7c Seeker - Tumblr Posts

They're called Seeker, as their full name is far too long for the tastes of those living in Halkyon, none of which have ever seen Seeker's strange four-armed species before. The Kalilith have ever watched Halkyon from their mysterious isle among the clouds, but now they have sent a diplomat to make contact. Seeker sets out to make peaceful relations with the surface-dwellers only to become trapped in the twisted machinations of the demons who rule them..
(One of 7 Circles main characters, feel free to comment or ask questions! I own none of the pics, I simply arranged and edited them.)
Behold! The main four characters of 7 Circles! 🌐
A Queer, anti-capitalist, urban fantasy

Sly and manipulative shapeshifter who gets caught by the government 💋🔪
Character Sheet
Half fae renegade hiding among the demonic elite 🌻🥂
Character Sheet
Diplomat from another land with four arms, a big heart, and no idea how bad it really is here 🌠🧭
Mini sheet (better one coming when I learn how to draw 4 armed ppl 😓)
Ifrit criminal serving out his contract when he is asked by a demonic Duke to become a spy 🐁⛓️
Character Sheet
I'm going to be talking a lot about these beans ❤️ Asks and reblogs welcome.
(I don't own pics for the moodboards, I simply arranged and edited them.)
How Cuddleable Are Your OCs? Tag
Saw this posted by @talesofsorrowandofruin and figured I'd give it a go!
Premise: Answer the title question using a scale of 1-10 and give context.
✨️I'll be using my 7 Circles characters✨️
7.5/10 Emotionally safe to cuddle with, warm, strong arms, whispers soothing reassurances. Might get fidgety over long cuddles though (has Fae-D-H-D).
2/10 This restless man not only doesn't sleep, he often gets so wrapped up in his machinations he forgets to feed. IF hes cuddling you he a) is manipulating his way closer to you for crime reasons b) just fed on you and is trying to figure out his exit, or c) is using you for survival body heat. Try instigating a cuddle and you're gonna get the hell scratched outta ya.
5/10 So smol, such soft hair, what a cute bean. But he's also a squirmy little bastard with a crass voice and the pointiest knees and elbows. So, cuddles best when unconscious.
9/10 FOUR ARMED HUGS. Hugs with four arms! Also so tall and super nurturing. They could tell me it'll all work out and I'd believe them. Caretaker femme energy.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @scorpiothesaint and @officialauthorofanotherworld (but no pressure!)

What pretty linework. It sure would be a shame if someone (me) fucked it up while coloring it in..

Seeker's character sheet! (Until I learn how to draw 4 arm anatomy 🥲)
I learned a lot though, and I'm particularly proud of that earring✨️
🌐7 Circles: Entry
Preamble/chapter 0/intro page
(Tf do you call something like this? Help?)
🎉and its my 1st writing post!🎉
7 paragraphs, soft tw for heights. (Respectful) concrit welcome: Could you imagine the characters? Did this pique your interest? What do you think about the length?
💠 💠 💠
High above the earth and sailing down from the heavens is a ship, winding its way to the ground like a feather on the breeze. It looks much like the kind that would sail on water, albeit a rather small one, and the warm colours of its curved wooden keel gently contrast the azure and gold sails curved to fullness by the wind.
At its helm, upon a deck lit brightly by the sun overhead, four hands grasp the ship's wheel. Skin blue and bangles gold, the tall figure turns the ship, using the strength of all their limbs to move the sail against the wind current.
Their thigh-length mauve braid of hair whips about them and their eyes, entirely green from pupil to sclera, narrow against the wind. It didn't much matter where they landed, so long as it was within the un-poisoned area of the surface world, but The Kalilith people didn't have a winter on their isle in the sky and the explorer didn't much fancy finding out how well they would fare against the vast arctic region on the north end of the continent below.
The gilded sailboat creaks as it changes course and a second Kalilith comes up from the cabin below to join the first. He's taller and his four bare arms more muscular. His red eyes look to the person at the helm, his expression cross as he marches across the deck.
"By my south hand, child–The current is too strong for that!" he says, raising his voice against the gale as he speaks to his more delicate charge. "We should let the wind carry our descent, not turn against it!"
Magic vessel it may be, but the ability to ride the wind and the ability to withstand it were two different things. The male Kalilith barely reaches the wheel before a loud snap is heard and he turns to see rigging being ripped out of place.
"But our trajectory had us flying into a tundra! If we land only to die before making contact, the mission is forfeit!" The first one retorts, aristocratic accent sharp as they raise their voice. They may be the younger of the two, and they're certainly no warrior, but it was their mission nonetheless.
"Take care of the rigging.” they order, “If I can get us past the ice we'll be much better off," they catch the red gaze of their attendant who hisses in contempt before rushing to comply.
Far, far below, a citizen of chilly north Danaport squints up at the sky, gasping in disbelief as they see something fall to the earth.
💠 💠 💠
Tagging @scorpiothesaint @katenewmanwrites @officialauthorofanotherworld and @thelaughingstag bc I'm particularly excited to share with yall ✨️
✨️Character Voice Tag✨️
Jumping on @the-golden-comet 's post 🫰
My line: This is a bad idea.
Your line: I'm sorry.. I was wrong.
Kazimier💋: Tell me, squints. You ever ask a gorgon if their pubes hiss or not? Yeah well your half-baked little scheme here is gonna go over just as gentle if ya don't take the dumb outta' it.
Seeker🌠: Oh, Dear. I sincerely appreciate your sense of innovation, and I recognize I'm new to the surface, but I simply can't condone a strategy that utilizes such measures.. Perhaps we can research an alternative together!
Val🐁: Oi oi oi! You want folk brassed off at you? Fine, but that's your nose we're talkin' about. Leave mine out of it.
Klaus🌻: This is going to end poorly.
Tagging @lychhiker-writes @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @cowboybrunch and anyone who wants to force their ocs to apologize lol
(Hmu to be +/- to my writing games taglist)
✨️First & Last Lines✨️
Made by @kaylinalexanderbooks ! This was inadvertently hilarious 😂 great contrasts here.
Rules: Post the first and most recent/last line of dialogue from a couple OCs! Narration doesn't count.
"But our trajectory had us flying into a tundra! If we land only to die before making contact, the mission is forfeit!"
"Ohhhelllo Vallyn.."
"If that ever comes to pass, you must find whoever you sell me to and tell me how you managed to explain away your involvement, Father,"
"I thought you liked my mouth."
"Kazimier." he rasps eventually.
"It's been less than pleasing lately."
"My name is Valian, Messere. Her Grace arranged to have me delivered to you."
"Don't need to tell me twice," Val mutters, and then the door is closed and they are alone.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @lychhiker-writes aaaand @the-golden-comet for YWIMC? And open tag!
(Hmu to be +/- to my writing games taglist~)
✨️Height comparison tag!✨️
This is just something I like doing with my characters and I thought others might like to try!
Rules; List the heights, add any notes you'd like, and do a chart. I use Hikaku but there are surely others 😁
Heights for my ocs in 🌐7 Circles🌐
Kazimier💋: Just under 6ft, but between horns and heels he seems taller. Also a Shapeshifter sooo 🤷♂️ height is adjustable.
Klaus🌻: 6'2", appears.. to be your usual tall dark and handsome
Val🐁: 5'6", comparatively smol. May be stunted from malnourishment..
Seeker🌠: 6'5", The willowy kalilith looks down at you, and you feel small- but not in the way the demons make you feel small. Those depthless green eyes turn to you and in that moment you see yourself as they do, something to be picked up, held, protected, valued. In that way, their tallness takes your breath away..

Yeah idonno I'm just futzing around 😂
@the-golden-comet and @lychhiker-writes, I gotta know. Also tagging @katenewmanwrites @fortunatetragedy @wyked-ao3 +Open tag!
(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list! I want to make more original tags games like this~)
✨️Headcannon Rating Tag✨️
Double tagged by @cowboybrunch and @fortunatetragedy 💕 And dragging @the-golden-comet over here by their open tag~
Rules: use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs! How accurate are they?
Using my characters from 🌐7 Circles🌐
Klaus instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples. 8/10: He really has the instinct, but a demon cannot be caught CLEANING of all things.
Klaus will go feral. Watch out. 2/10: Klaus will go feral in a moment of desperation, but it's not the default.
Klaus likes being alone. 0/10: It's hard to adjust to being alone when you grew up being as loved as Klaus was.
Kazimier steals other peoples clothes. 10/10: Absolutely he's stolen clothes, they're an important resource for shapeshifters!
Kazimier is awful with technology and doesn't know how to use a smart phone. 5/10: He's not awful.. but comes from a place with lesser technology and owns a 90s style flip-phone.
Kazimier sucks at saying tongue twisters. 0/10: He would actually be shockingly good a tongue twisters.
Seeker makes your mom jokes. 0/10: They would NEVER insult your mother.
Seeker has an incredible spice tolerance. 8/10: I haven't though much about Kalilith cuisine, but they probably do have a great tolerance.
Seeker is afraid of doing anything without other peoples permission. 9/10: Absolutely terrified, yes.
It would not take much for Val to turn evil. 10/10: Truth. Val meets the expectations people have of 'scum' like him.
Val has been to prison. 9/10: He's kinda in prison right now.
Val could easily survive The Hunger Games. 2/10: He has the adaptability, he has resilience, he is... very smol and very scrawny.
Tagging (no pressure unless you want it) @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @lychhiker-writes @officialauthorofanotherworld + Open Tag! (hmu to be +/- to my tag-games taglist!)
✨️Seven Sentence Sunday✨️
(or Monday, lol) Also doubling this as a last line tag from @lychhiker-writes who is bravely alpha reading for me.
I'm re-writing one of my early chapters based on their feedback and this is a clippet from 🌐7 Circles Ch2: A Fallen Star (the rewrite):
“Y-You’re a mermaid- a merman?!” Seeker blurts out in return, staring in awe at the scales at their hips and the giant fan of his tail that has come up from the water to halo behind his head, all striped in orange and red and white. That large tail slaps down on the water at Seekers utterance, spraying droplets of water into the air as Leo goes from excited to agitated.
He leans forward, still partially out of the water and previously unseen spines flare up from the line of his back, sharp and connected with more webbing. “You’re not from here, clearly, so I’m gonna do you the favor of educating you,” he says with an overly-patient grimace. “We’re called sirens. The words you used are old, extremely rude, and aren’t to be spoken by those with legs. Savvy?”
Seeker's four hands clasp together in pairs, "I-I’m terribly sorry, Leo. I wasn't aware that.. That those words contained such offense." Their upper-left hand comes to rest over their heart and they look to the siren, honest as anything. “Please forgive me. I won’t say them again.”
Tagging @wyked-ao3 @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @fortunatetragedy and @the-golden-comet (no presh) +Open tag.
(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list)

They're called Seeker, as their full name is far too long for the tastes of those living in Halkyon, none of which have ever seen Seeker's strange four-armed species before. The Kalilith have ever watched Halkyon from their mysterious isle among the clouds, but now they have sent a diplomat to make contact. Seeker sets out to make peaceful relations with the surface-dwellers only to become trapped in the twisted machinations of the demons who rule them..
(One of 7 Circles main characters, feel free to comment or ask questions! I own none of the pics, I simply arranged and edited them.)
Writing Share/Last Line Tag✨️
Tagged by @zackprincebooks @lychhiker-writes and @the-golden-comet
More from 🌐7 Circles🌐 Ch2: A Fallen Star
"What do I call you?" Probes the voice, and this time their own voice cooperates just long enough to rasp out their name.
"...Well that's a downright mouthful." he mumbles, and their stiff neck eases their head towards his sound.
The voice is revealed to be coming from a head on the floor and Seeker's stomach flips with shock. They then realise with wonder.. he's in a pool of sorts, with only his copper-haired head and slight shoulders above the dark surface of the water. The scent of the ocean.. Did that pool connect to the sea?
The ginger is frowning, "Eyes that seek.. Will calling you 'Seeker' do?"
What a short utterance to refer to someone!
But they were far more interested connecting with man in the water to fuss over it, and perhaps it would make the troubled man more comfortable to have things his way. They decided to simply accept the nickname.
“Um, yes. Yes ‘Seeker’ will do fine.” They say with a smile, bemused at what must be a surface custom. Now that they’d said it aloud, it was actually somewhat adorable in it’s shortness.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @wyked-ao3 (thanks for alphareading btw) @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @smellyrottentrees (no presh) +Open tag
Name Origins Tag! ✨️
Thank you for the tag @the-golden-comet! And thanks for starting this @pixies-love-envy! This one is juicy to me.
Premise: How did you come up with your OC's names/What are they based on?
Seeker was originally a DND character, and a homebrew race I played around with had very long names that represented the individual somehow. The-Stars-In-Their-Eyes-Seek-The-Spirit-Of-The-Cosmos felt like a reflection of the hopeful diplomat yearning to connect with people across the universe.
Edit: They start using 'Seeker' after finding out sentence-long names are unusual to 'surface people'.
Upcycled from an old OC named Nikoli, now Niklaus. He needed a name that fit his suave gentlemanly air.
Out of story: I wanted there to be a z in the name for whatever reason, and I wanted it to sound good when said in a New Yorkish accent.
In Story: He's not sure what his parents named him, but as a kid he had this Cashmere sweater that acted as his safety blanket and eventually 'brat in the Cashmere sweater' became 'hey Cashmere'. He decided on the spelling when he learned to read/write.
Looking for regular words that could be tweaked to make a name. The word 'Valiant' was chosen to contrast the selfish criminal, just dropped the 't'. This has extended to his lore where he was named Valiant by the orphanage and started going by Valian/Val as an adult.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @officialauthorofanotherworld @wyked-ao3 @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @lychhiker-writes @cowboybrunch @fortunatetragedy (If you've already been tagged by someone consider this extra encouragement- but still no pressure) + Open Tag!
Character Voice Tag! ✨️
I love these!! This one from @rotting-moon-writes, Thanks for the tag @lychhiker-writes!
My line: "You should go to sleep." Your line: -Has realized as they're purchasing something.. that they forgot their wallet-
"Get some shut-eye, Star eyes.
"It's been a rather long day, hasn't it? You've done all you can, little one. I'll take care of things while you get some much deserved rest."
"You need your rest. Close your eyes now.."
"If you pass out while standin' there.. I'm lettin' ya hit the floor."
@katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @fortunatetragedy @zackprincebooks @officialauthorofanotherworld please show me what your beans say when caught in that embarrassing situation if you're so inclined (it's like, my worst nightmare). +Open tag!
Find The Word Tag✨️
Thanks for the tags @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy and @lychhiker-writes, I'm gonna pick and choose since there are so many words lol But I got some 🌶️spicy🌶️ lines with the ones I picked.
My Words: Ate, friendly, jest, ardent, conscious, building, hook, excuse, drown, fidget, gape, choice Your Words: Snarl, Hope, Tension, Sink
Color-coded for what character the clip is talking about: Kazimier💋, Klaus🌻, Seeker🌠, Valian🐁 from 🌐7 Circles🌐 ------------------
Ate: They ask over their shoulder, not sure what ifrits ate- or even what a third of the food stocked was precisely."I'll eat anything, me," Val says, hopping to his feet and heading to the fridge.
Friendly: The end product created a friendly, but rather mysterious picture of ‘The Ambassador from beyond the sky', as they took to calling the Kalilith on multiple media fronts.
Ardent: Kazimier raises a brow at the position, half expecting his meal to get on hands and knees. That means the rise in submissiveness, that ardent plea, those were for..
Conscious: Seeker pulls the blanket higher, shivering and covering their chest self-consciously, scandalized at their current state.
Hook: Kazimier hooks a few fingers around the collar, as if trying to give himself more room to breathe, and tips his head back, horns scraping the wall. Excuse: "If that ever comes to pass, you must find whoever you sell me to and tell me how you managed to explain away your involvement, Father," Klaus replies, baring his own fangs in what most people would mistake for a smile. "I'd love to see what excuse you feed to the Sovereign Executive for how I escaped your notice for such a long time."
Fidget: Their upper right hand fidgets in their lap, the east palm longing to reach out and hold Val's thin green fingers for reassurance.
Choice: His choice hadn't been made out of some misguided attempt to dodge his own complicity. How could it be? He's using Kazimier as a sacrifice..
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @zackprincebooks @officialauthorofanotherworld @wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @officialauthorofanotherworld @smellyrottentrees @urbiggestfan-01(no pressure) + Open Tag!
POV Seeker is enchanted by you and will listen to you infodump for hours.

Practice drawing four-arms that I decided to color ✨️ Seeker is an oc for my book 7 Circles.
Art tags: @the-golden-comet (Lmk if you would like to be added!)
Last Line Tag! ✨️
Tagged by @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes Still rewriting some Seeker Chapters, but I'm happy with the results so far!
🌐7 Circles🌐 Ch 4: You're Very Welcome
By the time Seeker reconvenes with Duke Vayne, over an hour has passed and they're feeling leagues better. Their skin was washed and moisturized, their hair meticulously cleaned, dried, and re-braided. They even allowed themself a small emotional breakdown in the shower before returning to their role of poised diplomat.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 to share some recent writing! (no pressure) + Open tag!
(Hmu if you want to be +/- to my tag games list!)
✨️OC 'Purity Test' Tag Game✨️
Starting a new tag game and cackling at the thought of my mutuals doing this. Let's go!
Take the Rice Purity Test for your OCs to see how pure (score near 100) or scandalous (score near 0) they are. This is me making fun of purity culture, not supporting it. All scores are valid and shouldn't be subject to ridicule. If you don't know what one of the questions means, you can message me, no judgement.
Characters from 🌐7 Circles🌐
From most pure to least pure:
Seeker🌠: 85
This proper diplomat grew up somewhat sheltered. I wonder how low it will be by the end of the book..
Valian🐁: 51
More in the middle than I thought! Val never got to be in a relationship before he was imprisoned.
Kaus🌻: 36
Being an incubus gave him most of the checks tbh. I think Klaus is too good a man to go much lower.
Me✨️ (for funzies): 16
Hmm. I would not recommend my past to others. I'm apparently a great resource for writing explicit themes tho.
Kazimer💋: 7..
Oofta. Ahahahaa... Listen, he's had a few centuries to get to this number though. Things he hasn't done below.
Kazi HAS NOT: Joined the mile high club. Had a STI. Impregnated someone or been impregnated. Committed an act of incest. Engaged in bestiality. Had sexual intercourse in public. Cheated on a significant other during a relationship.
Tagging: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +OPEN TAG
(hmu to be =/- to my tag-game list. I like making original ones like this when I can)
Finally got one for Seeker 😂
No Matter What, Steven Universe Movie
But also it's a real heartfelt reflection of them 💙 Seeker's a good'n.
✨️Music Tag Game✨️
Tagged by @lychhiker-writes for @rotting-moon-writes tag game!
I want to know what 1-3 songs you feel best embody a character from your WIP, either in general or in this moment in the plot.
Doing 'The Incubois' from 🌐7 Circles🌐!
11:11, Ben Barnes (is also his voice/face claim)
All These Things That I've Done, The Killers
Death of A Bachelor, Panic at The Disco
I Can't Decide, Scissor Sisters
All Scotch No Soda, Sarah &the Safe Word
Heaven Without You, Kid Brunswick (past)
I have 3 playlists for Kaz but 0 songs for Val or Seeker lol, maybe I'll do those two another time.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @officialauthorofanotherworld I'm kinda late to this one so I think @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch and @fortunatetragedy have already done this, but I'm excited about music questions and wanted to share! 😁