Kengan Omega - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Oof I haven't been active for a while. It's been a really busy couple of days tbh :/ Anyway, I'm learning a different type of animation + editing, so... here's a few random gifs from Omega. I haven't really seen any edits of the Kengan manga and it made me a bit sad?? It was mainly why I decided to give it a try. These may not be the best, but I gave it my all :P

Oof I Haven't Been Active For A While. It's Been A Really Busy Couple Of Days Tbh :/ Anyway, I'm Learning
Oof I Haven't Been Active For A While. It's Been A Really Busy Couple Of Days Tbh :/ Anyway, I'm Learning

Ryuki my beloved because why not. If you like them uhh... Consider sticking around for more? Haha jk... unless?? 😳(I'll definitely make more edits, it's fun! :D) + a random shitpost gif too for anyone who may need it (like me, I'm that person)

Oof I Haven't Been Active For A While. It's Been A Really Busy Couple Of Days Tbh :/ Anyway, I'm Learning

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11 months ago

Hi! It's just me bringing more manga edits :P I guess if you have some Kengan edit requests/suggestions, feel free to drop them my way? My brain just defaults to Ryuki out of boredom lol I was thinking of one with Raian or Agito but idk. *Aaaanyways*...

Hi! It's Just Me Bringing More Manga Edits :P I Guess If You Have Some Kengan Edit Requests/suggestions,
Hi! It's Just Me Bringing More Manga Edits :P I Guess If You Have Some Kengan Edit Requests/suggestions,

Oof... the 2nd one got a bit crunchy, apologies for that :/ Also hope there aren't many other small errors I might have not noticed, I am very new to this 🙏

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9 months ago
Redrew Some Of The Newest Panels Of This Guy

Redrew some of the newest panels of this guy

He's less gaunt in the cheeks than he used to

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9 months ago

🌩🌩🌩⚡️⚡️⚡️RAAAAH NAI-LIU ANGST RAAAAAH🌩🌩🌩⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ AND WITH A MITSKI SONG TOO⚡️⚡️⚡️🌩🌩🌩🌩⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️

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9 months ago

I’ve always wondered what would be the Kengan men’s ideal type? Idk maybe someone has asked something similar to this but I’m just wondering…

Ive Always Wondered What Would Be The Kengan Mens Ideal Type? Idk Maybe Someone Has Asked Something Similar

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5 months ago
Just Finished This Last Night Already Coloring It Hopefully I Can Finish By Today If Not Tomorrow. Thats

Just finished this last night already coloring it hopefully I can finish by today if not tomorrow. That’s if my mental health doesn’t get in the way and also college assignments. 

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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian

Chapter 1: Shut up, Raian

“Oi brat, wake up.” A large fist rapped on the Japanese-styled door separating the man and his neighbor; the occupant still fast asleep on the other side. He waited impatiently for a few seconds before knocking again.

“Hey,” Ohma Tokita raised his voice this time, eye twitching slightly as the sound of Kure Raian’s intense snoring somehow increased in volume.

Noisy idiot.

It was the middle of the night, the only light illuminating the room was thin, slivers of silver moonshine slipping through the curtains. The lithe fighter had about all he could take from his neighbor’s incessant snoring, if it could even be called that. It sounded like a motor engine malfunctioning, dying down every now and again only to suddenly start back up. Raian woke him up three times already, three times in the last five hours, and at this point he was on the verge of throttling him in his sleep. 

As expected, Raian wasn’t exactly the quietest roommate, but it wasn’t exactly like he had much of a choice. The main Kure mansion was mostly full, with the only room left at the end of this hallway a joint room next to Raian. Ohma could guess why his room was the only one unoccupied. Raian, the troublemaker that he was, liked to train late at night, meaning midnight or after, and oftentimes Ohma could hear him smashing something at one in the damn morning, a peal of his familiar cackling laugh piercing his peaceful slumber. For the sake of the old man Erioh who let him live there without rent, he grit his teeth and bore with it. And boy was it hard sometimes.

There’s free food here, Ohma reminded himself. Free food and all the strong fighters anyone could wish for. 

The first day he had moved in after his surgery he had found Raian squatting and looming over him at three a.m., staring down at him with a silent, toothy grin on his face right next to his futon. Ohma never thought there would be anyone weirder than Kiryu Setsuna until then, and in a sleepy haze he threw a sloppy punch that Raian easily dodged. And then that fucker proceeded to jump out his window. In his defense, Ohma was still a bit woozy from the medication for his heart and wasn’t expecting Raian of all people to break into his room, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have missed his target. Karla he had expected, which was why he made sure everything was locked down before he went to bed. But somehow Raian had managed to get through the locks without a sound and then proceeded to leer at him like a stalker.

Regardless, Ohma had grown accustomed to his weird habits as he himself was not exactly normal. But these past two days Raian had begun snoring loudly and constantly, and he was at the end of his rope. Or else he wouldn’t be standing in front of the backdoor, freezing in the chilly winter night in nothing but his boxers.

Damn, Ohma growled as Raian let out a particularly loud rumble, opting to just break the lock and deal with him before he was sentenced to another sleepless night. 

The bolt snapped easily under the pressure of his hand, the door creaking softly as he slid it open, revealing Raian spread-eagle on his back in the middle of the room. Somehow the demon Kure had migrated from his bed to the floor during the night without waking up, mouth parted and drooling.

The wool blankets were strewn around him, tangled around his powerful legs and barely covering what Ohma assumed was his naked groin.

Really? During the winter? Ohma sighed.

He let out an irritated huff and padded towards the younger fighter, nearly tripping over multiple items thrown haphazardly on the floor. Nudging him with his foot, Raian just snorted and rolled over to the other side letting out a string of curses under his breath. Several prods later and he was still snoring soundly, and Ohma subtly wondered how he hadn’t been murdered in his sleep yet. The Kures had a lot of enemies, and he was sure Raian had even more than the average clan member.

“Hey wake up,” Ohma stooped down and shook his shoulders hard, finally waking up the resting boulder.

Apparently Raian wasn’t used to being woken up in the middle of the night, immediately lurching forward and pushing Ohma to the ground with a snarl. “What the fuck do you want bitch?”

“For you to stop snoring, moron,” Ohma squeezed the wrists that were holding him down, eye blazing and rearing for a fight.

“Oh yeah?” Raian taunted with a wide smirk on his face, applying more pressure to his grip and drawing out a growl.

Pulling his leg back, Ohma rammed it into Raian’s stomach and threw him across the room, sending slight tremors through the walls of the house from the force of his kick. It was a miracle none of the other Kures were woken by the racket, but then they were probably already used to whatever unholy sounds came from Raian’s room at night.

Barely fazed, said Kure lunged forward and met him halfway, locking hands and wrestling each other to the carpet with an audible crash.

They rolled across the floor, knocking over any furniture in the way and spitting insults that would make any sailor blush. Normally Ohma was relatively immune to threats and curses, but something about Raian made his temper short-circuit sometimes. Perhaps listening to him “snore” that loudly for over a week had done it.

Eventually, Raian was able to get the upper hand on Ohma, hard knees digging into his waist as he rocked his weight back on the other man’s thighs. His body weight kept him pressed down on the ground, though Ohma could have easily broken free. 

But he was feeling generous (tired) today.

Ohma was almost tempted to smack the sneer off his face, but he knew that would just escalate the fight. Honestly he was surprised the whole place hasn’t been demolished-excluding the fist-sized holes in the plaster-and waking up the entire neighborhood wasn’t exactly on his to-do list.

Just bear with it for now, Ohma thought grumpily. I’ll slap the shit outta him in the morning. Just you wait kid.

He had completely forgotten about Raian’s state of undress until he glanced down, suddenly bucking up his hips and trying to push him off. It wasn’t like Ohma cared much about nakedness, but he’d much rather not have a grown man sitting on his dick when he was only in his boxers. Especially not Kure Raian, who was fully naked like the weirdo he was.

“Get off and put some pants on dipshit!”

Raian’s grin grew impossibly wider and he stuck out his tongue, forcing Ohma back down with his ass. “What, does it bother you or something, you perverted fuck?” With a harsh bark of laughter he roughly ground down on Ohma making him hiss.

“Son of a bitch!” Ohma swore noisily and redoubled his efforts to escape, whipping his head back and forth. This was giving him serious flashbacks to Imai Cosmo. Except back then his adversary was thankfully clothed.

“Uncomfortable? Or just excited to see me?” Raian thrust his face close, making Ohma bang his head on the ground with a solid thump to avoid being headbutted.

“Motherfucker,” Ohma grunted and turned his head to the side, too tired to deal with his bullshit anymore. His eyelids felt heavy, he had barely slept the last two days after all, and training over eight hours a day definitely didn’t help.

For a moment the only sound in the room was their panting, and neither men moved. 

“Going to sleep already?” Raian’s breath was hot on his face, so close that Ohma could smell the scent of the udon he had for dinner mingled with a faint trace of sweat and cologne.

Cologne? Since when did Raian wear cologne?

“Back off, your breath stinks,” Ohma groaned and held a hand between them.

“Oh yeah, you fuck? How about a closer whiff?” Raian cackled.

“For fuck’s sake-” The rest of his sentence was abruptly cut short as Raian surged forward to collide their lips together, or at least tried to. A jolt of pain shot through Ohma’s mouth as their teeth clashed, the familiar metallic tang of blood on his tongue.

Raian latched onto his bottom lip with his teeth, biting down hard as Ohma moaned in pain. Grabbing his shoulders, Ohma tried once again to push him off, but Raian had his biceps in a vice grip and neither fighter was budging.

Fine then, if he wanted to play rough then so be it. 

Snarling, Ohma shifted his weight onto one side and rolled Raian under him with all his strength, placing him on top this time. It shocked the Kure enough to let him go-finally, he was about to chew through his lip, and damned if he had to answer questions the next morning.

“You mothefucker! You call that a damn kiss fucking brat?!” Ohma roared, blood spilling from his cut and dripping down his chin, where it splattered in crimson pools all over Raian’s chest.

“What, like you can do better you dumb virgin fuck!” He flung his head forward again, but this time Ohma was one step ahead of him and got there first, trying to force his tongue in his mouth.

The ensuing battle for dominance was nothing short of a gross mess with an excessive amount of spit and blood, but as Kengan fighters it was nothing compared to the battles they’ve experienced. As expected, neither gave an inch, at least not until Raian suddenly grabbed a fistful of his seaweed hair and gave it a vicious tug, strong enough to pull out a clump of dark brown strands.

“Fuck!” Using the opportunity to slip into his opponent’s mouth, Raian’s victory was short-lived as Ohma took the chance to exact retribution by sinking his teeth deep into his tongue. Huffing through his nose, Raian saw red as Ohma bit down even harder. 

Sharp stabs of pain shot through Ohma’s back as Raian dug his fingers hard into his muscles, which Ohma returned by jabbing as hard as he could into his bulging biceps.

White hot agony exploded behind Ohma’s eyes as the delinquent rammed a knee into his groin and his legs gave out, his forehead bashing against Raian’s upper lip. 

“That...was for the fucking tournament…” Raian wheezed between breaths, chest heaving with the other man still laying on top.

“Shut up...Raian…” Eyes shut tightly, Ohma could feel himself drifting away in the darkness, too tired to even bother getting off of him.

“...You a goddamn truck.”

“Shitty brat,” Ohma’s voice was barely audible and he didn’t respond to the poke in his ribs that would have normally pissed him off. There was the soft sound of rustling as Raian shifted underneath him before falling still, hand relaxing on his shoulder.

Giving up trying to fight back the darkness threatening to engulf him, he let the sound of Raian’s quieting pants and warm body lull him to an easy, dreamless sleep. He could always beat him in the morning, after all. 

There was no more snoring for the rest of the night.


“What the hell?” In the doorway stood Kure Hollis and Reiichi, who were sent to find them after neither man showed up to breakfast.

“Should we wake them up?” Reiichi whispered. Raian twitched from his position on the ground, face scrunching momentarily but didn’t wake. 

“No, I don’t want to deal with waking up that devil Raian in the morning.”

“Why are they covered in blood? And why is he naked?”

“I don’t know, but don’t tell Karla.” Hollis sighed.

“Don’t tell me what?” Speak of the devil, and she shall arrive.

“Oh fuck.”

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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian

Chapter 2: Off His Ass

“Raian that’s enough,” His sister, Fusui scolded angrily. “That’s like your thirteenth bottle.”

“Shut the fuck up, don’t tell me what to do!” Raian crowed loudly, smashing the bottle he had drained in seconds onto the ground and littering shards of glass everywhere. His sister let out a small ‘eep’ and danced away from the flying pieces, giving him a glare before Henzo pulled her away.

“Just leave him alone and he’ll be out like a light soon. Hopefully.” Henzo whispered. “Just don’t stir him up until then, okay?

“Fine,” Fusui groaned, eyeing distastefully at her brother who continued to cackle like a banshee.

“Alright who's next?” Raian waved another bottle in the air, but everyone else who had been willing to challenge him had collapsed in a near-alcohol induced coma on the ground. 

“Tch, pussies.” Raian sneered and stomped out the door of the Kure dining room, wandering about the garden in search of a good fight. His normally milky skin was flushed a light pink from the alcohol, and there was an uncertainty in his normally solid swagger as ambled around the massive yard.

The sharp sound of skin hitting stone reverberated through the crisp air, drawing the demon Kure’s attention away from his aimless walk and towards the more isolated part of the estate.

It was Ohma, practicing the Niko style against a pile of huge boulders. Sweat dripped off his bare chest, forming rivers that soaked into his baggy pants as he huffed in exertion. Still unaware of the other man’s presence over the noise of shattering stone, he went to grab another rock before a raspy voice made him freeze.

“What’s up, fucker?” 

A large, muscular arm dropped heavily across Ohma’s shoulders which he immediately pushed off.

“What the hell do you want Raian?” 

“Nothin’ much,” Raian sniggered and leaned closer, black scleras glinting maliciously in the dim light. “Wanna fight?”

“No, dumbass. Are you drunk?” Ohma wrinkled his nose at the overwhelming smell of wine on his breath. Great, as if a sober Raian wasn’t already a massive pain in the ass. “I’m not carrying you back to your room if you crash.”

“Try me, bitch.” 

The first punch knocked him back four feet, but Raian managed to stay upright, blinking rapidly to clear the dizziness in his head.

“Time to dominate!” Letting out a feral roar, Raian pounced. He beat down on his rival with wild animal strength, different from his normal-slightly more composed-Kure style. 

Despite the frenzied blows, Ohma had no problem dodging or blocking each one, though his arm began to throb soon enough under the intense barrage of attacks. If Raian had nothing else, he had brute strength enough to make any man tremble in fear. But Ohma was no normal man, and he had dealt with types like the hot-headed assassin before. Though they were much weaker at the very least.

“Hey, your old man might not be pleased with all the holes you’re leaving in the yard.” Ohma evaded a roundhouse kick and bounced back, gesturing at the substantial craters dotting the ground. “You’re ripping up all the grass.”

“Fuck that! Fight me Tokita, or are you too big of a pussy?!” His frustration with Ohma’s refusal for a real fight exploded into the form of hurling rocks like cannonballs.

Is this son of a bitch crazy? 

Ohma almost smacked himself at that thought as a human-sized boulder whizzed past his ear and battered right into the wall of the Kure manor. Raian was the definition of crazy, his face was probably plastered all over the dictionary page.

“RAIAN?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BOY?!” A shout halted Raian’s throwing spree momentarily, enough for Ohma to disarm him and put him into a headlock.

“We were just sparring old man,” Raian cackled, fingers prying at Ohma’s arm wrapped around his neck.

“No we were not.” Ohma started to peel his fingers out of his forearm. He had half a mind to break them. 

“I don’t care what you are doing, cease this racket immediately! I won’t tell you twice Raian,” Grandfather Erioh pointed at him with his cane. “And you, Ohma! Take him back to his room and watch him!”

Knowing better than to argue with the grandfather, Ohma begrudgingly led Raian back to his room tucked securely under his armpit. He was sure Raian could have broken out at any time, so why didn’t he?

Shaking his head, he knew better than to try to delve into Raian’s brain or else he would probably develop a migraine.

“Try not to destroy everything here, brat.” Ohma finally let him go after they reached his quarters, sliding the door shut before Raian could attack him again. During the five minute walk Raian had coughed and sneezed on him twice (he was starting to think he was doing it on purpose) as Ohma struggled to keep his large frame moving. He also thought it was fun to pinch his ass, hard. Snarling, Ohma slapped him in the face and opted for just dragging the drunk man by the arms, who went limp but continued to whine like a foul-mouthed child. 

Ohma had never wanted to murder someone so badly in his entire life.

After pulling the two-hundred-pound psychopath to his bed, Ohma was finally able to settle down in his own room,  keeping a keen ear out for him in case he decided to act up again. 

Hearing no sound from the other side, Ohma hesitantly let his eyes slip close for his daily image training. Ever since he began living with the Kures, more and more of them began slipping into his dream-battles. The three most common frequenters were always Reiichi, Hollis, and Raian. The latter slipped into his dreams the most, much to his displeasure. Dream Raian was just as annoying as the real Raian himself. 

And of course, today it was him who appeared once again. 

A loud crash seared through his concentration just as dream Raian opened his fat mouth, shocking Ohma onto his feet. He let out an irritated huff through his nose, clenching his teeth so hard they almost chipped as he yanked open the door. 

“Can’t you just settle down, you son of a bitch?” Ohma swore under his breath when he saw Raian sprawled out on the floor, reminiscent of a pale human-sized bear rug. He was almost tempted to just shut the door and pretend he didn’t see anything, but Raian had wedged his fingers into the floorboards and was in the process of peeling back the wood with a resounding snap.

Storming over, Ohma yanked his hand away only to be met with a slew of curses and a directionally-challenged fist that went straight through the floor.

“Do I need to tie you up, Raian?”

“Suck a cock, dumbass!”  

Raian suddenly reached out a hand to grab his ankle, pulling his body towards him and sending Ohma sliding on his ass as he knocked the back of his head against the floor. With surprising agility for someone that drunk, he hauled himself onto Ohma’s chest….and promptly threw up. 

It took a moment for the unfortunate man to process what had fully happened as Raian wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, sneering at him all the while. 

And then he snapped.

With a roar of rage Ohma slung Raian across the room with all the force he could muster and stormed out, bashing the door so hard that it flew off the hinges behind him as he walked stiffly to the restroom. He ripped off his clothes-they weren’t worth saving at that point-and angrily turned the shower knob all the way to the highest temperature. He wiped what was left of the vomit off his face and scrubbed his body with a rough sponge until it stung, silently cursing the old man Erioh and Raian the entire time.

Soon, the heat began to burn and Ohma was forced to exit before his skin turned a bright lobster red. Steam had overtaken the room, making it difficult to see as he blindly groped around for a towel. Therefore he was more than surprised when his foot landed on something hard and warm, something human.


A yellowed rag was thrust in his face, making him flinch backward as Raian got up from the floor. He was so white that his body almost blended with the tiles in the steam.

Had he been there the entire time?

“Here.” Raian’s voice was raspier than usual as he dangled the cloth in front of Ohma’s face.

“What the hell is this?”


“It’s filthy Raian,” Ohma scrunched his nose and pushed his arm away.

“Didn’t say it was clean.”

Sighing, he moved past him and grabbed a fresh one, eyes catching on the bright red droplets leading in a trail from the entrance. The tiny dots led to a small pool where Raian had been sitting, seeping slowly from a few cuts on his back when he had collided with the wall.

“Go take a shower, punk.”

“Ha! In your drea-” Ohma forced his head down, cutting off the rest of his sentence before walking him to the shower and shutting him in. He got dressed in record time and leaned his back against the door just as Raian attempted to crawl back out, abruptly ending his escape. There was a low curse as his face was once again introduced to the door.

“I’m not letting you out until you’re clean. You smell like shit-”

“Says who, you pig!”

“-and you’re getting blood everywhere.” He waited for a few seconds while the sounds of Raian’s heavy breathing was the only sound coming from the stall, and still no signs of any running water. A minute passed and there was still no movement from within.

“Do I have to do everything myself?!” Ohma snarled, opening the door and turning the water on cold. “Are you fucking five?!”

A hand twisted itself into his collar and wrenched him in, putting him in the direct line of the freezing water. His back arched instinctively to avoid it, unintentionally pressing himself into the body below.

Shivering uncontrollably, he fought to get Raian’s hands off him while simultaneously spinning the dial to warm, grinding his teeth to fight off the urge to strangle this man in the shower. 

When he moved to get off, the hands in his collar wouldn’t budge. “Let go Raian. Don’t make me tell you twice.”

“Why don’t you make me?” Raian mocked, still fully clothed. The white shirt he had been wearing, now stained pink with blood, turned transparent under the downpour, clinging tightly to his well-defined muscles. The blue jeans had turned dark and wet, emphasizing brawny calves and rock-hard thighs, leading up to a prominent bulge in his pants that Ohma was quite familiar with, courtesy of Kiryu Setsuna. But this however, felt different. (Excluding size differences)

Ohma tried not to stare, confusion evident in his expression. Why couldn’t he tear his eyes away? His brain told him to look away, but a more primal part of his body screamed otherwise. 

He couldn’t understand what that warm feeling was welling up inside his stomach, though it wasn’t particularly unpleasant, just...unfamiliar. 

It was puzzling when normally the only thing he had felt towards the devil of man was anger and exasperation, and the heat that usually came with those emotions were something of a different breed from what he was feeling right now.

“Remember Ohma, sometimes you just gotta throw your thoughts out the window and go for it, you know? Trust your gut, kid, and don’t think too hard or you’ll hurt yourself.”  Niko’s words bounced about in his head, echoing and gnawing away at any restraint he had left.

Fuck sensibility, Ohma growled, and Raian seemed to catch on. His gut had never led him wrong before, so there was no reason to deny it now. 

Surging forward Ohma latched his teeth onto his milky neck, instantly feeling a bright blossom of pain as Raian returned the bite with the same fervor. 

He was gonna need to take another shower.


“Were you guys fighting again last night?” Karla blinked at the multi-colored bruises peeking out from beneath Ohma’s collar during breakfast the next morning. Hollis spat out his food from the other side of the table and went into a coughing fit as Reiichi snickered behind his hand, half-heartedly slapping his cousin’s back in an attempt to dislodge the food. The rest of the Kures seemed to catch on too, most suddenly much more invested in their food or whispering into each other’s ears with mild giggling.

“...You could say that-” Ohma began only to have Raian obnoxiously butt in with a wide smirk on his face.

“That wasn’t what you said when you were on your knees last night!” 

There was a chorus of groans and wolf whistles as Ohma smacked Raian’s face into his mashed potatoes with a solid splat.

They were banished to sleep in the yard that night.

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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian

Chapter 3: Naughty

Raian glanced at the sleeping form next to him, Ohma’s chest rising and falling with each deep breath. He was so completely oblivious to the world around him that it could almost be considered overconfidence. 

The fact that anyone would be so relaxed as to sleep in his presence made Raian’s hands itch, as if he hadn’t caused enough trouble already. After Ohma’s room was destroyed by a particularly wild training session in which the crazy Kure decided to hurl him headfirst through the drywall, Grandfather Erioh had punished them by forcing Raian to let Ohma sleep in his room. 

And Ohma of course, though not particularly happy about it, did not give much of a shit. Raian loved riling up types like him, to see how far he could push him before he snapped, yet Ohma was much more resilient than any other man he’s seen. Living on the Inside has taught him enough patience to last a lifetime, so it was only a *minor* inconvenience to deal with someone like Raian.

Raian usually slept with the curtains open. He liked keeping the windows open at night and wasn’t someone who cared about privacy anyways. If someone was stupid enough to attack him in his sleep then let them. It would just be like a lamb walking into the mouth of a lion, and Raian was not one to reject any extra violence that so willingly placed itself into his grasp. 

His room was flooded with a dull, silver light, the moon was partially obscured by thick clouds tonight. He could smell rain in the air. 

A wide beam almost lined up perfectly with Ohma’s sprawled form, highlighting the edges of his face and captivating the attention of his roommate. 

Damn bastard doesn’t even know how pretty he is, Raian thought snarkily. Guys like Ohma normally annoyed him to no end, but he was different. It was almost endearing how clueless he was to his own charms. Almost. 

Wait. Since when did he start thinking Ohma was handsome? He’s been nothing but a pain in his ass since he showed up. Raian could feel the growing frustration well up in his chest, and he was almost tempted to throw the sleeping figure out of his room. 

He hated the feeling of confusion that began to flood over his body. Being confused was for the weak and for the prey that he devoured without a second thought. He didn’t think about petty girl shit like that. 

But it was hard for him not to look, with the way his dark lashes hung over his eyes or how his wild hair framed his cheekbones. 

Against his own mind, Raian had scooted closer to him to catch a better glimpse, staring almost creepily at Ohma’s face in the dark. 

Tch! There’s nothing special about this asshole! Raian scoffed to himself. He forced himself to roll over to the other side, facing the wall and yanking the blanket over himself almost aggressively. 

Dumb fucker’s getting in my head. 

But he still couldn’t go to sleep, even with his eyes screwed shut he saw him in his mind clear as day. 

Unfortunately for Raian, his subconscious knew better and had already begun trying to make Ohma his a while ago.

He had bought that shitty cologne from that big fragrance superstore that made his nose burn, glaring so hard at the cashier who had checked him out it was a wonder she didn’t burst into flames right then and there. 

He had snatched the bag away, leaving the poor girl shaking and stomped the entire way home in a foul mood. The cologne he had offhandedly chosen (it had taken him almost thirty minutes, never again) had been some sharp, oaky forest scent that he didn’t really care for but could still withstand without wanting to drown himself in the bathtub. (It totally wasn’t because Ohma spent a large portion of his time in the forest or anything.)

It was just so that old man Erioh would stop getting on his ass after missions for smelling like shit, Raian had told himself. 

And he had started running his hand through his hair in the morning (because Raian had never heard of a comb before), and bought new, fancier clothes. Not that he didn’t already have a revolving door of new clothes from how often he ripped them up, but these were slightly nicer. Just slightly. 

Luckily the only ones who seemed to notice were Hollis and Reiichi as perceptive as they were, and they were both unwilling to poke the hornet’s nest by bringing it up to him. 

But thinking was never Raian’s strong suit, anyways. Things tend to get blown up and destroyed when he thought too hard. 

Snorting, Raian reached over his shoulder and flicked his face, watching as Ohma grunted and scrunched up his nose, but still remained fast asleep. He did it harder this time, only for his hand to be batted away like a fly.

Growling, the troublemaker almost considered punching him in the face if that bastard kept ignoring him, but as his eyes slid down Ohma’s exposed torso he had a better idea.

Raian reared back his arm, aimed, and slammed his open palm down right into Ohma’s hard stomach with an audible SMACK that was sure to wake up half the manor.

It did the trick, all right.

Neither Ohma nor Raian slept a wink that night, nor did the entire Kure Village who were kept awake by their wild brawling.

The house shook with the force of their fight, and all through the night one could hear Raian’s wild howling and the sound of thudding blows. 

Though some of the groans emitted from their quarters sounded suspiciously like something else…

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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian

Chapter 4: FishFace

A resounding splash sent the sparkling trout flying away from where the hunter stood, grumbling angrily as another splash sent water cascading through the air.

"Will you stop that, you bastard?"

"And who's gonna fucking make me, huh?" Kure Raian laughed maniacally as he launched another huge boulder across the lake like he was chucking a bawling newborn. (Assuming that any mother would let him within twenty feet of their children.)

Ohma exhaled irritably as his partner continued flinging rocks and even a few trees like an over-hyper child, creating massive waves in the lake possibly just to annoy him and disrupt his fishing.

After ten minutes, he was sure that there were no fish nor any edible aquatic creature within a quarter mile. A vein throbbed on his temple but he was determined not to give Raian what he wanted, instead heatedly shuffling to a new location further away to fish in peace. The sound of water sloshing in the distance behind made Ohma ground his teeth so hard he felt something shift in his jaw. The black-eyed douchebag must have followed him, confirmed by the rock glancing his ear.

Rocks tumbled underfoot as Raian charged at him.

Without missing a beat, Ohma grabbed a large, green trout and whipped his arm around where he assumed Raian was running toward.

A wet, audible smack resonated through the forest as the fish met the pale cheek of Kure Raian at fifty miles an hour.

The forest went silent.

"You bastard did you just..." Raian stared in disbelief, almost not believing what had happened. The trout hung broken in half in Ohma's hand.

He had turned back around to face the river without a word as if he hadn't just bitch slapped the devil of the Kure clan with a fish.

Raian clenched and unclenched his fist, unsure of what to do. His brain had shortcircuited the moment the stupid thing had come in contact with his face. No one had ever been so bold and lived.

"Are you gonna keep standing there or what?" Ohma said without turning his head.

That seemed to release the trigger on whatever spell Raian had been trapped under and he lunged blindly at the broad back of the man sitting at the edge of the river.

Unfortunately for Raian, Ohma seemed to predict that move. He bent forward and Raian went flying over his head in a nosedive straight into the river. He spluttered in shock for a second before roaring in rage, a vein pulsating dangerously in his forehead.

In the second that Raian had been submerged, Ohma had disappeared to god knows where. He was one fast bastard.

Raian spent the next few hours prowling all up and down the riverbed, yelling insults at the top of his lungs until dusk began to fall.

Defeated, he eventually stormed back to the Kure Manor to go soothe his wounded pride. (Destroy something)

The rest of the Kure family sensing his silent seething rage as he entered scattered like bugs as Raian blew through the halls with the force of a category-five hurricane.

Unbeknownst to him, Ohma had long moved to one of the many rivers on the complete other side of the Kure territory to fish in peace where the echoes of his rage couldn't reach him.


"What happened to your face?" Fusui stood on her tiptoes to get a closer look at the pink torpedo-shaped mark on his cheek.

"Nothing." Raian glared at the sushi that was set in front of him, made from the trout that Ohma had caught earlier that day. "I'll kill that fucking asshole."

Ohma was predictably absent that night. 

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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian

Chapter 5: Meat Gazer

Raian had a bad habit. Well, he had a lot of bad habits but this one bothered Ohma the most. Not that he wasn’t used to seeing naked men of course, but like most of the other Kengan fighters he wasn’t particularly pleased when another man decided to stare at his dick when he was trying to take a piss. 

Unfortunately for him, Raian was a meat gazer. Not in a sexual way (most of the time), but he just really liked to fuck with people and through experience found that this was one of the most effective ways.

(Via military terms: A piss test observer to make sure you aren’t faking clean piss on a piss test, but often times they’re just trying to look at your dick because they like it. -VETTV)

Kure Raian was not beyond voyeurism. Frankly, nothing was beyond him. If it was nasty he was probably into it, with very few exceptions.

Rihito had already been an unfortunate victim.

When asked, the beefhead will vehemently deny that anything happened that fateful day in the Kengan tournament, but he could still feel Raian’s cold ass hands on his dick every now and then when he had to go to a public urinal. 

He had also developed a habit of fugitively looking over his shoulder every time he heard footsteps behind him in the bathroom. 

The first time Ohma had experienced it was on an early Spring morning shortly after he had moved into the Kure residence. 

He had still been woozy and exhausted from all the drugs they had pumped into his system for his heart surgery and was unusually mellowed, so the lapse in awareness wasn’t all his fault. 

The bright light of the bathroom burned his eyes, forcing him to squint and look away. The door was cracked open. A mistake he wouldn’t soon forget.

His fingers worked at the drawstring of his shorts, abnormally clumsy. Groaning, he turned off the lights after letting his shorts fall to his ankles, eyes hurting from the light. The only sliver of illumination came from the entrance.

Sighing, he felt his bladder slowly deflating as he began relieving himself.

Then he sensed it.

A dark, malicious presence, and a warm weight on his shoulder. Something rough and firm wrapped around his dick. 

Ohma’s eyes shot open, his reflection gazing back at him in shock through the mirror.

He wasn’t alone.

The low light was enough to highlight spiky, light-blond hair and broad, rolling shoulders. 

For a long second Ohma stood still, muscles tense like a spring on the verge of action as his brain struggled to catch up to his body. Black, glinting eyes flitted quickly from his cock to his face, then back to his still-pissing appendage. 

He was so casual about it that Ohma felt his brain short-circuiting. Is this bastard really…

A raspy chuckle finally broke him out of his stupor, and the static energy that had been festering inside him boiled over like a volcano. He flung his arm back, twisting his body as he tried to shove Raian off only to feel an intense tugging pain in his groin that made him groan through tightly clenched teeth. 

Raian hadn’t let go, and when Ohma tried bucking him off he had kept his death grip on his dick. Hissing, he did his best to pry Raian’s cold, clammy fingers off without accidentally clawing the now pulsating flesh. Whether it was from pain or pleasure he didn’t know and didn’t care to find out.

“What the hell is wrong with you, you shithead?!” Ohma roared, shoving the cackling devil to the ground and stomping on his chest. He felt a shred of satisfaction as Raian wheezed, though he seemed thoroughly unaffected by the blow. 

“Jus’ investigating,” Raian sneered up at him, shoving his leg off. 

Ohma barely had a chance to open his mouth before Raian barreled into him and out the door, laughing hysterically as if he just told the funniest joke he had ever heard. His head thudded painfully against the tile and the sound of clay splitting echoed in his ears. 

The door to the bathroom hung precariously on its broken hinges, and Ohma was helpless to do anything except lay staring at the ceiling in shock. His heart rate was elevated in a way that was vaguely worrying, but right now that was frankly the last thing on his mind. 

He was gonna pound that bastard straight to hell in the morning, but for now, he needed to find some ice for his dick.

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5 years ago
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !
Some Kengan Omega Icons !

Some Kengan Omega icons !

Feel free to use them~ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜

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4 years ago
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~
Some Kure Raian Icons From Kengan Ashura/Omega~

Some Kure Raian icons from Kengan Ashura/Omega~

Feel free to use them ! ◝(●˙꒳˙●)

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4 years ago

Kengan Omega One shot series : Introduction

Hi, everyone ! 

Sooo, I thought about writing some Kengan Omega stuff and finally came with an idea : making connected one shots with a female reader as she interacts with Kengan’s characters. All one-shots will be posted according into chronogical order and occurs during Omega. I hope you will enjoy them !

(Reader’s name is not defined so you can call her by any name you like. However, her gender and appearence are fixed by myself ! )

Nervousness and anxiety. And maybe a little bit of determination...

That's all what's running through her at this very moment.

Her tiny form is standing in front of the not-so-impresive building she was searching for : The Yamashita Trading Co. Her watering eyes looked down to the paper in her shaking hand.

'There is no mistake... That's the right adress. C-come on (Y/n), the first step is the hardest !', she tought, trying to store some courage before coming in.

Her stress rate made a sudden jump the moment she pushed the door open. nobody was here. She let out a sigh of relief. She examined her surrounding quickly to finally head for the only interesting thing in the ground floor : the stairs.

'Okay... He must be upstairs... Let's go... !'

Climbing the stairs, she immediatly noticed something. Her hands weren't the only things shaking now; her legs started to give her up too. She mentally cursed herself for being such a nervous mess. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the fading sound of voices coming from upstairs. She stopped for a second, then resumed in making her way upstairs. She was sweating so much, she felt like she was climbing a mountain actually .

She is now standing just before the door where the voices are coming from. She reajusted her red tie, the collar of her white shirt covered by her black three piece suit, to finally tighten the red hair elastic holding up her high ponytail. Then, she knocked on the door.

The voices suddenly stopped. She swallowed. Hard.

She opened the door, nevertheless. Way slower than she would have wanted to.

Three pairs of curious and surprised eyes were instantly on her. She made her best to introduce herself without stuttering.

"H-hi ! I'm (Y/n) (L/n) ! I was told to come and see Mister Yamashita today. Is he here ?"

She failed.

A short uncomfortable silence followed before the second woman in the room spoke up, very politely.

"(Y/n) (L/n) ? He told me about you coming. Mister Yamashita isn't here for the moment. He had an urgent meeting, sorry."

'Hum... Maybe it's my chance to come later so I won't have to stand before so much people but Mister Yamashita...'

(Y/n) tried to ignore the two males looking at her and only focused her attention to the blonde woman.

"Owh, I see ! Hum... So... I will come again later then ? Is it okay ?", she nervously smiled. - "From what he said me you want to join the Kengan Association as a new CEO. I just started telling these young men everything about the Kengan Association and the way it works. Are you interested in joining us in ?", proposed the woman as she reajusted her glasses.

The proposal surprised her but she managed to answer quickly, thanks to her nervousness.

"Y-yeah ! Of course ! Thanks for having me.", she thanked as she closed the door and searched for a chair to sit on. They were no chairs in the room, exept from the ones where the two guys are sitting. Hopefully, she noticed a couch beside the blonde one and took a sit. She did her best to not die from embarassment when she caught the blondie looking at her from aside. She acted like she didnt notice and looked down at her sweating hands.

She finally looked up when the woman started speaking again.

"I'm Akiyama Kaede, Yamashita Trading Co.'s secretary. And these two are Narushima Koga, an apprentice fighter and Gaoh Ryuki, an official fighter. They are both new to the association."

(Y/n) looked at both males and nodded at them with a nervous smile.

"N-Nice to meet you both...!"

Koga nodded at her back while Ryuki answered her, indifferent. "Nice to meet you."

'What a warm welcome...', she tought ironically.

Kaede resumed her speech about the Kengan Association. (Y/n) (L/n) knew some of the things said but she also learned a lot about it. Then came the most interesting part for her : the one about fights and fighters.

'I see... So all the fighters must have been registered with Yamashita Trading Co. to be able to fight in Kengan matches...', she thought deeply, almost not noticing the two other males entering the room suddenly. They greeted Kaede in a very friendly and warm way which made Koga obviously angry as (Y/n) conclued they must have known each other for a long time.

"Allow me to introduce you Himuro Ryo and Kaneda Suekichi. They are both active fighters." - "Pleased to meet you. My name is Kaneda, as she just said.", repeated the closed-eyed smile guy, happily. - "Himuro as a perfect 21 win record in the Kengan matches, and Kaneda is a veteran with 12 matches under his belt."

(Y/n) was looking at them in owe, then focusing on Kaneda. 'So that's how active fighters look like... That one seems pretty fragile tought...'

"Kaede, do you mind if I start now ?", asked Himuro. - "Of course ! Go right ahead !" - "So, like Kaede just said we are both fighters. We are employed by Ginokuniya Bookstore.", he started before turning his attention on Ryuki and smiled, "So, Gaoh, was it ? We saw your match yesterday. You beat Kokuro in your debut match... That's pretty impressive." - "Tch. Condescending ass.", commented Koga.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she saw Koga being punched hardly in the face by the white-haired man. She didnt even have the time to process what happened that Ryuki kicked his desk and then threw his chair at him. Himuro dodged the desk, deflected the chair with his arm and finally blocked Ryuki upcoming attack with one hand as his other one was under the boy's chin, menacingly.

"Wait, for real ? He adapted to "that move's blind spot"...!", exclaimed Koga, dumbfounded.

'What is he talking about ? I couldn't see anything ! That was happening so fast !', the girl thought, breathless. If only she knew that Himuro's next question would have made her even more shaken up. She wasn't prepared for what was coming next.

"What did you move to kill Kokuro after the match was over ?", asked Himuro angrily, "Choose your words carefully, 'cause I can still kill you from this distance."

'K-KILL ?!', yelled (Y/n) in her head as she suddenly stood up in surprise.

"You are right, I would have ended up killing Kokuro if Mister Yamashita hadn't stopped me. I just forgot that it was just a "match"... I've only fought in fights to death up until now.", explained Ryuki like it was nothing.

Koga and (Y/n) let escape a sound of surprise as Ryuki continued, "But if you can't kill people in Kengan matches, then I will follow that rule."

Himuro thought for a second before letting go of Ryuki. "It seems like you are not lying."

He then sat down as he explained the reason he was here. Apparently Yamashita asked him and Kaneda to be in charge of their "education". (Y/n) managed to calm down a bit since.

"From this day forth, I'm going to be your mentor. I'm going to make you two into first-rate fighters." - "No, I'm good.", instantly refused Ryuki which made everyone sweatdrop while (Y/n) cracked a smile. The way he said that was way too funny for her.

Now that the situation finally calmed down, Kaneda proposed to Koga to follow him while Himuro did the same with Ryuki. Koga seemed distrusful at first but accepted anyway. On the other hand, Ryuki just walked after Himuro silently.

(Y/n) was now left alone with Kaede. Being alone with her made her way less nervous than she was earlier so she dared to spoke up for once.

"It was the first time I faced such a situation. I think I will have to work about that.", she joked with a small giggle.

Kaede smiled at her. "Indeed ! But don't worry, it's usually way calmer around here." - "I hope so !", she laughed before continuing, "So, do you have any idea when Mister Yamashita will be back ?" - "I have no idea for the moment, i'm sorry. Maybe you can give me your number so I can tell you when he's avaible." - "Oh yeah ! Here's my number..."

Kaede wrote the girl's number on a piece of paper before thanking her and apologizing for the CEO's absence.

"It's okay, don't worry ! He's a CEO so he must be very busy, I can understand that.", she smiled brightly before walking up to the door, "Thanks for all the informations you gave us earlier, it was very interesting. I hope I will get to see you soon. Have a nice day !"

(Y/n) waved at Kaede before going out of the room and closing the door behind her.

'She seems to be a kind and lovely girl.', thought Kaede with a eye-closed smile, 'I wonder what kind of CEO she will become...'


The next day, (Y/n) received a message from Kaede. She will be able to see Yamashita today at the office. She smiled in front of her phone as she just woke up. She got dressed and took her breakfast before stepping outside with a helmet on. She climbed on her motorcycle and drove towards her next destination.

She lived pretty near from Yamashita Trading Co.'s building but she always enjoyed riding her bike, even for the shortest trip. She arrived soon at the previous day's adress. She parked her bike, put off her helmet, and headed for the first floor just like yesterday.

She was wearing the same outfit as before. She didn't really like dressing formally but she wanted to make a good first impression on people. Besides, it made her looking more professional and credible, some assets she really lacked because of her shyness and her ability to get nervous very easily around people she doesn't know.

"Good morning Mister Yamashita, Miss Akiyama !", greeted (Y/n), entousiastly. She was surprisingly feeling at ease around them already. She met Yamashita briefly once some weeks ago and immediatly noticed how comfortable the atmosphere around him is. He's just so kind, respectul, not intimidating at all... at least for her.

Yamashita's face brighten up at her entrance. "Here you are Miss (L/n) ! I'm sorry for yesterday ! I had a very important meeting and all..." - "No need to apologize, Mister Yamashita !", she reassured with a smile, seeing the man before her getting obviously nervous and embarassed, "It happens ! Besides, Miss Akiyama already told me a lot yesterday and I could even have the chance to meet some active fighters." - "Yeah, that's a unique chance !", he laughed, "I planned to take you to see a real Kengan match soon anyway, so that you can witness how it looks like." - "Really ? That's so nice of you, thanks !"

(Y/n) was now as excited as ever. She didn't know why, but seeing a real Kengan fight is something she was waiting for with impatience.

"But I also have a bad news for you...", continued Yamashita, now a mix of sadness and seriousness on his face.

(Y/n) looked straight at him, growing more and more nervous by the second. "What is it...?"

"You wanted to integrate the Kengan Association as fast as possible as a new CEO, but that won't be possible right now." - "W-why ?", she brutaly asked, unable to prevent her sudden anger to take the upper hand on her usual kind and smiling self. Yamashita reajusted his glasses, "The Association is encountering some serious problems at the moment. However,I will gladly hire you as a new secretary so you can see by yourself how the association works !"

Yamashita smiled silently at her, waiting for her answer. (Y/n) thought for a short time before nodding slowly. "It's with a huge pleasure that I accept your proposition !"

'Anything is better than being in stanby for a non-determined lenght. Besides, being right on the field is a perfect opportunity to learn. Let's do that, yeah. I wonder what are these "problem" he is talking about, tought...'

"So, when will I be starting ?", finally asked the girl, curiously. - "Right now ! If it doesn't bother you, of course ! All this wasn't planned after all." Yamashita scratched the back of his head in embarassment. - "No, I don't mind at all ! I had nothing planned today anyway..."

Yamashita laughed happily as he gave Akiyama some instructions about (Y/n)'s new role in the Yamashita Trading Co. The beautiful woman only nodded silently before looking at the girl.

"Come here, I will show you some data about the fighters and how it works.", offered Akiyama as she sat in front of her computer.

(Y/n) instantly nodded and took a sit next to the blonde secretary and listened carefully to everyword she said.

Yamashita looked at the two females with a slight smile on his face, his expression softening. Having suddenly a few more new people around him made him happy for some reason. Maybe he was starting to feel lonely somehow ? 

Even him didn't know.

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4 years ago

Kengan Omega One shot series (1) : Learning to get along

Hi again ! Here’e the 1st one shot ! Don’t forget all one-shots are connected so they are meant to be read in chronological order. If you missed the introduction chapter, you can read it here. Enjoy !

"It's so hot today...", complained Yamashita, as sweaty as ever, his legs shaking from the effort, mentally cursing himself for having the idea to go out during afternoon, right when the sun's at his brightest. - "Yeaahh... so hot... I feel like I'm going to melt...", agreed (Y/n) as she took off her suit's jacket to tie it around her waist.

The duo was on their way to the SJPW training ground. Yamashita absolutely wanted to introduce the girl to the pro westlers. He thought she would feel comfortable easily around them and that was the occasion for her to meet more fighters and see how they live.

"Here we are !", exclaimed Yamashita, relieved to finally be sheltered from the deadly sunlight. "Let's go in !" - "Yeah !", agreed the girl with the same enthousiasm.

A wave of cool air made its way to their skin as soon as they entered the building. They both let a sight of relief, enjoying the fleeting feeling as much as possible. However, their entry was immediatly noticed by a very muscular man with dreads.

'He's huge !', thought (Y/n), both impressed and slighty panicked. She looked up at his toothy smile from her 165 centimeters height. He seemed friendly and intimidating at the same time.

"Mister Yamashita ! What a surprise !", yelled the big guy, which didn't let (Y/n) indifferent. - "Hi Sekibayashi ! Hope you are doing well ! How is Koga doing ?", answered the CEO with a smile.

'Wait, Koga ? The guy from yesterday ?! He is here ?!', screamed (Y/n) internally as she remembered how intimidating he was to her previously.

"See for yourself !", laughed Sekibayashi as he pointed to the crowd of men working out behind him. (Y/n) was looking at them in owe. 'They seem to work so hard... Some of them are even of the verge of fainting ! They are crazy ...!'

She finally spotted Koga. 'He seems to handle it well.', she commented to herself, with a small smile.

"And who is this little girl ?", asked Sekibayashi, intrigued by the new girl's presence. - "She is the new secretary for Yamashita Trading Co., (Y/n) (L/n) !" - "N-Nice to meet you ! You can call me my first name ! I mean... if you want to, of course...", she answered with a nervous voice the westler couldn’t not notice.

He looked a bit surprised first but his signature grin didn't wait to show up once more. "No need to be nervous, (Y/n) ! You are a part of the family now !", he said as he lifted her up in the air like she weighted nothing.


The sudden action made her let escape a sound of surprise. She could see the whole training ground from a better view now. Every eyes were on her. Her face started to burn just like when she was walking under the sunlight earlier. She just wanted to dig a hole and never come out but she couldn't run away so she decided to act instead.

"H-Hi everyone !", she yelled to the silent crowd with a very nervous smile and a wave of her hand.

A general laugh surrounded all the building. She noticed Koga looking at her, sweatdropping.

'Are they making fun of me... ? Not surprising, I was ridiculous as fuck here...'

Sekibayashi put her down and gently patted her head as he smiled down at her. "Don't worry, they just think you are very funny !" - "I-If you say so...", the girl muttered.

"Okay that's all for now ! Take some rest, you all !"

The sweating crowd dispersed in all the building, making it look way wider and more spacious than it already did. Everyone was taking a little rest.

Everyone but Koga.

"Hey Seki, can I do some shadow boxing while I wait to go up ?", he asked, wiping some sweat from his face. - "Oh ? Sure !", answered the giant wrestler, a bit taken aback, "That's fine by me..."

"He's still going on ?!", thought (Y/n) aloud, not able to contain her surprise. - "He's far more tough than when I was a rookie.", commented a voice from behind her.

(Y/n) turned around, surprised by the sudden voice apparition.

"Hi, I'm Kurachi Karugo. And this weird masked guy is José. Nice to meet you!", he greeted with a smile. The intimited girl bowed after she introduced herself. - "Who are you calling "weird", you viejo ?", started the masked guy, angrily.

"Koga is very strong, isn't he ?", the rookie secretary asked abruptly. She wondered how strong the young man was compared to all those imposant guys around her. - "Well, he just started his training with us, but there is no room for doubt in his talent."

'So he has still a long road to go, huh ? He will certainly make it if they talk about him like that... Don't give up Koga !', she tought with a determined smile on her face.

"What a shame", started a familiar voice, "You are letting it all go to waste."

The sudden intervention interpelled everyone's intention in the building.

'Ryuki ?! I didn't even notice him here !'

"What did you just said ? What am I letting go to waste ?", asked Koga, unfazed by Ryuki's rude comment. - "I'm telling you, this is a waste. You are never going to become a fighter, no matter how long you do this crap."

"Ryuki ?! Where's this coming from ?!", yelled Yamashita, obviously startled by Ryuki's behavior. (Y/n)'s anger was growing more and more.

'How dare he insults him and all the efforts he puts into his training ?!'

"I'm only calling it a waste because it is. What's wrong with that ?", Ryuki asked as he looked at Yamashita, "Would it be better if I didn't say anything at all ? What is Koga doing this for anyway ?"

Koga looked at Ryuki with obvious dismay everyone could notice easily. (Y/n) couldn't shut her mouth anymore.

"What are you talking about ?!", she started angrily, earning everybody’s attention in no time ,"How dare you denigrate all the effort he is putting in to become stronger ? Do you think it's easy ? Don't you have any manners ?"

She looked at Ryuki dead in the eye. He still seemed unfazed like usual, as if he said nothing. Koga, on the contrary was visibly shaken up and touched by her intervention. A very uncomfortable silence followed, as both (Y/n) and Ryuki glared at each other.

José suddenly stepped in. He exchanged a brief glance with the girl as if he thanked her silently before walking to Ryuki.

" 'A waste ?' 'This crap' ?" I'm not gonna let that slide. You're dissing pro wrestling, aren't you ? Get in the ring.", he commanded, dryly.

'A fight ? I don't want them to physically fight over this !', panicked (Y/n), her anger suddenly dropping.

"Mister José !", she tried, "I-" - "Don't waste your time, he is not going to reconsider his decision.", Sekibayashi cut her off, "Damn, José acting all immature..." - "Well, he is a pro wrestling fanatic, after all.", added Kurachi like it was nothing.

'I hope they won't seriously hurt each other...', (Y/n) was angry to Ryuki but she didn't want him to get hurt, though.

The fight went on under everyone's eyes. Ryuki finally aimed a powerful punch into José stomach. But that's wasn't enough to take him down. The masked wrestler took a fighting stance, ready to charge.

"José !", interrumpted Sekibayashi angrily, "You're fighting in the main event tomorrow, remember ?!"

The fight got shortened, thanks to Sekibayashi's help. (Y/n) and Yamashita both sighed in relief.

"You sure got some guts, little girl.", grinned Sekibayashi as he ruffled her black hair gently, "Wasn't expecting that from you." - "When I get angry I just can't control myself, sorry.", she apologized, trying to restyle her hair as much as possible. - "Don't apologize for that !", he laughed, "We love people with guts here !"

(Y/n) could only smile warmly at that. "Thanks, I appreciate the compliment."

"Listen, everyone ! Put all you've got in the sparrings ! You will be recompensed by a very nutritious diner !"

The crowd agreed in unison before taking place to start their sparring exercises.

"Are you going to prepare diner for all of them ?", asked (Y/n), surprised. - "Of course ! The SJPW's curry is legendary ! They have to eat well and a lot to grow strong !" - "Do you mind if I help you out?" - "Not at all ! That would be very much appreciated ! Preparing a dish for that amount of people isn't easy !"

(Y/n) stayed at Sekibayashi's side during the whole curry's preparation. The young secretary asked questions about fighting, wrestling and even nutrition. The wrestler was enjoying her curiosity and her presence a lot, actually. Diner time was about to come. Sekibayashi asked (Y/n) to set the giant tables they had to host all the pupils. She accepted with a smile; it made her feel happy to be useful to people. When she finished her task, she called out to the disciples' attention.

"Diner's ready, guys !"


Everyone was now sitting and enjoying the famous SJPW's curry. 'It's so good !!’, thought (Y/n) as she brang another full spoon into her mouth. She didn't even notice José sitting beside her.

"Where's Koga ?", suddenly asked Sekibayashi, worried as he turned his head everywhere in order to find the blonde. - "He is still in the dojo.", calmly answered José, making (Y/n) aware of his presence, "Don't worry, I taught him how to lock up."

'Is he still upset about today...?', wondered Sekibayashi, even more worried.

"I bet he is hungry after all that training !", exclaimed (Y/n) happily, a spoon and an empty plate in her hands. Once the rice and curry was almost spilling out of it, she walked to Sekibayashi.

"Sekibayashi !"

The wrestler looked at the smiling girl, intrigued by her sudden entousiasm. "Do you need something, (Y/n) ?"

"Can you show me where is the dojo Mister José talked about, please ?" - "Yeah, sure ! I was going to see what's Koga doing anyway. Is this plate for him ?", he pointed at the over-fullfilled plate in her hands. - "Yeah ! I thought he must be really hungry so I wanted to give him this." - "Ahahaha ! Young's love !", laughed Sekibayashi as loud as ever, making the young girl's face turning red in an instant. - "C-cut it out ! That's not like this !!" - "I'm joking, (y/n)~", he reassured playfully, patting her head gently.

(Y/n) pouted as she followed Sekibayashi closely.

"Here we are !"

They could see the dojo's light turned on from the high window. The huge wrester could easily look at that window, but the young girl couldn't even reach it with her hands.

"Need some help ?", he asked with a grin. - "Yeah, please...", she muttered, a bit ashamed by her small height. She put the plate aside as she watched through the window. She saw Ryuki drawing some circles on the floor before showing, she assumed, a sort of footwork exercise. 'He's moving so fast but in a very strange way...'.

Koga then reproduced it with a grin on his face. However, his proud state was easily broke by something Ryuki pointed to him as he took a bite of some rice ball he got in his hand.

'Ryuki is training Koga !', conclued (Y/n), her eyes sparking in realisation. "He doesn't seem to be a bad guy finally... He just really lack some tact. And seems very honest also...", she spoked her mind aloud. - "Indeed", nodded Sekibayashi as he put (Y/n) on the ground gently, "Are you not bringing him his plate of food ?". She shaked her head before taking the food back in her hands, "They are busy right now, I'll come again later !" - "I see !", grinned the pro wrestler, "Let's go back to the main building." - "Yeah, let's go !"

(Y/n) waited and waited but still no sign of Koga. She was one of the few people still remaining in the building at the moment. Sekibayashi walked to the table she was sitting at, the plate in front of her.

"It's getting late, you should go home (Y/n)." - "Koga still in the dojo, so I'll wait."

Her answer made him surprised but he didn't show it. "I see... Then, do you mind if I give you one of the building keys ? Just make sure you close it before leaving !" - "W-What ?! Seriously ? Do you trust me that much already ? I mean that's an important task and all-" - "Just take it.", he interrupted, putting the key on the table, just in front of her, "Oh and by the way, there is a microwave here if you want to heat it up." - "Thank you so much ! You're the best !", she thanked warmly with a smile.

Sekibayashi ruffled her hair gently before taking his way out.

"I hope to see you tomorrow, too ! Be careful on your way home !", he waved, his back at her. - "Yeah, don't worry. Good night, Sekibayashi ! And thanks again !"

(Y/n) decided to wait Koga just in front of the dojo to make sure he doesn't directy go home after his work out. The night wind was really pleasant everytime it touched her skin or made it's way through her pitch black hair. Her red elastic danced along with her high ponytail's strands of hair.

She passed around twenty minutes on her phone before the dojo's door opened only to reveal Ryuki's thinking face. Her presence remained unnoticed by him before she spoke up ironically, a bit vexed he didn't notice her.

"Hi there !"

Ryuuki looked up lazily at her sitting form. "Hi. What are you doing here this late ?" - "Waiting for Koga." - "Oh, I see.", he simply answered, now looking up at the night sky, absently.

An uncomfortable silence followed the small interaction, during which she noticed Ryuki's actually shirtless. She already saw him when he was sparring with José but he wasn't that close ! It made her blush in embarassment for thinking about that so seriously. But (Y/n) needed to say something important to her, so she gathered all her courage and went on.

"Hum... I...", she tried, her eyes focused on her nervously playing hands.

Ryuki looked back at her, curious.

"I just wanted to apologize for what I said to you earlier. You actually cared for Koga, I just was too stupid to understand it. I'm sorry..." - "Oh yeah ! I remember now !"

The young woman finally lifted her gaze to him, taken aback. 'H-He forgot ?'

"You didn’t need to apologize for that, but I appreciate you did.", he stated with his usual non-caring tone. - "T-Thanks I guess..."

Ryuki nodded at her before taking his leave, without a word.

'Still as polite as always...', she sighed internally before getting up to the door.

"Koga... ?", she hesitantly asked as she slowly opened the door.

She was welcomed by the young man's sweaty bare back. He was currently sitting on the floor, trying to catch his breath. 'Oh no, he's shirtless too !', she internally screamed as he turned his head to her.

"Are you okay ?", she asked with genuine worry as she approached him slowly. - "Y-Yeah...", he managed to answer between two breaths, "J-Just gimme a sec..." - "Oh, okay."

A brief silence followed before she continued. "I saved you a plate of food if you are hungry. I will be waiting at a table, so you can maybe take a shower and all ?" - "Yeah... thanks..." - "Don't make me wait too much, okay ?", she joked awkwardly before taking her leave, feeling completly ridiculous afterwards. If only she could have seen Koga slightly grinning at her tone.

(Y/n) happily made her way back to the main building. She couldn't wait to see him enjoying his meal. Seeing people happy like that always made her heart warm. She lived for these moments.

She immediatly put the plate of food into the microwave as soon as she entered in. Then picked it from the warming device and put it on the table, across from the spoon she also saved for him, then waited.

Koga came back not long after she left. He was now dressed like he used to the first time she encountered him. She realized she really like his blue baseball jacket.

"Thanks for saving me a plate, I'm so hungry right now.", he started as he took a sit in front of her. 'I-In front of me ?! Way to awkward... !!' - "Y-You're welcome !", she answered, a bit stressed out, "I-I thought you would certainly be hungry after all that training..."

Koga only looked at her suspiciously as he started to eat his meal. 'She is way too kind, that's weird. She must be hiding something.'

'Why is he staring at me like that ? Did I say something weird ?'

His green gaze only hardened at her visibly panicked self.

"Can you stop looking at me like that ? I feel like I did something wrong !", she let out, unable to ignore it anymore. - "I just thought you were way too kind to me for someone I just met.", he admitted, taking another full spoon of curry. - "Heh ?", she continued, startled by his answer, "What's wrong with being kind ?" - "I don't know. It's just that people usually don't act like this without having some shitty idea in mind." - "Indeed, I see what you are talking about. But I'm not thinking about something "shitty" at the moment, no need to worry.", she smiled at him, making him blush slightly. - "If you say so...", he finished, avoiding her gaze by looking at his now half-filled plate.

After this, (Y/n) asked him how his training went and learned it was actually his first day of training with Sekibayashi and co. She immediatly complimented him about how well he did which made him grin proudly. He then told her about his training time with Ryuki. (Y/n) acted like she didn't know Ryuki helped him. Koga thanked again the girl in front of him as he finished his dinner. They decided to go head home right away since it was already late.

"So, where do you live ?", asked Koga, walking across the girl. - "Not so far from the Yamashita Trading Co.'s office. You ?" - "I'm living with Yamashita, his son and Ryuki, actually." - "Really ?!" - "Yeah, he offered me to stay since I had nowhere to go around here. Same for Ryuki. Yamashita is such a nice guy." - "I agree ! And he's so nice to be around !", exclaimed (Y/n) with a smile, "Does he lives far from the office ?" - "Not at all. It's only a 10 minutes walk away from it, I think ?" - "Hum, I see ! Oh, here we are !"

The Yamashita Trading co.'s office was just meters from them now. (Y/n) ran straight to her motorcycle, checking for any scratching. She sighed in relief as she noticed nothing missing or damaged. Koga walked to her, dumbfounded.

"Is it yours ??" - "Yeah, you like it ?" - "I do. It looks cool.", he admitted, looking away from her.

(Y/n) giggled at his behavior. "Do you mind if I ride you home ?", she proposed, "I always have a second helmet in store so don't worry !" - "Really ?!", Koga asked, eyes filled with excitation, "That would be so cool !"

The young woman smiled at his impatience as she took her two helmets from the little trunk under her seat. She handed one to Koga who gladly put it on.

She was now sitting on her motorcycle, waiting for Koga to sit behind her. "Are you coming or what ?" - "Oh yeah, sorry !"

He quickly took his sit as he awkwardly looked at her waist. 'It would make this very awkward, isn't it ?'

(Y/n) looked at him from aside, now understanding why he was taking so long. "There is some kind of metal bar you can hold on just behind you.", she informed, secretly glad he didn't try to hold onto her waist. - "Oh, thanks...", he awkwardly answered, "You can go ahead, I will show you where to turn at when needed." - "Okay ! Let's go !"

The ride only lasted a few minutes but (Y/n) could feel Koga liked it. He suddenly pointed to the house on his right. 'So this is Mister Yamashita's house. Pretty casual for a CEO if you ask me...'

"Thanks a lot, that was a really cool ride.", Koga thanked her as he put off his helmet and stood up from the two wheels engine. - "The pleasure was mine.", smiled (Y/n) as she took the helmet from him, "Sleep well, you need a lot of rest to be able to train well tomorrow."

Her comment made him grin as he gave her a thumbs up, "Don't worry, I got this ! See ya !"

She waved at him silently before taking her leave. She thought about how fast they got along today. She didn't regret waiting for him that night. 

Not at all.

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4 years ago
Ren Nikaido Icons As Requested By Anon~
Ren Nikaido Icons As Requested By Anon~
Ren Nikaido Icons As Requested By Anon~
Ren Nikaido Icons As Requested By Anon~
Ren Nikaido Icons As Requested By Anon~
Ren Nikaido Icons As Requested By Anon~
Ren Nikaido Icons As Requested By Anon~

Ren Nikaido icons as requested by anon~

Feel free to use them ! (٭°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧٭)

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