jansoulfire - Jan Soulfire
Jan Soulfire

I live in Holland. I always like to chat with anyone. I am a bit submissive but I have no real experience. I prefer a flr. I love to write a story about a flr. I never pay any fee or contribution.

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Jansoulfire - Jan Soulfire - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago



NOTE: The following information is considered Public Domain Information. i do not know the name of the list compiler as i received this information via a mailing list. If You are the owner of this writing and wish to have it removed from this site, please send email indicating the article that you wish to have removed. Thank You. FEMDOMslave Here are some ideas on how to tease, humiliate, punish, and torment Your favorite male submissive. Have fun! This is a list of ideas and activities for Dominant Women to use on their submissive men. i’m posting this list because i hope people will continue to send comments and additions It could be used as a starting point for couples who would like some new ideas… As a basis for various games (a couple rolls of the dice to see where his future lies, spin the wheel… someone mentioned using the daily lottery numbers for determining the ‘punishment of the day’…) Please add Your ideas. Thank You very much. List of Teases: - Tease Your slave to get him to the point where he’ll “Do Anything to please You” - Make him strip naked while You keep Your clothes on. - Have him kneel before You and kiss Your feet. - Have him address You as ‘Mistress’ - Have him kiss Your ass…make him beg to kiss Your ass. - Tie his hands and have him undress You with his mouth/teeth. - Don’t let him masturbate or touch his cock without Your permission at any time. - Tie his hands behind his back. Have him kneel with knees spread naked in front of You while You read or watch TV, occasionally nudging his balls or penis with Your shoes. - Either order him to stay erect, or don’t give him permission to have a hard on… either way, punish him if he fails! - Use some strong string (kite string), tie a slip noose in the end and tighten it around the head of the penis, tug on it, pull it shake it, lead him with it, whatever You please. - Show Your slave Your panty crotch, make him smell it, but no touching without permission. - Tie Your slave spread eagle to the bed and tease him for hours. Make sure he has a big hard on, but once he does only touch it when he needs just a little more encouragement, don’t let him cum. -Put on his favorite lingerie and tease him with Your beauty. -Scratch him with Your finger nails. -Tickle him. Pinch his nipples. -Sit on his chest and find out what he would do to be allowed to kiss Your nipple. Let him almost kiss it but pull away, make him beg. -Take a break, put some worn panties over his face and leave the room for a while and let him think about what else You might do. -Squat above his face, make him reach with his tongue to taste the crotch of Your panties…get more promises -Blindfold him and make him lick You to several orgasms. Take a break, cum back and do it all again. - Rub his face against Your pussy or sit on his face, but gag him with Your panties or a gag so that he can’t lick You. - Tie his balls off to something behind him so he has to tug on them to smell Your panties or kiss Your ass…stay just out of reach. - Masturbate in front of him. Use a dildo or a vibrator. - Put the base of the dildo in his mouth and make him satisfy You with it. Do it so his nose presses between Your ass cheeks. He’ll be Your little brown noser and love it. - Make him lick the dildo clean. - Tie him down to the bed and tie his hands to his penis but do not give him permission to cum with harsh punishments for disobedience. - Put Your worn panties over his head so he can smell your odor. - Make him wear a cock ring (a watch strap or cat collar works well)  

List of Humiliations:  Once he’ll “Do Anything to please You” here’s some ideas that will keep Your slave attentive and in his proper place, and will hopefully be entertaining for You. - Make him wear Your panties or lingerie, dress him up as a little girl or a French maid. - Make him do housework naked or dressed in women’s clothes. - Have him pamper You, have him: - give You a foot/back/full body massage - give You a pedicure/manicure, - paint Your finger/toe nails. - bathe You/shave your legs. - cook and serve You a nice dinner. - Make him hand wash Your panties and lingerie. - Make him polish Your shoes with his tongue. - Make him wear a collar and lead him around with a leash, like a dog. - Attach a leash to his balls or cock ring, and lead him around with that. - Tie it off in front of the sink while he does the dishes. - Ride him around as Your pony boy…spurs? a riding crop? - Dress him up like the slut that he is, wear a strap-on dildo and make him beg to suck it. fuck him. (don’t forget the fuck-me red lipstick!) - Make him wear Your panties or lingerie under his regular clothes when he goes out or goes to work so that he will think of his Mistress constantly. - Make him masturbate for You, make him beg for permission to cum, don’t let him, punish him if he does. - Make him screw himself with a dildo. - Make him earn his rewards; for example: - Allow him to kiss Your ass after the dishes are done. - 1 minute of pleasure for him for 10 minutes of Yours.  5 minutes of pleasure for him after he makes You cum 5 times.  Spank him 10 times for each minute it takes him to make You cum. - If You think he’s earned an orgasm, make him cum on Your feet or Your ass and then make him lick You clean. - Order him to bring himself to the edge of orgasm and stay there until You give him permission. When You give the command he must cum within 5 seconds or he will be punished and/or not allowed to cum at all. (keep him that way for 30 minutes, an hour…or as long as You want) - If he’s really horny and bothering You, You may want to curb his interest by ordering him to jerk off 5 or 6 times in a row. Use it as skin conditioner… 3 times on each foot, have him spread it around and lick them clean after each time. - Always make him lick You clean after sex. - When You go out, order him to tie himself up, be naked or dressed up as a girl and be kneeling at the door for when You arrive. - Lock a padlock on his balls. - Give him a golden shower. - Make him think of a new way for You to humiliate him. Punish him if You don’t think it’s good enough. Make him post it to the net (and send it to me to add to the list) List of Punishments:  If he’s not performing to Your satisfaction, or You just feel the need to assert Your right to punish Your slave. - Spank or whip him. (wooden spoon, hair brush, belt, ruler, ping pong paddle, riding crop, switch, cat-o-nine tails…) - Tie him in an uncomfortable position. - Tie his ankles together and attach his balls to them. - Hog tied. (wrists and ankles tied together) - Hanging from the ceiling by his wrists. - In a chair with his knees pulled up to his shoulders – good for spanking and everything is exposed and vulnerable. - Tie up his balls and cock with a long leather thong, clothes line, or boot lace. Use a long piece, and wrap the base and balls repeatedly. Do each ball separately. Tie tight loops around his shaft from base to tip then tie the end off back between his legs and up to a belt or to his handcuffs. - Make him wear a chastity belt or cock cage. - Attach clothes pins or nipple clips to his nipples, balls, cock or wherever. - Put a butt plug in his ass. Or get out the strap-on. - Enema. - Double up on his domestic chores, make them more difficult: tie his hands; make him use a toothbrush to clean the toilet, tie his ankles with a short chain and make him wear extra high heels. - Deny him orgasms for a long period of time. - Have him lick You clean after you pee. - Put Ben-gay or icy-hot on his penis and nipples. - Drip candle wax on him. - Make him do exercises (jumping jacks, leg spreads, squats, aerobics, yoga…) - Humiliate him in public…take him shopping for panties/lingerie


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11 months ago
And When You Unfortunately Misplease Her, You Are Happy That She Spanks You To Demonstrate Her Dominance

and when you unfortunately misplease her, you are happy that she spanks you to demonstrate her dominance and displeasure

And When You Unfortunately Misplease Her, You Are Happy That She Spanks You To Demonstrate Her Dominance

bottoms up Red

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1 year ago
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

Lovely sounds.

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1 year ago
Summer Is Calling!

Summer is calling! 🤗

The winter was long...so much rain, the cold weather and a lot of grey.

Time for summer, sun and beach🏝️🌞🌊.

Finally summer outfits again👒👙👗. Simply beautiful!

What do you think about it?

Team Winter ❄️ or Team Summer☀️?

1 year ago
jansoulfire - Jan Soulfire
1 year ago
jansoulfire - Jan Soulfire
1 year ago


Gestern erhielten wir den Besuch eines befreundeten BDSM-Paares. Persönlich kannte ich die beiden nicht, jedoch war meine Herrin mit ihnen gut vertraut. Meine Verantwortung bestand darin, das Abendessen zuzubereiten und die Gäste zu bewirten. Ich empfand eine gewisse Nervosität, da ich nicht sicher war, was mich an diesem Abend erwarten würde.

Selbstverständlich legte meine Herrin mir meinen Keuschheitsgürtel an, dazu Sissy-Höschen und einen BH. Zu Beginn durfte ich noch Jeans und einen Pullover tragen. Die Besucherin trug einen Rock und ein beinahe durchsichtiges Oberteil, das ihre Brüste deutlich zur Schau stellte. Nach einem Glas Sekt zur Begrüßung wurde ich gebeten, mit der Zubereitung des Essens zu beginnen. Dafür musste ich mich bereits auf meine Unterwäsche beschränken.

Während ich in der Küche beschäftigt war, führten meine Herrin und der Meister angeregte Gespräche über verschiedenste Aspekte von Sexualität und BDSM-Praktiken. Dabei testete der Gast immer wieder die Grenzen seiner Sklavin aus, indem er sie berührte, knetete oder schlug. Nachdem ich das Essen fertiggestellt hatte, servierte ich es. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war die Sklavin bereits oben ohne, und ich bediente die Gäste und meine Herrin.

Während die Herrschaft sich weiterhin angeregt unterhielt, wurden die Sklavin und ich angewiesen, schweigend am Tisch zu sitzen. Wir durften nur antworten, wenn wir direkt angesprochen wurden. Da ich noch als Novize im Bereich des SM gelte, war meine Position eindeutig unter der der Sklavin. Deshalb saß ich am Boden, während die anderen am Tisch speisten. Zusätzlich war ich für das Servieren, Abräumen und Reinigen der Küche verantwortlich, bis ich endlich die Erlaubnis erhielt, zu den Füßen meiner Herrin Platz zu nehmen.

Meine Herrin präsentierte dem Gast einige Peitschen, die dieser sofort an seiner Sklavin ausprobierte. Die Sklavin enthüllte ihren Körper bis auf halterlose Strümpfe und ertrug die Schläge. Bei diesem Anblick erregte mich nicht die Sklavin selbst, sondern die Wirkung der Peitsche auf ihren Körper. Aufgrund von Fehlern bei der Bedienung oder meinen Antworten wurde mein Strafkonto erhöht, und auch die Sklavin wurde mit Schlägen bestraft.

Nach einer Weile verlangte unsere Herrschaft nach einer Zigarette, und wir wurden in einen Käfig gesperrt. Der Käfig war geräumig, aber eine Plexiglasscheibe zwischen uns hinderte jeglichen Kontakt. Unsere Bewegungsfreiheit war stark eingeschränkt. Während unsere Herrschaft vom Balkon zurückkehrte, mussten wir im Käfig bleiben. Beide erhielten wir einen Plug eingeführt und wurden von unserer Herrschaft bespielt. Lediglich für notwendige Handlungen wurden wir abwechselnd herausgenommen.

Die Sklavin erhielt ihre Schläge, während ich bediente oder zur Begutachtung zur Verfügung stand. Der Körper der Sklavin war mittlerweile von Striemen übersät. Meine Herrin ließ sich ebenfalls von dem Gast mit einer Bullwhip bearbeiten, während ich weiterhin im Käfig verweilen musste. Trotz der Schmerzen lief ihr der Fotzensaft die Beine hinunter.

Später befriedigte der Gast auch seine Lust an seiner Sklavin, die sich dafür im Käfig an die Stangen pressen musste. Meine Herrin entschied sich dazu, sich vor mir selbst zu befriedigen. Erst weit nach Mitternacht verabschiedeten sich die Gäste, und ich blieb mit meinem erregten und tropfenden Schwanz allein im Käfig zurück.

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