balin and Gandalf had told them to cease their childish behaviour, and the two had left it alone. Whatever they said to one another was a short question and a one worded answer.
But now, Kaia was courting his younger nephew, fucking his older one and heir, as well as his head of guard and closest friend, and the very eager, musical miner who just so happens to be a part of his Company.
Kaia worried if he thought this was some kind of power play. Seducing three of the most important people in his lives to get to his head. Perhaps he just thought she was a whorish human who had no right to be in any kind of relationship with the heirs of Durin. Mahal knows, but Kaia had a bad feeling.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Thorin sighed. He turned from the trees to look at her, his face blank but his eyes held a fire in them. Kaia gulped, readying herself for the verbal ass-kicking she is sure to get. Hopefully it’s just verbal…
“I hear you and Kili are courting?” Thorin asks, his voice gruff.
“Uh… yeah, he braided my hair this evening.”
“I’ve been told there is more information than that.” Thorin scoffs, walking over to the cave wall to lean against it, arms folded, “Why don’t you tell me, from your point of view, what has transpired this evening.”
Kaia’s mouth hangs open, finding herself lost for words for a moment. Thorin raises an eyebrow, waiting for her to start speaking.
“How much… do you want to know?” Kaia asks, avoiding his eyes.
“Do not leave out any details.”
“Surely the others have told you enough-”
“I said,” Thorin cuts in, his voice loud and commanding, “Do not leave out any details.”
Kaia swallows thickly, feeling her heart hammering. A small part of her was a little turned on by this side of Thorin, the kingly side of him. But, she really did not need to be distracted by those thoughts when he was clearly enraged by her.
“Alright.” Kaia murmurs, clearing her throat.
“Speak up.”
“Okay!” She exclaims, feeling her cheeks go red. “The others explained dwarvish courting rituals earlier, and made me and Bilbo aware of the concept of ‘lovers’. After, I, uh, went to bathe in the river. Kili came to talk to me, and… well…”
“Well…?” Thorin urged, growing impatient.
“He told me he cared about me. Then we… well, you know.”
“Assume I do not.”
“We… made love.” Kaia mumbles, and feels herself flush harder at Thorin’s condescending laugh.
“You ‘made love’?” He laughs, and Kaia feels herself grow angry.
“We fucked.” She says, her voice louder and stabler. “He told me he wanted me, then we kissed and I pushed him against a tree and took him into my mouth. Then he fucked me against the ground.”
Thorin has gone still, his eyebrows slightly raised to indicate his surprise, but the rest of him dares not move. His breath leaves him in a short huff, and he clears his throat.
“Go on.” He says, his voice slightly raspier.
“I didn’t cum.” Kaia shrugs, “Kili was very eager and I focused on making him feel good. Fili discovered us, and was outraged to find that Kili didn’t make me cum.
“Aye, that is disrespectful, and unbecoming from a son of Durin.” Thorin muses, shifting slightly. “What then?”
“Then Fili fucked me.” She continues, feeling emboldened for some reason. Perhaps it was because she could see a slight blush across the kings cheeks, and his breath was coming out more shallowed. “He used his mouth on me, made me cum with his tongue and his fingers. Then he also fucked me.”
“How many times did you cum?” Thorin asks, his eyes dark under his thick eyebrows.
“Three times.”
“Good.” The king states, resting his head back against the wall, his eyes half-lidded as he watched her. “Continue.”
“After, Kili asked me, formally, if I would wear his courting bead. I agreed, then I went to bathe, finally. Your nephews are very distracting.” A teasing lilt to her voice made Thorin sneer slightly at her, but she could tell he was trying to keep his kingly composure.
“I do now want to hear your snide comments, girl. What happened once you went to bathe?”
“Bofur found me. I had been gone a long time and he thought that the river would be free. It was not. I was in there… wet, naked…”
Kaia lifted her hand up, dragging her finger along her dress collar, a small gesture which could be seen as nothing, but she did it with intent.
Thorin’s breath quickened slightly, but he kept himself still, his eyes trying and failing to remain on her face.
“Bofur was sweet. He was unsure about joining me at first, he did not want to make me uncomfortable. But I wanted him, and he wanted me. We fucked on the bank.”
“I’m sorry?”
“How did you fuck? What position?” Thorin’s voice is strained, his jaw ticking as one of his hands twitched beside him, wanting nothing more than to relieve some of the pressure his trousers are applying to his stiffening cock. He had to remain stoic, but Mahal he wanted to know… he wanted to hear it from her lips…
“I rode him.” Kaia states, her hand drifting down her torso, down the valley between her breasts to settle atop her stomach, the tips of her fingers playing with the buttons.
Thorin keeps his eyes on her face, his own stony. His hands remain by his side, his head tilted back as he watches her. But he refuses to let her win this game they have started.
“Did he make you finish?” He asks, voice even.
“Yes.” Kaia smile slightly, “Twice. He let me use his cock as I rode him, and I made him cum by pulling his hair… it seems your dwarvish obsession with your hair translates to the bedroom, huh?”
Thorin scoffs, shifting his shoulders to move his hair back. It cascades over his shoulders in dark, silver tinted waves. Kaia wonders what it feels like against her fingers, if he will cum feeling her tug on it the way Bofur did…
“You seem to be unable to be fully satisfied, Kaia. You had both of my nephews and Bofur, then decided you needed Dwalin as well?”
“Four talented and handsome dwarves offered themselves to me and you think I would refuse?” Kaia scoffs, rolling her eyes, whilst Thorin’s own narrow. “I have needs, Thorin… ones which have been thoroughly seen to.”
“I am glad, because they will not be being seen to again. Not by any member of my Company.”
Kaia’s face falls, she feels her heart stop in her chest at his words. He stares at her with indifference, and Kaia feels rage bubble up inside her.
“Is that so?”
“it is.”
“And how will you go about keeping that rule in place?” Kaia asks, taking a step towards him, “Will you keep an eye on all four of them to make sure none of them sneak away? To make sure none of them lay a hand on me?”
“I will take you back to your farm if I have to.” Thorin sneers, his voice clipped, “I will not have you jeopardising this quest with your feverish desires.”
“They are not just my desires, are they Thorin?” Kaia bites, crossing her arms over her chest, “They all wanted me as much as I wanted them-”
“You are a distraction-”
“I know. You’re distracted now, aren’t you?” Kaia cannot stop the words from tumbling out, but she feels greatly rewarded by the shock on the King’s face. His mouth hangs open slightly, his eyes wide. “Is that it?”
Thorin’s jaw tightens, and he narrows his eyes at her as she walks closer to him, standing right in front of the King Under the Mountain.
“Maybe you are just upset that you didn’t get to have me first… that your cock was not the one I was fucking myself on this evening-”
“Watch your tongue!”
“Why should I need to, you can watch it for me?” She darts her tongue out and drags it over his neck, expecting Thorin to shove her away. But he gasps, his head leaning back further to give her better access. Kaia hums, licking along his jaw and pressing a kiss to his beard.
“If you wanted me too, you could have just said.” She smiles against his skin, and she can feel him swallow hard.
“I’m their king, their leader. I cannot find myself distracted by urges like this, by desires you have put into my head.”
“Have you been distracted, my king?” Kaia murmurs, feeling hm shiver against her at the formal term, “How long have you wanted me?”
“Since the morning after the storm.” Thorin responds, far too driven by his lust to care about the repercussions of his honesty. “You have bewitched me.”
“Have I?” Kaia chuckles, leaning her head back. “I am no witch, Thorin Oakenshield, whatever you feel for me is caused by no spell.”
“It might as well be.”
Kaia pouts, taking a step from him. His hands move to pull her back, but he stops himself, cursing his immediate desire to keep her close.
“If you do not want me, my king, then all you have to do is say.” Kaia says, shrugging. Thorin glares at her, his jaw tense as he looks into her eyes.
“I am a King. I am not going to be some humans lover, least of all the woman bound to my nephew.”
“Ah, see, I knew it was your pride getting in the way.” Kaia laughs humourlessly, shrugging, “If that is the case, then I shall go. If you wish it, I will return home-”
Kaia turns to leave, but as she turns her back, she feels Thorin grab her wrist. He tugs her back, pressing her against his chest.
“No. No, you will not go.” He murmurs, his mouth close to her ear. “I do not want you to.”
“I thought you said you would not become a humans lover?”
“And you were right, it is my pride speaking…” He says, his tone quieter and gentler than it had been mere seconds ago, “I… I do want you… I care for you. But… it is not easy. I feel as though the weight of the world is on my shoulders, Kaia. I do not want to do anything that would put our mission at risk. I do not want to find myself falling for you and being unable to focus on the task at hand…”
The honesty takes Kaia back, and she lets out a shuddered breath, leaning her head back against his shoulder.
“I know, Thorin. You have so many responsibilities, but that can make you feel alone.” Kaia murmurs, turning herself around in his arms. Thorin’s head is bent slightly, his hair like a curtain around his head. “You do not have to be ashamed about having desires, about caring about me. And you do not have to be ashamed to admit that you cannot do this all alone. Let me be here, for you. Please.”
He rests his forehead against her own, his eyes screwing shut.
“And if I become yours, Kaia, what then? I have lost so much in this life, what if I lose you too. What if we all do? Kili loves you, as does Fili, I can tell. I have only ever seen Bofur be serious when he talks about you, and I know Dwalin would never take a lover unless she was special. You are special, Kaia. I could not bear to give my heart and body to you just to lose you as well.”
“You won’t.”
“You do not know that.”
“Neither of us do.” Kaia shrugs, tucking his hair behind his ear, “If we lived our lives in fear of what could be, we would never feel any joy. You deserve joy, Thorin. Please, let me be the one who gives it to you.”
Thorin looks up at her, his eyes soft beneath his knitted eyebrows.
“Even if we did survive this quest, and we take back Erebor… I would be king. I would be your lover, but I would also be your king. Your One’s uncle-”
“Yes and I have already bedded his brother in front of him” Kaia laughs, kissing Thorin’s nose gently. “Stop looking for reasons why this cannot be, my king. Whatever problems and issues we come across, we face them. I know that I love Kili, I know that I adore Fili and Dwalin and Bofur, and I want you to be a part of us.”
Thorin stares down at her, his eyes soft as a small smile appears across his face, “You’re going to have to ask me formally.”
“Oh, do I?” Kaia smirks.
“I’m a king, little human. I’m not a miner who you can just fuck on the side of a river, you must ask me properly.”
Kaia sighs, rolling her eyes good naturedly. Taking a step away from him, confusion flashes across his face. Before he can assume she has rejected him, Kaia gets down on her knee.
She assumes the best imitation of bowing in front of a king as she can, bending her head down as she extends one hand to him, with the other on his chest.
“Oh, noble King Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, king Under the Mountain and uncle to my One. Would you do me the honour of becoming my lover? Would you fuck me hard, make me scream, drive me to the point of insanity on your cock, fuck me in every corridor of Erebor when we get there, and-”
She is cut off by Thorin taking her hand and pulling her up, right into his arms as he laughs against her hair.
“That’s good enough, ghivashel. Not very formal, mind you.” He chuckles.
“Hey, I used all of your official titles!” Kaia laughs, and Thorin wraps his hands around her waist, pressing her closer to him.
“When we reclaim Erebor, I will do you the honour of fucking you on my throne.” Thorin’s voice rumbles against her neck, and she moans as his hands travel over her body.
“How about we start off with you fucking me in this cave, your majesty?”
Thorin pulls back, raising his eyebrow at her, “You fucked four different dwarrows tonight, and you want to go again?”
“I haven’t had a king…” She murmurs, dancing her lips against his own. He groans, pressing his lips to hers in a searing kiss.
Kaia wraps her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair as he glides his hands over her waist and hips, groping at her ass with an appreciative hum, before he grabs her thighs and lifts her up.
She squeaks as he lifts her, wrapping her legs around Thorin’s waist as he walks her back to press her against the cave wall. His lips never leave hers, biting her lower lip and causing her to yelp, giving his tongue access to her mouth.
Every moan she finds escaping her is swallowed by Thorin, who digs his fingers into her thighs as he grinds himself against her.
“Fucking a lady against a cave wall, is very unbecoming of a king.” He murmurs, dragging his teeth over her pulse point.
“Well we can save the ‘love-making’ on satin sheets for when you have your kingdom back, your grace. Right now, I need you to just be Thorin.”
“Thorin would definitely fuck a lady against a cave wall.” He chuckles, securing her weight against the stone as one of his hands lifts up to pull down her sleeve, kissing her shoulder.
“Then get to it, Oakenshield.” Kaia moans, tugging on his hair.
“As you wish, Halwûna.” Thorin groans, reaching his hands up to tug on her dress. It falls away easily, the back of it having already been destroyed by Dwalin’s hands. Thorin shifts her higher up, giving him easy access to her tits.
One of his hands remains on her thigh, the other glides over her torso, the callouses on his palms delivering delicious friction against her skin, causing her to bite her lip and drop her head back.
Kaia can feel his beard drag along her chest, his lips pressing kisses along her collarbone before delving deeper, pressing kisses to her nipples. They pebbled against the cold air, and he groaned against them. His tongue darted out, licking a long strip along her right breast.
The hand in his hair clenched, and he growled against her tit, latching onto it with his teeth.
“Fuck! Thorin!” She cries, the pain and the pleasure sending a shiver through her body.
“Quiet, girl. You don’t want the rest of them hearing us, do you?” He murmurs, before looking up into her eyes, “Do you?”
“I think this Company is far past secrets.” Kaia chuckles, breathing harshly as he continues to suck on her tit, dragging his teeth over them to illicit more noise from her.
She threads her fingers through his hair, tugging harshly every time his teeth bit down onto her, and he rewards her with a groan every time.
“It seems Fili got his love for teasing from you.” Kaia breathes out, and Thorin chuckles against her skin.
“Does it turn you on to bring up my nephews while I’m sucking your tits, ghivashel?” He asks, a teasing lilt to his rumbling voice.
“Perhaps.” Kaia says, grinding her lower body against his strong stomach, “Does that bother you?”
“No. In fact, I have half a mind to call them here to watch as I ravage you.” Thorin says, kissing her breast once more before lifting his head up to give her an evil smirk. Kaia can only groan as he pulls her down the wall, readjusting her thighs until they are wrapped around his hips.
Thorin presses a kiss to her jaw, growling slightly, “No. I think I’ll wait for another time to share you. Right now, you are mine.”
With quick, rough hands, he lifts her dress up to bunch around her waist, pressing his hips against hers to keep her upright.
“I want to see you.” Kaia murmurs, dragging her hands over his clothed torso. Thorin raises an eyebrow, seemingly unwilling to take off his tunic.
“It’s cold.” He says.
“Yeah, I realised. If you haven’t noticed, I’m wearing my dress as a belt right now.” Kaia laughs, playfully punching Thorin’s shoulder. His face breaks out into a small smile, looking over her body with loving eyes.
“That is fair, sweet girl.” Thorin says, keeping his hips pressed to hers to keep her up, whilst his hands grab at the hem of his tunic, tugging it over his head.
Kaia feels a blush creep up her neck at the sight of him. He’s covered in thick muscle underneath tanned skin, decorated with dark and silver hair, tattoos and scars. His muscles ripple as he tosses his shirt away, and she cannot resist the urge to touch him.
She drags her fingers over his chest, admiring the dark hair and the roughness of his skin. Thorin watches her as she looks him over, his expression guarded as he begins to feel self-conscious. Kaia was beautiful, soft skin and delicate imperfections which made her so real. The King Under the Mountain was riddled with memories of war, he was old and withered. What if she was disgusted by him?
“You’re beautiful.” Kaia says, softly.
Thorin blinks at her, taken aback by her compliment. But he sees only honesty in her eyes, her pupils dilated as her fingers draw circles down his stomach, gently caressing the scars littered along it. Overwhelmed by the affection displayed by the human in front of him, he kisses her gently. She sighs against his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him even closer to her.
“No-one’s ever called me beautiful, Gêdel.” Thorin murmurs against her lips.
“Well get used to it.” Kaia smiles, leaning back to look into his sad, blue eyes. “I’ll spend the rest of my life telling you how beautiful you are, if you let me.”
“Only if I can repay the favour.”
They share a smile, before resuming their kiss. Their lips start gently, dancing together in an unspoken confession of adoration, getting to know each other more and more with every breath they shared.
Over time, they grew impatient. Kaia felt his hands rubbing against her hips and thighs, causing goose bumps to erupt over every inch of skin he caressed. She moaned against his mouth, demanding for more. Thorin kissed her harder, his tongue seeking her own out as their hands wandered.
“Are you sure about this, sweet one?” Thorin asks.
“Yes, I am.” Kaia whispers, biting at his jaw, “My king.”
Thorin groans, kissing her shoulder and her neck as one of his hands leaves her. Kaia can hear his belt buckle being undone, and her body thrummed with anticipation. Thorin shoved his trousers down to his thighs, gasping as the cold night air hit his cock.
The heat from both of their bodies was both stifling and not enough, the winds of the forest caressing the pairs bare skin. Kaia wrapped her arms snug around the king before her, pressing her chest to his. He hummed against her skin, one hand holding her up whilst the other moved to play with her cunt.
Kaia gasped as she felt his finger drag along her inner thigh, before reaching between her legs. His index finger caressed along her folds, feeling how wet she was for him.
“Oh, mahal…” He murmurs, his cock throbbing at the feeling of how soft and wet she was.
Pressing his finger into her, Kaia moaned and bit her lip, feeling her body shudder with the intrusion of his thick digit. He pushed into her, deep until his thumb pressed against her clit.
“Thorin…” Kaia breathed, her head hitting the wall behind her as she shifted her body, begging for more.
He obliged. A second finger joined his first, and his thumb began dragging across her clit in rough, stable motions which made her gasp. Pumping his fingers, Thorin watched Kaia’s face as her jaw went slack.
“Does that feel good, ghivashel?” He asks, knowing the answer but demanding praise. He needed to hear her tell him he was good, I needed it like a drowning man needed air.
“Yes! Thorin you feel so good! Please, please don’t stop…” Kaia pleads, her hips bucking slightly to fuck herself on his fingers.
“Good girl, ride my hand. That’s it, you look so pretty coming undone.” Thorin praises, fucking her faster on his fingers as he feels himself grow even harder watching her expressions.
Her face twists beautifully, eyes fluttering closed as her chest heaved. Unable to resist, Thorin lowers his head, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. She moans, grabbing onto his hair to keep him in place.
“I’m gonna…” Kaia murmurs, rocking her hips against Thorin’s hand.
“Are you going to cum, ‘arsûna?” Thorin asks, kissing along her breast as he flicks her clit harder, “Are you going to reward your king by cumming all over his hand?”
“Yes! Yes!” Kaia gasps out, feeling her peak nearing.
“Do you deserve to finish to soon?” Thorin chides, “Have you earned it?”
“Please, Thorin!” She begs, feeling her legs shake as she gets closer. But Thorin’s hand stops.
“Please, what?” He asks, his voice low as he talks against her skin, looking up at her with fierce eyes.
“Please, my king!” Kaia practically screams, her body thrumming on the precipice.
“Good girl.” He says, biting down onto her tit as three of his fingers enter her, fucking into her fast and hard, his thumb rubbing her clit with renewed ferocity.
Kaia chokes out a sob, her scream getting caught in her throat as she cums. Stars and flashes of lightning erupt in front of her eyes, and her body shakes against Thorin’s own. His fingers do not cease, coaxing her through her orgasm as Thorin groans against her.
The feeling of her cunt strangling his fingers has Thorin’s cock pulsing, begging for the warmth her cunt provides. He needed her, but he held back as he felt her slump against him.
“Are you alright, ‘Ibinê?” He asks, his voice raspy as he feels the blood pumping through his shaft.
“I am, sweet king.” Kaia murmurs above him, running her hands through his hair, causing him to sigh contentedly, “Are you going to fuck me or are you waiting for something?”
Kaia chuckles above him, and Thorin presses another kiss to her chest, “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He says, his voice gentle.
“I’ve fucked four dwarrows and came a dozen times tonight, Thorin. Nê akhshum.” Kaia says, her voice soft. Thorin looks up at her, surprised by her use of Khuzdul. Kaia shrugs, “Balin has been teaching me, Bifur too.”
“Oh, why?” Thorin asks, kissing her jaw.
“He said there would be need for it, eventually.” Kaia smiles, “I don’t know if he meant this, though.”
“He knows more than the rest of us, Halw Kurdu.” Thorin chuckles, kissing her cheek, then her nose. “Are you ready for…” Thorin clears his throat, suddenly nervous.
“Your cock?” Kaia asks, smiling at Thorin swallows thickly, “Yes, I’m ready, my king.”
“If you keep calling me that, this will not last long.”
“Do not sell yourself short, Thorin, it appears dwarrow stamina is very impressive.”
Thorin grins at her, kssing her hard as he lifts her up slightly. Kaia gasps as she can feel his length pressed against her. He’s huge and thick, and throbbing. Thorin releases his own groan at the feel of her heat beneath him, and the two take a second to breathe before, Thorin pushes into her.
The tip of him is enough to make Kaia’s head spin. She bites her lip at the feeling of him stretching her, the all too familiar sensation of penetration a welcome sting after tonight.
Thorin, however, feels as though he is about to burst. Her tight heat envelopes him hot and wet and oh so tight. His mind blanks as he pushes forwards, the sound of his own heart, his lovers breathing and the wet noises of their coupling like music to his ears.
“Mahal… you feel… gods, Kaia…” Thorin can barely get out the words as he sinks deeper, his mouth hanging open as he stares into her eyes, loving the look inside of them as he slowly pushes all the way into her.
“Thorin… my king…” Kaia murmurs, her hands on his shoulders as he presses his hips to her, causing her eyes to roll back into her head. “So… big, fuck….”
“I need to… please, Kaia, can I move…?” Thorin begs, surprising himself with how breathy and eager he sounds. His mind is clouded, the only thing he can feel is the tight space between her legs and the softness of her skin underneath his fingers.
“Move, Thorin. Fuck me hard, please…” Kaia commands, her words disappearing into a high pitched whine as he quickly pulls back and thrusts back into her.
His pace is rough, hard and sloppy. Gone are his worries and his desire to remain kingly, now all he wants is to fuck her fast and hard, claiming her cunt. Every time he pulls his inches out, her cunt tries to pull him back, and he is more than happy to oblige, surging forward hard enough to cause them both to let out a strangled gasp.
Kaia keeps one hand on his shoulder as the other disappears between them, rubbing against her clit and feeling where his cock enters her. The feeling of her nails dragging along his length makes Thorin wince, but the slight pain just brings him closer.
Thorin fucks her wildly, his cock never leaving her for a second as he pumps himself in her, his balls slapping against her as his tip snaps against her cervix. Kaia feels as though she could die on his dick, the air leaving her every time his body shoves against hers. Her hips feel bruised, her tits rubbed raw against the hairs on his chest, and the beautiful sensation of his kingly cock fucking her hard enough to carve it’s shape into her cunt.
Another orgasm is fast approaching, and Kaia can only grip onto him with one arm as the other continues to rub her clit. Thorin shakes and shudders against her, panting as he uses all of his energy to pound into her. His forehead is covered in sweat, and he drops it against her shoulder as he gets lost in the feeling.
Thorin presses her thigh up higher, getting better access to her cunt. After a few more sharp thrusts, Kaia screams as her orgasm crashes over her. Her cunt strangles his cock, causing Thorin to gasp and murmur out Khuzdul, his eyes rolling back. His hips do not stop, desperately fucking her through her orgasm.
“Thorin! Please, let me go, I can’t-!” Kaia pleads, her orgasm subsiding and the brutal pace of his hips making her squirm with overstimulation.
It takes great effort, but Thorin releases her, and she slides out from him. Thorin feels as though he might die if he does not finish, but he would never keep going when she tells him to stop.
Kaia looks down at his cock, glistening and red, and drops to her knees. Thorin opens his mouth to tell her not to, but the second she wraps her lips around him, his protest dies in his throat.
She wastes no time in taking him into her mouth, pushing her head down as far as she can go. He’s so thick and long, and when he hits the back of her throat he’s barely halfway in. Kaia swallows around him, hearing him gasp and groan as one of his hands wraps around her hair. She removes her mouth for a second to drag her tongue along the underside of him, before wrapping her lips around him once more.
Her hands aid her efforts, pumping up and down the rest of his shaft in circular, up and down motions. That and the suction she applies to the top of him, has Thorin almost collapsing on top of her. Kaia looks up, watching as he leans over her, his forearm resting on the stone wall while the other grasps onto her skull.
Thorin’s eyes stare down at her, half-lidded and full of desire as she bobs her head along his shaft. The King Under the Mountain tries to keep himself from fucking her face, his hips stuttering and his hand flinching with the effort to not move her head the way he wants her to.
Kaia can see his internal battle, and she releases him from her mouth, pumping him with her hands as she looks into his eyes, “Fuck my face, my King.”
Thorin groans, spluttering slightly at her words, before the hand in her hair tightens and pushes her back to his shaft. Kaia eagerly opens her mouth, accepting his appendage when it glides through her lips.
All restraint is gone from Thorin now, he’s too close and too desperate to feel her mouth around him. He begins thrusting into her face, forcing his length further and further down her throat until she is gagging around him. Kaia does not protest, nor does she try to move. She keeps her throat as open as she can, taking deep breaths through her nose as the King vigorously fucks her.
It's so erotic, her eyes flitting up to watch the normally composed King under the Mountain as he becomes a writhing beast above her. One of her hands leaves his shaft, going south to her clit, and she begins grinding on it, the vibrations from Thorin fucking her face providing her with effortless friction that makes her body spasm with pleasure.
Thorin is a mess of sweat and groans above her, his eyes rolling back even though he tries his hardest to watch the scene below him. She is truly the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and watching as she takes almost all of him down her throat and pumps him with her hand makes his chest feel as though it will collapse.
His balls are tightening below him, and he can feel himself getting close. The arm pressed against the wall is the only thing anchoring him from falling into a void of ecstasy, and he presses his forehead against it to try to keep his breaths even,
Kaia can feel him getting close. The hand in her hair grips even harsher, providing an almost painful sensation. His thrusts are getting sloppier and harder, and Kaia feels herself gagging almost constantly.
If it wasn’t for the fact that Thorin’s mouth is releasing a string of gibberish, moans and words of praise, she would find the gagging embarrassing, but the sensation of it is heaven for Thorin Oakenshield.
She rides her hand with more fervour, feeling herself getting closer as the dwarf above her begins stuttering out begs and pleadings.
“Oh, my sweet girl, make me cum, please… you feel so good, abnâmul, mahal maharuma, you’re going to make me cum… fuck!” He gasps out, on the edge of cumming down her throat.
Kaia wants to feel his spend in her mouth, needs it to finish herself, so she moves her hand from his cock, bringing it down to grab onto his balls.
Thorin bellows, thrusting his cock down her throat as far as it can go as he finishes. His cum comes out in hot spurts down her throat and across her tongue. The sensation of it and the sound of Thorin’s groans makes Kaia orgasm, her fingers pruning with the wetness of herself.
Thorin pulls himself out of her mouth, uttering a small apology for finishing in her mouth. But Kaia simply smiles at him, swallowing down what he gave her and wiping her mouth. He takes another breath, before pulling her up and wrapping his arms around her, his face in her neck.
They stay like that for a few moments, leaning against the wall for stability as they caress each other, soothing one another gently. Thorin murmurs against her skin, words she can barely hear and understand, but his tone makes her feel warm and safe. She kisses his jaw, nuzzling against the roughness of his beard.
“We should probably go back. They’ll be wondering where we got off to.” Kaia murmurs, and Thorin lifts his head to give her a dazed look.
“You’re right.” He says, reaching down to pull his trousers back up. The two begin pulling their clothes back into place. A rustling sound catches their attention, and Thorin sighs.
“Bofur get out of those fucking bushes!” Thorin bellows, and Kaia looks around as a hat pops out from one of the nearby shrubs.
Bofur looks over at them, wide eyed and red faced, clearing his throat.
“Apologies, Thorin! Was just wondering what was going on!” He calls.
“You were wondering ten minutes ago, you dolt!” Thorin sighs, buckling up his trousers.
“Enjoy the show, sweet dwarf?” Kaia asks, chuckling to herself.
“Very much, lass. I’m also very glad Thorin and you are on the same page!” Bofur laughs, trying to conspicuously fix his clothing.
“Were you touching yourself, Bofur?” Kaia tuts, and Bofur flushes red again.
“If I catch you watching us again, I’ll tie you up so you can only watch and not reach any kind of satisfaction. Understood?” Thorin says, his voice back to its commanding lilt.
“Heard loud and clear!” Bofur salutes, winking at Kaia as he runs off back to the camp. Kaia laughs, and Thorin gives her an exacerbated look. “You’re going to have to get used to that, darling. You’re sharing with four other dwarrows.”
“I’m well aware.” Thorin says, kissing Kaia on the forehead. “But we’re really going to have to have a conversation about boundaries.”
“Sure, my king.” Kaia teases, and Thorin growls before he dives in for another kiss.
Woo, final smut chapter done! There will be an epilogue chapter next, just to conclude it all!
BUT, because so many people enjoyed this fanfic on AO3, I'll be making a few one-shots continuing on with this story! So look out for those!
Translations <3
Gêdel – Joy of all joys
‘arsûna – hot one
‘Ibinê – my gem
Nê akhshum – Don’t Worry
Halw Kurdu – Sweet Heart
Participation (Ch.6)

Kili x OC, fili x OC, Bofur x OC, Dwalin x OC, Thorin x OC
(part one, part two, part three, part four, part five)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, here's the final part!! no smut in this one, fluff with suggestive themes though! There will be some one-shot spin offs coming soon <3
~ <3 ~
The sound of birds and soft conversation was what Kaia heard when she began to wake up.
After the events with Thorin last night, he and Kaia had walked back to the camp. Most of the Company was asleep, except Kili and Bofur, both of which had smiled as she returned, and given her a knowing look as Thorin pressed a kiss to her head before settling in for his watch.
She approached the pair, and Kili offered her his hand. Kaia took it, smiling as he pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
“How are you, amrâlimê?” He asks, pulling her down gently to sit between him and Bofur. The hatted dwarf presses a kiss to her temple before he continues whittling away at a piece of wood.
“Better than I have ever been, my love.” Kaia murmurs, resting her head against his shoulder.
“Me too.” Kili says kissing her head.
She didn’t remember falling asleep, but she could remember closing her eyes as Kili and Bofur spoke quietly beside her.
Now, she could feel a soft blanket below her, and a warm arm around her stomach. She was warm, two bodies pressed to her sides.
Cracking open her eyes slightly, she looked up at the bright blue sky, soft rays of sun floating through the overhead leaves. A bird flew over her head, singing a sweet song that had her smiling sleepily.
Moving her head to the right, she came face to face with a sleeping Kili. His face was peaceful, mouth slightly open as he took shallow breaths. Kaia resisted the urge to kiss him, not wanting to wake him up.
She turned her head, and found Fili sleeping on her other side. He was snoring loudly, leg bent over her own, moustache braids out of whack. She lifted one hand up to play with one, and he sighed in his sleep.
Shuffling by her feet made her look away from the blonde prince, Bofur’s head popping into view.
He smiled, before dropping to his knees and army crawling over her. Kaia held back a laugh as he settled above her, giving her a dopey smile.
“Morning.” He greeted, his voice still raspy with sleep.
“Morning.” Kaia chuckled.
He leans forward to press a kiss to her lips, before flicking Fili on the nose, causing him to shake awake.
“Bofur, you fuck.” Fili sleepily groans, swatting him.
Kaia laughs, pushing Bofur away. He nips at her lower lip, before standing and offering her his hand. Kaia kisses Fili’s cheek before standing, letting Bofur guide her towards where the others are eating breakfast.
“Good morning, lass!” Balin greets, smiling brightly at her as she approaches.
“Hello Balin, lads.” She greets them all, and they all offer her nods and smiles. Bombur hands her a bowl of porridge, smiling fondly at her.
As she walks to sit amongst the feasting dwarves, she spots Dwalin. He sits sharpening his axe, but his eyes light up when he sees her. Kaia walks over to him, giving him a smile.
“Good morning, Dwalin.”
“Lass.” He responds, raising his head as she leans down to kiss him. He hums slightly against her lips, a small smile on his face when she pulls away, “I could get used to that.”
“So could I.” Kaia blushes, before taking her seat beside him.
Bofur sits on her other side, pulling out his pipe. “Comfy?” He asks, looking her over.
“I could be comfier.”
“Come here.” Bofur puts his pipe between his lips, extending his arms for her to lie against his chest. As she reclines, Dwalin hooks his hand under her knee, bringing her leg over his own. He nods to himself, content.
Kaia sighs happily, snuggling against Bofur’s chest.
“Comfy?” He asks again.
“Comfiest.” Kaia giggles, and he presses a kiss to her hair.
Bilbo walks into the clearing, slightly damp and running a hand over his face.
“Where’ve you been?” Nori asks, looking over the hobbit.
“I went for a wash.” Bilbo says, accepting a bowl from Bombur.
“You’ve been gone for hours!” Nori chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows, “Get up to anything fun?”
Bilbo blanches, grabbing a twig and throwing it at him. “I will have you know, I had to walk further down the stream… trying to find a place that hasn’t been tarnished by some people’s activities!” The hobbit says, rolling his eyes.
“Ooh, someone’s grumpy this morning.” Bofur laughs, “It’s not like we shagged in the water, we have some decency!”
“Yeah it was against the bank!” Kaia giggles around her spoon. Bofur plays with her hair, smiling innocently at their friend.
“Well, I was worried you might have done things on the rocks around them, too.” Bilbo sighs, shaking his head. “I had to find a boulder away from the camp to leave my clothes to dry.”
Kaia’s eyes widen, and she looks over at Dwalin, as a smile begins to form on the warriors face. “Um… Bilbo. Whereabouts was that rock?” Kaia asks.
“Oh, it’s over there somewhere.” Bilbo points… in the direction of the clearing where Kaia and Dwalin got intimate.
Dwalin laughs heartily, surprising the hobbit. The rest of the dwarves snicker, with Dori tutting and Ori going red. Bilbo eyes the dwarves, confused.
Then his face drops. “No…” He gasps.
“Yes.” Kaia chuckles.
“You didn’t…”
“We did.” Dwalin chuckles.
Bilbo stares at them, jaw dropped and face pale.
“For fucks sake!” Bilbo exclaims, rubbing his hands over his reddening face and pulling at his clothes as if they are tainted.
“Language, master Baggins.” Dori chastises.
“Is there a section of this forest you haven’t shagged in, Kaia?” Gloin chuckles.
“If there is, we’ll rectify that before we leave.” Fili’s voice calls as he enters the clearing. He winks at Kaia, who blushes at him.
“Is that a promise?” She asks, and he grins at her as he leans down to kiss her.
“Might even be a threat.” He growls, nipping at her nose.
The rest of the dwarves settle into a pleasant conversation, as Kaia lets the morning wash over her. She sits with Bofur and Dwalin for a bit, until Bofur leaves to help Bombur and Bifur with washing away their dishes, and Fili takes Bofur's spot beside her.
"Are the princess' catching up on their beauty sleep, or what?" Dwalin grumbles.
Kaia looks around the camp, her eyes searching for Kili and Thorin. No sign of them yet.
"We need to get going soon!" Balin says, shaking off his bedroll as he gives Kaia a look.
"You want me to go wake them?"
"Better you than us!" Gloin comments.
"Yeah, you're the one climbing in their trousers." Nori chuckles, and Fili flicks him around the ear, synchronised with Dori who smacks him around the head, "Alright, alright, no need to gang up on me!"
"You're lucky I'm too far from you, Nori!" Bofur calls over, "Don't talk to our lass like that!"
Fili and Dwalin grunt in agreement, and Kaia kisses them both on the cheek before standing up.
"I'll go check on the remaining Durin's." Kaia sighs, stretching her arms, "Someone's got to keep them in line."
"Thank Mahal that's no longer my job!" Balin chuckles, patting her on the shoulder.
"There's three of them, you know." Dwalin says, earning a faux-hurt look from Fili.
"And I have all my faith in Kaia being the one to keep them in line." Balin says, sending her a wink.
She smiles back at him, before walking away from the clearing, in search of her One and her missing lover.
Kili remained asleep. More spread out now than he had been when she left, his legs splayed in an unnatural way and his arms wrapped around Kaia's blanket.
She smiled at the sight, before biting back a laugh at a particularly loud and un-princely snore Kili emitted.
Crouching by his side, Kaia reached down to tuck a strand of his wild hair behind his ear, his pretty face visible to her now.
"Kili..." She murmurs, dragging her finger over his cheek, "Kili, darling, you need to wake up."
Kili groans, stretching his arms out but makes no move to get up.
"Kili." Kaia chuckles, running her hand sthrough his hair, before lightly tugging on it. Kili gasps slightly, his eyes opening as he looks u at her.
"That was a dirty play."
"Yeah, well, got your attention, didn't it?" Kaia smirks, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek.
His arms extend and warp around her waist, pulling her down to him.
"Kili!" Kaia exclaims, as she is held tightly against his chest. The dwarf merely hums, nuzzling against her as he keeps his arms locked around her. "Kili, let me go."
"No." He grumbles, voice raspy, "Mine."
Kaia giggles, kissing his nose, "We need to get up..." He doesn't move, "The others are getting ready to go..." He remains still, "...You're going to miss breakfast."
He opens his eyes, giving her a sly grin, "Okay, you've convinced me."
"Knew it."
Kili releases her, rising and offering her his hand as she climbs up also. "Such a gentleman."
"Of course, I am a prince!" Kili says, giving her a dramatic bow. Kaia laughs, smiling at him warmly. As he stands up, he beams at her, taking her hands in his own, "And you're my princess."
"Oh, is that so?"
"It is. You've got my bead to prove it." He pecks her lips, before trailing kisses over her nose and cheeks. "Amralime."
"I love hearing you say that."
"Then I will say it to you every day for the rest of our lives."
Kaia drags her thumb over his hand, resting her forehead against his own as they stand in silence for a moment.
"You should go grab breakfast now." Kaia whispers, bumping her nose with his, "Before Bilbo takes your share as his second breakfast."
"Over my dead body." Kili mumbles, pressing a kiss to her forehead before he dashes off.
She chuckles slightly, fingers fiddling with her braid. Kili's bead is rough, imperfect but beautiful, detailed and full of love... just like him.
Trying to keep her dopey smile at bay, she wanders off in search of their fearless leader.
Finding Thorin took more work. His bedroll was laid out near enough the rest of the group, but he was nowhere to be found. Kaia searched the bushes and the cave nearby, but no sign of him.
After almost giving up, she heard some distant snores.
Thorin was sat beneath a tree, axe in his lap and a sharpening stone in his hand. His head was leaning against the tree, face peaceful as he slept.
Kaia quirked her head at him, coming to the conclusion that he had drifted off during his watch.
Knowing what he was like when he first woke up, especially armed, she decided to grab a small stone and throw it at him. It landed squarley in his chest, and (as she expected), he sat bolt up right, holding his axe up as he looked around.
Seeing her, he lowered it, letting out a sigh.
Kaia points at him, "See I knew that was going to happen."
"That you would be on guard the second something touched you." Kaia smiles, "I would like to keep all my limbs, Oakenshield."
Thorin hums, resting his axe back down on his thigh.
"You know... when we get to Erebor, you're going to have to let your guard down when you sleep. Especially if you're going to wake up next to me."
Thorin gives her a small smile. Almost unnoticeable, but the gentle crinkle around his eyes told her it was genuine, "Aye. I imagine that would be the case."
Kaia crouches at his feet, resting her hands over his calves and drawing lazy circles over them.
"I'm still a novice when it comes to dwarven customs." She starts, avoiding his eye as she caresses his leg, "If we get to Erebor-"
"Huh?" Kaia asks, looking up at him.
"When we get to Erebor." Thorin says. He looks more relaxed today than he had been yesterday morning... or any morning Kaia had seen him. It makes her glow, inside out.
"Haven't seen you so sure in a while."
"Perhaps I have a new reason to be optimistic."
Kaia blushes, looking away. She hears him moving, and feels his strong hands wrap around her, pulling her close to rest against his chest. His axe lays at his side, his hands laid gently upon her waist and arm, calloused fingers
"You were asking me something." His voice rumbles.
"Oh, right." Kaia clears her throat, "When we get to Erebor... If all goes the way I hope, me and Kili will court, properly. And then, I imagine we'll marry. What does that mean for the rest of you? My lovers?"
"In what sense?"
"When will I see the rest of you? I imagine we won't all be sleeping in one massive, fuck off bed. Do I seek you out after the sun has fallen, like some night stalking hyena?" She jests, prodding his chest. He laughs, his chest vibrating and sending pleasant sensations along her body.
"No, sweet girl. Whenever you need us, we will be there."
"And what if I don't need you, but I want you? ...And miss you?"
"Missing me already?" Thorin asks, smirking slightly.
"Oh, yes, you're so far! At least the distance of a fly's wing." Kaia pouts, and he leans down to press a kiss to her lips.
"To answer your question; it is customary for a dwarrowdams' lovers to live either in her home, or near it. That way she can see them whenever she wants, and they her. From what I know and from what I have seen, even when her lovers do not live with her, they will spend most of their free time by her side."
"Like ducklings?"
"Yes, like ducklings."
"But you will be king. Fili, the heir. Dwalin, your guard. I could probably drag Bofur with me by his hat for the rest of my days-"
"I cannot imagine he would complain."
"-But what about you guys?" Kaia asks, feeling anxious now thinking about it.
It was all well and good them saying they would be her lovers, when they were out in the wilds, on a dangerous quest. But when they return to their kingdom, gods be good, they will have duties, Thorin will be king for crying out loud... and who is she? A farmer, an orphaned human with no titles, no family, nothing to offer...
"We will be wherever you wish us to be." Thorin says, voice quiet and earnest.
"You cannot promise that."
"I cannot promise anything, other than our love, and our devotion. Completely." He whispers, kissing her forehead, "We take lovers very seriously, ghivashel. You will be the king's consort, as well as his heirs lover and his prince's One. You will live with us in the royal chambers."
"And Dwalin and Bofur?"
"I imagine Dwalin would not be opposed to living either with us or right by us. I cannot imagine he would want to stray to far from either of our sides. And Bofur... well I imagine he'll be like our cat, sleeping on the floor of our hallway."
"Thorin!" Kaia laughs, shaking her head. He laughs with her, playing with her fingers.
"Alright. We'll get him a bed." Thorin sighs heavily, rolling his eyes with a small smile on his face.
"I'm sure he wouldn't ask for a large one. Just one big enough for him and his hat."
They share a chuckle, staring down at their entwined hands.
"What I am trying to say, Kaia, is that we are bound together now. All six of us. When you need us, want us, miss us, we will be right beside you. Sure, you may occasionally have to pull me away from an important council meeting, or drag Dwalin away from training someone half to death, or pry Bofur away from hat-maintenance related tasks... but we will always be there, my heart. Always."
"Thank you, Thorin." Kaia murmurs, happy tears threatening to break. They remain in each-others arms, fingers dancing over one anothers, admiring each others callouses and scars from their own lives before each other, pressing kisses to any skin they wanted to as they enjoyed a peaceful moment.
"Alright, I'm getting sick of all this loved up, sappy shit, can we just have sex or something?" Kaia jokes, bumping Thorin's chin with her forehead.
"You really are insatiable, aren't you, ‘Ibinê?" Thorin chuckles, leaning his head down to nip along her jawline.
"Seeing as I will be tending to the needs of five dwarves for the rest of my days, I think that is a blessing." kaia says, enthusiastically receiving Thorin's heated kiss.
"You are a blessing, sweet girl."
After half an hour of... tenacious activities, Kaia and Thorin walked back to the clearing. His arm was settled around her waist, as she told him a story about her parents.
He seemed to enjoy listening to her as she talked, and she was more than willing to oblige him.
As they neared the Company, a raised voice caught their attention. It sounded like Bilbo.
"Oh no." Kaia says, sighing.
"Do you wager it was my nephews, Bofur, or Nori who has enraged our burglar this time?"
"Can I say all of them?"
Approaching the group, Kaia's smile returned when she set her sights on a much taller individual.
"Gandalf!" She greets, and he turns around to offer her a large smile.
"Kaia, my dear girl!" The wizard says, accepting her hug and patting her on the head, "It's nice to see someone is happy to see me."
"You disappeared, Gandalf!" Bilbo exclaims, hands on his hips.
“I’ve been gone five minutes!” Gandalf chuckles.
“No you bloody haven’t!” Bilbo scoffs, placing his hands on his hips, “It’s been days!”
“Alright, alright, Bilbo.” Gandalf shakes his head, before giving Kaia a smile, “Congratulations, anyway, Kaia!”
Kaia raises her eyebrows at him, looking around at the others. They shrug, confused as well.
"Congratulations for what, Gandalf?"
"On your courting with Kili, of course!" He chuckles, before giving her a knowing look, "And joining in on dwarvish customs. Four lovers in one evening is certainly a record, my dear."
"Knew it!" Nori says, earning an elbow from Oin. Kaia just laughs, shrugging.
"Which one of them told you?" She asks, looking over the Company.
"None of them." The wizard shrugs, "I had a feeling."
This earns him a further confused look from the human lass, and Gandalf leans down to her, keeping his voice quiet.
"Why do you think I insisted on you joining us all those weeks ago?" Gandalf muses, giving her a conspiratory wink. She scoffs, shaking her head but unable to keep a smile from playing on her lips.
“Finished!” Ori calls from across the camp, blowing over the piece of paper he had been scribbling on.
“What have you got there, Ori?” Nori asks, looking over his brother’s shoulder. A smile breaks out on his face, and he ruffles his brothers hair.
“That’s marvellous, that is!” Dori says, beaming at his brother.
“What is?” Kaia asks.
Ori stands and walks over to her, crouching beside her as he shows her his drawing. Kaia gasps, sitting up as she looks in awe at the paper.
It’s a drawing of Kaia, and her five dwarrows. There are six individuals drawings, five smaller ones around the edges with a larger one in the middle. The five drawings include Kaia with each one of her lovers;
Kaia and Kili as he braids her hair, then Kaia with her head on Fili’s shoulder as he holds her hand.
In one, she’s leaning against Bofur’s chest while she laughs at what he says, and in another, Dwalin and Kaia are walking hand in hand back to camp.
In the last smaller one, Kaia and Thorin are sitting next to each other as Kaia tends to a wound he received a few weeks back.
In the centre, the larger picture shows Kaia with all five of them, surrounded by them all as they smile. She's wearing one intricate braid down one side of her head with smaller braids littered through her hair.
It was truly beautiful, and she wraps her arms around Ori in a hug as he gives it to her. “Thank you, Ori.”
“You’re welcome, Kaia.” Ori says, smiling at her.
“Aw, my hat looks great!” Bofur beams, tipping his hat.
“I do not smile that like.” Dwalin grumbles, and Kaia smacks his chest.
"Amazing, Ori!" Fili says, with a wide smile on his face, "I hope you realise that when we get to the mountain, I'm going to be asking you to make me a dozen drawings of us all!"
“We’ll put that in our chambers when we get to Erebor.” Kili murmurs, kissing the spot below her ear.
Kaia beams, leaning into him as she traces her fingers over the charcoal faces of her dwarves.
Thank you for reading! <3