Apollo Deity - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Statua in bronzo di Apollo Sauroctono – da Atene, attribuita a Prassitele - 350 a.C. – h 150 cm - Cleveland Museum of Art, Stati Uniti.

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2 years ago

Apollo's Altar (with some of Hermes' stuff aswell)

Apollo's Altar (with Some Of Hermes' Stuff Aswell)

Yes the shelf full of K-pop albums is also part of my altar lmao

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2 years ago
The Death Of Hyacinthus

The Death of Hyacinthus

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1 year ago

How is he so consistently upfront but also cryptic at the same time??!?!

Feelings/responses I absolutely did get while divining with Apollo:

“Are you sure you want to ask me that?”

“You’re absolutely not asking me that.”

“I don’t know.”

“You already know the answer, and now you’re trying to validate yourself through getting my approval you don’t actually need.”

“I taught you to be more confident than this.”

“(gives me a dramatically bad card) …Just kidding.”

“Don’t 👏🏼 try 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 divine 👏🏼 that!”

“You’re overthinking.”

“Still overthinking.”

“This is beyond my or anyone’s knowledge.”

“You’re not supposed to know that 😊”

“(upon me asking something I need to experience without knowing the outcome) …Oops gotta go BYE!!”

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1 year ago

I ask for Apollo for a similar reason to you - he's the first god I started worshipping so it feels sort of empty if I leave him out of tarot readings. I also ask for Hermes because he's concerned with communication so I find Tarot readings are a lot easier when I ask for his help. If the question has a specific theme I might ask for other deities too - e.g. study-related I'll ask Athene or lgbtq related I'll ask Dionysus. I've been meaning to start asking for father Zeus' help but he's very intimdating so I don't do that just yet - maybe later lol.

Who are some of the deities you guys ask for help from when doing tarot?

I mainly ask for Lord Apollon as he’s the first god I ever worshipped so I started doing tarot with his guidance, and Lady Asteria seeing as I’m attempting to become a devotee of hers and she has a strong connection to divination

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1 year ago

I believe that humanity's immense love for Apollo is proof of Apollo's unwavering love for humanity

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1 year ago

Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo

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1 year ago
Phoebus Apollo

Phoebus Apollo ✨

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1 year ago

A Chat With Apollo

The little crow sighed as it rested on the garden bench. Around it, such beautiful flowers bloomed, lighting up its surroundings with vibrant colors and candied scents, but the crow found the colors overwhelming and the scents sickeningly sweet. It wanted nothing to do with the garden, but it felt that leaving would mean it wasn't trying to feel better.

Apollo, walking through the gorgeous garden, noticed the crow sitting by itself on the bench. He took a seat next to it. "What's wrong, little crow? You seem so sad in such a lovely place."

"I don't like this garden," The crow replied, "It's too much for me right now. I'm having a hard time, and seeing all these bright colors and smelling all these flowery perfumes is not helping me feel better."

Apollo paused for a moment, processing the crow's words. "Ah, I see. What would help you feel better then?"

The crow was a bit surprised by Apollo's question. What would help the crow feel better? It thought, considering its answer carefully. "I wish someone would just listen to my struggles without trying to help. I feel as though I am being ignored or pressured into feeling happier, even though I don't actually feel any better. I want someone to listen to me without judgement and allow me to honestly express my feelings."

"A listening ear is an invaluable blessing. Being able to embrace your emotions, rather than fight with them, can be very helpful. It's best not to treat our emotions - ourselves - as an enemy we must struggle against." Apollo looked down at the crow and put his hand on its shoulder. "Why don't you tell me how you've been feeling? I'm here to listen."

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1 year ago

You drew Apollo, can you draw artemis please? No pressure tho Apollo looks magnificent.

You Drew Apollo, Can You Draw Artemis Please? No Pressure Tho Apollo Looks Magnificent.
You Drew Apollo, Can You Draw Artemis Please? No Pressure Tho Apollo Looks Magnificent.

the twins

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1 year ago

I'm reading some books I borrowed from the college library (Bacchus by Andrew Dalby, and Apollo by Fritz Graf) and making notes on them (partly for religious stuff partly for school). When I've finished reading them-

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1 year ago

I hear Hermes in the noise of a train when it stops in front of my platform.

I hear Apollo in the loud bass line in a song.

I hear Poseidon in the snorting of horses as they go past a car.

I hear Dionysus in the laughter coming from the bars.

I hear Ares in the noises of pride parades and protests.

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9 months ago

I shall remember,

May I not forget,

Apollo the archer.

The gods tremble at him

When he enters the house of Zeus,

They spring up when he comes near them,

They all spring up from their seats

When he stretches back his bright bow.

Only Leto waits beside Zeus who loves thunder.

She hangs the bow on a golden peg

Against a pillar in his father's house.

Then she leads him to a seat.

His father gives him nectar in a golden cup,

He welcomes his dear son.

The other gods greet him and then sit down.

- Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo

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8 months ago
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi

A picture from when I was on the way to Delphi

I felt Apollo's presence so strongly all the way to and at Delphi. We went to his temple and I got some photos. I hope I can go back here again. <3

A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi

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6 months ago
This Is A Picture I Took When I Was In A Museum In Delphi (I Think - It Was A While Ago And We Went To

This is a picture I took when I was in a museum in Delphi (I think - it was a while ago and we went to a shit ton of museums in different places). It's Apollo!

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5 months ago


I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:

Not having deities is okay.

Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.

Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.

Playing games with your deities is okay.

Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.

Doing fun things with your deities is okay.

Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.

Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.

Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.

Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.

Not having an altar for your deities is okay.

Laughing with your deities is okay.

Crying with your deities is okay.

Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.

Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.

Being able to hear/see deities is okay.

Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.

Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.

Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.

Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.

Asking deities for help in general is okay.

This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶

It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!

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8 months ago

E offering to Apollo

E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo

Oh lord Apollo god of the sun

Oh lord Apollo god of music

Ok lord Apollo I thank you for your gifts

Oh lord Apollo please except this offering

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