Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.
194 posts
Anagram Tag Game
✨️Anagram Tag Game✨️
Got tagged by @fortunatetragedy and @the-golden-comet for this! Original from @aintgonnatakethis
Rules: You will be given a word, and you must share 1 sentence from your WIP/s that starts with each letter in that word!
Your Word: DEMONIC
Looking for lines about demons in my WIP story 🌐7 Circles🌐
"Remind me, Duke Arison is a.. jealousy demon?" they ask, two hands clasping a longer golden chain and pendant around their neck as they turn to the lounging ifrit.
Everyone and everything in white. One drop of Klaus's crimson blood would be unmistakable. Demons bleed black
'Most of the time nobody is gonna give me an order without askin' you first... Except for a Duke, o'course.'
As immortal creatures, even the age of father and son has started to appear congruent, despite the couple of centuries between them.
"They have your signature forged in there as if it's a reasonable employment contract and not just slavery!" "Oh no, it's my signature right enough."
Cambions were the rarest scandal of them all- demons considering themselves far too high on the roster to mingle with ‘lower’ species, nevermind a bloody ifrit.
He curses Demyen's name for the thousandth time since he received his 'gift' and all of the demons in Nexis who allow this practice to continue.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 and @lychhiker-writes (no pressure.. unless you want pressure) +Open tag! (hmu if you want to be +/- to my tag-game list!)
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More Posts from Jev-urisk
After a couple months of being on Tumblr I have concluded the following:
Getting a like!: 😁
Getting a reblog!: 🥰
Getting a positive comment that points out specific things the person likes or invites a conversation with me:

That will be all.
✨️Height comparison tag!✨️
This is just something I like doing with my characters and I thought others might like to try!
Rules; List the heights, add any notes you'd like, and do a chart. I use Hikaku but there are surely others 😁
Heights for my ocs in 🌐7 Circles🌐
Kazimier💋: Just under 6ft, but between horns and heels he seems taller. Also a Shapeshifter sooo 🤷♂️ height is adjustable.
Klaus🌻: 6'2", appears.. to be your usual tall dark and handsome
Val🐁: 5'6", comparatively smol. May be stunted from malnourishment..
Seeker🌠: 6'5", The willowy kalilith looks down at you, and you feel small- but not in the way the demons make you feel small. Those depthless green eyes turn to you and in that moment you see yourself as they do, something to be picked up, held, protected, valued. In that way, their tallness takes your breath away..

Yeah idonno I'm just futzing around 😂
@the-golden-comet and @lychhiker-writes, I gotta know. Also tagging @katenewmanwrites @fortunatetragedy @wyked-ao3 +Open tag!
(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list! I want to make more original tags games like this~)
Heeyyy :> I would like the biggest infodump on Kazimier you have pls. All the details.
A 💋Kazimier💋 infodump?!? Oh goodness, where do I start 😵💫 (Also thank you for asking!). I'm going dump a few favorite things, if I try to dump it all in one Imma be typing instead of feeding myself today 😂
(He's tagged #7c kazi on everything I've posted on him so far if you're somehow thirsty for more after this)
Kazimier (Kashj-meer), an OC for my story 7 Circles
He's not sure what his parents named him, but as a kid he had this Cashmere sweater that acted as his safety blanket and eventually 'brat in the Cashmere sweater' became 'hey Cashmere'. He decided on the spelling when he learned to read/write.
Shapeshifter Incubus Hybrid.
Genderfuid (pronouns based on appearance).
On the asexual spectrum.
Just shy of 6 feet tall.
Very likely autistic.
A bastard.
(Feel free to hit me w/specific what questions cuz this can get real outta hand)
He's not sure where he was born, but he's been in Du’Preve as long as he can remember.
Du'Preve is the 4th and final district of the Halkyon Empire. It's a place that's big and abrasive like New York, full of sleezy entertainment like Las Vegas, and is a trashy dupsterfire like the Jersey turnpike.
Du'Preve is home to vampires, gorgons, gargoyles, litches, and hybrids. Collectively they're called Du'Preve'd, darklings, 4th class, nightcrawlers, or just 'lowers'.
But recently he got caught by the govt system and shipped out to District 1 🫶 sucks to suck.
I don't want to give up tooooo much. 🤔Hmm. He's almost 300yrs old. No clue who his parents were but was a cute kid who found means to shelter himself. A couple centuries and a lot of trauma later and he's a calculating distrustful member of the criminal underground willing to do whatever it takes to avoid revisiting the past.
💋Why (did I make him?):
The thought for my wip 7 Circles began during quarantine 2020. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go, and when my school semester ended my skin was crawling with creativity that didn't have an outlet. So I gave in and downloaded tiktak.
Im a drag persormer/cosplayer and ended up on the side of the app where folks collaborate on settings and interact in-character as their ocs to create a story. I joined as my OC Kazimier and not long after, I began interacting with the charming, dark-eyed OC, 'Klaus Calvaire'. We started messaging to plot story collabs.. then started messaging just to say hi.. then messaged our lives to one another.
This witty, handsome, well-written person was flattering me enough by collaborating so much with me- then they fell in love with me, moving 1000s of miles to live life alongside me. I'm humbled every morning that I'm dating the mind behind my internet crush, and we share whispers about our ocs as we hold one another each night.
The og tag group splintered, the clock app is no longer great for my brain, but Kazimier and Klaus are still going on adventures alongside me and my unlikely lover, 4yrs and over 100k words later. ❤️
💋How (did he come to be?):
Personality was originally based on what I thought would be interesting to write, but then I accidentally added chemical X (my truma) and ended up with a bastard.
As for his looks.. they're based off my drag performance style/makeup🫣. Like.. he was a cosplay before he was really a character. It's embarrassing and strange and delightful all at once that this mf kinda looks like me. 😳
Soooooo, Yeah! He's my most developed blorbastard so there's a lot more, but I'll leave the rest for more asks. If you have further q's feel free to send them!
Hope this wasn't too much of an overload lol if you made it this far thank you so so much, I hope the muses bless your wip 🙏
If you get this, answer with 5 random facts about yourself and then send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications. Let's get to know the people behind the blogs! No pressure though 🤍
Uhhhhh letssseee... Jev facts...
I am mixed-handed (different from being ambidextrous) 👐
I have selective mutism and know sign language 🤟
I have caught and released 6 bats, no this was not planned, yes I got rabies shots. 🦇
Much of my writing begins with discord roleplays with one of my partners (the hot androgynous lesbian one) 😚
I have two partners dating me but not each other 💞
I am a drag performer and have looks based off most of my ocs 🫣
My hair is green 💚 and curly
I misread the numbers in the prompt so yall get two extra!
Sharing about myself can make me kinda nervous but I want to get to know people! Drop a comment?
Anyone else stare at their mutuals like 👀👀👀👀 “please dm me. You seem so cool and I wanna be friends. “