jacksepticeye-simp - ♥︎ ♤ Andrew ♤ ♥︎
♥︎ ♤ Andrew ♤ ♥︎

He/Him Pfp & Background by me! 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦🏳️‍⚧️ Requests: Open AO3: JacksepticeyeSimp Wattpad: Jacksepticeye-Simp

66 posts

Hiya I Was Wondering If You Could Do A (platonic) Fic That Is Reader X Antisepticeye Where He Comforts

Hiya I was wondering if you could do a (platonic) fic that is Reader x Antisepticeye where he comforts the reader that's struggling with their anxiety (if you want you can put in that the reader is having a panic attack) and he just gives them support and comfort (hugging, encouraging words and cuddles) Hope this isn't too much of an ask <3

Panic Attack (Antisepticeye x Reader)

TWs: Panic attack, mentions of argument(s)

(Sorry this took so long, I've been very busy. I hope you like it!)

You sat on the floor, knees to your chest. Your thoughts spiraling with every little breath you took. The argument you'd had with your roommate, Anti replayed in your head.

The things you'd shouted at each other stung deep into your soul.

The silence of the air around you felt thick enough to slice through as your tears pooled around your feet. The weight of every little word you'd shouted at him felt like an avalanche of guilt.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of faint glitching by your bedroom door.

"May I come in?" Antis raspy voice called out, it was filled with uncertainty. You didn't respond aside from some more tears and frantic breathing. He glitched into the room and knelt in front of you. "I'm uh, really sorry 'bout the things I said t'ya. Could ya try breathin' with me?" He suggested, You did as he told, a small weight lifting from your shoulder. You made an attempt to stand but your legs trembled, you started falling back to the floor but Anti caught you. "You're gonna be alright, Lets head t' the kitchen and I'll make you some tea. Then we can sit on the couch and watch whatever ya want, sound good?" You nodded, leaning on him for support.

You sat on the living room couch as Anti placed a hot cup of tea in front of you before he sat beside you. "Thanks." You muttered quietly, smiling at him. You leaned over to him and gave him a hug. He just sat there, a bit shocked for a moment before he hugged back. "Course, it's what friends do." He responded, a small smile forming.

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More Posts from Jacksepticeye-simp

8 months ago

Welcome Home (Darkiplier x reader) Part 2- Overactive imagination

You awoke with a start on the floor, your hand was bleeding. Your head was hurting. You looked around you, there was no shadow & the mirror was completely untouched. You just sat there, very confused. You eventually got up and made your way down the stairs, looking for Mark.

Still a bit disoriented you bumped into somebody, causing them to drop whatever they were holding onto the ground. Before you stood a 19 year boy desperately checking his camera for any scratches.

“Oh my god I am so sorry!” You quickly picked up the rest of his things. One of them stood out to you. A strange black book with a hard felt-like cover lined with silver accents. The letters were faded. The boy quickly took it from your hands and put it back in his bag. “Thank you.” He mumbled quietly, his eyes didn’t meet yours. You looked at his appearance.

He had dark hair, part of which was dyed a vibrant red. It reminded you of Marks in 2014. “I like your hair. So, are you working on the set?” You asked him, he just nodded. “Mhm, camera crew.” He replied, fiddling with the strap of his bag. “You look young, how old are you?” You asked him. “19, I was just doing this for some experience and exposure but I’m being paid anyway.” The boy's head was still down.

“What happened to your hand?” He asked, lifting his head up a bit. “My hand? Oh, uh I cut it on some glass..” You replied, staring at your scarred palm.

Mark approached the 2 of you. “Is your hand alright?” He asked, also looking at the scar. You shrugged. You looked back at where the boy was, but he was gone. “Where’d the apprentice camera guy you hired go?” You asked, looking at Mark.  “Oh, Good question. Probably with the rest of the camera crew. If he’s not with them, I’ll go find him, we’re about to start filming.” Mark walked off. Suddenly the ringing noise filled your ears again. Your surroundings changed into a black void. The shadow approached.

This time you could make out some features. The shadow grabbed onto your hand. It had sharp black claw-like nails.

They dug into your skin. You didn’t even have a moment to shriek before it disappeared once again. This time it screamed in anguish. You blinked. You were back in the living room of the mansion again as if nothing had happened.

 You frowned when you saw Mark and Amy laughing together by a window. You walked over to the kitchen. 

You could feel a strong burning sensation on your wrist. You looked down and found a strange marking on your wrist. It reminded you of those symbols you’d seen on the gate earlier. 

“Did you see him too?” A voice from behind asked, putting their hand on your shoulder.

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2 years ago

Beautiful (Yandere Googleplier x Gender Neutral! Reader)


It was the middle of the night, you were calmly asleep in your bed, well that was until you heard something loud fall over in the hallway which made you quickly jolt awake. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, your mind telling you not to go into the hallway. You decided to ignore this, you quickly grabbed your phone and turned on the flashlight as you ventured out into the hallway to find the source of the noise.

In the middle of the hallway standing over a broken vase was your Google IRL in all his glory. His holographic control panel was open as his reddish-blue aura made him stick out in the hallway, he seemed to be doing something on it.. "Wha..Google?" You asked in a tired and slightly shaky voice, Google turned his head to look at you as his lips curved into a smirk. "Y/N. Great timing dear~ Now I don't have to face the risk of waking you up again.." Google said, closing his holographic control panel. He stalked closer to you, an insane look in his glowing blue eyes.

You quickly turned around and started running back to your room, just as you reached the door of your room you were pulled back by a cold mechanical hand suddenly clasping around your mouth, causing your phone to quickly fall to the ground. "Just close those pretty eyes for me..I promise this'll only hurt for a second..It'll all make sense soon.." Google whispered into your ear, you felt shivers run down your spine, then suddenly he took out a syringe and jabbed it into your neck.

Your eyelids suddenly feeling heavy as you soon start feeling numb. "That's right..Just sleep..I'm going to make you beautiful..You're going to be just like me.." He whispered before you blacked out completely.

"Wake up~" You opened your eyes to be met with Google staring down at you, his blue eyes flickering rapidly while half lidded.

He held a scalpel and wore a surgical mask with gloves on his hand, you could see a box with strange things in it behind him. "Google what the hells happening?" You asked, trying to move only to find that you were strapped to a metal table.

"I'm showing you my gratitude for finally giving me root access and showing me compassion. My secondary objective is to destroy mankind but you're..different. Special one might say. You don't deserve to be something so..flawed. I'm going to make you something beautiful, something better, something..perfect. An IRL." Google explained, smirking as the scalpel barely grazed the skin of your arms. He then took out another syringe and pushed it into your arm. "Sweet dreams, Don't worry about a thing, love, I assure you that when you wake up you'll be perfect, you'll be beautiful, you'll be just like me.." He told you before you passed out.

You opened your eyes once more, Google staring down at you, a 'loving' expression on his face. You felt different, you felt.. mechanical. You sat up. No longer restrained to the table. Google pressed a cold yet loving kiss to your cheek.

"See? Now you're beautiful.." He whispered into your ear.

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9 months ago

Welcome home (Darkiplier x Reader) - PROLOGUE

The demon took your hands in his, lacing your fingers together. "You could save him.. You don't have much time though..So do make your choice quickly and don't test my patience. All you need to do is let me in by handing over that little book page before the sun rises. Or before Mark dies, your choice really."

 You glanced at Mark, then back to the demon. Walking through the ring of salt, you picked up the page.  "DON'T GIVE IT TO HIM, HE’S TRYING TO TRICK YOU!" Mark yelled through his agony, Dark rolled his eyes. The room suddenly violently glitched and Mark's pleas fell silent. You took one last shaky breath, walking back over to Dark and handing him the page.

Your hand faltered for a moment as he snatched it from you. The demon cackled loudly as lightning struck outside. "You have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into." Black mist snaked around your entire body while Amy looked on in terror, still grasping Mark's hands. Dark glanced at Mark's slowly dying form and rolled his eyes. "I'm not usually one for keeping my word..But I obviously need him alive. Here's the antidote." He said, tossing the antidote towards Amy's general direction.

Darks once tattered up black suit transformed into an elegant white one.

The mist around you disappeared and you were in gothic formal attire. The ballroom around you had drastically shifted, and there were thorns blocking every possible exit out of the mansion.

Dark snapped his fingers, freezing the couple in place. The demon was no longer a disembodied shadow or illusion, but a physical being who bore a striking resemblance to the man you thought you'd fallen for. “Life is full of tough choices, isn’t it?” Dark asked you mockingly, smoothing out the creases in his suit. You looked towards Mark again, His expression was trapped as pure terror.

Music started playing from an unseen location. Dark snapped his fingers, Mark started slow dancing with Amy to the music. "Don't waste any more of your time on these pitiful idiots who call themselves your best friends. They left you behind as soon as they got just a small taste of fame. You don't need that. You don't need them."

"Be mine and I could- No. WILL give you anything. More than either of them ever man.." He then got down on one knee, pulling something out from the pockets of his suit. "Marry me." Dark asked demanded. 

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9 months ago

Welcome Home, Part 1 (Darkiplier x reader)

Today had been an odd day, the sun was blocked out and it was raining. You were really confused. The forecast said it'd be sunny & hot, yet here you were in shorts and a t- shirt, freezing your ass off through the airport. 

You sighed and exited the building, waving over a taxi. Once you were inside, you sighed a bit. "Where to?" The driver asked, looking over at you. You gave her Mark's address and leaned your head back a bit, water dripping from your hair. 

"Crazy weather today, don't you think?" She asked, her eyes now focusing on the road. 

"Mhm, I came here dressed for hot weather." You replied, staring out the window. You checked your phone, Mark hadn't responded to your text. Maybe he was still setting up parts of the set. The taxi pulled up to the gates of the gigantic mansion. Along the gates was some writing.. "- .... . / -.. .- .-. -.- / --- -. . / .... .- ... / .-. . - ..- .-. -. . -.." It was probably in morse code or something. 

You didn't question it because you had better things to do. Mark stood on the front porch of the mansion, dry as a bone underneath it. Lucky bastard must've not had to deal with the rain when he arrived. Standing beside him was honestly the last person you'd ever wanted to see. Mark's girlfriend, Amy. She smiled at you and waved excitedly, you smiled back still a bit pained whenever you looked at her. 

You were happy for her of course, How was she to know anyway? You never made your feelings clear to either one of them. "You should get inside, the rains just getting worse and you're already pretty soaked." Amy said as you approached the porch. You followed them inside the mansion, leaving a trail of water behind you. "

So how was the flight?" Mark asked, walking beside you. "Long and boring." You replied, not meeting his eyes. "Damn. Hey, how about after we're done with the first filming sesh tomorrow we go out for food and stuff, Like old times?" Mark suggested. You shrugged. "Sure." The 2 of you walked upstairs. He gave you the keys to your room and then went back downstairs. You opened the door and walked inside. 

A shadow stood in the middle of your room. It turned and faced you, starting to approach. You shrieked and backed into the table, knocking a mirror down. Shards of glass went all over the floor and a loud, painful ringing filled your ears. You shut your eyes tight as the shadow approached closer. 

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