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Welcome home (Darkiplier x Reader) - PROLOGUE
The demon took your hands in his, lacing your fingers together. "You could save him.. You don't have much time though..So do make your choice quickly and don't test my patience. All you need to do is let me in by handing over that little book page before the sun rises. Or before Mark dies, your choice really."
You glanced at Mark, then back to the demon. Walking through the ring of salt, you picked up the page. "DON'T GIVE IT TO HIM, HE’S TRYING TO TRICK YOU!" Mark yelled through his agony, Dark rolled his eyes. The room suddenly violently glitched and Mark's pleas fell silent. You took one last shaky breath, walking back over to Dark and handing him the page.
Your hand faltered for a moment as he snatched it from you. The demon cackled loudly as lightning struck outside. "You have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into." Black mist snaked around your entire body while Amy looked on in terror, still grasping Mark's hands. Dark glanced at Mark's slowly dying form and rolled his eyes. "I'm not usually one for keeping my word..But I obviously need him alive. Here's the antidote." He said, tossing the antidote towards Amy's general direction.
Darks once tattered up black suit transformed into an elegant white one.
The mist around you disappeared and you were in gothic formal attire. The ballroom around you had drastically shifted, and there were thorns blocking every possible exit out of the mansion.
Dark snapped his fingers, freezing the couple in place. The demon was no longer a disembodied shadow or illusion, but a physical being who bore a striking resemblance to the man you thought you'd fallen for. “Life is full of tough choices, isn’t it?” Dark asked you mockingly, smoothing out the creases in his suit. You looked towards Mark again, His expression was trapped as pure terror.
Music started playing from an unseen location. Dark snapped his fingers, Mark started slow dancing with Amy to the music. "Don't waste any more of your time on these pitiful idiots who call themselves your best friends. They left you behind as soon as they got just a small taste of fame. You don't need that. You don't need them."
"Be mine and I could- No. WILL give you anything. More than either of them ever man.." He then got down on one knee, pulling something out from the pockets of his suit. "Marry me." Dark asked demanded.

@markiplier @whokilledmarkiplier Please tell me no one has done this yet. It took so long but it was worth it. Jim Jimm-in-y Jim Jimm-in-y Jim Jim Cher-oo ♪♫♬🎶

so… i made a thing. again.