Welcome aboard! You'll see short stories containing my OC's. Trust me, they're filling. Have a request, a question? Shoot me an ask, I'll do my best to get too them! 🔞+ page, PLEASE no minors.
60 posts
Please Tell Me Theres A Story To Go With The Johns Prideful Feast Art. I Am Begging
Please tell me there’s a story to go with the John’s prideful feast art. I am begging
It's in the works right now! It'll be out soon I promise. <3
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More Posts from Izznts
Whats in the works!
Hello lovely people and belly smotherers~ I wanted to give my audience a huge update of what has been going on behind the scenes via writing and with my commissioning art.
So as many people in this world who go to school or work or both, my blog might come off slowly but I want to complete my vore writing projects as much as possible before releasing them.
I wanted to give my audience a current insight of my works and what I have planned all throughout this year, take the time to read let me know what you think! ^^
Upcoming OCs that will be announced with their solo stories and some art
• Alan Smith
• Hans Kareem
• Kyle Rivers
Vore Stories/Series in the making
• Cheating Hunger: Missing Boss (Sol, Izzy, Pearl and John)
• Cops n Gorgers Ch.1 (Convict Verse) (8 Pred OCs will be in this verse)
• Timeout (Izzy's first story as prey)
Pick your OC
I'll make a post later on this month on creating a future OC together that I want to add into my verse. I'll have a poll created with different questions that will go over how this particular pred or prey will be added into my verse.
This can be based on their potential height, vore type, weight, race/ethnicity, personality, appearance, muscular, lean, chubby, etc.
That is all, thank you all again for enjoying what I have to share, I promise I have something major as a whole for my audience!
Do any of your preds have specific prey preferences? Like athletic prey, chubby, large, small, etc?
They do not have a strong preference on who is going to end up in their stomach, (obviously as long as they're adults), each pred is different based on their lore/backstory.
John: His preference of prey is athletic men, ideally bodybuilder types. Massively large but heavily muscular to keep up with his muscular physique.
Hans: He pretty much devours skinnier/lean guys as they're easier to carry when he wants a quick bite. He does devour women every blue moon.
Kyle: His type of prey is pretty much athletic builds because of his fraternity Iota Alpha, where during frat rushes and parties, he'll quickly pick off someone throughout the day unnoticed.
Sol: He has an equal balance on his preferences, seeing athletic builds, chubby, short, tall, men, and women on the menu. He primarily tends to focus on men but he likes to make it a bonus with those with a significant other just to have a double meal.
Hayes: Athletic builds have been his sweet tooth but he is extremely boastful when he catches chubby prey larger than him. He likes to basically be unable to move from his spot when devouring bigger people.
1 Year!
Before making my page(s) and such, I couldn't have been writing my creative ideas without the 2 knuckleheads that got me into bellies. Celebrating my OCS 1 year canon anniversary of Sol and Izzy, my first creations!!
Art by Toulensister (just decided to use the same picture again, sorry not sorry AKSIFJJEOEKFFJ)

Introducing Hayes Greene!
The golden retriever frat boy who can't tell the difference between food and a person when it gets his belly big. Be careful, those eyes can get you~
Commission Art by Toulensister
Hello! Of your OC preds, how would you rank them based on belly capacity/ hunger drive (smallest to highest) 👉👈
Oh my god I love this question! Ahem I think...
I'll speak more on those that have been shared to the public~
Philip + Kyle both have a capacity of devouring atleast 2 people into their stomachs. They don't like carrying as much weight as they need too so equally they mentally know 2 is enough to fill them up.
Hayes + Dante both have an equal capacity of eating 3 people, HOWEVER, Hayes hunger drive is faster so him consuming his max and quickly digesting them when he wants to will get him within the month consuming up to 30 people in the month because he enjoys his belly squirming.
Hans + Sol; there hunger drive is really up top within my pred OCs and I believe it'll stay as such as they can consume and carry up to 4 people. Similar to Hayes, there hunger drive is really based on their horniness, Sol specifically would devour men/women whether because he feels like it or if his boyfriend needed something to rest on other than his bed. This puts Sol devouring people on a monthly up to 40. Hans merely devours just to merely use his belly as a seduce tactic to have sex with anyone that finds him attractive with his gut.
John definitely has the highest hunger drive and capacity, especially within my verse in general; NO ONE WILL TOP THE TOP HORNDOG! John can hold up to 6 people entirely, and when he wishes to grab more, he'll wait to digest his caught prey and go grab a brand new bunch. His hunger drive is merely based off of dominance and pleasure, finding ways to befriend strangers while giving that dominant aura and when those "friends" are a little hooked to him; down the stomach they go.