Haikyu Fluff Works
haikyu fluff works
a trick of your mind - osamu miya
More Posts from Itszazouu
haikyu hurt / comfort works
safe besides you - kiyoomi sakusa x sick reader
you're enough - shinsuke kita x reader who got rejected from an university

タンバシティ海岸 / Cianwood City

I'm having so much fun searching through haikyu twitter page and looking at all the time skip illustrations especially this one of my onigiri man Miya Osamu
You're enough (kita shinsuke x reader who got rejected from an university)

characters : timeskip! Kita Shinsuke x gneutral reader
genre : hurt/comfort
warnings : mention of academic rejection, crying, throwing up, self doubt, mental break down
a/n : hi guys, well my application for my dream university recently got rejected, so I guess writting a scenario with my sweet boy Shinsuke is my way to cope, hope you'll like it ♡
as you are in an established relationship with Kita Shinsuke, one day you receive a response from an application you sent to your dream university, unfortunately this isn't the aswer you were hoping for
You can’t believe it. No, it is not possible.
As you look at your laptop screen in your darkening living room, you feel your eyes filling with tears. You just received a response for an application from your dream university.
Hello, this is x university, We are sorry but considering the requirements of our institution and your profile, we regret to inform you that you are not eligible and you can’t come to study in our university. The final result will be communicated in a few weeks, and we hope that you will be able to continue your studies in another institution.
You really can’t believe it, you feel your heart collapsing in your chest. Your blood is turning cold and your hands are shaking. Why is it happening to you ? You’ve worked so hard. Many restless nights and stressful days were sacrificed in order to prepare yourself for this. And yet, it isn’t enough. You fear the disappointment of your parents, your friends and Shinsuke.
Oh god, what are you going to tell Shinsuke ? He was so supportive and comforting towards you during your worst days. When you were insecure of your capacities and convinced that you won’t make it. He’s going to be so disappointed and it’s all your fault. Because of your own incompetence. You can’t face him right now, not during this breakdown. Even though you trust him with your whole heart, you don’t want to rely on him and bother him too much.
You feel lost, Shinsuke isn’t here, he’s still working in the rice fields as the summer days grow longer. You’re alone in your shared house as the sun is setting. You stand up abruptly, as you’re feeling like throwing up. You make your way quickly to the bathroom and empty your guts in the toilet. Your anxiety makes you sick, like literally, you can’t stand it anymore.
You cry uncontrollably as you sit on the bathroom floor. You’re all alone and it’s like your world is crumbling. All your future plans and aspirations were whipped away by a simple email.
You’re still crouched on the bathroom floor and you’re beginning to feel overwhelmed. Your breathing is uneven and you feel like you’re going to faint. You hear the front door open, crap Shinsuke is already back and you haven’t processed the news correctly. You need to regain composure very quickly.
You try to muffle your sobs as you discern the loving voice of your boyfriend from the living room.
“y/n, darling are you there ?” Shinsuke says lightly, looking for you through the house after an exhausting day.
You don’t respond and Kita starts to feel worried. Where could you be ? You didn’t tell him that you were going to be out. He tries again, with a more concerned voice “y/n, sweetheart you’re home ? Where are you ?”
You perceive the concern but most of all the exhaustion in his voice. And you can’t help but feel guilty. You are hiding from him, even though he must have a very tiring day and you don’t want to upset him even more. So, to avoid him starting to look for you, you respond in the most persuasive voice you can manage right now “In the bathroom Shin, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Hm, okay, I’ll start making dinner then” announces Kita from the kitchen. Good, it doesn’t seem like he’s suspicious of your behavior. Giving you time to clear your mind for a bit.
You decide to snap out of it and go greet him. Enough is enough and you can’t avoid him forever. You pass some water on your face in order to freshen up a bit and soothe your red eyes. As you make your way towards the kitchen, you hear the rumbling of the oven and the sound of the knife against the cutting board. Shinsuke must be halfway through the process of preparing dinner. You enter the room and meet his back. He’s wearing his black apron and currently cutting vegetables.
You’re frozen, he seems so peaceful and unbothered. Following his routine, making dinner just after he comes back from work.
You know that as soon as you’re going to tell him your failure, his exhausting day is going to be worse.
He turns himself toward the stove and notices your presence. You see the exhaustion in his eyes and you feel tears wind up to your eyes once again. God, you're tired of this. But you can’t cry right now, you can’t break your composure in front of Shinsuke.
Your unstable state doesn’t go unnoticed by Kita.
“Love, are you feeling okay ?” Shinsuke says as he makes his way towards you, wiping his hands against his apron.
This is it, you can’t hold it anymore, his worried eyes and his sweet and loving voice make you burst out into tears. You can’t breathe and you feel strong arms encircling you in a warm and loving hug.
“y/n, what is wrong, tell me love, what happened ? I can’t help you if you’re not telling me what is wrong.” says Shinsuke in an hesitant voice, as he slowly begins to pannick. The always calm and logical man starts to feel a little overwhelmed as he sees your current distress. However, he tries to remain calm for your well being.
You speak incoherently, your cries muffled by Kita’s chest, defined by his past volleyball practice and his current work in the fields. “I’m sorry Shin, shit I’m so sorry… forgive me please, I’m a failure…” You tighten your grip on your boyfriend shirt, as your life depends on it.
“What are you saying, darling… love, y/n, what happened, you’re worrying me.” Kita tries to soothe you as his large hands draw circles on your back. “Calm down, y/n, I need you to calm down and tell me what is wrong, otherwise I won’t be able to help you.” He cups your cheeks, kisses them to prevent the tears from falling more, and leads you towards the sofa in the living room.
You rest your head in the crook of Kita’s neck. He pats your head gently and tries to appease your crying. “I’m here love, are you feeling better ?” Shinsuke asks worriedly.
“No, but I owe you an explanation” you straighten a bit to face him and you almost burst into tears once again. He looks at you with such adoration and worries that your heart aches.
He furrows his eyebrows but listens anyway. “I was rejected from the university. I’m sorry you helped me so much and still couldn’t make it, I’m not good enough, you must be so disappointed, I sor-”
“y/n, stop, calm down !” Kita stops your rambling by grasping your shoulders and raising his voice, which is uncharacteristically of him.
“Look, first of all you need to breathe, can you do that for me ?” You nod and tilt your head backward to prevent more tears from falling. Looking at the ceiling, you try to control your breath, as Shinsuke keeps caressing your back in a soothing way.
Shinsuke brushes your cheek gently and speaks again “Good,now that you’re a bit calmer, I’m so sorry that your application got rejected. I know how much you wanted to go to this school, but it’s okay. You’re enough, you’re brilliant and you’ll be able to go to another university and be excellent in it.” He pampers your face with kisses. And in between each kiss he whispers sweet reassurance to you. “You’re *kiss* more *kiss* than *kiss* enough my love *kiss*.”
You cry once again but this time because of the relief you feel from the reaction of your boyfriend. “Do you really mean it ? Are you sure ? Because I feel so lost right now Shinsuke, I don’t know what I am going to do. On the other hand, you seem perfectly sure of your future and I feel so shitty besides you. I’m sorry to bother you with this, you must be exhausted from your day.” You try to calm yourself and Kita grabs both of your hands to place kisses on your palm.
“y/n darling, no matter how far I am in my life, what matters now is you. You’re as capable as me to achieve your goals and you must be proud of yourself, just see how far you’ve come since we left highschool, hm ?” Shinsuke affirms as he plants a tender kiss on your temple.
You nod as you never felt more grateful to have him as your boyfriend. Just by the way he always supports you and cares for you no matter how much you fail, he’s always there. You love him. Just as much he loves you. Showing his love in everyday actions, in words affirmation and always touching you with so much care and love.
“I love you so much y/n, never forget that, I’m so proud of you and I’ll always be, never doubt it.” He hugs you once again, placing your face in the crook of his neck, and pats your head, waiting patiently for you to calm your cries.
Once your breathing is a little bit steadier, he kisses you and locks his eyes with yours. “Do you want to eat dinner now or would you rather lay down for a bit in our room, it’s up to you darling.”
You respond with a sore voice from all your crying “I would like to stay here with you holding me for a little longer if you don’t mind it.” Kita holds you, and as he places you on his lap to hug you better, mutters “Of course darling, we can stay there as long as you want, I’m not going anywhere.”
You kiss him gently, and sigh finally at peace with yourself. Because you know that Shinsuke will be there. He will be there with you during this difficult journey in order to accept your failures, and move on towards better opportunities, even if it seems so difficult right now.
just a post to express how much I love these two♡