justamegafan - I’m Just A Fan
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Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #7

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #7

It just became Personal

Jack/Yuu: I mean, who is stupid enough to make a deal with Azul?

Book 3: And I took that personally

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #7

Let’s be real, Jack unintentionally jinxed Yuu the moment he was trying to help us… I forgive this Cactus-Loving Tsundere Wolf obviously

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More Posts from Justamegafan

2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #8

The Queen

Yuu (To Vil): Here he comes, the Queen. Able to kill men with a single stare

Vil (Lowers his sunglasses as he passes by): Better watch out honey

Yuu (Begins to laugh):

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #8

Vil can step on my back with his sharp pump heels and I’d thank him…

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2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #4

She’s at that Special Age

The Teachers after getting to know Wednesday!Yuu a bit more

Crewel (Proud Father): She’s at that special age where there’s only one thing on her mind

NRC Students (Hopeful): …Boys?

Wednesday!Yuu: Homicide

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #4

Look me into my eyes and tell me the Teachers wouldn’t watch her like a proud father/uncles/mother/grandfather as she scares off any potential suitors with her…tools

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2 years ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #3

Her Type

Brunhilde: What kind of person is your type?

Goll: Sister! That’s a personal question! Why would she answer that-!

Maki!Y/N: Someone who’s stronger than me, at the very least

God and Human Fighters: I’m your type

Dadam (Snaps his neck in their direction and has Reginleif turn into his Knuckledusters):

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #3

Dadam won’t hesitate to throw hands especially with the gods when it comes to his precious children… Even if they’re from a different universe

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3 years ago

This is Beautiful!

Do you take AUs? How about Sharkman Nobunaga X Female Reader? Where Reader is a stowaway on a ship that was carrying a large amount of valuables and riches (But wasn’t there to steal them, more like to get a ride to escape from an arranged marriage) and suddenly there was horrible storm that came out of nowhere (When in reality it was caused by the PT cause they want them riches) and ended up in an underwater cave trapped by the Samurai Sharkman himself saying how she’s his mate 🥺🥺🥺

(I like your writing and I think Nobunaga, Uvogin, and Phinks deserve more love)

Well, either this or just headcannons for Sharkmen Nobunaga, Uvogin, and Phinks (I can see just exactly which species of shark they would be if that helps, or more accurately for Uvogin and Phinks, I feel like Nobunaga would be more of a Cecaelia than Sharkman) but here goes, Great White for Uvogin, Tiger Shark for Phinks and Cecaelia for Nobunaga kidnapping a Female Diver Reader and take her into an underwater cave and she accidentally cuts herself (It’s not a big cut, just something like a paper cut, but a drop of blood or 2 gets in the water and then it all goes to hell once they get the scent of their said mate’s blood, then they become BEASTS) 🥺🥺🥺

I am more than happy doing monster AUs. I am a proud monster fucker lol. And yes, those boys deserve more love. Trust me it's coming. I think I changed it a bit but I hope you still like it 💕

Sharkman Uvo

TW: Noncon, blood mentioned, sharkman, violence.

Do You Take AUs? How About Sharkman Nobunaga X Female Reader? Where Reader Is A Stowaway On A Ship That

The waters were calm today, easy and safe. After days of waiting you could finally do diving by the reefs. Hopefully being able to get some nice shells and pictures of the fish. Growing up by the waters had its perks. Being able to know where to go to find beautiful little trinkets. Your parents use to take you diving when you were young, teaching you what you needed to know. Diving reminded you of the good aspects of your childhood.

Getting your wetsuit on was a challenge, it had been a bit since you went diving. Hopefully, it still fit and was just being difficult. After a bit of struggling you managed to get it on and zipped up. It was a long sleeve, but the bottoms were styled like the average one piece. Giving yourself a look in the mirror you were happy to see yourself once again in it. After drinking in your appearance you grabbed the other materials you needed, snorkels, oxygen tank, a bag to collect some things, a knife attached to a band on your leg, your underwater camera and other stuff. Walking out to the beach you took a bit to analyze the waves, better to double-check to make sure it isn’t too wild before you get. Made that mistake once. You shivered at that thought.

After a bit you began swimming, the water was cold, but you eventually got used to it. Diving a bit deep closer to the reef you were astonished by the colours and the fish. It was always so beautiful, no matter how many times you came you were still always astonished by it. After taking a few pictures you began to swim closer, admiring the coral and little creatures. Suddenly you felt your foot scrap against a rock. Shit. Pulling your leg closer to you, you realized you managed to cut yourself a fit. Damn it, it was bleeding. Going into your bag to see if you had anything to help you found some material you could wrap around it. It wasn’t that much blood, plus you never saw sharks near the reef so you’ll be fine. It was still daylight and you could see clearly around you. Just a few more pictures and you’ll head back up.

While you were wrapping up, a creature about a kilometre away had noticed you. It was your blood that drew them to you. It smelled so sweet, like the most amazing thing they had ever encountered. It was a normal type of hunger that began to grow in them. it was something different, something so primal they had never encountered before. Suddenly, they were swimming towards you as fast as they can, unbeknownst to you. Cutting threw the waves at an impressive speed to get to you. To get to that smell.

As you were beginning to pack away your camera you swear you saw a shadow heading towards you. It looked big and to be honest it terrified you. Swimming into the reef to avoid whatever it was. You waited and waited. By the actions of the fish, it was close and it was defiantly something to be feared. It was circling around the reef, what was it. You wanted to take a peak, but when you did you couldn’t see it. You waited a couple of minutes, but nothing. The water around the reef was clear and bright, you couldn’t miss it. Beginning to slowly swim out of the reef and towards shallow water was when it came back. You finally saw it, saw the creature that was barking towards you. What the hell was that, it was human-like for about half of it and the bottom half was… looked like a shark. Before you could even react it had its hands around you. Dragging you away from the safety of the shore. Squirming and prying at its hands and arms got you nowhere. Deeper and father you went. Oh god, did you have enough oxygen to get back if you somehow get away from this thing?

You had passed out at some point, from what you were unsure of but your head hurt. Was it the pressure or did you hit it? You sat up, quickly realizing your goggles and tank wasn’t on you anymore and you weren’t underwater anymore? No, you were in a cave, deep in on but it was at surface level, you could see light in the distance. This wasn’t a cave near your home, you had explored all of them many times over. This scared you even further. Maybe you could swim out? The water didn’t seem too deep. Before you could even put on foot in a hand came out of the water and grabbed you in. You were underwater and choking before you had realized what had even happened. Darting to the surface you were met with a face. You surfaced and was met with the same face again. But before you could swim away it grabbed at you. You were going to die. This is how you died, being killed by this fucking thing. Stopping your pushing and shoving when it spoke. “No.” Its voice was scratching and terrifying. Looking at this things face, looking into its pitch-black eyes you felt your body stiffen. “Y-You talk?” It just nodded. Oh god, it talks. “Pretty.” It began to stroke your hair with its webbed fingers. You pushed again. “No! No! No!” It was screaming at you. You chose to stop, terrified of what it could do if you angered it. Looking down into the water you realized just how big it was. It had to be well over 15ft long. Probably closer to 20ft. Looking back at it, realizing it was smiling at you. “C-can I uh, can I go?” Its head tilted to the side, confused by your words apparently. “I’m, I’m tired from swimming.” If you could maybe rest for a bit you could wait until this thing leaves to where ever and swim out. All it did though was stare at you before suddenly rolling over so you were laying on its chest and stomach while it was doing a back float. You tried to open your mouth to speak again, but it cut you off. “I Uvo.” It had a name? When you didn’t respond it pointed at you. Lifting your face up until you were supporting yourself with your arms on his chest. Uvo began to poke your chest and face with a questioning look. “I’m y/n”. Uvo was smiling like a madman at your answer. “y/n.” He tried it on his tongue. He seemed to like it.

Days appeared to by, he only left when you slept so you tried to break up your sleep schedules but he was always there. Waiting for you to wake up with a new catch and something he found he thought you liked. As much as you didn’t want to accept the food, you were hungry and desperate. Even accepting his little gifts. That's was the biggest mistake you made, that and telling Uvo your name. He was now convinced you accepted him. He guessed humans didn’t understand the mating bond so he started to gift you little trinkets. His speeches tended to do that when a mating bond wasn’t formed but the interest was still there. The next time you got close enough to the water he’d show you what mates do. Though he would have to figure out how human bodies worked. You seemed to be wearing something over your skin. Why did humans cover their skin? Was it armour? He would have to get rid of it. He did, the next time you were asleep close enough to the water he pulled himself towards you, tearing the fabric and gentle as he could. Uvo was going to stop at that and wait till another time to mate with you, but your body was so pretty to him, so soft. Humans were so interesting. His hands began to move closer to your entrance. His eyes glued on it. Is this where humans mate? He knew you were a woman from your chest, but he knew nothing else about humans. After the chest is where his and your kind differ. Uvo couldn’t help the moan that escaped his lips when he felt your entrance. There was an entrance, he was right. So soft, so different from the rest of you. While he was playing with you in your sleep, you began to make noises. Uvo was scared he had hurt you, but quickly realized you were moaning. Oh sweet precious little thing. See you did want him, you liked him. It was when you released a certain moan that Uvo lost all control. You were his mate, he was owed your body. You were lucky he even waited so long. Uvo dragged you closer to the water with him. it would be easier if he was at least talk way in the water.

It wasn’t until your toes began to touch the water you woke up. When you saw his face you began to scream, but U,vo quickly stopped that with a kiss. Or at least what he considered a kiss. It was sloppy and rough. Though the panic in you raised even more when you felt something against your leg, something that was there before. It felt big and heavy. Once he broke the kiss you looked and saw it. It was his cock, and it was huge. You tried to push yourself away from him, but he just grabbed you. “No! No!” He sounded like a child getting mad because someone was taking away one of his toys. But it didn’t stop you from squirming. What did stop was Uvo sinking his teeth into your shoulder. The pain made you freeze. All you could do was lay there moaning in pain. Uvo took this as a chance to quickly guide his length to your entrance. Forcing himself in. The moans of pain became screams. If he realized just how much pain he was causing you, he didn’t let on. Rather, his face looked like he was in pure bliss. He summed down on you, moaning into your ear while he pushed further in. Your body tried to make room for him, tried to stretch, tried to get wet enough. But Uvo wouldn’tyour wait. “No-Please Uvo.” He stopped at your words. You rarely used his name, maybe twice since he brought you here It sounded so sweet to him. Uvo paused looking at you. “It hurts, please.” You wanted to say stop, but every other time you told him to stop when his hands began to run all over your body it ended with him gripping at you and sometimes even feeding you less. You needed to choose your words carefully. “Slower. It hurts. Y-You’re too big, please slow.” He smiled at your words. Choosing to wait a bit before pushing more in, to let you get used to him. After a bit he pushed in more, you were hoping he was fully in, but when you looked down you saw he was maybe halfway in. Oh no, he was going to tear you open if he kept going. Your tears of fear were mistaken by Uvo as pleasure. Maybe humans cried when they were feeling good. Uvo pushed in more, and more, and more until he was fully in. He waited a bit, trying to restrain himself from fucking you broken. It was in his nature to be rough, to be harsh, but you were human he would have to get used to being.. softer.

2 years ago

I’m bored and this is has been in my head for awhile now, surprised I haven’t seen an idea for this since these guys are incredibly funny (Then again I don’t pay that much attention to society, because like Mosquitoes, we suck as a species 😂💀)

Big Menace Energy or Menace Energy are characters that cause trouble and mischief towards others for their own entertainment (Either Intentionally or Unintentionally on their part), yet have the potential to be dangerous to society if they feel like it (Though they’re mostly meant for laughs until they get mad/serious, then run)

Characters that Fit and Potentially Fit the BME

- Osamu Dazai (Bungo Stray Dogs) YES

- Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer)

- Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen) He’s just, Yes

- Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)

- Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) Try to convince me otherwise

- Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)

- Magna Swing (Black Clover)

- Luck Voltia (Black Clover)

- Black Bulls (Black Clover) Really any of them can fit this

- Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z/Super) He’s an ass and we love him for it

- Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia)

- Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland)

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