jev-urisk - Jev's Writeblr
Jev's Writeblr

Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.

194 posts

Character Voice Tag

✨️Character Voice Tag✨️

Jumping on @the-golden-comet 's post 🫰

My line: This is a bad idea.

Your line: I'm sorry.. I was wrong.

Kazimier💋: Tell me, squints. You ever ask a gorgon if their pubes hiss or not? Yeah well your half-baked little scheme here is gonna go over just as gentle if ya don't take the dumb outta' it.

Seeker🌠: Oh, Dear. I sincerely appreciate your sense of innovation, and I recognize I'm new to the surface, but I simply can't condone a strategy that utilizes such measures.. Perhaps we can research an alternative together!

Val🐁: Oi oi oi! You want folk brassed off at you? Fine, but that's your nose we're talkin' about. Leave mine out of it.

Klaus🌻: This is going to end poorly.

Tagging @lychhiker-writes @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @cowboybrunch and anyone who wants to force their ocs to apologize lol

(Hmu to be +/- to my writing games taglist)

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More Posts from Jev-urisk

8 months ago

✨️Seven Sentence Sunday✨️

(or Monday, lol) Also doubling this as a last line tag from @lychhiker-writes who is bravely alpha reading for me.

I'm re-writing one of my early chapters based on their feedback and this is a clippet from 🌐7 Circles Ch2: A Fallen Star (the rewrite):


“Y-You’re a mermaid- a merman?!” Seeker blurts out in return, staring in awe at the scales at their hips and the giant fan of his tail that has come up from the water to halo behind his head, all striped in orange and red and white. That large tail slaps down on the water at Seekers utterance, spraying droplets of water into the air as Leo goes from excited to agitated.

He leans forward, still partially out of the water and previously unseen spines flare up from the line of his back, sharp and connected with more webbing. “You’re not from here, clearly, so I’m gonna do you the favor of educating you,” he says with an overly-patient grimace. “We’re called sirens. The words you used are old, extremely rude, and aren’t to be spoken by those with legs. Savvy?”

Seeker's four hands clasp together in pairs, "I-I’m terribly sorry, Leo. I wasn't aware that.. That those words contained such offense." Their upper-left hand comes to rest over their heart and they look to the siren, honest as anything. “Please forgive me. I won’t say them again.”


Tagging @wyked-ao3 @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @fortunatetragedy and @the-golden-comet (no presh) +Open tag.

(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list)

Tags :
8 months ago

✨️Anagram Tag Game✨️

Got tagged by @fortunatetragedy and @the-golden-comet for this! Original from @aintgonnatakethis

Rules: You will be given a word, and you must share 1 sentence from your WIP/s that starts with each letter in that word!


Your Word: DEMONIC

Looking for lines about demons in my WIP story 🌐7 Circles🌐


"Remind me, Duke Arison is a.. jealousy demon?" they ask, two hands clasping a longer golden chain and pendant around their neck as they turn to the lounging ifrit.


Everyone and everything in white. One drop of Klaus's crimson blood would be unmistakable. Demons bleed black


'Most of the time nobody is gonna give me an order without askin' you first... Except for a Duke, o'course.'


As immortal creatures, even the age of father and son has started to appear congruent, despite the couple of centuries between them.


"They have your signature forged in there as if it's a reasonable employment contract and not just slavery!" "Oh no, it's my signature right enough."


Cambions were the rarest scandal of them all- demons considering themselves far too high on the roster to mingle with ‘lower’ species, nevermind a bloody ifrit.


He curses Demyen's name for the thousandth time since he received his 'gift' and all of the demons in Nexis who allow this practice to continue.

Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 and @lychhiker-writes (no pressure.. unless you want pressure) +Open tag! (hmu if you want to be +/- to my tag-game list!)

Tags :
8 months ago

Aaah!✨️ It looks so good next to the one I drew a few months ago! Look at me learning and shit 💪🔥

Aaah! It Looks So Good Next To The One I Drew A Few Months Ago! Look At Me Learning And Shit
Kazimier Is Too Queer For Good Posture And Wow Is It An Adventure In Anatomy.

Kazimier is too queer for good posture and wow is it an adventure in anatomy.

@the-golden-comet here's the incuboi~

Detailz (damn is it hard to take pics of this)

Kazimier Is Too Queer For Good Posture And Wow Is It An Adventure In Anatomy.
Kazimier Is Too Queer For Good Posture And Wow Is It An Adventure In Anatomy.

Before pic

Kazimier Is Too Queer For Good Posture And Wow Is It An Adventure In Anatomy.

And WHY did I choose to do this on my small sketch pad?? 🤦‍♂️

Hmu to be +/- to my art or 7C taglist

Tags :
8 months ago

Another 💋Kazimier💋 doodle!

"Quit starin' at me like you've never seen a pair'a tits before."

Another Kazimier Doodle!

@the-golden-comet the incubus as a succubus 🫦

She's half Shapeshifter, remember? So she's essentially cis-gendered in being genderfluid.. or trans in every direction(🤔?), and her pronouns are generally based on her current appearance.

I need to draw Kazimier like this more bc drawing fem features is hard for me 😅 she doesn't quite look right here.

(Hmu to be +/- to any of my taglists)

Tags :
8 months ago

My slotted spoon of a brain didn't realize the tags didn't stick 😅😥

So @the-golden-comet @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @smellyrottentrees and @willowthetree63 are the last 7 blogs in my notifications, pressure tho!~

If you get this, answer with 5 random facts about yourself and then send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications. Let's get to know the people behind the blogs! No pressure though 🤍

Uhhhhh letssseee... Jev facts...

I am mixed-handed (different from being ambidextrous) 👐

I have selective mutism and know sign language 🤟

I have caught and released 6 bats, no this was not planned, yes I got rabies shots. 🦇

Much of my writing begins with discord roleplays with one of my partners (the hot androgynous lesbian one) 😚

I have two partners dating me but not each other 💞

I am a drag performer and have looks based off most of my ocs 🫣

My hair is green 💚 and curly

I misread the numbers in the prompt so yall get two extra!

Sharing about myself can make me kinda nervous but I want to get to know people! Drop a comment?