7 Circles - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

OC Interview 🌠✨️

Thanks for the tag @fortunatetragedy (apologies in advance. I split it up so you're gonna get several tags of this lmao)

I'm going to be answering as Seeker🌠 from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐

What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?

I did so once, and I regret it more than anything. I really aim to fulfill as many of my responsibilities as is feasible.

If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?

I don't know. I have a sibling from.. how would you say this in surface terms.. my mother's wife's third husband? I've not spent much time with her, however. I think my father's first wife bore a child but that was over 500 years ago and I don't count the man as a sibling per se.

What was the worst day of your life?

I.. heh, I decided to take advice from a person who was in a precarious health position. A person very dear to me. I left their side, and in my absence, they passed. I wish very much that I could go back and hold their hands until the end.

If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?

Monster... I am unfamiliar with this term, but on the whole I keep such things as nightmares to myself. I would tell it I appreciate the concern but am not in need of sharing, thank you.

Would you give away secret information if tortured?

I would like to think that if the information was of utmost importance and there were consequences to sharing that would impact others, that I would not. However I've never been in such a position and only received basic training on the matter. I don't know how well I would hold out in reality.

Would you consider yourself different?

-Chuckling- I think I would, yes. I'm not from the surface, and the inhabitants here don't know what to make of me. I may be the only quadrobracial individual down here, and most certainly the only one following the ordinances of Kalilith-kind.

Taglist: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting

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7 months ago

OC Interview💋✨️

Thanks for the tag @fortunatetragedy

I'm going to be answering as Kazimier from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐

He just.. dodges every question.. and gets increasingly irritated.

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?

I like games, strategy-based, like the kinds you could play at a bar. You lookin' ta play?

Be honest. Who could you trust most with a secret?

Myself. Too easy, squints.

Do you dream often? What do you dream about?

I don't. But if ya take my hand, I could hazard a guess at what you dream about, dollface.

Have you ever been in love?

Love is for suckers and breeders and I ain't either of those, squints.

What is your least favorite thing in the world?What is your pet peeve?

Bitches askin' me about bull like love, followed directly by your ugly mug gettin' in my face.

There's always more than one option, you're just too dumb to see it- for instance the option of keepin' stupid questions to yourself alluded you on this one, huh? Fuckin' filchbeggin' piece of shit..

Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?

Don't ask Kazimier personal questions 🙃

Taggames: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open tag!

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7 months ago

Heads up Seven Up/Last Writing/etc. ✨️

Thanks for the tags! I got enough of them that I'm just tagging my list of peers at the end lmao.

From Ch 5 of my WIP, 7 Circles:

Demyen had been trying to put Klaus in impossible positions for fourteen years, and loathe as Klaus is to admit it, he might have finally started looking for flaws in the right places. If Klaus shows Kazimier mercy, he risks exposure. If he doesn’t, he risks assimilation. In one fell swoop, Demyen had made Klaus feel on-edge in his own penthouse, taken away any lingering ability to ignore his complicity in the PA system, and given him a constant reminder of what is at stake if he’s stupid enough to soften towards the poor bastard who didn’t have any real choice in being Demyen’s pawn, even if he is annoyingly observant and always thinking, always tapping his fingers or playing with the hem of his clothes in want of something to fidget with.

It has only been two weeks, and Klaus is softening, and the bastard knows it.

He has worked himself into enough of a temper by the time he opens the door to the penthouse that he’s not even sure which of the two of them he’s cursing when a sharp crackling sound punches through the air, a pained sound from the bastard in question at it’s heels.


I haven't been posting as much due to an unexpected death in the family but I'm still alive and kickin', just might not be as active for awhile 💙

Tagging: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting

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7 months ago

Fanart Friday ✨️🎨

Younger Klaus, main character of 🌐7 Circles🌐, climbing in the Outlands.

Fanart Friday

Thanks to my darling Best Nightmares on discord for this one!

Art tag: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting @wyked-ao3 and @cowboybrunch for Klaus content.

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7 months ago

OC Interview🌻✨️

Tagged by the artist formerly known as @fortunatetragedy (follow them on the new blog @tragedycoded!).

I'm going to be answering as Klaus from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐

You have been caught somewhere you shouldn’t be! Quick, what is your excuse?

Oh.. I rather thought this was where you wanted me, darling.

What’s your worst nightmare?

Sometimes I dream of her screaming my name, and I can't go to her, I can't tell her 'I'm coming, just hold on'.

How good is your sleep schedule?

I only need to sleep 4hrs but I'm lucky if I do.

Do you have any siblings? If so, is your relationship good?

Several. They are all a result of Demyen siring children for demons struggling with fertility, as Cubi occasionally do. We are not close.

What’s the toughest time you had to endure growing up?

Before adulthood? My 'ascension', which is a pompous demonic way of saying I came into my incubus powers. It was especially rough for me. If my ma wasn't a healer the fevers would likely have killed me.

What’s your relationship with your family like?

I miss my Ma every day. She was a wonderful person and I'm blessed to have had her as a parent. I wish.. we'd had more time.

How far would you go to save a loved one?

To the end of the earth.

Who do you live for? Why?

I suppose we'll have to find that out.

Taggames: @katenewmanwrites@smellyrottentrees@wyked-ao3@lychhiker-writes@the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open tag!

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7 months ago

Morreial's heist supplies: Tag Game ✨️

Original game by @thecomfywriter (Post HERE). Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet!

Premise: Write your OC using these tools (from Ch. 18 of Throne of Vengeance) to commit a heist involving an armored vault. A piece of string, a lantern, oil, matches, a book, a cup, an enchanted shovel, and a pair of gloves. And, a navy blue Henley

Love, LOVE this prompt. It's perfect for Kazimier💋, my shapeshifting incubus OC from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐

It's kinda spoiler-y, because it goes over some of Kazimier's abilities and really shows the kind of bastard he is. You've been warned.

Tonight is your final meeting with this criminal. Kazimier smirks behind his drink, an appraising glint in his mismatched eyes. "You wanna know how I did it?" he teases. He knew you did, but wanted to hear you say it anyway.

"How did you steal it?"

He leans back, swirling his glass. "So the safe in this fancy hotel was owned by a Nexi couple, right? They shipped the damn thing down from Nexis years ago an' had it installed in their always-booked penthouse suite. I woulda' sacked it a decade ago but this safe has an arcane lock, capisce?"

You shake your head no, and he rolls his eyes.

"Magic technology, unpickable. An' the only way to open this particular lock is to touch their wedding rings to this weird circle on the front, yeah? So the first thing I do is track down a mediocre fairy lantern replica."

"Wait, what?" you can help uttering, and it earns you a scoff.

"What? It's not like faeries are real, an' if they were they'd appreciate how stupid some folks are over their alleged arda'facts. The husband was one such stupid folk, and after broadcastin' that someone on the black market found a new lantern, a few fake death threats, and a well-placed comment made by a poker dealer- I got him to agree to a meeting in a car. One of them fancy Nexi ones that comes with a driver an' I made sure the person at the wheel is one on my payroll. I arrive as a representative of the auction house, shapeshifted to look like a vampiress."

"Wait, so you-"

"Had tits, yes. Along with long brown hair, skinny ankles, and a pencil skirt shorter than your attention span."

You grimace, "I wasn't going to ask about you having, uh.."

"-AAAnnyway, the moment I set down my briefcase bag it starts leakin' a sleeping gas and I keep him distracted. Soon enough he's out like a light and I crack open the hollowed out copy of 'Auctions Uncatalogued: A Dry Fuckin' History Book' for a few supplies. I knew he was a thicc bastard, so I came prepared with some oil and string to get the ring off, as well as gloves to keep the guy's taste outta my brain."

"What does that mean??"

"I'm not gonna explain how to get little rings offa big fingers, bud. Ask the internet. OH, I also filched his shirt- a blue henley kinda' thing, and his slacks. The car keeps movin' and I use his weird-Nexi-phone to call his broad, who is very occupied in some high-stakes gambling and tell 'er using her husband's voice that I need her ring to make an exchange of some Nexan technology in the safe for the super legit fairy lamp some vampire just showed me. I shapeshift into the husband, put on his clothes, and am in and out of the casino without the broad suspecting a thing. She hands me the ring, I complain bitterly about her not spendin' enough time with me, she tells me not now and goes back to her gambling. Perfect marriage. An hour later I've exchanged their top-grade arcane technology for a dinky old lamp and am waitin' around for the wife to show up." Kazimier finishes, quirking his brow as he drinks some of his cocktail.

After a few moments it seems like he;s truly done, but it might be another instance of him leading you to egg him on. "Well what happened when the wife showed up?" you ask, hooked despite yourself.

Kazimier's grin widens, "She found a brown-haired vampress in her penthouse wearing nothing but her husbands blue henley." He takes in your expression and keeps going, "The broad probably would've killed me if I didn't 'confess' that her husband had just left for the bar in the lobby with the other girl. Boy did that lie get her back out the door in an instant. From there I put a little oil in a glass cup, light it with a match, an' drop the little moltov offa' the balcony. A signal to get in position. I count to sixty and jump off myself- make my getaway."

You lean back, taking in the convoluted mind you're sitting with tonight, somewhat stunned. "Wait- Why did you need to borrow my enchanted shovel, then?" you add, happy that it was returned to you clean and unharmed the moment you sat down but curious since Kazimier said it was needed for this heist.

"Oh, that? I killed the husband." Kazimier says with a casual shrug.

"You used my shovel to bury a Nexan?!" you hiss, leaning forward. This wasn't what you expected at all when Kazimier offered you a deal.

Kazimier leans forward, all the humor gone from his face, only the tilt of his head hinting at his amusement. "I used your very unique shovel to kill, a Nexan, sunshine." He kills his drink and with a parting chuckle you and your shovel are left behind, tools that have fulfilled their use and you realize with ice in your blood why Kazimier just told you everything.

Tonight is your final meeting with this criminal.

Taggames: Taggames: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @tragedycoded

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7 months ago

OC Interview 🐁✨️

Thanks for the tag @tragedycoded

I'm going to be answering as Valian from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐

What is the worst insult you can give?

You're less qualified than I am.

(Why is that the worst insult?)

I'm a fuckin' ifrit, an' a collared one to boot. You do the maths.

What is the nicest thing someone could say to you?

Hey Valian, I gave you all my money an' a lifetime supply of good eatin'.

(Couldn't you just get money and buy food with it?)

I'm just coverin' me tail, here.

Are you a jealous person?

I'm practical. If I have somthin' another bloke wants I figure they're like to take it from me 'n vise versa.

Have you ever committed a crime?

-Laughs- 'Oo, me?

Are you neat or messy?

You've gottu 'ave things to be messy.

How do you feel about crying?

Oh, cryin' is great when you're a lad but at some point you get old enough that they stop believin' the waterworks.

Let it out or hold it in?

We talkin' about words or unmentionables here? Ain't healthy to put off goin' to piss.

Who has betrayed you most?


(Who is Ripley?)

Flea-ridden backstabbin' lycan bastard.

What style of accessories do you wear? Is it willingly?

-He grips his collar with a dead expression- Sure, I willingly got this hunk of metal trackin' me at all hours.

(Fair enough. Anything else?)

-He sticks out his tongue, which also reveals a tongue piercing- I didn't choose that neither if you're wonderin'.

What is the most sublime thing you have ever eaten and why?

It was the crust o' some pie one of my owners tossed me. I had a gluttony mark at the time, makin' any food not given to me by his hand tast like ash. He hadn't given me food from his hand for o'er a month an' that crust was good enough I near wept.

Tag games!: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open tag!

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7 months ago

9 lines 9 people/writing share tag! ✨️

Thanks to uhh @cowboybrunch @rotting-moon-writes @lychhiker-writes and @tragedycoded for the tags!

Here's 9 lines from the Valian POV chapter that's currently giving me a headache in 🌐7 Circles🌐 :

The last couple hours have been utter chaos, but the ifrit had been kind of expecting it. The way he'd grown up, you either developed a sixth sense for when you'd caught someone's attention or... well, you didn't grow up. So the moment he'd realized he'd caught Greed's attention of all people, he'd known that something was going to happen. It hadn't been more than a few minutes after she and her.... whoever it was... passed by that a satyr had dragged him off of his duty- scrubbing the pretentious white walls of the most pretentious building ever- and into a service hall in the back of the building.  “Name and case number?” The satyr asked, too fussed over something on his tablet to bother looking up. Val realized with a shiver that this bloke was higher up than him and answered prompt and professional-like. “Valian Ifrit, 85335-2212-16.” “Milos, PA to Greed.” he says, glancing up only a moment, “Valian your case is being transferred by order of The Duke of Greed, effective immediately. Come, we have little time to process you.”

Tagging: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @the-golden-comet @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @gioiaalbanoart @ddgraywrites (no pressure) +Open tag!

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6 months ago

Fanart Friday! 🎨

This gorgeous WIP is by my dear BestNightmares on discord.

Fanart Friday!

It's such an amazing depiction of The Duke of Greed, Evaynaya Donahue-Selway. She's a secondary character in 🌐7 Circles🌐. This is a woman who controls the finances of the world and you can tell.

I haven't been as active lately, but I'm doing good satisfying work on both my story and myself 🪷 so I'm just posting on here when it feels good and I got the space for it.

Arttag list~: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting @wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch

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6 months ago

WIP Wednesday: Confession Tag! ✨️

Thanks for the tag @tragedycoded~

I'm posting a confession-vibe clip from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐, and there's spoilers and 🌶sexual content🌶 ahead

From Chapter 5: The Pent-Up House

Kazimier barely gives a grunt in response as his finger gently traces a pattern in the plush fabric of the sofa, mind elsewhere. Klaus moves closer, studying his charge, looking at more than just what the shock did to his system- the flush not linked to the burns, the way his hips shift in discomfort under the blanket.

“..So how often are you supposed to feed, then?”

Kazimier’s jaw tightens and he pauses his idle occupation of creating a criss-cross design in the couch's soft upholstery. "Ya' feed me once a week- just what a 'Cubi needs." he offers smoothly, rubbing his design into nothingness.

Two can play at that game. "So, every day then." Klaus says deliberately.

"Pfft." Kazimier rolls his eyes hard enough that his head follows the movement before tipping back to look at Klaus. "Seems like a lot," Klaus says, keeping his voice and face suspiciously innocent. His hands fall to his belt, undoing the buckles. "But what kind of incubus would I be if I couldn't keep up?" 

The implication is clear. And Klaus has every intention of sticking to this ridiculous schedule unless Kazimier answers. Something behind Kazimier’s eyes flashes with the temptation, the hunger. The rest of him lashes out, unable to grit his teeth another time.

"Now Sir," Kazimier grinds out, muscles protesting as he heaves himself into a seated position, "I'm a domesticated mongrel these days, not usin' as much energy as I did in 'the wild'. I don' know why in tha’ four districts you'd wanna screw yourself feedin' me higher than my former rate- three days durrin' workin’ weeks for your damn information, but it ain't needed." he spits out, lip curling. He leans forward, eyes full of defiance and desire in a way that sent a shiver down Klaus’ spine "I can keep on with you slidin’ your cock past my fangs on the weekly for a loong while yet. Sir." He purrs loathingly. They had taken the man out of Du’Preve, but he was definitely 4th class, even here in Nexis.

Klaus should be outraged. He should hit the anadem and send another charge through Kazimier for his insolence. He should beat him. Or starve him. Or something. 

Three days. 

Klaus smiles wide and warm as he delights in the fire he’s uncovered in the hybrid. "Three days then. Easy enough." He responds, fixing his belt. Kazimier licks his teeth, mismatched eyes squinting in contempt as his temper cools and gravity sets in. "So you’re a moxie thing.. ain't ya?" he says, mouth stuck between a snarl and a smirk.  "So I've been told," Klaus says smugly.

7 Circles stuffs taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @pencilpusher1000 @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory @wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa @the-golden-comet @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @nbkuhn @theglitchywriterboi @shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky

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6 months ago

Fanart Friday!! 🎨

Thank you so much @the-golden-comet for the birthday gift!! 😭💕 (my bday was yesterday! 🎉) I love seing my blorbos with your blorbos and seeing Kazimier here with Peter and Benji makes me so happy 🥰

Fanart Friday!!

It's so fun that Kazimier is a little taller than Peter here bc you KNOW that bitch is wearing heels to achieve that 👏 Also Benji glaring at Peter who is glaring as Kaz who is thinking about feeding on a twink is 🤌🤣

Thank you so much, this really brightened up my birthday 🫶 🥳

Arttagss: @lychhiker-writes @wyked-ao3 @gioiaalbanoart also @tragedycoded @cowboybrunch to show off~

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6 months ago

Last line/WIP Wednesday tag ✨️

Thank you to @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch and @tragedycoded for the tag! 💕

Here's the last line I wrote for 🌐7 Circles🌐, in Chapter 8: Response Ability (Seeker POV)

They shine the bangles as promised, their eyes dry like a receding tide sure to surge back later, chuckling to the empty room as they recall the gruff man who had taught them so much.

Someone give this sweet bean a hug 🫂 🌠

7C taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @lychhiker-writes @honeybewrites

@autism-purgatory @wyked-ao3 @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa

@quillswriting @sincerelydorky

@nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @theglitchywriterboi @shanakin-skywalker (hmu to be +/- from my list✨️)

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6 months ago

Repost for Fanart Friday! 🎨

I'm still really proud of this art of Valian, and I learned a lot about shading for different tones and undertones from this one ✨️ I'm also stoked about all the details 👁👅♠️

I'm also jazzed that so many people are starting love this skeevy little man as much as I do 🐁💕

7 Circles taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory

@wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @tragedycoded

@aalinaaaaaa @the-golden-comet @quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites

@desastreus @theglitchywriterboi @shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky

I Love This Little Rat Man To The Point Of Impropriety.

I love this little rat man to the point of impropriety.

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6 months ago

OC fight game tag!! 🥊✨

Thanks to @the-golden-comet (here) and @tragedycoded (here) for the tag! I got way into this one lmao. Here's 🌐7 Circles🌐,: Immortal Combat. Ready? FIGHT!

(Some spoilers ahead~)

Klaus 🌻

Health: 11 Strength: 8 Speed: 6 Armor: 6 Cunning: 7

Special Attacks: Fae Grace, after a warm-up period Klaus' dodge becomes more effective. Seelie Fae, bonus attacks and +1HP unlocked in arenas with plant life. Climber, able to scale parts of the environment unavailable to other characters to avoid large attacks or add power to tackles. Hidden Rage, combo attacks have 20% more power right after Klaus takes a hit. Healer, able to revive downed teammates.

Weakneses: Healer, cannot perform coup de gras. Fae blooded, iron weapons do 50% more damage to Klaus and items coated with Faebane do 2x damage and have a chance to one-shot Klaus. If an opponent uses Insult Opponent's Mother against Klaus it will always be super effective.

Idle Animation: Standing with his arms crossed, occasionally checking messages on his com-ring. If left idle and not in the Nexis location he will begin climbing the background environment. If left idle in a location with plantlife he will interact with the closest plant.

Kazimier 💋

Health: 8 Strength: 5 Speed: 6 Armor: 3 Cunning: 13

Special Attacks: Shapeshift, Kazimier will appear to be a different character which has a chance to debuff opponent attacks and change the size of Kazimier's hit box. Luring Gaze, unless opponent has status 'Asexual' this move will cause character movement drift towards Kazimier as long as the effect is active. Charm, if opponent sexuality matches Kazimier's current gender appearance a debuff will be applied to strength and armor equal to that character's Horny Percentage. Perceptive, passive ability where for every 20 seconds of the fight Kazimier has an increasing chance to lock on to his enemy's weaknesses and ignore a percentage of their armor rating. Skewer, if Kazimier manages to grapple opponent, or opponent is otherwise incapacitated a moment Kazimier will perform a finishing move of placing his claws against a vital point (animation options include skull, throat, and heart) before shapeshifting the claws entirely through said location for an instant one-shot.

Weakneses: Any damage Kazimier receives will interrupt his special attacks. Electrical attacks are 20% more effective and impose a cooldown period Kazimier must recover from in order to shapeshift again. If an attack causes the bleeding status to Kazimier, it will reduce cunning by 4 and has a chance to one-shot him.

Idle Animation: Standing with his hands on his hips, inspecting his nails and shapeshifting them long and short, flipping a coin through his fingers, stretching his arms above his head, looking to the camera and saying 'What're you lookin' at?' 'Let's play~' 'Time to fuck or get fucked, bitch', etc. depending on player's score last time they selected Kazimier.

Seeker 🌠

Health: 7 Strength: 9 Speed: 6 Armor: 7 Cunning: 7

Special Attacks: Quardobracial, Seeker is able to continue attacking while grappled or grappling and has extra equipment slots. Arcane Sense, Seeker has a 15% chance to remain unaffected by any arcane attacks. Arcane Knowledge (must be unlocked), able to selectively buff and debuff any stat of any character within a short range. Arcane Strike (must be unlocked), this move damages both HP and MP and has a 50% chance of applying a cooldown timer to any magic abilities.

Weakneses: Until all abilities are unlocked Seeker is not a particularly powerful character.

Idle Animation: Waving to opposing character politely with their north hand (story mode may unlock different gestures with different hands), saying 'let's have a good match!', fixing their very long braid, humming a tune with their eyes closed. Their hands wring together in concern if the opponent is Val.

Valian 🐁

Health: 5 Strength: 4 Speed: 10 Armor: 4 Cunning: 9

Special Attacks: Smol, Val has a smaller than average hitbox, and is able to move between parts of the arena other characters cannot. Survival Instinct, Val's strength and speed get a +2 when his HP reaches 30%. Filtch, Able to steal equipped items from other characters (his speed+cunning vs theirs). Street Rat, +2 to cunning and buff to Filtch ability in urban areas.

Weakneses: As the character who is weakest and has the lowest health, players need have great sense over the controls and dodge maneuvers in particular for Val to be a viable main.

Idle Animation: Tail flicking back and forth in anticipation, turning his head to look around the environment for food or shiny. if left long enough he will steal, if he stole food he will immediately crouch over it and eat it.

7C taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory

@wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa

@quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @theglitchywriterboi

@shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky (hmu to be +/-)

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6 months ago

...really feeling this one today.

He's my favorite character, my comfort character, even. I hate him and he's the worst.

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6 months ago

WIP Wednesday ✍️

Time for a writing share!! For some reason I'm not getting notified for tags right now but I know @the-golden-comet and @tragedycoded got their writing shares out today~ Right now I'm working on 3rd drafting chapter 8 and chapter 9 and I'm STUCK in BOTH of them 🫠 🎉

Ch 8: In Proper Behavior (Seeker POV)

They go to see how Valian fared, moving very slowly, and very quietly so they wouldn’t disturb him. Seeker finds him cuddled up in the same closet they found him in yesterday. And oh.. he was achingly lovely- Lovely for his skin which was green like the moss fields beyond the Navesen Citadel, lovely for his hair white as clouds, and lovely for his eyes.. like Seekers, but a pure brilliant gold. Achingly, because when Seeker met him yesterday they thought his eyes made a nice contrast to his thick silver necklace that now glints coldly in Seeker’s knowledge. Achingly because they saw the silk wrapping around his lithe body and thought it enticing. Achingly because he was so small, over a foot shorter than They and so thin, his cheek bones prominently crowning his dimples, and yet that tiny body held the burden of an unjust system and ultimately- the burden of Seeker’s admiration which had put him here.

Ch 9: Tea/Party (Kazimier POV)

Kazimier figured he’d earned it- instigated and burned for it, even. It couldn’t be fuckin’ helped. The damn Nexi holding Kazimier’s leash had an even tighter leash over himself and had far too much self-control for his own good, and more importantly for the good of Kazimier.

Please sent me good writing energy and put in a word for me with the muses 🙏 I need a spark to get these chapters pressed and ready to show.

Tagging my 7C list: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory

@wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa

@quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @theglitchywriterboi

@shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky (hmu to be +/-!)

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5 months ago

WIP Wednesday ✍️

Shhh it's still Wednesday in the next timezone over..

Rolling all my writing tags into one here, so thanks to @willtheweaver @cowboybrunch and @tragedycoded for the tags!

Here's another clippet from Ch 8 of 🌐7 Circles🌐, Response Ability

He looks towards the door of the fridge, then shakes his head. "No, you first. PAs don't eat before their Masters.. Or Messers."

"..I see." Seeker says with a frown, but then a light sparks in their gold-speckled eyes. "Am I expected to completely finish a meal before you can start yours?"

Valian oscillates. "It depends on the person, and whether their PAs are servin' or somethin.' Since I don't think you're askin' that of me, I s'pose that makes it your call. But don't think I don't know what you're up to."

"I'm not 'up to' anything dear Valian.." they say, one of their hands opening the fridge and reaching into the fruit basket. They pop a singular grape into their mouth. "I'm simply beginning my meal.." they say, eyes sliding over to the ifrit to see if he'll take the loophole.

I love Seeker 🌠, what a good bean. Hope to finish this chapter soon!

7C taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory

@wyked-ao3 @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa @the-golden-comet

@quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @theglitchywriterboi

@shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky

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5 months ago

Fanart Friday~ 🎨

This comes from an amazing friend of mine who drew the most adorable paperdolls of Kazimier💋 and Klaus🌻~

Fanart Friday~
Fanart Friday~

They're so cute 😭💕 and so detailed and I have them pressed in an envelope of momentos I will cherish forever 💓 Look at the gold ring on Kazimier's horn!! Look at the dark abyss of Klaus's eyes!! I love the shine of the hair! Aaa!🤌✨️

Art!: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting @wyked-ao3 (hmu to be +/- to my fanart Friday taglist)

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5 months ago

Val is so real for just trying to survive and Klaus is hot

Need more info on these two pretty please (especially fanart for Klaus if you have it 🤭)

You get it anon. I will absolutely hook you up.👍✨️

Valian info 🐁⛓️

Every world has it's criminals, and Valian knows a lot about what happens to the ones who get caught. Val has a collar around his neck and is at the beck and call of whatever demon is contracted to 'reform' him. It's exactly what society expects of a lowly ifrit like him.

Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot
Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot
Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot

Klaus info 🌻🥂

Klaus Calvaire is a man with a secret. Although he seems just as demonic as the other inhabitants of the capitol, he shares blood with their greatest enemy- The Fae. He will tear the demons' oppressive system down by infiltrating their glamorous society... if he can avoid getting caught.

Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot

Klaus Simpzone👅💦

Welcome to the Klaus simp club 🙏 please enjoy the following gifts.

Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot
Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot
Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot
Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot

He's pretty similar to Ben Barnes, who is the black-haired man in the pictures above.

Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot
Val Is So Real For Just Trying To Survive And Klaus Is Hot

Bonus thirst: he's well dressed and fastidious, is trained as a healer, muscles are built for climbing, 6'2", onyx eyes, loves gardening, and charming enough to fool a whole country.

Thanks for the ask! If you hunger for more you can search 7c_val or 7c_klaus on my profile✌️ also check out my 🌐7 Circles intro🌐!

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5 months ago

Last question I swear

Where is the fanart from your banner from 🧍

It's for uh research purposes

Ask as many as you want!

A friend of mine named Saturn drew this for a birthday gift 🥰✨️

Last Question I Swear

It's a great rendition of Kazimier and Klaus based on mine and my partners cosplays of them 🙌 I think the only notable inaccuracies are that Klaus should have pointed ears, jet black hair, and his nails are naturally black. 🤔 (but that's on me for not sending better refs 😅)

But nonetheless it's an amazing amazing piece of art and I'm so lucky to have received it as a gift 💕

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