jev-urisk - Jev's Writeblr
Jev's Writeblr

Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.

194 posts

Out Of Context/Last Line Tag

Out of Context/Last Line Tag ✨️

Thanks for the tags: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes and @authorcoledipalo (its a bit more than 9 lines tho)

Recently reworked a lot in an earlier chapter of 🌐7 Circles🌐, so here's a slice from that!

He closes the door behind the green-haired hybrid who is still bare of anything but his bonds, and looks him over once more. In the bright lights and bustle of the party he had been presented as a shiny new toy, horns polished and faintly gleaming oil scenting his skin while his green-and-red gaze was trained submissively towards the floor. But here in the dim and silent entry of Klaus’ residence there was something foreboding about this ‘gift’. One would expect a true PA to be at attention, ready for orders. Or if he were new to the system, frightened, worried, lost.. maybe desperately trying to escape. This PA is none of those things. The collared man surveys the room, intent and silent, before looking Klaus in the eye as if searching for something to pick apart. Awaiting the next happening. Klaus would give him that much. At the press of a button on the anadem at Klaus’ wrist, a small menu projects in a rectangle of light and Klaus navigates through settings. Then, all of the shackles fall from the PA save for the collar, leaving his hands and feet free.

7C taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @pencilpusher1000 @autism-purgatory @wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @fortunatetragedy @aalinaaaaaa @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @nbkuhn @theglitchywriterboi @shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky +Open tag!

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More Posts from Jev-urisk

8 months ago

Beach Episode OG Tag ✨️

It's gonna take a long, long time but I just realized with horror and glee that I will eventually have the opportunity to write a 'beach episode' in my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐 😂

So with that on my mind have another new tag game:

What would your ocs do in a beach episode? 🌊⛱️

Can they swim? Any activities they would particularly love or hate?

Kazimier 💋

Can't swim, never learned. Hates the sand. Doesn't like bright sun. Would spend her time under an umbrella drinking and judging people. Would shapeshift into a feminine body for the sole purpose of wearing a racy sexy swimsuit.

Klaus 🌻

He grew up in a desert and has probably never seen the ocean. His fae side would take over and he would be playing in the water, watching sea critters with wonder, and having (literal) magic moments with local plants while soaking up the sun.

Valian 🐁

He can doggy paddle, his thin little tail acting as a clumsy rudder. He can eat a surprising amount of watermelon and happily monches on slices- seeds, rind, and all- while watching the waves. Might pick a fight with a crab (he'd win though).

Seeker 🌠

Can swim, but struggles with cold seawater. Seeker spends time with each of the three others; laying out towels to lounge with Kaz, squealing as seaweed moves like snakes to Klaus' magic, and slicing watermelon to hand to Val. I think Seeker would be into building sandcastles and the other three would help in one way or another.

@katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open tag!

(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list, I periodically make up new ones like this here)

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8 months ago

Out of Context Tag ✨️

Thanks @the-golden-comet and @lychhiker-writes

From Chapter 9 of 🌐7 Circles🌐: Afternoon Tea

Well, he supposed he had asked for it. Kazimier considers, biting idly into his gag as he glances up at Klaus from where he was ordered to sit on the limo floor. After all those days of dreadful boredom, he was now to be paraded around some gossip party with Saving-Face-Owner-Klaus, the bastard, and presumably tested for obedience.  The hairs on Kazimier's neck raise as he feels the vehicle slow to a stop, making his golden collar more uncomfortable than usual, somehow heavier. The driver announces their arrival at the estate of Lady Cesilia Arrison, sister to His Grace Julenius Arrison, Duke of Envy.Klaus doesn't even bother to command Kazimier. He snaps his fingers twice, an impatient gesture, as he gets out of the vehicle. One of Lady Arrison's PAs greets him and directs him to the garden.

Taggame: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 +open tag!

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7 months ago

OC Interview 🌠✨️

Thanks for the tag @fortunatetragedy (apologies in advance. I split it up so you're gonna get several tags of this lmao)

I'm going to be answering as Seeker🌠 from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐

What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?

I did so once, and I regret it more than anything. I really aim to fulfill as many of my responsibilities as is feasible.

If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?

I don't know. I have a sibling from.. how would you say this in surface terms.. my mother's wife's third husband? I've not spent much time with her, however. I think my father's first wife bore a child but that was over 500 years ago and I don't count the man as a sibling per se.

What was the worst day of your life?

I.. heh, I decided to take advice from a person who was in a precarious health position. A person very dear to me. I left their side, and in my absence, they passed. I wish very much that I could go back and hold their hands until the end.

If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?

Monster... I am unfamiliar with this term, but on the whole I keep such things as nightmares to myself. I would tell it I appreciate the concern but am not in need of sharing, thank you.

Would you give away secret information if tortured?

I would like to think that if the information was of utmost importance and there were consequences to sharing that would impact others, that I would not. However I've never been in such a position and only received basic training on the matter. I don't know how well I would hold out in reality.

Would you consider yourself different?

-Chuckling- I think I would, yes. I'm not from the surface, and the inhabitants here don't know what to make of me. I may be the only quadrobracial individual down here, and most certainly the only one following the ordinances of Kalilith-kind.

Taglist: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting

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7 months ago

Morreial's heist supplies: Tag Game ✨️

Original game by @thecomfywriter (Post HERE). Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet!

Premise: Write your OC using these tools (from Ch. 18 of Throne of Vengeance) to commit a heist involving an armored vault. A piece of string, a lantern, oil, matches, a book, a cup, an enchanted shovel, and a pair of gloves. And, a navy blue Henley

Love, LOVE this prompt. It's perfect for Kazimier💋, my shapeshifting incubus OC from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐

It's kinda spoiler-y, because it goes over some of Kazimier's abilities and really shows the kind of bastard he is. You've been warned.

Tonight is your final meeting with this criminal. Kazimier smirks behind his drink, an appraising glint in his mismatched eyes. "You wanna know how I did it?" he teases. He knew you did, but wanted to hear you say it anyway.

"How did you steal it?"

He leans back, swirling his glass. "So the safe in this fancy hotel was owned by a Nexi couple, right? They shipped the damn thing down from Nexis years ago an' had it installed in their always-booked penthouse suite. I woulda' sacked it a decade ago but this safe has an arcane lock, capisce?"

You shake your head no, and he rolls his eyes.

"Magic technology, unpickable. An' the only way to open this particular lock is to touch their wedding rings to this weird circle on the front, yeah? So the first thing I do is track down a mediocre fairy lantern replica."

"Wait, what?" you can help uttering, and it earns you a scoff.

"What? It's not like faeries are real, an' if they were they'd appreciate how stupid some folks are over their alleged arda'facts. The husband was one such stupid folk, and after broadcastin' that someone on the black market found a new lantern, a few fake death threats, and a well-placed comment made by a poker dealer- I got him to agree to a meeting in a car. One of them fancy Nexi ones that comes with a driver an' I made sure the person at the wheel is one on my payroll. I arrive as a representative of the auction house, shapeshifted to look like a vampiress."

"Wait, so you-"

"Had tits, yes. Along with long brown hair, skinny ankles, and a pencil skirt shorter than your attention span."

You grimace, "I wasn't going to ask about you having, uh.."

"-AAAnnyway, the moment I set down my briefcase bag it starts leakin' a sleeping gas and I keep him distracted. Soon enough he's out like a light and I crack open the hollowed out copy of 'Auctions Uncatalogued: A Dry Fuckin' History Book' for a few supplies. I knew he was a thicc bastard, so I came prepared with some oil and string to get the ring off, as well as gloves to keep the guy's taste outta my brain."

"What does that mean??"

"I'm not gonna explain how to get little rings offa big fingers, bud. Ask the internet. OH, I also filched his shirt- a blue henley kinda' thing, and his slacks. The car keeps movin' and I use his weird-Nexi-phone to call his broad, who is very occupied in some high-stakes gambling and tell 'er using her husband's voice that I need her ring to make an exchange of some Nexan technology in the safe for the super legit fairy lamp some vampire just showed me. I shapeshift into the husband, put on his clothes, and am in and out of the casino without the broad suspecting a thing. She hands me the ring, I complain bitterly about her not spendin' enough time with me, she tells me not now and goes back to her gambling. Perfect marriage. An hour later I've exchanged their top-grade arcane technology for a dinky old lamp and am waitin' around for the wife to show up." Kazimier finishes, quirking his brow as he drinks some of his cocktail.

After a few moments it seems like he;s truly done, but it might be another instance of him leading you to egg him on. "Well what happened when the wife showed up?" you ask, hooked despite yourself.

Kazimier's grin widens, "She found a brown-haired vampress in her penthouse wearing nothing but her husbands blue henley." He takes in your expression and keeps going, "The broad probably would've killed me if I didn't 'confess' that her husband had just left for the bar in the lobby with the other girl. Boy did that lie get her back out the door in an instant. From there I put a little oil in a glass cup, light it with a match, an' drop the little moltov offa' the balcony. A signal to get in position. I count to sixty and jump off myself- make my getaway."

You lean back, taking in the convoluted mind you're sitting with tonight, somewhat stunned. "Wait- Why did you need to borrow my enchanted shovel, then?" you add, happy that it was returned to you clean and unharmed the moment you sat down but curious since Kazimier said it was needed for this heist.

"Oh, that? I killed the husband." Kazimier says with a casual shrug.

"You used my shovel to bury a Nexan?!" you hiss, leaning forward. This wasn't what you expected at all when Kazimier offered you a deal.

Kazimier leans forward, all the humor gone from his face, only the tilt of his head hinting at his amusement. "I used your very unique shovel to kill, a Nexan, sunshine." He kills his drink and with a parting chuckle you and your shovel are left behind, tools that have fulfilled their use and you realize with ice in your blood why Kazimier just told you everything.

Tonight is your final meeting with this criminal.

Taggames: Taggames: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @tragedycoded

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7 months ago

OC Most Likely Tag ✨

Got tagged by @leahnardo-da-veggie @gioiaalbanoart @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy and probably more?

I'm using my OCs from 🌐7 Circles🌐to determine who is Most Likely To;

Part One (I think by OG poster @paeliae-occasionally)

Arrive ridiculously early: Seeker. They're too proper for their own good.

Be in a relationship less than a week: Kazimier, but calling it a 'relationship' is a stretch.

Secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone: Kazimier, but the reason is funny shapeshifter bullshit.

Part Two @the-golden-comet

Burn something while cooking: Kazimier is the worst cook of the four of them.

Stop a robbery if they see it taking place: Seeker.

Not tell people they're sick until they really need the help: That's hard. Klaus is sometimes not the best patient. Val has little concept of receiving help. But I think Kazimier would win this one, he hates showing vulnerability.

Part Three @sableglass

Apologize first: Seeker, and far too quickly.

Survive on a desert island: Klaus. He was raised in a desert and has great survival skills.

Break up a fight: Depending on the fight, Klaus or Seeker.

Part Four @the-golden-comet

Most likely to own a cat: Kazimier, but he would insist he doesn't own the creature, it just comes around.

Most likely to swim across a large river/channel without getting fatigued: It's Seeker with four arms but iffy endurance, vs. Klaus with great endurance but no swimming experience..

Most likely to not be a morning person and hates getting woken up too early: Valian.

Your Statements

Most likely to bury a crush and ignore their feelings, but in a super obvious way.

Most likely to enable someone's bad habits. (Bonus: who they would enable if possible.)

Most likely to bring home strays - whether it's stray humans, cats, dogs, etc.

Taggames: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +open tag!

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