436 posts
What If The Ahsoka Novel Is A Piece Of In Universe Historical Fiction Based Off Of Snippets Of Interviews
What if the Ahsoka novel is a piece of in universe Historical Fiction based off of snippets of interviews that Ahsoka gave, incomplete records, second/third/fourth hand accounts of events, redacted reports, some heavy speculation and a hefty dose of fiction?
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More Posts from Jedikali
Flautist Melissa Jefferson plays slaver James Madison's 200-year-old crystal flute in the Library of Congress.
So a friend of mine has an Etsy store that's taken a hit this year, like many others, and is getting buried by the algorithm under the weight of stores run by corporate manufacturers and sweatshops posing as artisans and small businesses that Etsy won't weed out. Since her work seems very in line with Tumblr's aesthetic, I thought there might be folks on here who would be interested in it!
She makes hand-bound leather journals, using eco-friendly sourced materials. From her page: "All of the leather I use have been sourced as a by-product from the upholstery and automotive trade which may otherwise end up as waste." (I actually use her offcuts to make leather thimbles, so the recycling continues!)
They're GORGEOUS btw:
Rainbow colors!!
Rainbow pages!!!
She does really gorgeous work, right? I have one of her journals and people are always asking me where I got it. So if you're wanting to spend your Christmas gift money on a small business or individual artisan and you like lovely leather journals made from offcuts that have been saved from going in a landfill, I can't recommend Jackdaw Bindery on Etsy enough!
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