jsraven7 - Corvid

22 • He/Him • Hellenic Polytheist https://ravensmithing.etsy.com

134 posts

I Got A Lovely Little Pink Flower Candle That Smells Like Lavender For Lady Persephone Yesterday. I Wish

I got a lovely little pink flower candle that smells like lavender for Lady Persephone yesterday. I wish to welcome Her back with a few nice things for Her. I’ve never been an active worshipper of Her, but I really enjoy to honor Her this way!

I’m realizing that I want this blog to be a way for me to record my experiences and connections with the Gods (that aren’t too personal) and provide a space for those who are curious/just starting out/have questions be able to ask things. Of course, I am no expert on everything, and my opinions/answers are not law, but I’ve been around this block a few times and absolutely want to help where I can. I started with no one to ask questions to in my religious journey, and I want to give a place to ask what may be viewed as ‘stupid’ questions (when it comes to something like a religion, there are no stupid questions, unless you’re intentionally being disrespectful), or confused questions, or interested questions, or what have you.

Okay, okay. Rant over. But this blog is just a personal place to put things about my experiences and thoughts (to an extent), and I am happy to have it.

I’m trying to make a tag for all my stuff, and it should be under ‘corvid thoughts’. I’ve never really used Tumblr so I hope that’s a thing I can do.

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More Posts from Jsraven7

11 months ago

Hello! I’m gonna try to answer these as much as I can!

1. Yes, absolutely. Lord Apollon has been with me for a very long time, even though I didn’t know him. The Gods can watch over you at any point in your life!

2. So there is a structure to the way we pray that you can take or leave, but the Greeks believed a God would respond to Their name, so you start a prayer with the name of the God, Their epithet (if you are using one), Their domain, and maybe list where They come from or who They are related to. You then can introduce yourself, and then move onto what you are asking for. You can, of course, pray any way you would like! But this is a traditional way you can go.

3. This is actually a huge issue I have with some of the community/witchtok. It is extremely hard to anger a God. You have to really try to be disrespectful, or engage in Hubris to anger Them. This is my belief, anyways, but getting ash on Their altars is definitely not a problem. If you are staying respectful, it is really hard to do. Mistakes or being messy is perfectly okay.

4. You can just start! It was seen as respectful to the Gods, especially to Lady Hestia and Lady Hera in particular. You can use headbands, shawls, scarves, sheets of fabric—whatever can cover your hair! I’ve even seen some people use hats/baseball caps/snapbacks.

5. Communication differs for everyone. To me, the way I dispute it from my inner monologue, is that I usually only receive a very strong and resonating word, sentence, or idea. I rely very heavily on divination versus influenced thought. Tarot, pendulums, and oracle decks are all great to use. The way to tell who is speaking is to ask! Use some yes or no questions with a pendulum. They also will not be upset if you misinterpret. We’re human, we make mistakes.

6. I have had quite a few years to unlearn the toxic religious behaviors my specific family/church taught me. A good way for me to separate was actually to research Christianity, and to learn that Christianity is not scary or bad, sometimes it’s just the terrible people that use its name. A lot of religions have some similarities, if you think about it. I think of Christianity as a brother in religion, and walk alongside it. The more you learn about something, the less scary it is, and the more you can learn to reverse any thinking that is bad for you.

I really hope this helped you, and wasn’t too long. Good luck! 🖤

Since I'm new to this stuff I have a few questions if anyone could help me <3

1. Is it possible to have a god watching over you/calling you for a majority of your life even before you wanted to worship them? Looking back I feel as tho Aphrodite has been there for most of my life, before I was ready to begin this practice.

2. I know not everyone prays the same, but how do you do a full prayer? What are things you mention to them? Also can prayer beads be any bead I associate with the god or do they have to be specific?

3. I keep hearing from people who don't practice this to not make the gods angry. Is it easy to make them angry? I feel as if I make one little mistake, like getting ashes on their altars, that they will be mad at me and that I have to ask for forgiveness.

4. How do you begin veiling? Are there certain places I should look for veils?

5. How do you know when the god is speaking to you and it's not just your inner monologue? What are some ways you communicate with them? Such as tarot/oracle cards, pendulums, dreams, ect. Additionally, if you worship multiple gods, how do you know which one is speaking to you over another? Do they get upset if you misinterpret one gods words for another?

Last question, I wasn't raised Christian or baptized, but my grandparents are and for a while I went to church as a kid. If anyone can relate, how have you tried to unlearn the Christian ideologies and not apply them to your gods?

If anyone answered at least one question I would be grateful :')

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11 months ago

Occasionally the Gods will teach you lessons in unconventional ways—as of right now, Lord Hermes is teaching me to take better care of my car and how to work on it by it breaking down every time I turn it off and on.

I guess I have been saying lately that I want to know more about cars 😅 I’ve definitely been learning, and it hasn’t been too stressful, as every time I’ve needed it I’ve been lucky enough to always have a way to jump-start it. I know it will be fixed and fine by the end of the day.

I used to not understand my family when they said to pray to God when in trouble, or believe in Him and everything will be okay. Now I’m starting to get it! I get less stressed because I trust in my Gods to take care of me, and everything works out eventually.

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11 months ago

hi! new follower! what’s your favorite form of connecting with your deity/deities? how do you feel most connected to them?


Hello, thank you for the question 🖤

My favorite way of connecting is giving offerings, Doing an action for Them, or going out in nature. I am a firm believer that Hellenic Polytheism is a wonderful religion for those with gift-giving as a love language. I adore to find things that remind me of Them, and give it to Them with all the thanks in my heart for what They do for me. I recently gave Lord Apollon some blooms off of a Hyacinth I grew, and Lady Hestia a candle lantern to replace a hearth. I felt my connection with and love for Them grow as I gave it.

One of my other favorite things I’ve done recently is light candles to the household Gods while studying my household worship book. I can feel their presence go in and out as I study for literal hours. It brings such joy to me. I tell Them that I am offering this act to Them and ask that I retain the knowledge well. I have also taken up lighting Lady Hestia’s candle as I cook for my family and clean our kitchen.

Another great way to connect is going out into nature. There are multiple parks where I live with dirt roads and trails and groves that I run through. I can feel Them in the ground, in the knots on the trees, in the breeze and in the birds singing.

It has taken me quite a while to learn to connect with Them, but I am getting better and better at it every day. It brings me such peace and stability.

I do hope this wasn’t too long winded, thank you again.

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11 months ago

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I’m a goth

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I live near a cemetery

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I love macabre collectibles and curios

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I try to be the mysterious person but also never shut up

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I specialise in the baneful properties of witchy tools

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I’m severely mentally ill and find comfort in death because I’ve visited it more than once

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I love collecting plants but they always end up dying

Im a Chthonic devotee… of course I’ve always been referred to as the ‘old soul’ of the family

Comment any others, I’m currently loving this trend XD

11 months ago

I have nothing to post today besides I have felt Lord Apollon watching over me as I have worked, but I am open to questions today! I will answer what I can 🖤

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