j33persworld - D.

dean | 19 | he/they boydyke | lez accnt: @dogsharkbutch

306 posts

J33persworld - D. - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago

so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

9 months ago

You do not have the right to touch someone's disability aid without asking, whether that aid be a wheelchair or an AAC device.

"It's just a tablet, though." No, it is not. It is my voice. Touching or moving my device without my permission is like touching my mouth without permission, it's weird, gross, invasive, and rude. Stop.

Pushing someone's wheelchair without permission is like picking them up and moving them out of the way eithout permission, its weird, invasive, gross, and weird. Stop.

9 months ago

fellow physically disabled people i hope your pain is minimal and easy to cope with today

9 months ago

What about disabled queer histoty? Do you have anything? I can't imagine how hard it is to find it?

Disabled queer history is all throughout Making Queer History, I have a couple of lists floating around, but before getting to that point, I want to say that queer disabled history is not hard to find. Queerness and disability are inextricably tangled together, and (no shade meant to any other queer history project) it would be harder to keep them separate than it is to find them together.

Here are some articles to check out:

Victoria Arellano 

Anna Freud

Bajazid Doda 

Lou Sullivan 

Annemarie Schwarzenbach 

Frida Kahlo

Vaslav Nijinsky 

Emmeline Freda Du Faur

9 months ago

you know how every few months someone tries to invent captioning glasses and sign language gloves for Deaf people and they're almost always useless and never what people actually want? yeah the Blind equivalent of that is smart canes

9 months ago

How many different kinds of doctors do you see?

I only see the doctor in an emergency

One, a primary care physician

One, a specialist




Five or Six

Seven, Eight, or Nine

Ten, Eleven, or Twelve

Thirteen, Fourteen, or Fifteen

More than Fifteen

It's complicated

9 months ago

disabled people are worth whatever cost or resources is needed to keep them alive. disabled people are worth it even if they don't live long. they're worth it even if they will need extra support and resources for every day of their life. they're worth it even if they spend all they life indoors. none of it is wasted. none of it is in vain. time, effort, money, resources spent on a life are not wasted. these things have served their purpose. the joy of someone's existence is not undermined by not lasting forever. there's no meaningful point, some threshold where you can say "okay this is enough. after that it's not worth it." it's always worth it.

9 months ago

what if we stopped giving characters strabismus as a funny joke. what if we stopped? what if we stopped. what if we stopped

why the fuck do i even need to say this. "it's googly eyes" no, real people look like that. and you know they do. i know you know they do

What If We Stopped Giving Characters Strabismus As A Funny Joke. What If We Stopped? What If We Stopped.

ID: a graphic titled "strabismus (misaligned eyes) by Cleveland Clinic. there are 4 types of strabismus, each represented by a drawing of a person with it.

Hypotropia: eye points downward.

Exotropia: eye points outward.

Hypertropia: eye points upward.

Esotropia: eye points inward.

end ID

9 months ago

After about 16 months of constant pain, I finally got a diagnosis. Turns out, I have long COVID. The nurse said the symptoms overlap with fibro, so I've been put on an anti-inflammitory.

I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this. Experimental drug trials are the only other medical options I have.

Time to start wearing a mask again.

Tags :
9 months ago

reblog to blow up an ableist

9 months ago
Toronto's most famous and important book store is facing eviction
The oldest queer bookshop in Toronto — for that matter, in the world — is facing eviction due to a mounting debt. Since opening its doors in

This is a cause that is particularly near and dear to my heart, but especially coming up to pride month. Glad Day book shop is considered the oldest queer book store in the world and the oldest running book store in Toronto. They are a staple of the gay village here in my city and are a hub of knowledge and a well recognized safe space for everyone. They are in trouble and may end up being shut down soon however if they cannot come up with $100, 000 to pull themselves out of mounting debt that has been building over the past few years. They're hoping to create a safety net for themselves and to possibly relocate if they can reach their final goal of $300, 000. More details on their fundraising plans are below in the Save Glad Day link.

9 months ago

we should not have introduced "fancy" subtitle formatting like impossible to read coloured text, moving subtitles, and subtitles that deliberately overlap to the youtube music video subtitle makers out there, like uh! it's cool that your subtitles are aesthetic and cool... but THE INTENDED PURPOSE IS TO MAKE IT MORE ACCESSIBLE THIS ISN'T ACCESSIBLE PLEASE

10 months ago

me when the chronic pain is chronic and painful:

[Image ID: Pixel art against a pure white background of a person looking at the viewer with huge, sad eyes with large eye bags under them, an exaggerated frown, and sad eyebrows. End ID.]
10 months ago

going onto physically disabled people’s posts to tell us to be nicer, more forgiving, and to educate is the pinnacle of entitlement. not everything is for you. not everything other people do or say needs to benefit you somehow. other people have feelings that have nothing to do with you personally. it’s ok. you’ll survive

10 months ago

Disability benefits shouldn’t be tied to the income of a disabled person’s partner/spouse/parent.

Do you hear me?


This is the straight forward way to deprive a disabled person of their financial freedom and independence and trap them into possible abusive relationships.

10 months ago

I literally love being at home! In my own space! Comfortable! Not surrounded by people!

10 months ago
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
10 months ago

btw something im working on learning is that disabled is something that im allowed to be in public.

im allowed to lay down on the living room floor if im in middle of a conversation & enjoying it but feeling too lightheaded to sit up. im allowed to sit at the table to do meal prep and to sit on a stool at the stove to cook. im allowed to use my cane while i run errands.

if people are uncomfortable with my disabled existence, it’s their responsibility to work on that, it’s not my responsibility to try to hide my disability from the view of abled people.

i shouldn’t be relegated to my bedroom or to my house or to places where no one else will be just to have accommodations. im allowed to just exist & not have to pretend to be able bodied for the comfort & convenience of others.

10 months ago
j33persworld - D.
10 months ago

"the cost of convenience does not have to be human lives. we are literally conditioned to think that in order for us to have certain things someone has to suffer and that is the farthest thing from the truth."

10 months ago

if you are struggling with choosing which fundraisers to support, please consider donating to the following places providing medical aid, food, and other supplies to palestine at this time:

donate to doctors without borders here

donate to careforgaza here, providing food, medicine and clothing

donate an e-sim to gaza today

donate feminine hygiene kits for women in gaza

donate to the palestinian civilian relief fund

donate to the palestine children's relief fund

donate to the world food programme

donate medical aid for palestinians

donate to the united nations relief for palestine refugees

donate to healpalestine

if you are looking for individual fundraisers to donate to but are struggling to choose, gazafunds gives a spotlight to fundraisers that are not close to their goal.

instead of watching and supporting eurovision tonight, please instead boost this post & donate if you can. keep your eyes on rafah.

10 months ago
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
j33persworld - D.
10 months ago

my doctors: he’s disabled

my nurses: he’s disabled

my case worker: he’s disabled

division of vocational rehab: he’s disabled

therapist: he’s disabled

surgeons consulting on my case: he’s disabled

physical therapist: he’s disabled

the medical receptionist I’m on first name basis with: he’s disabled

government: I DUNNO …. is he reeaaally disabled though? how can we be sure???

10 months ago

my doctors: he’s disabled

my nurses: he’s disabled

my case worker: he’s disabled

division of vocational rehab: he’s disabled

therapist: he’s disabled

surgeons consulting on my case: he’s disabled

physical therapist: he’s disabled

the medical receptionist I’m on first name basis with: he’s disabled

government: I DUNNO …. is he reeaaally disabled though? how can we be sure???