Surge The Tenrec - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago


I know that they're all cyborgs, but when I say androids you instantly know what I'm talking about so no harm done



Our plan, your vision, my artistry! 🖼️✨ If you’re interested in your own personalized pieces, I’m open for commissions <3 <3 <3

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7 months ago

A dbz redraw of Surge kicking Shadow's arm?

A Dbz Redraw Of Surge Kicking Shadow's Arm?

Ask and you shall receive!

Fighting against the Androids!

I know that she's a cyborg, but when I say androids you instantly know what I'm talking about so no harm done If you have any more Dragon Ball moments I could Sonic-ify, just send me an inbox!


A Dbz Redraw Of Surge Kicking Shadow's Arm?

Our plan, your vision, my artistry! 🖼️✨ If you’re interested in your own personalized pieces, I’m open for commissions <3 <3 <3

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2 years ago

a really fast work i did for like 1.3 hours but it was worth it i got attached to this great character from new IDW sonic episodes

great comic series

A Really Fast Work I Did For Like 1.3 Hours But It Was Worth Iti Got Attached To This Great Character

also the light and shadows in here kind of sloopy so don't mind that

p.s: i think purple/blue-ish colors suit her a lot

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2 years ago
An Actual Artworki Decided To Draw Surge For It Bc She Rocks And She's Fine As Hell Go Surge Go

an actual artwork i decided to draw surge for it bc she rocks and she's fine as hell go surge go

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1 year ago
A lineless digital illustration of two versions of Surge the Tenrec from the IDW "Sonic the Hedgehog" comics. The Surge on the left is drawn to match her canon design, while the Surge on the right is drawn to have anatomy more similar to a real-life tenrec, with a long snout, prominent spines, and stocky build. The background is orange, and light blue electricity radiates out from behind the two figures to spell out "SURGE!!".

SURGE!! Thought it would be fun to do a design for her with anatomy closer to a real life tenrec along with her canon design from the comics.

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1 year ago

@suna1suna1 submitted:

Happy Holidays, @comicaldreamer !! 

This was my first time writing a Surgeamy fic, and I had a lot of fun with it. I hope you enjoy it! ^^

I will put a language warning, but aside from that, this is pretty PG, so nothing explicit! Surge just tends to swear a lot XD

Keep reading

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1 year ago

Aina Sketches

Aina Sketches

These were made a week or two ago while blasting that one Sonic DJ style party album with my tiny speaker lol

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5 months ago

[ The Diamond Cutters stuck in an elevator ]

Silver : Stuck in an elevator because Tangle decided to jump.

Everyone : Fucking Mint!

Tangle : Whisper has had three panic attacks in ten minutes.

Everyone : Fucking Mint!

Whisper : Duo hasn't said a thing since we've gotten stuck.

Everyone : Fucking Mint!

Duo : Surge is being immature and yelling the whole time.

Everyone : Fucking Mint!

Surge : Kit has just been listening to music and calling Tails.

Everyone : Fucking Mint!

Kit : Lanolin has to pee so bad she might get a bladder infection.

Everyone : Fucking Mint!

Lanolin : Kit is the one that we're going to blame because he's a minority.

Everyone : Fucking Mint!

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1 year ago
Draw A Picture If Surge.
Draw A Picture If Surge.
Draw A Picture If Surge.

Draw a picture if surge.

Colour one of the official art

And base baseball vector by sonic with a baseball

Now I'm running out of ideas

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