jeskler - Untitled

15 posts

Jeskler - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

Bit of a headcanon of mines, but Rex is indisputably the disciplinarian of the 501st and is generally the last person you want to be pulled into a disciplinarian meeting with.

Anakin can’t bring himself to care about military discipline or maintaining it very much, he’ll dole it out when need be and will give his two cents if he’s asked about it. But generally he turns a blind eye to all but the most serious of infractions and even then he just sics Rex in ‘em. And Ahsoka just doesn’t have a mean bone in her body towards the clones and tries to avoid disciplining anyone whenever she can.

But Rex? He will make your cry with words alone, he needs a bag of cough drops from how sour he’ll shout his voice out, you will be pulling an ARC-170 across the hanger until they reach their destination. He lets nothing slide, shows no mercy, and will push you right up until your bones are about to break. The first time Ahsoka witnessed Rex disciplining some troopers, she left almost traumatized cause of how much meaner he could be than she thought.

In contrast, while Cody is as much of a rules stickler as Rex is, he’s significantly more calm. He’s generally lighter with his punishments if he believes the point can be made quickly. Obiwan doesn’t really do traditional discipline but instead prefers one on one talks which are like having a conversation with a disappointed father you look up to and is way more effective at keeping order than Cody’s method.

One time, very early in the war, Anakin had the misfortune of doing something so incredibly stupid Rex entirely ignored rank and convention and told him off like he would any other Trooper.

Anakin behaved significantly better after that.

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8 months ago

Idk if this is actually canon or not, but Miranada seems like the kind of person to have a panic attack over any mistake, no matter how big or small.

When you first meet her she makes it very clear how much is demanded of her cause of how perfect she is, I can't imagine failing would illicit a very positive response.

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9 months ago

Blaze is definitely the person who pays for everything for everyone.

Going out to dinner? Blaze pays.

Going shopping? Blaze pays.

Grabbing lunch? Blaze pays.

Ordering something online? Blaze pays.

Grabbing some snacks from a gas station? You bet Blaze pays.

It’s gotten to the point where Blaze is just giving the others their own cards connected to her account, Blaze doesn’t mind, but it’d a bit annoying to have to constantly pull out her wallet every single time.

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9 months ago

Sonic Headcanon

To state clearly, this is based on nothing but my own personal headcanon. While I may take from established games or comic issues, this is largely just me spitballing out into the wild, so take any possible discrepancies with a grain of salt.


Sonic is a hero, obviously. If there's any fact anyone knows about the blue hedgehog is that he loves to beat the bad guy, save the day, and get showered in glory for it. It's been that way ever since he started saving the day from a young age, something he's always enjoyed doing as much as any other hobby.

And for a long time, it stayed that way, being a hero wasn't just a job to Sonic, it was something he loved to do. And the fastest thing alive can't remember for his own life when that started to change.

It was small at first, brief frustrations with civilians and friends over inconveniences, his joy when hearing about some more badniks to fight replaced with moments of disdain at the alert of a new eggman attack at poor times, and taking a bit longer to get out of bed in the morning, being occasionally annoyed at being stopped by a fan in the street for an autograph when he was in a particulary sour mood at that time. But it was never stuff that lasted for more than a brief moment, a second or two, and it always gave to his usual carefree optimism and snarky attitude, things he simply dismissed as just natural changes as people got older.

But it didn't stop there, as he got older he began to noticed just how tired he was especially as his popularity grew and he went from a local small time hero just doing the right thing to a world wide celebrity hailed for saving the world numerous times, more a symbol than a person.

He began to notice just how many people looked up to him, how many people saw him as this larger than life figure, as someone to take after, as someone to inspire to be. While he began to feel tired he shrugged it off, nothing more than growing pains he thought, every new celebrity has to feel that way, right? So he took up the role, he maintained the new image everyone had of him as the fearless hero with an attitude.

And from there it only got worse, every day that passed he felt just a little bit more tired, a little bit less energetic, a little bit less happy, a little bit less himself. The fame he once dreamed of as a child soon became something he began to grow wary of and it wasn't the fans, it wasn't the interviews, it wasn't seeing his face everywhere at all times, those were all things he could handle, no, it was the fact he couldn't be himself.

He couldn't be Sonic the person, the energetic daredevil from Christmas Island who just did the right things cause it was the right thing to do known for going fast and being cool. No, he had to be Sonic the hero, who always saved the day no matter what, who was always selfess and always gave his 110%, who was always strong, and never showed a shred of weakness all day, every day, every night, every hour, every minute, every second.

He can't blame people for looking at him like that, after all he did help cultivate the image by playing the part to the rest of the world, and maybe that could've been at least somewhat bearable had his friends also not started to look up to that version aswell. While obviously they didn't believe the public image whole hog, they believed in it enough, they always assumed he'd be there, they'd always call on them no matter what, and he'd always answer, he'd always have their back, asking for nothing in return and leaving them with a snarky reply, the word "no" almost became a foreign one to him.

He was trapped into an show, an actor who couldn't drop his act, forced to wear a mask that represented a charicature, a character and not a person. And for a while he managed to keep the wall behind Sonic the person and Sonic the character but soon enough enough that wall began to crumble and the lines between the character and the man became a blur to him, things he once thought as being so critical to himself being left behind and forgotten as he feels every inch of the true distance between him, the real him, and his friends.

But while his mask mends with his flesh and bones, the exhaust never leaves, it only gets worse. Where once he was excited to get a call to action, now it only filled him dread. Where once he'd get to where he needed as fast as he possibly could, now he begins to drag his feet (though still arriving multiple times faster than needed). Where he used to keep a bright smile at all times even when alone, now even bringing up a fake one to keep up the act feels like an increasingly impossible task. Where once he would openly voice his disdain for any prolonged period of rest, now he welcomes it with open arms and grows irritated anytime someone has to break him from it. Where once when he saw a city under attack he wouldn't even waste a pictosecond before rushing in to save the day, he is now battered with the thought of just walking by, a thought a younger him would've been horrified to have even contemplated but that now feels so common.

And the worst part is the isolation. Sure, he has some of the best friends anyone could ask for, all of whom would die for him a thousand times over if he simply asked, and yes, he has a little brother who loves him more than the universe itself, and he is so very grateful and happy for all of them but as he feels the separate between who he is and who the world expects him to be slip away, he feels like he can't turn to anyone.

He can't vent to Tails, cause he knows his little brother looks up to the Hedgehog and he doesn't want to look weak to him, not realizing that he's only setting his beloved little brother to experience the same thing he has later on in life.

He can't vent to Amy as for all her empathy and compassion, he still feels that she looks up to the idea of Sonic she's had since she was a kid and he can't bear to break that image she has of him, not realizing that his self isolation will only make Amy feel like he still sees her as that little girl obsessed with him from all those years ago and not his friend.

He can't vent to Knuckles, cause he fears what the blunt and bravdo warrior will say to him if he expresses any semblance of weakness, not realizing that if any person in the world was to understand loneliness, it would be the sole guardian of the Master Emerald.

He can't turn to Shadow, cause while they aren't active enemies anymore, his rival still holds enough disdain for the blue hedgehog to make any opening up risky, not realizing that his opposite is amongst the first to respond when he's needed help with anthing regardless of how severe.

To top it off, of all the people in the world to recognize the Hedgehog's deteriorating state, it is not one of his friends who picked up on some odd behavior, it is not a fan who noticed how his smile began to lack that energy it used to, it wasn't even just a passer by sensing something was wrong and asking if was ok just on a whim.

Of all the people of Mobius, it was Doctor Eggman who noticed the Hedgehog's descent into depression and depersonhood. And the Doctor did not waste a moment to pounce on the opportunity. Attacks increased, their frequency, their scale, the distance they occured, the friends he attacked, all the while he secretly pushed the very hero worship that has begun to destroy his old enemy, why kill Sonic when he can get the whole world to worship him and watch him break right infront of their eyes.

He feels the chains and weights of expectation pull on his neck and limbs, dragging him down as a mask is molded onto his face and he's demanded to play an act. As he puts more and more weight on his shoulders with a smile faker than any illusion. As the very smoke that got him high now sucks the oxygen from his lungs and suffocates him.

His endless empathy that refuses to let him let anyone come to harms way if he can do anything about it and incredible ego refusing to let his reputation be tarnished in the slightest mixing to form a deadly cocktail that only pushes him closer and closer to a path of apathy and self destruction.

Sonic the Hedgehog is a hero, he loves being a hero, he loves the people he has met and he finds no more satistfaction when saving the day.

But he is still just a man, a man who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders and refuses to let anyone see the cracks starting to form, and like any man who puts the world on his shoulders, it's only a matter of time till its overwhelming weight simply crushes him.

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9 months ago

Yeah, absolutely, just spitballing ideas

Surgamy comic idea

First few panels is Surge talking to Kit, explaining her newest plan to fuck with Sonic, hooking up with Amy and turning her against Sonic.

Then the next panel is a close up on her head with her saying how it’s perfect and it’ll ruin Sonic

There’s an undetermined time jump with Surge in the exact same position, but this time with her hair groomed back and in a tux at her and Amy’s wedding.

They kiss, everyone celebrates, and a few of the heroes walk up to Surge and Amy and begin congratulating about their wedding and Sonic giving her a handshake and a pat on the back.

It’s then that Surge has a sudden face of realization, the realization that instead of her ruining Amy, Amy fixed her and she didn’t even realize it.

9 months ago

Surge having a relapse and deciding to fight Sonic after spending a lot of time with the team.

Sonic: Surge, I don't understand. I thought joining us was helping you. Why are you doing this?

Surge: You don't get it. How could you? You who never once questioned why he fights. You always lived for yourself. Ran for yourself.

Surge: Once I joined you I lost what drove me to be the best. I lost my edge and now... I'm going to... Amy's brunches and Tails' movie nights! LISTEN TO ME, SONIC! I'M USING THEY'RE FUCKING NAMES!

Surge: But now I have a chance. A chance to finally fight you one on one. No outsiders. No interference. Just you, me and my victory.

9 months ago

Surgamy comic idea

First few panels is Surge talking to Kit, explaining her newest plan to fuck with Sonic, hooking up with Amy and turning her against Sonic.

Then the next panel is a close up on her head with her saying how it’s perfect and it’ll ruin Sonic

There’s an undetermined time jump with Surge in the exact same position, but this time with her hair groomed back and in a tux at her and Amy’s wedding.

They kiss, everyone celebrates, and a few of the heroes walk up to Surge and Amy and begin congratulating about their wedding and Sonic giving her a handshake and a pat on the back.

It’s then that Surge has a sudden face of realization, the realization that instead of her ruining Amy, Amy fixed her and she didn’t even realize it.

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10 months ago
jeskler - Untitled
10 months ago
Still Busy With My Project But I Did Colour This Finally
Still Busy With My Project But I Did Colour This Finally
Still Busy With My Project But I Did Colour This Finally

still busy with my project but i did colour this finally

11 months ago

Those are all fantastic points that I can’t believe I forgot, in my haste to lament and rage against the flanderization and jedigeneralification of Rex, I flanderized and jedigeneralized Cody in the process.

Cody is the absolutely unhinged madman who needs Obiwan to keep him on a leash.

Anakin is the absolutely unhinged madman who needs Rex to keep him on a leash.

Where tf did people get the idea Rex is some mini-anakin and some insane hyperactive madman compared to the rest of the clones.

The man is almost the walking talking definition of the phrase “by the books”, he’s as professional as they come, he’s SO god damn professional and proper, that merely calling Anakin by his first name was enough to let Anakin know something was off cause he knew Rex ONLY ever calls him General Skywalker unless shit has officially Hit The Fan™

Yeah sure, he’s a creative and aggressive tactician and more than willing to use unconventional strategies to secure victory, but he only does that cause he’s so by the books he has the whole god damn book memorized and knows how to properly be creative with it.

And no, just cause he’s more wild than Cody is not justification, Cody is the kind of guy to consider doing a mountain of paperwork to be an exciting activity.

1 year ago

Where tf did people get the idea Rex is some mini-anakin and some insane hyperactive madman compared to the rest of the clones.

The man is almost the walking talking definition of the phrase “by the books”, he’s as professional as they come, he’s SO god damn professional and proper, that merely calling Anakin by his first name was enough to let Anakin know something was off cause he knew Rex ONLY ever calls him General Skywalker unless shit has officially Hit The Fan™

Yeah sure, he’s a creative and aggressive tactician and more than willing to use unconventional strategies to secure victory, but he only does that cause he’s so by the books he has the whole god damn book memorized and knows how to properly be creative with it.

And no, just cause he’s more wild than Cody is not justification, Cody is the kind of guy to consider doing a mountain of paperwork to be an exciting activity.

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1 year ago
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts
Suletta Mercury + Textposts

Suletta Mercury + Textposts

Give this girl a break!


Suletta Mercury + Textposts

Obligatory text post.

1 year ago

ChuChu's gonna be on the warpath

A little bit after watching episode 18 it struck me like a god damn truck.

Earth House thought Suletta was only going to meet with Miorine, no one else, so once they recover Suletta from the vacuum of space, they're gonna have a million questions and I doubt Suletta's gonna be responsive enough to answer.

Which means ChuChu is probably going to think Miorine literally kicked her former groom out into the vacuum of space, literally hugging themselves into a fetal position and crying.

If ChuChu wasn't going to strangle Miorine before with how she broke up with Suletta, she sure as shit is now.

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1 year ago

So! In order to keep myself from losing my goddamn mind in the aftermath of that G-Witch episode (how are we supposed to wait two weeks for the next episode I swear to fuck), I want to take a second and focus on something this show has done exceptionally well, but that I haven’t really seen talked about at all. Namely, the fact that Suletta is one of the best examples of an overpowered protagonist I’ve ever seen.

And yes, she is canonically overpowered. As long as she has Aerial by her side, she can curb-stomp pretty much every opponent without breaking a sweat. Time and again, she goes up against impossible odds and wipes the floor with them The best duelist at school? Chump. Facing multiple opponents alone and outnumbered? Child’s play. And honestly, I was starting to get annoyed by it around the end of the first season. How are we supposed to believe Suletta’s ever going to be in danger if she’s so ludicrously stronger than everyone else?

And then The Slap happened, and everything turns upside-down.

See, what makes season 1′s cliffhanger ending so goddamn powerful isn’t just the sight of our cheerful bumbling protagonist liquifying a living person into red paste in front of her horrified fiance. It’s not just the realization of how deep Prospera’s manipulation has twisted Suletta’s sense of identity. No, the real secret behind The Slap’s brilliance is that it retroactively makes every single moment of Overpowered Suletta fucking terrifying. Suddenly, we realize that her overwhelming strength in battle is a direct result of Prospera’s influence, raising her to be the perfect pawn in her little scheme. The reason she’s able to knock the socks off every single opponent she faces isn’t just Latent Protag Syndrome; it’s because her mother crafted her into a relentless warrior with the strength to destroy any obstacle in the path to her revenge. Suletta’s strength in battle isn’t just overwhelming; it’s dangerous, to herself and everyone around her. And the second she has to unleash that strength in a situation more serious than a no-casualties school sporting match, it becomes instantly, horrifyingly clear that she is in no way ready to grapple with the great responsibility that comes with such great power.

In other words, what first seemed like just a case of another anime protagonist winning every fight because reasons turns on its head and makes that overpowered nature a source of fear, both for the audience and for Miorine. So instead of ending up a boring tension-killer where we’re never afraid for Suletta’s safety, the fact that she’s capable of such force becomes the most critical source of tension and conflict driving her and Miorine’s story in the second season. Suletta being so overpowered is an explicit character flaw, at least as long as Prospera’s claws are in her. Because just because she can punch away any physical threat in her path doesn’t mean she’s not vulnerable in countless other areas. She may be the strongest in a fight, but she has nowhere near the strength of character to deal with the political schemes and emotional burdens that come about as a result of that strength. All that skill on the battlefield doesn’t mean shit when you can’t see how that skill is being manipulated for dark ends, or causing you to take on stress and trauma you have no healthy way of coping with. Suletta can smash her way to victory in any fight, and yet she’s the most vulnerable, least protected person in the entire cast, in no small part thanks to the forces that made her so strong in the first place.

There’s a reason characters like Saitama from One Punch Man and Mob from Mob Psycho 100 are so beloved, despite being so overpowered. ONE knows that in order to make an overpowered character interesting, you need to give them struggles beyond the scope of their powers to fix. Saitama can punch a mountain in half, but he can’t punch his way out of existential ennui; that’s just as much of a struggle for him as any normal person. Mob’s psychic powers can’t solve his emotional turmoil or provide him the perfect path toward maturity; he has to figure that out himself. They are overwhelmingly strong in fights, but the primary conflict of their stories has very little to do with those fights and everything to do with their growth as people. They’re stories about how even being the strongest person alive doesn’t protect you from the challenges of life that everyone on this planet faces, and their journeys to self-actualization are enormously compelling as a result. No one remembers the overpowered exploits of Isekai Harem Protagonist du jour; everyone remembers watching Saitama and Mob slowly find their way forward in life, one simple step at a time.

Suletta, in my eyes, is very much in the same vein. Like Saitama and Mob and all the best overpowered protagonists, her writing understands that being incredibly skilled in one area doesn’t mean you can’t be challenged in others- and in Mob’s case especially, how that incredible skill can actually be the biggest obstacle for the challenge you actually need to overcome. Suletta’s skill in battle is made compelling by her lack of that same skill in other areas, and the ultimate conflict of Gundam Witch is a conflict she cannot punch her way out of. If she’s going to survive this chaos and live happily every after with Miorine, she will need to struggle to overcome her years of conditioning and emotional uncertainty. She will need to struggle just as Mob struggled, just as Saitama struggled, not just to learn the skills she hasn’t developed yet, but to push back against the influence that resulted in her being so freakishly strong in the first place. Suletta is an overpowered protagonist who’s overpowered nature is, itself, the greatest challenge she will have to overcome in order to truly save herself and the people she loves. And I think that’s really damn neat.