jev-urisk - Jev's Writeblr
Jev's Writeblr

Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.

194 posts

Friday Kiss Tag!

Friday Kiss Tag!

Saw this posted by @the-golden-comet and you bet your fanglovin' ass I'm jumping on this one. 🔥

From Seven Circles 🌐: Ch13, Inquiries.

(I cut the scene before it gets explicit but here's a soft tw anyway for kissing with sexual intent 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨)

Klaus's gaze follows those hands. What he's considering is.... entirely unheard of for Nexi to do for a PA, and yet... He steps closer, crowding Kazimier. "Then take it." He murmurs. The shifter worries his lip with a fang, suddenly so close to the warm skin of the other man. He recalls the Nexi's reaction the first time Kazimier tried to top him. No biting. He'd have to hold back, do less. Even if Klaus' lust holds that touch of bitter flavor that yearns for claws down his back and teeth at his throat.. Kazimier yanks Klaus forward, hand crumpled in his crisp button-up, and their lips crash together. Immediately the hungered incubus is groaning at the taste- feeling that lust appear from the un-sense-able void. Kazimier’s other hand grips Klaus' waist as his hips press forward in search of friction.

I didn't realize 13 chapters pass before a kiss happens and I LOVE that! It really fits with sex not being inherently intimate for these characters (cuz they have sex apleanty before ch13 😏) and kissing.. it takes a bit of time for them to get comfortable enough to do.

Tagging new writblr followers 🫰 @orphanheirs @marlowethelibrarian and @aalinaaaaaa (no pressure tho! And if you have no kiss scenes, share one of a character eating? 🤷) Or anyone else who may have a smooch to share! 💋

I really need to start a tag list at some point..

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Sometimes I throw myself softball questions just to give myself a break.

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9 months ago

✨️Last Line Tag✨️

Thx for tagging @cowboybrunch ^^

I haven't been writing much from 7C lately, so here's one from♦️Prodigium♦️

"How was your meal, il'prima? I managed to borrow the original An'Prima breeding accounts, but I'll need to get your signature to the An'Shurihi if you plan to keep it overnight." greets Leandre as Maximus returns to his study. The pitch-haired woman was holding the accounts in question in her slender arms- a large bound book with suggestive rope boarder worked into the red leather.

Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees +Open Tag!

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9 months ago

Anticapitalism urban fantasy where queer sex moves the plot forward, got it. 🫡🔥

I'm not sure I can express this sentiment strongly enough, but I'm going to try via the medium of large bolded text.

Write what the fuck you want.

Write what makes you happy. Write what makes your soul sing. Write what fucks you up and makes you cry. Write what comforts you. Write what distracts you. Write what you want to read. Write what you want to watch.

Write what you want to dream about tonight.

Write what you can't get enough of. Write what you're completely obsessed with. Write what wakes you up at 4am and drags you out of bed because you can't stop thinking about what your characters are going to do next.

Write what turns you on, if that's your vibe. Write characters you're in love with and characters who inspire you and characters you want to be friends with and characters you fucking hate but oh my god they're so much fun.

Write about things you would sell your soul to do in real life and things you would never do in real life. Write about things that are happening right now and things that happened a thousand years ago and things that might happen in the future and things you wish could happen.

Write to get a publishing deal or to sell your books yourself or not to sell your books at all. Write for your friends or for strangers or for the people who reblog your posts on Tumblr and send you songs that remind them of your characters.

Write for yourself.

Fuck any system that tells you there's only one right way to create or one valid way to share your writing. Your story, the way you tell it, has so much value. Make people smile or piss people off or do both of those things because art is divisive and fascinating and beautiful.

Start writing. Keep writing. And write what the fuck you want.

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