janelss - Me

This is where I expose a side of my mindscape in its truest, ugliest form.

232 posts

Janelss - Me - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago


Just realised I really screwed myself over by not choosing to study psychology......could’ve given myself free therapy, and I wouldn’t even need to navigate finding a therapist or talking to someone else about my problems.

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4 years ago


I used to think that I was mad, but it is only now that I find myself staring into the abyss.

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4 years ago

Jesus above if this is an actual thing, I would buy it even if I can only play it with myself.

Been less than an half-hour since the idea hit me, and I’ve already got 4 Team Fortress 2 themed prompt cards for Cards Against Humanity, 11 response cards, and yes, one of them is roasting on waiting for comic 7.

I am on a a roll.



Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt
Been Less Than An Half-hour Since The Idea Hit Me, And Ive Already Got 4 Team Fortress 2 Themed Prompt

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4 years ago

Oooh I forgot:

Surprisingly good at Diggy from Just Dance 2017?? Not top in the world by a long shot but defo my best song

Useless And Insignificant Skills I Shall Henceforth Attempt To Be 100% Proud Of (Instead Of Feeling Like I Wasted Productive Time On Them ):

I can read hangeul and hiragana but don't really know Korean or Japanese (or read hanja, katakana or kanji, for the matter)

I can read Morse code in written form but can't decipher them in beeping form

I'm relatively good at logic and coding games but I can't code

I know the powers of two up to 2^16

I know how to raise generations of healthy mosquitoes (granted, this isn't unproductive, but I thought I'd include it because it's rather niched)

Will update if I think of more! I just thought it would do me good to acknowledge myself even if my CV can't. :D

4 years ago

Useless And Insignificant Skills I Shall Henceforth Attempt To Be 100% Proud Of (Instead Of Feeling Like I Wasted Productive Time On Them ):

I can read hangeul and hiragana but don't really know Korean or Japanese (or read hanja, katakana or kanji, for the matter)

I can read Morse code in written form but can't decipher them in beeping form

I'm relatively good at logic and coding games but I can't code

I know the powers of two up to 2^16

I know how to raise generations of healthy mosquitoes (granted, this isn't unproductive, but I thought I'd include it because it's rather niched)

Will update if I think of more! I just thought it would do me good to acknowledge myself even if my CV can't. :D

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4 years ago

Wrt one-time-i-dreamt

Followed for the dreams. Stayed for the......this

Ive Changee My Instagram Username After Like 9 Years Of Having It, I Feel Weirdly Emotional

I’ve changee my Instagram username after like 9 years of having it, I feel weirdly emotional

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4 years ago

I log back into Tumblr for the first time in awhile and the first post I see had the a u d a c i t y to attack me bitch –

Goood Morning

goood morning

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4 years ago

Not so much childhood best friend as "that best friend that's also the one I asked about homework details because I got a memory like a leaky cauldron", but yeah, semantics

janelss - Me

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4 years ago

Wow, people are surprisingly accepting when you finally admit to them that the reason you'd been absent was because you'd foolishly overworked yourself and had to recuperate. I'm talking people I volunteer with, that I haven't made the friend connection with. Can't believe I stressed out (over people thinking I'm a slacker for not contributing despite volunteering) for nothing.

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4 years ago

I feel so vulnerable without my laptop uGH

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4 years ago
Coincidence? I Think Not!

Coincidence? I think not!

4 years ago
Coincidence? I Think Not!

Coincidence? I think not!

4 years ago
Coincidence? I Think Not!

Coincidence? I think not!

4 years ago


Thinking about how personal growth can ruin childhood favs. Also thinking about how that’s okay with me

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4 years ago

Never studied Shakespeare but just wanna point out people constantly misquote holy texts for their own benefit anyway, Shakespeare isn't the only one to suffer.

People putting shakespeare quotes randomly on things without understanding (or caring) about the context in the play is my biggest pet peeve. Yeah hamlet’s “doubt that truth be a liar but never doubt that I love” schtick is cute but he said it to Ophelia in a letter and then later treated her like trash in the play. “To thineself be true” is spoken by the play’s biggest idiot and it’s also advocating being selfish, not being “true to yourself.” Jeez.

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4 years ago

I've been so stressed and worried recently, so the only logical solution is to get new piercings. Hasn't solved any of my problems but hey I got new piercings.

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4 years ago


I present to thee…

I Present To Thee

Shiroe with a Chibiroe-pointer.

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4 years ago

Anatomically correct

This is one of those ‘kind of sorry I get it’ jokes…

This Is One Of Those Kind Of Sorry I Get It Jokes

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4 years ago
4 years ago

A+ DT Aesthetic TM

When you need a new banner and your aesthetic is

David Tennant 💁🏻‍♂️🏳️📲

When You Need A New Banner And Your Aesthetic Is
When You Need A New Banner And Your Aesthetic Is
When You Need A New Banner And Your Aesthetic Is
When You Need A New Banner And Your Aesthetic Is
When You Need A New Banner And Your Aesthetic Is
When You Need A New Banner And Your Aesthetic Is

Use responsibly 👍

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4 years ago

They'll never know the pain of waking at 6am on your birthday and cycling/walking to school in a haze (more on the pollution kind, less on the I-wish-I-was-still-asleep kind) only to be met with locked gates.

Neither do I. Totally don't know that feeling. Definitely wasn't me.

janelss - Me

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5 years ago


......does it say something about me that I’m less surprised by jumpscares than I am of door knocks? I’d take jumpscares any day over someone randomly knocking on my door.

5 years ago
Somedays I Just Need To Draw My Boy With Another In Mind
Somedays I Just Need To Draw My Boy With Another In Mind

Somedays I just need to draw my boy with another in mind

EDIT: Cuz I added a background and fixed up something that was bothering me