Tales Of The Jedi Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
Thinking about that line in the leaked tales of the jedi teaser- "The best way I can protect you is to teach you how to protect yourself" (Anakin is saying this to Ahsoka). Man this line is making me feel things. Maybe it's just the music and visuals (cough cough and hearing Matt Lanter as Anakin again). Or maybe it's the Clone Wars nostalgia because good lord that line makes me think about the Padawan Lost arc. Just thinking about how Anakin's desire to teach Ahsoka to protect herself leads to Ahsoka saying the famous "All I had was your training, and the lessons you taught me. And because of you, I did survive. And not only that, I was able to lead others to survive as well." Just thinking about how we might just see the training that taught Ahsoka to survive not only in that arc, but in the Wrong Jedi arc, and the Siege of Mandalore/Order 66, not to mention through the rebellion era and beyond and forever because Dave isn't killing her off anytime soon lol. And I'm thinking about Anakin, how he needs his loved ones to survive, the sternness in his voice when he says the "train you to protect yourself" line and "again" after Ahsoka is knocked out by the clones. He has to prepare Ahsoka because he knows that she's being thrown out into a war as an inexperienced little padawan and he can't lose her. Anakin has to push her now because he can't bear to lose her. Remember how he dealt with Ahsoka being kidnapped in the padawan lost arc? He would never be able to deal with Ahsoka's loss in general, but especially so if he felt as though he hadn't prepared her well enough. (Imagine how much he probably blamed himself for not training her well enough after she left the Order-) So he pushes her to get up and train again and again even though in the trailer we see Ahsoka failing over and over because he knows he can't always be there to protect her and so he needs to teach her to protect herself. And it all ties back to Anakin's need to protect his loved ones, not only for their sake, but because he isn't able to live with himself when he does lose them.
I’m now wondering did something happen to Ahsoka for Anakin to be like: “yeah, I need to train her even more” or maybe he just notices her weak spots during a training session or he’s just being his natural overprotective self?
Either way can’t wait
just saw the leaked tales of the jedi trailer and i'm actually about to faint i am so excited
"the best way i can protect you is teach you how to protect yourself" NO ONE TOUCH ME THE WAY THEY'RE FRAMING IT IN THE TRAILER MAKES IT SEEM LIKE HIS TRAINING IS WHY SHE SURVIVES
also reminds me of this ahsoka quote from tcw 3.22 Wookie Hunt: "You already did everything you could. Everything you had to do. When I was out there, alone, all I had was your training. And the lessons you taught me, and because of you, I did survive. And not only that, I was able to lead others to survive as well."

@/gizkalord: they’re going to make it explicit that anakins training is what helps ahsoka survive order 66 aren’t they.

At it again, are they?
“are u okay?” no i’m gonna throw up at the idea of new animated snips and skyguy content
kind of ironic ‘tales of the jedi’ follows the two person who left the order
Tales of the Jedi breakdown
judging by the HD images. The animation style looks like a mix between Clone Wars (environment - more realistic) and Rebels (characters - less textured)

(the first baby episode is shown at Celebration, Mama Tano is voiced by Janina Gavankar)
(Kevin Kiner’s doing the music)
Her mom looks quite young to me Because she still wears a hood. Otherwise it supports Ahsoka just having short montral genes? 😂
I really like Mama Tano’s style. Saw a lot of Ahsoka on her. The denim blue and work clothes. It’s also short-sleeved and has square pockets on the thighs. I want to say the hood is the same shape as 304 off a hunch, but that might be a stretch. The hood, of course, has two tassels just like Snow Outfit has two pom-poms on the montral tips. And is it too early to say it has a central seam?
yes this Shilli (if they dare to name it at all - YESSSS THEY NAMED IT) fits near perfect as I imagine. Mountains, valleys, village huts. If one thing it’s the foilage could be more colourful. It’s a bit Earth (North America)-like right now with the pines. And it could fit better into the lekku=camoflauge legends bit
I’m so excited to see a togrutan Grandma and generally a bigger sample size. Let’s hold out hope that’s a Grandpa so they are not retconning long female lekku once and for all. Because obviously the other adult on the right looks like she is a Rebels model. (The Elder is a Grandma)

Just this pose is so classic Skyguy and Snips. They are bickering, Anakin has NO defense against Ahsoka. He WILL indulge her. YES. THAT’S THEM. And the organge, the composition, side-view level wide shot with the two of them right in the middle. I can ring you three parallels right this second (206,322,520)

Ahsoka training with droids! Ahsoka learning to use two lightsabers!!

Inquisitors?? Bell-Bottoms?! the Lost Sixteen?!!!!
reasonably it’s porbably the novel’s showdown with the Sixth Brother. But I hope is a new story. also sad if that’s the case they don’t bother bringing out Monkey Boots :(
anakin and ahsoka arguing and mutually storming off in front of the whole temple + luminara’s “at it again, are they?” observation from geonosis arc yeah i’m eating this up
thinking about “the first person that tells her ‘don’t be afraid’ is her mother” and “I know you are scared, but you can’t let your fear control you. Aren’t you scared? I used to be, all the time, until I realized that if you make decisions out of fear, you’re more likely to be wrong” to “But all I’ve been, since I was a Padawan, is a soldier” to “I’m tired of fighting”
“Is she using the Force or is she just not afraid? How is that any different?”
"I used to bring Qui-Gon here as a boy." yeah that's the courtyard Dooku. younglings train here.
before tales of the jedi Vader looking for Ahsoka past o66 made sense in a way but was mostly taken as angst fuel NOW after tales of the Jedi we know anakin practically trained ahsoka for this by having the clones shoot stun bolts at her until she went from collapsing from exhaustion to twisting and twirling in the air and avoiding the shots in a way that almost looked easy! Now we know why he still hoped to find her alive because he thought maybe his teachings had saved her in the end.
I don’t know why everyone’s assuming Tales of the Jedi ep 6 decanonises/replaces the Ahsoka novel when we can collectively accept the much funnier headcanon that the part on the farm just takes place after Raada
Ahsoka when hiding out on a farming settlement going by Ashla while accidentally charming a local girl attracts Imperial attention and she has to fight an inquisitor a second time in like two months: damn it I really thought that would work this time
Kix watching Anakin & Rex “Train” Ahsoka:
“There must be some medical danger to being stunned that many times. Girl’s going to be twitching for days.”
I think something to bear in mind about Tales of the Jedi episodes "Justice", "Choices" and "The Sith Lord" is that they're seen through Dooku's point-of-view.
And Dooku is an unreliable narrator. He *embellishes* events to fit his own rationalization.
In The Clone Wars Season 6, when talking about Sifo-Dyas, who witnesses confirmed Dooku killed/had assassinated, Dooku says "Sifo-Dyas understood, that is why he helped me!"

No, Dooku. He didn't. You murdered him, then stole his credentials.
And most of Dooku: Jedi Lost is basically Asajj making up her own mind of him based on Dooku's *likely altered* recounting of the facts... and these three short stories are pretty much the same thing.
Dooku is essentially bullshitting himself.
"I think the audience needs to understand that [Dooku] was a Jedi and a good person and he starts out trying to do the right thing. And often when we’re trying to do the right thing and we take it to extremes, we don’t realize it. Suddenly you’re on the wrong side of things, and then it gets harder and harder. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny" is as simple as saying when you lie, it gets harder to tell the truth. You tell one lie, another lie, another lie…" - Dave Filoni, Nerdist, 2022
My headcanon is that these episodes are the "tale" Dooku told himself to rationalize his dark deeds. They're the lie he repeated, over and over, until he finally believed it.
It's why a complex character like Mace Windu is portrayed as a one-dimensional "teacher's pet/stickler for the rules". That's how Dooku sees him: a drone who parrots the Councils every word.
Conversely, when Dooku says "I've been warning them about the incoming Darkness"...

... dude, you're an accomplice of the incoming Darkness! You were working with the incoming Darkness for years before your old Padawan became a victim of it and you're still helping it now!
Like, I gotta question whether Yaddle even said "you were right" or if that's Dooku's warped perspective acting up.
At some point, he'll stop lying to himself and just unabashedly accept he's a monster... but, clearly, not at this stage in his life, beside the occasional moment of clarity, as seen in "The Sith Lord".

TALES OF THE JEDI (2022) + Parallels to other Star Wars media
What if the Ahsoka novel is a piece of in universe Historical Fiction based off of snippets of interviews that Ahsoka gave, incomplete records, second/third/fourth hand accounts of events, redacted reports, some heavy speculation and a hefty dose of fiction?