Tbb Tech - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Crosshair: I made us some friendship bracelets.

Tech: Oh that was very ni-

Crosshair: *handcuffs himself to Tech*

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11 months ago

AHHHHHHHHHH delicious 🤌🗿 I NEED THE NEXT CHAPTERRRRRRRR SHIERHRHWNWLmnabshsjsj very very yassness gooddieness actioness 🫵💅✨

As Iron Sharpens Iron

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17

Beta-read by @dragonrider9905

As Iron Sharpens Iron

Chapter 8:

Previous // Next

Warnings: Canon violence. Bad decisions.


“Okay, let’s go over the plan one more time,” you said quietly.

Omega nodded, pointing at the layout on the screen. “You’ll set off that crate of detonators right here, just inside the front door.”

You nodded. "Yep, and that’ll trigger an alarm which should draw most of the guards towards me - "

“And that’s my cue to sneak down into the cell block to rescue everybody while you grab the staff from the treasure room!” Omega finished emphatically.

“Good!” You grinned, “Remember to keep your communicator on but only use it to contact me if something goes wrong.”

“Yes, ma’am!”


Fifteen minutes crept by slowly.

Omega should be at her station about now, you thought.

You wanted to know how she was fairing, but not hearing from her was a good thing. It meant she wasn't in trouble.

Five minutes later, the communicator chirped quietly at your side.

“The guards aren’t leaving!” Omega’s whispered voice sounded tense, “What do I do? I don’t think that diversion worked!”

You peered around the corner into the treasure room. Most of the guards had left.

Only two here. I could take them if I had to.

You could see the staff with it’s glimmering emerald in a case on the back wall.

That was easy.

You lifted the communicator to your lips, trying to remember the readout on the console sitting one floor above.

“There should be a ventilation shaft right above you,” you whispered.


“I don’t see one!” Omega whispered back urgently, “And it sounds like there are more guards headed this way!”

Groaning inwardly, you began to wish you hadn’t thought of such a stupid plan. Omega needed you, and you knew that you should get out of there while you still could.

But the staff, a tiny voice whispered in your head, it’s right there. It won’t take long.

You bit your lip. You shouldn’t. A stupid antique wasn’t worth Omega’s life.

Omega’s a smart girl, that voice continued, she’s plenty capable on her own.

It made everything sound so simple. Get the staff, get the boys - that was the plan, wasn’t it?

Hunter will be impressed. He’d like you again.

Guilt churned in your gut as you lifted the communicator again. It chimed just as you opened your mouth, about to tell her that you were on the way.

“Wait, I see it! It’s on the other end of the hall, though, but I think I can make it.”

“Ok,” you responded, “Do it, but be careful!”

“I will!”

Sucking your lower lip in conflicted thought, you made up your mind. “It shouldn’t take me much longer. I’ll grab the staff and meet you by the cell block.”

“Got it.”

You chewed on your lip again, that guilty dread hadn’t abated. If anything, it had gotten worse. Something was going to go wrong - you could feel it. Something wasn’t right.

You looked back up at the staff.

That’s just the anxiety talking, you tried to convince yourself, everything is still going as planned. Just get the damned thing and go help Omega.

You took a deep breath, feeling the anxiety fade away as you slipped into the room.

I got this.

The crates and boxes stacked haphazardly in the dim lighting made it easy to manouver unseen through the treasure room.

“Crazy about those thermal detonators, right!?”

You froze.

“Yeah man,” came the response, and you could’ve collapsed in relief. You’d almost forgotten about the guards that stood just outside the door.

“Think they were just old?” the guard continued, obviously trying to initiate some kind of conversation with his partner.

“I dunno. Maybe.”

They fell silent again for several seconds.

“Ya know, when we grabbed them from that ship it was kinda cool.”


“Just uhh…you know. You and me.”

“Uh huh.”

“They never pair us together…”

The second guard sighed, “First time for everything.”

“It was fun though,” the one continued before hesistating, “just sayin’, I think we make a pretty good team.”

His partner shifted uncomfortably, “Look man… I’m just trying to do my job here.”

“Yeah, man. Bro. Sorry….”

They shifted into an uncomfortable silence, unaware that you’d snuck past them quite easily as you quickly moved closer to the glass case that held the staff.

The communicator chirped once again and you froze, hoping that the guards were too distacted to notice. You winced at the noise as Omega began to speak quietly through your earpiece.

“Ok, I see them! They’re in a cell together, but there are four guards in here now and the ventilation shaft ends too far away!” She sounded desperate.

“Hey, did you hear that!?” The first guard stood up straight, glancing around.

“Hear what?” His partner sounded exasperated.

“Uhh… nevermind. I thought I heard something.” He paused, “By the way, what do you think about our new armor?”

“Dude, shut up.”

“Right. Yeah. Got a job to do.”

Ducking out of sight, you pressed the communicator up to your lips.

“Get ready,” you hissed, “wait for my signal.”


You assessed the case and the situation in the room. Once the glass was broken, an alarm would probably go off, sending people to your location. That should take care of Omega’s problem.

Then you could take the staff and get back to her quickly.

Peering around the corner once again, you took a deep breath and steadied your heart.

It’s now or never.

Taking a breath, you rammed your elbow into the glass case, and grabbed the staff. The resulting alarm sounded loudly over the compound, buzzing through your eardrums in a painfully electrifying screech.

Both guards spun around.

“What the - !?” You clocked him in the temple with the staff before he could finish and he collapsed onto the floor. The first guard blinked, staring frozen with his mouth slightly ajar.

“If it’s any consolation, I think he likes you back!” you grinned at the man as he slowly moved to press his communicator, still staring back and forth between you and his fallen friend. Flipping the staff around you smacked the device from his hand, giving him a shrug. “Though, I don’t seem to be the best judge of that sort of thing.”

“Wha…?” The butt of the staff slammed against his head before he even had time to contemplate your words and he collapsed unconscious, joining his friend on the floor.

A clang from the floor below told you that Omega had jumped out from the ventilation shaft and the ever nearing pounding of footsteps told you that it was time to go.

Dashing down the stairs, you slid around the corner and slammed the staff into another guard. He spun around, blaster firing wildly as you kicked him in the chest before pulling your own blaster on him, sending him flying into the wall with a smoking hole in his chest.

That beautifully cocky and euphoric feeling of adrenaline coursed through your veins as you ran down the hall where the purple flash of Omega’s bow danced along the walls.

A loud clatter accompanied the pause of energy bolts.

“Hunter!” She screamed, “Help!”

You dashed around the corner. One guard held Omega tightly in his grip while the other one slid her bow away with the butt of an electrostaff.

“Let me go!” She struggled and kicked at him but it seemed to have no effect on the large, armored guard.

“Omega, no!” shouted Hunter as he slammed himself into the bars that held him, only to be forced further back into the cell as the guard hit him in the chest with the electrostaff, sending blue arcs of electricity through his body before Wrecker caught him.

Oh no you don’t.

Rage bubbled through your chest as you burst from the corner. “Hey assholes!”

The first blaster bolt slammed through the chest of the staff wielding guard and the second hit the control panel that released the rest of your team.

Omega cried out as the first guard tossed her into the wall before pulling his own blaster.

“Wrecker get Omega!” Hunter shouted. Fire blazed in his eyes as he pulled his knife from the offending guard’s throat. “Echo, find us a way out of here. Tech, find out where they’ve got our gear!”

Omega stood, rubbing her elbow as she pulled herself to her feet and retrieved her bow. “Your gear’s in the next room over!” She shouted. Hunter gave a firm nod and motioned for Tech and Wrecker to retrieve it.

You grit your teeth as footsteps sounded down the hall. This was NOT how things were supposed to go.

“Hunter,” you shouted impatiently, “I got Cid’s staff but we gotta go!”

He regarded you coolly, lips pulled into a tight line, Adam's apple bobbing up and down as if debating whether or not to respond. The choice was made for him as Wrecker and Tech rushed back with the gear. He turned away sharply and your face fell.

I kriffed up.

Regret tinged with disappointment sank like a stone in your stomach as you clenched your teeth, anger willing away the tears that pricked your eyes, and the growing lump in your throat.

“Hunter, I’ve got a clear route out but we need to move now!” Echo spoke.

“Good. Let’s get out of here.” He all but ripped the staff from your hand as he strode past. “I’ll hold onto this.”


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1 year ago

One of Those Days

(Bad Batch Pirate AU)

Also posted on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53673571


Hunter emerged from below deck sweaty, as usual, but today was hot, like sunburn in 2 hours hot—and that's saying something for a Fett. Yeah… it was one of those days.

The Maurader was small by battleship standards, big enough to do some damage but still manageable by a crew of 5. The Marauder lived up to its name, and that's all the Bad Batch really needed.

Hunter let the Seawind blow his hair majestically for a blink before the winds receded. He glanced up at the Crowsnest unsurprised to find it empty, no matter how much Crosshair likes that thing, nobody wants to be closer to the sun on these days, Hunter thought. He looked back down to see Crosshair under the gangway getting sprayed by seawater periodically, nice spot. Hunter had gone below to raid the water barrel, and rations only to find the barrel nearly empty and all his meilooruns gone. He'd still spent some time looking around but found no trace of the treats.

“What's the crow doin’ out of his nest?” Hunter teased

Crosshair growled softly but remained unmoved.

Hunter smiled slightly running his hand through his gorgeous but sweaty hair and looked around once again. The others were splayed around the deck similarly, Wrecker sittin’ shirtless in the biggest slice of shade around next to a bucket, (probably for a bucket bath), Tech seated closer to the bow (for Seawind?) wearin' only loose pants and his crimson vest he’s so fond of, and Echo placed in between Wrecker and Tech’s spots—but still wearin’ his worn 501st blue coat, he must be dyin’ in that thing.

Hunter brisked over to Echo’s spot.

“Ahoy,” Hunter said

“Ahoy,” Echo responded

He was positively drenched in sweat and his face was a slight red.

“What brings ya here?” Echo asked

“Ya can't be wearin’ that coat in this heat, it's hotter than Mustafar’s seas out here.”

Echo’s face instantly turned from relaxed to cold. Hunter couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that, what's up with him?

He hasn't taken off the coat since he got it from Rex, but he can't be wearin’ it in this heat.

“Aye,” Echo said cooly

They both paused staring. Echo made no effort to move.

“Echo…” Hunter said “You’ll get heat stroke in that, just take it off and you can have it back later”

Echo’s face then laced with sorrow, and he faced away staring at the deck. Hunter stood there for a moment waiting for him. Why’s this coat got him in such a ruffle?

Echo silently shrugged off the coat, then clenched it in his good hand. He wore a long-sleeve wool shirt underneath, Hunter raised another eyebrow to that.

Echo sighed pulled out a canteen from one of the pockets and reluctantly handed Hunter the coat. He lurched slightly from the weight of it. Wait a minute…

He padded the coat pockets.

“It was you!” Hunter accused

“What?” Echo said defensively

“You took all my meilooruns and hid them in your coat!”

Echo shrugged and smirked slightly.

“Is that why you refused to take it off?”

Echo’s barely playful manner evaporated again, and he scowled and turned to look at the sea.

“Take them, there were only 2 left,” Echo said bitterly “Wrecker ate the rest”

Hunter eyed him carefully, this was strange, even for Echo.

Even so, Hunter turned and walked over to the barracks coat in hand. Which was barely a few meters away, the Maurader was small and saw the others eyeing him from their spots on the boat. Wrecker was the first to approach him.

“Hey Cap’n, What's up with Echo?” Wrecker asked glancing at Echo

Hunter shrugged, “I can't say, it's got somethin’ to do with this coat though”

“Aye,” Wrecker agreed softly “Do you know why he’s wearin’ that thing in this heat?”

“Don't know that either, but it's drenched in sweat” Hunter commented “he also took my last meilooruns, but I don't think that's the reason”

“Maybe we should dunk him in the sea to cool him down”

“Actually that could drown him,” Tech declared walking over “his metal legs would haul him down and though I have developed countermeasures for said disaster, I would not recommend testing it”

“And I don't reckon he’s in the mood for such antics at the moment” Hunter added

The others nodded glancing at Echo.

“Do you reckon a bucket would work?” Wrecker asked mischievously

Hunter chuckled at that, “If you do try such a thing, be sure to do it smartly, or he might actually shoot you this time”

The others smiled at that memory, good times.

“I'm serious lads, you should leave him be”

With that Hunter spun and entered the barracks, a dark and smelly place, but that's a privateer’s life.

Though Crosshair was given the gift of impeccable eyesight, Hunter had been blessed with fabulous hair and the ability to see in the dark so he walked effortlessly to Echo’s hammock.

Since Echo had joined they'd worked to make a space for him, and anyway, Echo wanted to be further away from them for his reasons. Echo’s hammock was in the far corner next to his personal storage chest.

Echo would probably stab Hunter with one of his own knives if Hunter ever tried to learn the 501st pocket space trick—Hunter once saw Echo pull three pistols, a canteen of water, a dictionary, a whole meiloorun, and an entire toolbox out of his coat while the thing looked completely normal. But Hunter’d still like to know what stirred Echo so much. It was a pretty regular coat, worn, with patches and stitches here and there, but other than that, well cared for. He studied it a moment longer flipping open the collar—that’s strange— a single number, 5, was embroidered in it. Maybe it's a worn-out rendition of 501st? Hunter shrugged pulling out one of the meilooruns and tossing the coat onto Echo’s hammock making his way back on deck.

Hunted walks back up the stairs, and immediately gets dunked by a whole bucket of water. He yelps,

“Wrecker!!!” Hunter exclaims

To which Wrecker responded with roaring laughter. Okay, that was actually pretty refreshing, plus now the sweat is out of his hair. But that won't stop him from getting Wrecker back somehow.

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11 months ago

Deeming how Tech only barely shows any semblance of a crush on Phee, I’d be more hilarious if they reacted like:

Crosshair: o-o Why didn’t you mention THIS?! Hunter:I didn’t know about THIS either!

I need a scene after Crosshair meets Phee for the first time, he leans over to Wrecker and Hunter and is like, Tech got her!? in complete disbelief.

And they just nod proudly

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10 months ago

Tech Returns?

So yeah, people are freaking out because there's only 4 more episodes left in The Bad Batch :( but more importantly is that enough time to bring Tech back?

If the answer is yes you might be delusional. Emphasis on might, it could happen, and Tech can live happily ever after with Phee but honestly, when has romance ever worked out in Star Wars?

If the answer is no then listen to this: Crosshair had two season’s worth of redemption, the tale of the brother who willingly killed and burned down innocents for the Empire of His own free will. If Tech is CX-2 then he could be the reverse of Crosshair, the brother stripped of personality who willingly(?) kills and burns down innocents for the Empire of free will(?) but instead of redemption they never get him back. Again they have to live with having their brother trying to kill them knowing they can't get him back.

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10 months ago
bananasugarwarrior - Star Wars Stuff

OK ok ok ok so I thought of this thing just listen, so first, crosshair left his CT number if CT-9904 *4* remember that, then echo (sort of) left HIS CT number is CT-1409 *4* AGAIN! And now, listen TWO people left TWO "RULE OF TWO REMEMBER THIS" and then echo comes back for a little so now theirs only one gone but who dies next? TECH! TECHS CT NUMBER IS CT-9903!!!! *3*!!!! 4,4,3! and now theres two gone again, then Omega is lost, (idk what omegas CT number is but a lot of people thought it was C-2, as in clone two, boba/alpha is clone one/C-1) and she's gone next 4,4,3,2!!!! And then omega and crosshair get beck so theres 1 gone, so they keep echo out so he's "gone" so 2 again technically _BUT_ WHATS WRECKERS CT NUMBER?!?!?!?. 9902!!!!!!!!!!!! Wreckers gonna die next! The pattern was 4,4,3,2 and their probably gonna bring echo back to help save omega so there's 1 gone, and the next number in line is Wrecker!!!! 😭😭😭😭 And with the rule of two rule, Wreckers probably going to die trying to rescue Omega and they fail! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Anyway, this is just a theory I got when taking a shower so it's probably just my brain wanting me to be sad but you never know 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

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10 months ago

As soon as he enters the ship's atmosphere, we are able to see a map of Pabu on his built-in computer screen. A handful of dots appear on the map and CX-2 selects one of them, which happens to be located right where the cavern was. I can only assume that these were discreet landing sites and he chose the most convenient one.

I’m typically not one of the “CX-2 is tech” people who goes through every episode looking for proof, but did anyone else notice that Phee specifically mentions the hidden cavern entrance being the reason she was able to land on Pabu undetected by the empire, meaning it’s by and large a secret about the island (but one that the Bad Batch know about). When CX-2 infiltrated Pabu last week, he also landed his ship in the caverns near the beach. How would he know about the caverns when the empire has never taken interest in Pabu before?

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10 months ago

Been wondering this for a while now too. I'm really excited for next week's episode because we don't know what's happening next. Probably more Tantiss content maybe Hunter’s mission with Rampart but ultimately, will CX-2 return? And when will Crosshair finally open up?

I've been thinking about the whole Crosshair and CX-2 situation, and I am beginning to wonder if, should CX-2 prove to be Tech, Crosshair didn't, in fact, know.

In an interview before the premiere, Michelle Ang mentioned Crosshair getting to see forgiveness and real love in the face of a great betrayal. Now, Crosshair's great betrayals are long past. So, is this some NEW betrayal? Is it someone ELSE betraying and being forgiven? CX-Tech fits the later very neatly, however, there might be another option: that Crosshair DOES know CX-2 is Tech, and has been not telling everyone because he blames himself for it happening and is sure they'll all turn him out the second they discover it (Omega included).

I'm of two minds here.

Crosshair didn't know, because Tech was put straight into conversion from medical care, and so Crosshair never saw him.

Crosshair DOES know, and feels black-hole sized guilt about it to the point where he can't bring himself to tell anyone.

In the #2 bucket goes a few things:

We see, repeatedly, that Crosshair isn't saying everything about Tantiss. This is as true for Hunter (the person always mentioning this) as it is for us, as our POV on Tantiss was almost exclusively Omega. Hunter knows Crosshair hasn't told them everything, and isn't going to push him except in specific instances where it really woulda been nice to know.

We do know that the CX conditioning is bad. Like, really bad, bad enough that wiping out your identity--not just the chip but like, you, yourself--is part of it. Or, so Crosshair says (and Tech in S2), though of course the truth of that might be more complex. This is reason enough for him to not talk about things. Except...

When Rex and Howzer explain they have a CX in custody Crosshair is immediately spooked. Then he's even MORE upset when he sees who it is. Or is it because of who it isn't?

If he knew CX-2 was Tech, and sees CX-1, he knows there is only one other CX they're sending after them, and the absolute last thing he would want is for them to have to kill Tech to get away. Or worse, kill the person who used to be Tech and can't be reclaimed (from his POV). Either way, from his POV, it is all bad news that CX-2 is inbound.

And as much as I feel Cross just isn't a hand to hand badass, at the end of his one on one with CX-2, he is clearly giving up. Everything CX-2 is saying is battering him emotionally and dousing the fight in him. Which makes a lot of sense, if he knows it's Tech.

For #1, well, the explanation is much simpler: we, and Omega and Crosshair, never see Tech in CX conditioning because he was in a bacta tank for part of it and then into a pod for the rest. He might have even converted quickly if we're to assume he had amnesia from the fall. (I suspect, should he prove to be CX-2, we won't get an explanation for this.) This actually would give Omega AND Crosshair some severe guilt, realizing when they escaped they left Tech on Tantiss in Hemlock's not-so-stellar care. It makes sense Crosshair would never want to go back--the conditioning sounds pretty awful. But then his reaction to CX-1 is a little less clear; we know there aren't very many CXes at this point, so why is THIS one such a concern to him? He just appears to be a reg. And CX-1's use of 'brother' is also very pointed. Which would make sense if CX-2 is Tech, who would have referred to Crosshair as his brother...

Anyways. We'll see if this pans out. I'd considered this might be the case even as I was like 'are we really doing that', and while I'm not a fan of this plot in the overall, like a cat being dragged outside on a harness for some enrichment I can grudgingly accept it. Mostly.

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10 months ago

I've got something worse.

The Bad Batch have dets placed in the base and like, 15 seconds before detonation the camera cuts to CX-2 who’s visibly injured, rips off his helmet to reveal he is Tech but only we know that it was him and he dies alone on Tantiss.

watch the last shot of the season finale be of CX-2 taking off his helmet and revealing Tech

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9 months ago

They should bring back Tech as CX-2 elsewhere and give him an un-brainwashing arc anyway because:

1. It would make ALL THAT *gestures at every CX-2 appearance before the finale* in season three make sense.

2. It would mean they fake-out-killed the man four separate times (fall, boulders, waterfall, mild impalement), and I find that extremely funny.

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9 months ago

Tech: Did you hear the rumor? Crosshair tried to arm wrestle a Gonk droid.

Crosshair: And I won!

Wrecker: Of course you did. The Gonk droid was asleep.

Hunter: Can we focus, guys? We have a mission.

Echo: I heard Omega challenged Wrecker to an eating contest.

Omega: Hey, I can eat more cookies than you, Wrecker!

Wrecker: Challenge accepted!

Tech: And I'll be the judge. This is going to be a cookie catastrophe.

Crosshair: Meanwhile, I'll be practicing my aim.

Hunter: At the cookies?

Crosshair: No, at Echo's card tricks. They're getting out of hand.

Echo: Hey, my tricks are a work of art!

Tech: Alright, let's settle this with a mission. Winner gets bragging rights.

Wrecker: And cookies!

Omega: And I get to eat them all!

Hunter: And no more card tricks, Echo.

Echo: Fine, fine. But wait until you see my disappearing act with the cookies!

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3 years ago

i just remembered that right after watching "Kamino lost" i dreamt of being on Kamino, but not in Tipoca City, but in a trading city, now i know Kamino did not have trading cities but hear me out.

The sky was light blue, not a cloud in sight, the floor was that same metallic white as every other Kaminoan building, it was a wide space with only one wall to the far right, connected to a metal roof that covered 1/3 of the floor against the occasional rain, just under the rood there were long boxy metal tables, made for the merchants to set their wares during the storms.

But today there was no storm, All the merchants were settled to the right side, right under the sun, with their wooden crates and tables, colorful fruits and vegetables, it was the prettiest thing I've ever seen, unlike the premade tables under the roof, the merchants didn't follow a strict line, some were placed the long way, others made a roundabout with their wares, some even had their droids running around, helping or playing with each other.

There were also some merchants under the roof, races from cold planets, chiss who preferred the darkness, they had metal parts, hard to get materials and the one sketchy weapon vendor. That side may not have been as colorful, but it was all the more intriguing, most of the merchants didn't even set up lights, so the only thing you could see was the reflection on the metal, the spooky silhouettes, and the red eyes in the dark.

Between the boxy metals and the lively merchants there was enough space to park the Havoc Marauder, the Razor crest or even the Millennium Falcon, all made so that the city would allow merchants and buyers from all places in the galaxy.

This city was big, i could tell even from where i was standing at the dock, just beside some old Miraluka lady who sold exotic flowers from dangerous worlds. Just where the market ended there were buildings, marchants who settled in and built stores, not a single house for they went away for weeks at a time and came back just to sell their finds.

i dont know if someone would find this interesting, but i had to write it before i forgot it.

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5 months ago

Give a headcanon for a character of your choosing from the bad batch


Headcanon for Tech cuz HES NOT DEAD.

Tech has games on his datapad. Most of the time you see him, he is actually doing important stuff on there, but occasionally he will indulge in a little minesweeper or snake. His favourite game installed on his datapad is sudoku tho. Crossshair is the only person he's told about this, and both have sworn to keep the information away from Wrecker. The last thing Tech needs is a man-child nagging him for the games on his phone. Or worse: Wrecker could tell Omega about it, and then Tech would have to deal with TWO children nagging him for games

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1 year ago

Dave Filoni really just killed Tech on my fucking birthday… I haven’t even watched the episode yet because I don’t think I can handle that kind of trauma right now lol

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10 months ago

incorrect quote

*Everyone is playing a board game together*

omega : I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.

hunter : I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.

wrecker: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.

tech: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.

wrecker: *flips the board*

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10 months ago

incorrect quote

wrecker : Didn't you die?!

tech : That was weeks ago, dude. Things change.

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