He/him 22 aussie Safety page for POC, LGBTQIA+, Pro-choice sanctuary. please stay safe out there everyone and be careful who you trust fanfic writer and artist

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Medical Aid For Palestinians

Medical aid for Palestinians

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More Posts from Jt-artsandfics

3 years ago

Welp I'm out here screaming becuase @roofgeese and @tomoka0013 are calling me handsome and well I wasn't expecting that. But my heart can't take it.

You guys are all too nice to me.

Welp I Shaved My Head And Just Left The Top Becuase It's Getting Too Hot Having Hair On The Back Of My

Welp I shaved my head and just left the top becuase it's getting too hot having hair on the back of my neck and well my eyebrow pericings are moving around again hahah.

3 years ago
(Makes Appreciative Skesis Whine)

(Makes appreciative Skesis whine)

3 years ago

I am not policing anyone. I am saying that you have a moral responsibility (or at least you SHOULD) once you post something like that on the Internet. Warnings don't do shit. We all know that people are curious. Children are curious. No kid actually cares about the under 18 warning. They are impressionable and easily copy behaviour. I was like that, my friends were like that. I'm not saying don't post things like that. I'm just asking, are you ready to take responsibility for the aftermath?

You seem to be laboring under the misconception that I am responsible for internet teenagers’ poor choices. I’m not. Neither is any content creator. Do you spend your free time going after the adult film industry and asking whether they’re ready to “take responsibility” for teenagers that deliberately ignore the 18+ notification and click through to their weird diaper fetish porn?

I was a teenager on the internet once (I’m not going to say back in the day because I have followers that were on Usenet and that’s REALLY back in the day). We didn’t used to have any kind of content warnings at all. I say this jokingly a lot but seriously, back in my day, you could trip over xeno tentacle non-con in the middle of a fic that didn’t look like it was going in that direction, and it wasn’t labeled at all. Ever! You know what was labeled and warned for, left right and center? “This story has slash in it! That’s GAY KISSING!!!” 

Seriously though, there used to be a time when the fandom and fic-writing atmosphere was so toxic to same-sex relationships that the content was usually hidden behind a splash screen with an obnoxious warning in cyan comic sans. Sometimes there were “secret instructions” on the disclaimer page - people would hide how to get into their website (“if you read the disclaimer you’ll know to click on the ^_^ face in the bottom left corner of the page to get to the site!” and such nonsense). I grew up in a time on the internet when it was easier to find graphic torture porn and rape-as-woobifying-backstory than it was to find fluffy hand-holding fic with my gay OTP.

And all I can hear when y’all roll up all “THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!” is all the people who forced slash and femslash fans out of their archives, away from their internet space, and into the loosely-organized circle of Geocities webrings that defined fandom in the early 90s. Eventually we all started to congregate on LJ, where content could be locked behind a friends-only filter and people could gather in closed communities where we could be free from harassment by homophobic morons. When the Great Purge of FF.net happened and NC-17 was officially added to their rules as banned content, guess who was most reported to the moderators and most impacted by the policy change? Slash fans. And when Strikethrough happened, it disproportionately effected slash fans. Again.

Teenagers may not be old enough to have fully developed consequence/reward centers in the frontal lobe, but the average age for being able to discern reality from fiction is five years old. It’s horrifically condescending and disingenuous to pretend that teens are so delicate and fragile that reading some smut that disturbs them or isn’t to their tastes is going to drastically upset their psyche. The most that’s going to happen is they’re going to come away from whatever smut they deliberately clicked through the warning to read knowing that people have some weird kinks when it comes to sex. And you know what? YKINMKATO. The end.

3 years ago

I love video game ocs. Ocs from their own worlds are amazing too but video game oc creators have to create something from what they’re given in game and just gotta roll with it but everyone still has such unique and amazing characters. No two are alike even though we’re all playing the same game with the same character creator and it’s brilliant  

3 years ago

Hey uhhh, I saw my sister do the bad batch match up thing and I was hoping you could match me up too? I’m super bad at this stuff so imma just go off,

I’m 5,4 and usually seen as a naturally angry kinda person (kind of like some goblin with anger issues) My eye colour is green and my left eye has a red coloured stripe in it bc I’m built different apparently. I have dark brown hair cut short, and I aspire to become a tattoo artist so I tend to sketch a lot. I have a resting bitch face but a good sense of humour. I like to make people laugh so I make a lot of dumb jokes because I love it when people let their guard down enough to see the fun side of them. I hate being bored and I usually have trust issues when it comes to men. I’m a sci fi nerd, I’m bad at math, my favourite insect is bees, I collect animal bones and I have a tattoo of a lemon on my ankle.

I’m not sure wether you are even going to do this but it would make my day if you do.


I match you with......


Hey Uhhh, I Saw My Sister Do The Bad Batch Match Up Thing And I Was Hoping You Could Match Me Up Too?

- Tech is the calm to your storm. He's the voice of reason when everything goes to shit. And he loves you for it. He needs someone who will tell him if he's doing something wrong, not getting enough sleep and such.

-your eyes are what catch him the most, they are very mesmerising to him, he loves staring into them when he's laying beside you.

-the both of you share a resting bitch face, and joke between each other. Alot of his jokes are science based and he doesn't make them often but when he does they are good jokes.

- he loves looking over your drawings and is very tempted to ask you to draw him one to get. Tho he doesn't quite know if be is ready for one he would like one, one day.

- he does ask the meaning behind the tattoo you have becuase it to him is interesting.


"Are you sure this is sanitary?" He ask over his shoulder only to have them push his head back a little.

"Tech calm down, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know what I was doing, these are alot Easier to use then tattoo guns" they reply getting the laser set. Tech still moves fidgets until their hand comes to lay across his back.

" Tech, babe calm down. It's just a laser it's going to put the pattern on your shoulder ok. I'm here the whole way. Or would you like me to go get hunter to hold your hand" they laugh. He shoots them a look and scoffs.

"Don't you dare" he growls but then the air cuts off as they move to sit on his lower back. He almost chokes when he feels their hands run up is back. "Thats it Tech, relax this shouldn't take long"

They line up the laser and the prossess begins. Tech let's out a light his, his body tensing up before the hand on his back soothes him again.

"Your doign great babe, let me tell you these laser tattoos are so much better then the tattoo guns we use back home. Some times the prossess can take hours. This should only take about tten minutes at most" they reply as the continue tracing the laser of Tech's skin.

"I kinda like you like this Tech. On your stomach, at my mercy" they chuckle when makes him huff out a laugh.

"Your being a pest Y/n" he says. His body going tense when ever the laser traces a particularly tender spot.

"Well, well, well, Tech's finally getting Himself some ink and action" a voice says, Crosshair makes his presence known as he leans against the wall watching them both.

"Kriff Off Crosshair" Tech says, Y/n laughs lightly at that. Said sniper leaves with a grumble. Tech and Y/n stay in the same spot for another few minutes finishing off the tattoo.

They pat his back and moves to get off the table so he can sit up. " Well your all done now Tech" I hope you like it. Tech pulls himself up from the position.

Tech stands up chest bare and Goggles left on the bench his hair ruffles and curly. Y/n smiles looking to him. "you look like a sight handsome"

He moves to stand infornt of them, he towers over them as his hand comes to rest under their chin and tilt their head up and gentle pulls them into a kiss.

"Ahh get a room you too!" Wrecker yells as he walks past.

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