jannahime - 🌸🪷Jannahime🌸🪷💜⁷

|28 years old| Artist | Painter | Drawing | Digital Artist | Anime Enthusiast my art and writing blog! Like ❤️ | Comment 💬 | Follow ➕ Let's connect and inspire each other through our shared love of art and storytelling!

372 posts

Hi Just Wanted To Say I Love Your Blog And I Wanted To Ask....if You Could Do One Of Ohma And Your OC

Hi just wanted to say I love your blog and I wanted to ask....if you could do one of Ohma and your OC Satomi already married and with a family. Like a story obviously not NSFW for this one but just like a happy ending like. It can be a story or like information for and maybe draw some of them. I really love your art and stories!

Sure thing I will start drawing them too so no worries I made you a story for today.

The Tokitas Part 1

Ohma Tokita x Oc

Synopsis: Ohma and Satomi reunite with each other after three years of what Satomi thought was Ohma's death. However she comes back with three tiny looking Ohmas. Ohta, Ooka, and Ooga Tokita (oldest to youngest in that order of the triplets.) are his triplet sons and he is shocked to know that he's a father. But soon after they get back to their cottage in the woods they have another addition to the family....who could it be?

Hi Just Wanted To Say I Love Your Blog And I Wanted To Ask....if You Could Do One Of Ohma And Your OC

Okay so this is the only pic I could find of Ohma being gentle. Okay! Stop laughing at me lol jk. Pickle I’m afraid is not in this story. I do apologize. I will post drawings later on.

Word count: 2,479

3 years have passed by when Ohma and Satomi saw each other again. Of course she was pissed off at the fact that he didn't communicate with her nor tell her that he was still alive.

Though it was a dick move on his part he really didn't want to raise her hopes up in case he really didn't make it. He had to get a heart transplant and get stronger.

But what Erioh and the others forgot to tell Ohma was that he’s also a father to triplets. Ohta, Ooka, and Oga were their names and they were born in that same order.

Satomi sat at a table still looking a little upset while Fusui and one of her relatives took the triplets to another room to take care of them while Ogm and Satomi sorted their differences.

“Omi……you have a right to be upset……but…….I was Thinking of you …..I made this decision because I couldn't bear the thought of you losing your happiness if I did end up losing my life.” Spoke Ohma softly as he caresses the top of her hand with his thumb.

“How could you really think that was a good idea Ohma …….do you know how painful it was for me…do you know how much I cried ……I suffered-

“I know…….I know.” Spoke Ohma in a soft gruff as he gently wiped away Satomi's tears with his thumb while caressing her cheek.

Satomi looked at the scar in his chest and she gently touched it. “It's beating normally…..again…….can you feel it?” Replied Ohma in a low gruff as he leans in close to her and he gently plants a soft kiss on her red plump lips.

He then tested his forehead on her forehead looking at her with such longing and desire. Satomi slowly got up and she sighs softly, wiping away some tears.

He sighs heavily and then he hugs her tightly. She sobbed quietly into his chest. He tried his best to comfort her, gently caressing the back of her head while his lips rested on her forehead. He inhaled her sweet scent.

“Don't ever do that again.” Replied Satomi in between sobs as she hugged him tightly.

“I won't. I promise.” Whispers Ohma softly to her as they kiss each other once more.

“So…..are you going to tell me……how I became a father of triplets?” Spoke Ohma with a small chuckle.

“In the last fight……you had with Kiryu…..I had fainted because I thought it was because I hadn't eaten …..and of course I didn't know you and Kiryu were fighting….so Dr. Hanafusa began to check me and …..I came back positive for pregnancy. But when I tried looking for you……no one wanted to tell me anything that had happened.” Replied Satomi quietly.

“I see……..that's why everyone looked at me with tears in their eyes…..and why I heard Kazuo Yamashita say a couple of odd things.” Spoke Ohma calmly.

“What are their names …….how old are they…..” Asked Ohma with a smile on his face.

“The oldest is Ohta, the second oldest is Ooka, and the third is Ooga. All three of them are barely 2 and they're barely learning to crawl and talk.” She replied with a small smile on her face.

Ohma chuckles as he kisses her forehead. “I just…..can't believe I'm a father. I never saw that in my life…..I'm happy.” He replied with a soft sigh hugging her tightly.

“They look like you…exactly like you.” She smiles up at him.

He chuckles and kisses her lips over and over again. After a week Dr. Hanafusa gives Ohma the okay to leave with Satomi and his three sons. The boys shyly hid behind Satomi, their mother and then it was Ohta who looked at his father and smiled.

“Dada!” Spoke Ohta as he hugged his father’s leg tightly. Ohma chuckled and he carried all three of his sons in his arms.

“Ohma….honey be careful.” She says a little worried.

“They'll be fine babe. I got them, don't worry.” Replied Ohma with a chuckle as he carried two in the front with the baby carrier and one in the back. The triplets fell asleep. Ohma held Satomi's hand as they headed out of the Kure territory to the train station.

As soon as they arrive at their home in the woods. Ohma goes and puts the triplets in their cribs. He tucks them in and then he turns off the light and closes the door. He soon goes downstairs to the kitchen where he hugs Satomi tightly as he sees her crying again.

“I'm real……I'm really here……it's me.” Spoke Ohma softly calming her down.

“ I missed you so much Ohma……you have no idea how much…..” her voice was muffled from his embrace. The next morning she woke up to the triplets giggling as he made them laugh. He soon got up and stretched.

“Hm? You're awake……I'm going out to hunt for boar meat.” Spoke Ohma with a grin on his face.

The guy was so hot to be home and to hunt for his food like usual. “It's 7am…. Quite early don't you think?” Replied Satomi with a raised eyebrow.

“The biggest ones always come out this early in the morning plus…..I want to get some training done.” He replied calmly, stretching his arms. He then cracked his neck and back.

Satomi just yawns and she lays back down. The triplets fell back to sleep as well. “by the time you get back…..I'll be up.” She replied yawning.

He only nodded his head and he walked downstairs and out into the backyard. As soon as he heard a twig snap he ran to the direction at top speed. And there he saw the biggest boar in its pack.

And like if he were a primal human he fought the animal and took it down with his own hands. He was covered in blood dragging it back to the house.

He took the hose from outside and rinsed himself off of the blood. He soon heard tire screeches of a car. He Quickly walks to the front yard and sees a black car parked in front of the house.

When he saw who it was he stood his stance down. “Good to see you again, healthy and lively my dear boy.” Replied Metsudo with a small chuckle.

Suddenly a small boy with black hair and with Kure family eyes comes out of the car and looks up at Ohma.

“Kotaro? What are you doing here?” He asked the boy confused as to why he was here with Metsudo.

“Could I speak with you and your Wife Mrs Tokita. I'm afraid it's urgent.” Spoke Katahara with a serious look.

Ohma nods his head and opens the door for them to come in. Luckily Satomi is awake and in the kitchen making some strawberry jammed toast for the triplets.

“Master Katahara…..and you brought company…..what can I do for you sir?” Spoke Satomi in her calm state.

“I’m terribly sorry for bothering the two of you so sudden….I know the two of you are trying to enjoy your reunion, your family, and your love, but I'm afraid….I need your help…..this boy….his name is Kotaro Kure….his parents abandoned him…..he was already showing signs as being a black sheep of the family like Raian….. I've seen the boy fight….he’s well observant and a genius….however if he keeps going into a dark place-”

“Just say that you want to dump the boy here already.” Spoke Ohma with a heavy sigh and nonchalant.

“Ohma.” Replied Satomi firmly.

“While I was at the Kure home I saw how everyone out casted him. Including Raian. I'm not sure about his story……but I remember seeing everyone looking down on him. However I think I made it worse when I defended Kotaro from his father and beat his father in a match.” Replied Ohma in his usual nonchalant blunt tone but he spoke the truth.

“Oh my….poor boy.” Spoke Satomi in shock quietly.

Back in the Kure Clan home Kotaro always had his guard up and while Ohma was around he would always try to be around him. Because even though Ohma didn't say much and was nonchalant to Kotaro, Ohma was like a god to him, like a strong pillar, an iron wall of protection.

“He's mute….and well for obvious reasons he doesn't speak…..or so Erioh told me that when Kotaro was born his father hit him in the throat. And ever since then the boy hasn't spoken but he was never taken to the doctor.” Spoke Metsudo in a serious tone.

The triplets were crawling around the floor playing with their toys. It was Ohta, the oldest of the triplets, who looked up at Kotaro and smiled brightly while laughing. The triplets stood up shakily and slowly stumbled and walked towards Kotaro.

“He's walking…..Babe he's walking! And not towards ….me.” Spoke Ohma excited first but then a bit bummed out seeing as his son didn't take his first steps towards him.

Kotaro shook his head no to Ohta and pointed to go to Ohma. Kotaro got even more nervous and uncertain as he saw Ohma sulk.

“Stop sulking dear, you're scaring him. Ohta will walk towards you another time. Don't be too bummed out.” Replied Satomi with a small smile as she kisses Ohma's cheek.

“Yeah…….I know.” He says still bummed out but more composed.

Though Ohma wasn't one to show affection he knew how to acknowledge some feelings and emotions. Metsudo begins to chuckle heartedly as he watches one of his most precious fangs become a mother and wife. Marrying Ohma Tokita, her true love and having triplets with him.

Metsudo saw first hand both Ohma and Satomi's paternal instincts. He was impressed as he didn't think Ohma would have any paternal instincts at all but seeing how protective and caring he was for his sons. The triplets would get into some mischief and Ohma would give them a firm look and the triplets would stop and go crawl to their toys.

“I'm impressed with the two of you becoming parents. I think…..if Kotaro would receive maternal love guidance Satomi and Ohma’s paternal guidance and strength you know giving him advice like a father would…..I think Kotaro will be fine.” Spoke Metsudo with a warm smile.

“So what is it that you want…are you wanting to make him into another fang of yours?” Asked Ohma nonchalant and bluntly.

“Ohma.” Satomi spoke firmly to him again.

“What? I'm only asking. It isn't anything bad.” He replied a little annoyed.

“I know but….why do you have to be so blunt about it.” She says calmly.

“Can't help it babe that's just how I am.” Replied Ohma with a yawn.

“No I don't intend to take him as a fang…..I just thought of helping the poor chap out. Erioh may be a close friend of mine, but I don't always agree with his decisions, his methods, nor his way of thinking. There are limits.” Replied Metsudo with a serious look.

Satomi stands up and she walks towards Kotaro. Kotaro looks up at her and blushes. Satomi kneels down to the boy's level.

“Hi Kotaro…..I know you can't speak but can you tell me in your own way how old you are?” She replied with a kind smile to Kotaro.

Kotaro slowly nods his head and uses sign language to speak to Satomi. He tells her that he's 9 years old.

“I see. You're pretty brave for a 9 year old boy….so you know my husband Ohma already.” She talks back to him in sign language being kind.

Kotaro nods his head. But looks down at his feet. “May I ask what happened to your eye?” Asked Satomi a little worried.

He speaks to her again in sign language. “After Mr Tokita left with you my father lost his money in gambling and well he took it out on me and gave me a black eye. My mother didn't do anything, she just walked away and then after that she left and so did my father.” Signs Kotaro sadly as tears start to shed his cheeks.

Satomi gently pats Kotaro’s head. “It's okay….there, there.” She speaks softly as she grabs some tissues and she wipes his tears and nose.

“Blow.” She says as Kotaro blows his nose into the tissue paper and she wipes his nose clean.

“Better?” She asks with a smile on her face. Kotaro nods his head slowly.

“Tell me……did you ask Mr Katahara to bring you here?” Asked Satomi kindly ND softly.

Kotaro nods his head. “Was it because of Ohma?” She asks once again.

Kotaro nods his head. He then signs to her again. “He was the only one who was nice to me in his own way anr he also acknowledged me …..not everyone in the Kure Clan was mean to me but it was tense.” Signed Kotaro with a sad smile.

“In other words, to you, Ohma is like some kind of protection.” Replied Satomi with a smile. Kotaro nodded his head.

“Omi……. it's fine…..let's just take him in and adopt him.” Replied Ohma calmly.

“Really?” She asks him surprised and Ohma only smiles softly and nods his head.

Satomi looks at Metsudo and smiles. “Master…..my husband and I will adopt him.” She replied with a happy smile.

Metsudo smiles as he was happy to hear that. He nods his head and leaves. Satomi has Kotaro cleaned up and with new clothes.

“Let's change his last name to mine.” Spoke Ohma calmly. Satomi nods her head. Satomi begins to make some breakfast with the boar meat from the boat that Ohma hunted this morning. Ohma helped Kotaro with his black eye by putting some ice on it.

Kotaro hugs Ohma tightly like he would to a father crying a bit. Ohma froze for a moment and then he gently patted Kotaro's head. Ohma sighs heavily and just lets the boy hug him. Soon Kotaro pulls away and smiles. He signs to Ohma the words “Thanks Dad.” Ohma says nothing as he gently pats Kotaro's head. He then goes into the kitchen to help his wife Satomi.

Kotaro sits on the couch calmly and patiently the triplets crawl towards Kotaro and they try to get up on the couch with him. Kotaro sees them but he doesn't know what to do.

The triplets reach their tiny hands to him and they somehow end up sitting on the couch with Kotaro watching SpongeBob SquarePants with him. Satomi and Ohma smile at the scene as they continue to cook together.

To be continued.....

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+18 MDNI!! Smut (oral both receiving)

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5 months ago

Is it possible to have a +18 story of a trio with ohma and niko?

Pd: something very dirty, pls 😳👉🏻👈🏻

Hello sorry for the very late answer but I finally finished yours and I hope you like it.


Ohma Tokita X Reader

⚠️🛑🚧🚨 Warning: unprotected sex, fluff, threesome, profanity, 18+ stuff, sandwiched⚠️🛑🚧🚨

18 and up only! MDNI

Is It Possible To Have A +18 Story Of A Trio With Ohma And Niko?

Word count: 1,306

You were in your home cooking some delicious food when suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around you.

“Oh! Ohma! You scared me.” You smile as he begins to kiss your neck and your jawline taking in your cherry blossom scent.

“You always smell good babe.” Replied Ohma in a hoarse voice as he nuzzled his nose in her ear.

“Ohma….mmm……wait……I'm cooking …ah..” You whisper softly as you tilt your head back so Ohma could have free range of your neck and jawline.

“You smell nice……forget about dinner.” Spoke in a low growl as he cups your chin.

“But-Mm!” Ohma silences your protests by devouring your mouth with hunger, kissing your firmly and passionately.

He lifts you up on the counter top while still having his lips locked on yours. “Darling….mmm…..wait.” You murmured softly into his mouth as he continued to devour your mouth greedily.

“Shh…..no talking….focus on me …..I already turned off the stove so you don't have to worry.” Ohma replied in a quiet whisper as he kisses you again.


“What is it?” Replied Ohma a little annoyed.

“Um…..Niko’s here…..and he's been watching us.” You say with a sheepish smile.

“Oh great.” Growled Ohma already ticked off.

It was no secret that Ohma and Niko shared you. But Ohma being your husband, there were times he wanted to be alone with you.

“Not inviting me to get some of Y/N’s ass and keeping them to yourself! We agreed that we would share them equally!” Spoke Niko firmly glaring at Ohma.

“I'm the one who is married to them! They're my spouse!” Growled Ohma with fury as he and Niko were at each other's neck.

You sigh heavily and then get off the counter. You begin to cook again as the two grown men begin to argue about you.

It was then when you started to hear a ruckus that you turned around and saw the two of them fighting. They broke through the kitchen wall and into the living room. Breaking the TV, the couch and one of your prized precious heirlooms, your grandmother's coffee table.

They kept using their techniques on each other, breaking more and more heirlooms. “THAT'S ENOUGH!” You bellows with rage at the top of your lungs.

Both Ohma and Niko stop fighting and they soon realize what they've done. “My precious heirlooms.” You say sadly as some tears shed down your cheeks.

“Fuck! See what you fucking do!” Growled Ohma with fury as he glared at Niko.

“Me!? No it's what you-”

“SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU! GET OUT!” You bellow with fury.



“Babe! Wait! Ugh! This is all your fault Niko!” Growled Ohma with rage.

“Enough! Look……you're right….I haven't been giving you enough time with your spouse. But you and I are also sharing them. I want a piece of their ass also!” Replied Niko firmly, trying to make Ohma understand.

The two kept arguing until they wore themselves out. “Alright fine…..I understand.” Spoke Ohma still annoyed.

“But can you also give me days alone with them….. they're practically my spouse….I'm the one who's married to them.” Replied Ohma in an assertive tone.

Niko just nodded his head and agreed with him. They go back inside and they clean up the mess the two made. They try their hardest to fix your precious heirlooms.

You come out of the room still in tears. Ohma and Niko tried their best in gluing the pieces to the heirlooms. You smile and hug both of them equally.

“I love you both so much…..if the two of you wreck my shit again I will break up with the two of you.” you replied with a smile on your face.

The two of them nodded their heads slightly. As soon as you forgave them they soon began to devour every part of you.

“The two of you……ah…. Are so impatient.” You speak quietly as the two men take over you. You moan softly as Ohma hugged you from behind kissing and biting your neck on the right side while he kneaded one of your breasts and Niko came at you from the front sucking on your left side of your neck while grinding his hips on you.

The two of them growl and lift you up where your legs rested on Niko's shoulders and your back rested on Ohma's chest. You were sandwiched between the two men. Niko slides himself inside of your p**** front the front and Ohma slides himself from the back of your p****. “Ah…….oh god…….you ….two…..ah” you whimper softly as your belly bulges out from both of their cocks buried deep inside of you.

Niko and Ohma begin to thrust into you aggressively. “Ah …..ah …….ah.” you continue to whimper softly . The kitchen was filled with their heavy breathing and your moans echoed throughout the living room.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah oh fuck! You two are going -AH!” They don't let you speak as their synchronized thrusting becomes primitive and violent. You scream louder and louder in pleasure as your eyes rolled back in pleasure while you smiled in satisfaction. Niko and Ohma grunted and both of them gritted their teeth and continued to groan and grunt as they continued to breed you roughly.

“AHN! AHN! AHN! UGH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AHH! FUUUCKKKK!” You scream in pleasure as the two let out loud guttural growls and grunts filling you up with their jizz.

Both of their shafts twitch inside of you as they continue to fill you up to the brim while you whimper softly. Both of their jizz leaks out of you while the two are buried inside of you making a puddle of cum underneath their feet.

“Ugh……Niko……pull out of them……..I'm going to continue……I need it…..if I can't have another release I won't be able to sleep. Nor a good appetite…..So fuck off.” He growls as he sets you on the ground.

Your upper body was touching the ground while your lower body was sticking up. “Ass up babe.” He says in a low husky tone as you stick your ass up and he continues to thrust into you mercilessly.

“AH! AH! AH! Honey! Oh god! Oh god!” You moaned louder and louder in pleasure. Ohma slams into you like there's no tomorrow.

Ohma grips your hips tightly leaving bruises of his fingerprints behind. Your belly was already full from his and Niko’s cum and you felt his cock twitch inside of you as you knew he was about to release another big load.

“Ah…..ah ……AHHH!” You moan one last time as Ohma finally released his hot cum deep inside of you. He lets out a loud groan as he presses his hips deeper into you.

“That's right……mngh…….milk me dry…….Ah.” whispered Ohma softly into your ear. He continued to whisper sweet nothings while kissing you neck.

“Oh honey……mmm…..so good.” You reply in a soft whisper while Ohma kneads chest and holds you tightly still buried inside of you.

“I love you.” Whispers Ohma softly against your lips as he kisses you passionately. You kiss him back just as passionate. Niko had already left. To him You are always a good fuck. He doesn't love you like Ohma does but he does care if something bad happens to you. He sees you more like a cum dumpster.

But he's happy to see you and Ohma happy together as a married couple.


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